 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2018 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

 * @file gerbview/menubar.cpp
 * @brief (Re)Create the main menubar for GerbView

#include "gerbview_frame.h"

#include <advanced_config.h>
#include <kiface_i.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>

#include "gerbview_id.h"
#include "hotkeys.h"
#include <menus_helpers.h>

void GERBVIEW_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
    // wxWidgets handles the Mac Application menu behind the scenes, but that means
    // we always have to start from scratch with a new wxMenuBar.
    wxMenuBar* oldMenuBar = GetMenuBar();
    wxMenuBar* menuBar = new wxMenuBar();
    wxString   text;

    // Recreate all menus:

    // Menu File:
    wxMenu* fileMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Open Gerber file(s)
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, wxID_FILE,
                 _( "Open &Gerber File(s)..." ),
                 _( "Open Gerber file(s) on the current layer. Previous data will be deleted" ),
                 KiBitmap( load_gerber_xpm ) );

    // Open Excellon drill file(s)
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_GERBVIEW_LOAD_DRILL_FILE,
                 _( "Open &Excellon Drill File(s)..." ),
                 _( "Open Excellon drill file(s) on the current layer. Previous data will be deleted" ),
                 KiBitmap( gerbview_drill_file_xpm ) );

    // Open Gerber job files
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_GERBVIEW_LOAD_JOB_FILE,
                 _( "Open Gerber &Job File..." ),
                 _( "Open a Gerber job file, and it's associated gerber files depending on the job" ),
                 KiBitmap( gerber_job_file_xpm ) );

    // Open Zip archive files
                 _( "Open &Zip Archive File..." ),
                 _( "Open a zipped archive (Gerber and Drill) file" ),
                 KiBitmap( zip_xpm ) );

    // Recent gerber files
    static wxMenu* openRecentGbrMenu;

    // Add this menu to list menu managed by m_fileHistory
    // (the file history will be updated when adding/removing files in history
    if( openRecentGbrMenu )
        Kiface().GetFileHistory().RemoveMenu( openRecentGbrMenu );

    openRecentGbrMenu = new wxMenu();

    Kiface().GetFileHistory().UseMenu( openRecentGbrMenu );

    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, openRecentGbrMenu, wxID_ANY,
                 _( "Open &Recent Gerber File" ),
                 _( "Open a recently opened Gerber file" ),
                 KiBitmap( recent_xpm ) );

    // Recent drill files
    static wxMenu* openRecentDrlMenu;

    if( openRecentDrlMenu )
        m_drillFileHistory.RemoveMenu( openRecentDrlMenu );

    openRecentDrlMenu = new wxMenu();
    m_drillFileHistory.UseMenu( openRecentDrlMenu );
    m_drillFileHistory.AddFilesToMenu( );
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, openRecentDrlMenu, wxID_ANY,
                 _( "Open Recent Excellon Dri&ll File" ),
                 _( "Open a recently opened Excellon drill file" ),
                 KiBitmap( recent_xpm ) );

    // Recent job files
    static wxMenu* openRecentJobFilesMenu;

    if( openRecentJobFilesMenu )
        m_jobFileHistory.RemoveMenu( openRecentJobFilesMenu );

    openRecentJobFilesMenu = new wxMenu();
    m_jobFileHistory.UseMenu( openRecentJobFilesMenu );
    m_jobFileHistory.AddFilesToMenu( );
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, openRecentJobFilesMenu, wxID_ANY,
                 _( "Open Recent Gerber &Job File" ),
                 _( "Open a recently opened gerber job file" ),
                 KiBitmap( recent_xpm ) );

    // Recent Zip archive
    static wxMenu* openRecentZipArchiveMenu;

    if( openRecentZipArchiveMenu )
        m_zipFileHistory.RemoveMenu( openRecentZipArchiveMenu );

    openRecentZipArchiveMenu = new wxMenu();
    m_zipFileHistory.UseMenu( openRecentZipArchiveMenu );
    m_zipFileHistory.AddFilesToMenu( );
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, openRecentZipArchiveMenu, wxID_ANY,
                 _( "Open Recent Zip &Archive File" ),
                 _( "Open a recently opened zip archive file" ),
                 KiBitmap( recent_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Clear all
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "Clear &All Layers" ),
                 _( "Clear all layers. All data will be deleted" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_gerber_xpm ) );

    // Reload all
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "Reload All Layers" ),
                 _( "Reload all layers. All data will be reloaded" ),
                 KiBitmap( reload2_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Export to Pcbnew
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "E&xport to Pcbnew..." ),
                 _( "Export data in Pcbnew format" ),
                 KiBitmap( export_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Print
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, wxID_PRINT,
                 _( "&Print..." ), _( "Print layers" ),
                 KiBitmap( print_button_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Exit
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, wxID_EXIT,
                 _( "&Close" ), _( "Close GerbView" ),
                 KiBitmap( exit_xpm ) );

    //--------- View menu ----------------
    wxMenu* viewMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Hide layer manager
                 _( "Show &Layers Manager" ), _( "Show or hide the layer manager" ),
                 KiBitmap( layers_manager_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );


    /* Important Note for ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT commands from menubar:
     * we cannot add hotkey info here, because the hotkey HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT
     * events(default = WXK_F1 and WXK_F2) are *NOT* equivalent to this menu command:
     * zoom in and out from hotkeys are equivalent to the pop up menu zoom
     * From here, zooming is made around the screen center
     * From hotkeys, zooming is made around the mouse cursor position
     * (obviously not possible from the toolbar or menubar command)
     * in other words HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT *are NOT* accelerators
     * for Zoom in and Zoom out sub menus
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &In" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr,
                          HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_ACCELERATOR );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_IN, text, _( "Zoom in" ), KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &Out" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr,
                          HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_ACCELERATOR );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_OUT, text, _( "Zoom out" ), KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom to &Fit" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_ZOOM_AUTO  );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_PAGE, text, _( "Zoom to fit" ),
                 KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom to Selection" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_ZOOM_SELECTION );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_SELECTION, text, KiBitmap( zoom_area_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redraw" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_ZOOM_REDRAW );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, text,
                 _( "Refresh screen" ), KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_GRID,
                 _( "Show &Grid" ), wxEmptyString,
                 KiBitmap( grid_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_POLAR_COORD,
                 _( "Display &Polar Coordinates" ), wxEmptyString,
                 KiBitmap( polar_coord_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    // Units submenu
    wxMenu* unitsSubMenu = new wxMenu;
    AddMenuItem( unitsSubMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_INCH,
                 _( "&Imperial" ), _( "Use imperial units" ),
                 KiBitmap( unit_inch_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO );

    AddMenuItem( unitsSubMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_MM,
                 _( "&Metric" ), _( "Use metric units" ),
                 KiBitmap( unit_mm_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, unitsSubMenu,
                 -1, _( "&Units" ),
                 _( "Select which units are displayed" ),
                 KiBitmap( unit_mm_xpm ) );


    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Sketch F&lashed Items" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_GBR_FLASHED_DISPLAY_MODE );
                 _( "Show flashed items in outline mode" ),
                 KiBitmap( pad_sketch_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Sketch &Lines" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_GBR_LINES_DISPLAY_MODE );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_LINES_SKETCH, text,
                 _( "Show lines in outline mode" ),
                 KiBitmap( showtrack_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Sketch Pol&ygons" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_GBR_POLYGON_DISPLAY_MODE );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_POLYGONS_SKETCH, text,
                 _( "Show polygons in outline mode" ),
                 KiBitmap( opt_show_polygon_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Show &DCodes" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_GBR_DCODE_DISPLAY_ONOFF );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_DCODES, text,
                 _( "Show or hide DCodes" ),
                 KiBitmap( show_dcodenumber_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Show &Negative Objects" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_GBR_NEGATIVE_DISPLAY_ONOFF );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_NEGATIVE_ITEMS, text,
                 _( "Show negative objects in ghost color" ),
                 KiBitmap( gerbview_show_negative_objects_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
        AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_DIFF_MODE,
                     _( "Show in Differential Mode" ), _( "Show layers in differential mode" ),
                     KiBitmap( gbr_select_mode2_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );

        text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Show in High Contrast" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_SWITCH_HIGHCONTRAST_MODE );
        AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE, text,
                     _( "Show in high contrast mode" ),
                     KiBitmap( contrast_mode_xpm ), wxITEM_CHECK );
        AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_GBR_MODE_0,
                     _( "Show Normal Mode" ), _( "Show layers in normal mode" ),
                     KiBitmap( gbr_select_mode0_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO );
        AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_GBR_MODE_1,
                     _( "Show Stacked Mode" ), _( "Show layers in stacked mode" ),
                     KiBitmap( gbr_select_mode1_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO );
        AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_TB_OPTIONS_SHOW_GBR_MODE_2,
                     _( "Show Transparency Mode" ), _( "Show layers in transparency mode" ),
                     KiBitmap( gbr_select_mode2_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO );

    // Menu for configuration and preferences
    wxMenu* configMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Options (Preferences on WXMAC)
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Preferences..." ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_PREFERENCES );
    AddMenuItem( configMenu, wxID_PREFERENCES, text,
                 _( "Show preferences for all open tools" ),
                 KiBitmap( preference_xpm ) );

    // Canvas selection

    if( ADVANCED_CFG::GetCfg().AllowLegacyCanvas() )
        text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Legacy Tool&set" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_CANVAS_LEGACY );
        AddMenuItem( configMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_LEGACY, text,
                _( "Use Legacy Toolset (not all features will be available)" ),
                KiBitmap( tools_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Modern Toolset (&Accelerated)" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_CANVAS_OPENGL );
    AddMenuItem( configMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_OPENGL, text,
                 _( "Use Modern Toolset with hardware-accelerated graphics (recommended)" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Modern Toolset (Fallba&ck)" ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_CANVAS_CAIRO );
    AddMenuItem( configMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_CAIRO, text,
                 _( "Use Modern Toolset with software graphics (fall-back)" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ), wxITEM_RADIO );


    // Language submenu
    Pgm().AddMenuLanguageList( configMenu );

    // Menu miscellaneous
    wxMenu* miscellaneousMenu = new wxMenu;

    // List dcodes
    AddMenuItem( miscellaneousMenu, ID_GERBVIEW_SHOW_LIST_DCODES, _( "&List DCodes..." ),
                 _( "List D-codes defined in Gerber files" ),
                 KiBitmap( show_dcodenumber_xpm ) );

    // Show source
    AddMenuItem( miscellaneousMenu, ID_GERBVIEW_SHOW_SOURCE, _( "&Show Source..." ),
                 _( "Show source file for the current layer" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ) );


    // Erase graphic layer
    AddMenuItem( miscellaneousMenu, ID_GERBVIEW_ERASE_CURR_LAYER, _( "&Clear Current Layer..." ),
                 _( "Clear the graphic layer currently selected" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_sheet_xpm ) );

    // Help menu
    wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_HELP, _( "Gerbview &Manual" ),
                 _( "Open the GerbView Manual" ),
                 KiBitmap( online_help_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&List Hotkeys..." ), GerbviewHotkeysDescr, HK_HELP );
                 _( "Displays the current hotkeys list and corresponding commands" ),
                 KiBitmap( hotkeys_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Get involved with KiCad
    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_HELP_GET_INVOLVED, _( "Get &Involved" ),
                 _( "Contribute to KiCad (opens a web browser)" ),
                 KiBitmap( info_xpm ) );


    // About Kicad
    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_ABOUT, _( "&About KiCad" ), KiBitmap( about_xpm ) );

    // Append menus to the menubar
    menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _( "&File" ) );
    menuBar->Append( viewMenu, _( "&View" ) );
    menuBar->Append( miscellaneousMenu, _( "&Tools" ) );
    menuBar->Append( configMenu, _( "&Preferences" ) );
    menuBar->Append( helpMenu, _( "&Help" ) );

    // Associate the menu bar with the frame, if no previous menubar
    SetMenuBar( menuBar );
    delete oldMenuBar;