include_directories( BEFORE ${INC_BEFORE} ) include_directories( ../potrace ../common ../polygon ${INC_AFTER} ) set( BITMAP2COMPONENT_SRCS ../common/single_top.cpp bitmap2component.cpp bitmap2cmp_gui_base bitmap2cmp_gui ) set_source_files_properties( ../common/single_top.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "TOP_FRAME=FRAME_BM2CMP" ) set_source_files_properties( bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "COMPILING_DLL" ) if( APPLE ) # setup bundle set( BITMAP2COMPONENT_RESOURCES bitmap2component.icns ) set_source_files_properties( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bitmap2component.icns" PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources ) set( MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE bitmap2component.icns ) set( MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER org.kicad-pcb.kicad ) set( MACOSX_BUNDLE_NAME bitmap2component ) endif() add_executable( bitmap2component WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE ${BITMAP2COMPONENT_SRCS} ${BITMAP2COMPONENT_RESOURCES} ) target_link_libraries( bitmap2component common polygon bitmaps ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} potrace ) if( APPLE ) set_target_properties( bitmap2component PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Info.plist ) # put individual bundle outside of main bundle as a first step # will be pulled into the main bundle when creating main bundle install( TARGETS bitmap2component DESTINATION ${KICAD_BIN} COMPONENT binary ) install( CODE " # override default embedded path settings ${OSX_BUNDLE_OVERRIDE_PATHS} # do all the work include( BundleUtilities ) fixup_bundle( ${KICAD_BIN}/ \"\" \"\" ) " COMPONENT Runtime ) else() install( TARGETS bitmap2component DESTINATION ${KICAD_BIN} COMPONENT binary ) endif() if( false ) # linker map with cross reference set_target_properties( bitmap2component PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${TO_LINKER},-cref ${TO_LINKER}," ) endif() if( MINGW ) # BITMAP2COMPONENT_RESOURCES variable is set by the macro. mingw_resource_compiler( bitmap2component ) else() set( BITMAP2COMPONENT_RESOURCES bitmap2component.rc ) endif()