/****************************************************/ /* class_module.cpp : fonctions de la classe MODULE */ /****************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "wxstruct.h" #include "common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "trigo.h" #ifdef PCBNEW #include "autorout.h" #include "drag.h" #endif #ifdef CVPCB #include "cvpcb.h" #endif #include "protos.h" /************************************************************************/ /* Class TEXTE_MODULE classe de base des elements type Texte sur module */ /************************************************************************/ /* Constructeur de TEXTE_MODULE */ TEXTE_MODULE::TEXTE_MODULE( MODULE* parent, int text_type ) : EDA_BaseStruct( parent, TYPETEXTEMODULE ) { MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent; m_NoShow = 0; /* visible */ m_Type = text_type; /* Reference */ if( (m_Type != TEXT_is_REFERENCE) && (m_Type != TEXT_is_VALUE) ) m_Type = TEXT_is_DIVERS; m_Size.x = m_Size.y = 400; m_Width = 120; /* dimensions raisonnables par defaut */ m_Orient = 0; /* en 1/10 degre */ m_Miroir = 1; // Mode normal (pas de miroir) m_Unused = 0; m_Layer = SILKSCREEN_N_CMP; if( Module && (Module->m_StructType == TYPEMODULE) ) { m_Pos = Module->m_Pos; m_Layer = Module->m_Layer; if( Module->m_Layer == CUIVRE_N ) m_Layer = SILKSCREEN_N_CU; if( Module->m_Layer == CMP_N ) m_Layer = SILKSCREEN_N_CMP; if( (Module->m_Layer == SILKSCREEN_N_CU) || (Module->m_Layer == ADHESIVE_N_CU) || (Module->m_Layer == CUIVRE_N) ) m_Miroir = 0; } } TEXTE_MODULE::~TEXTE_MODULE( void ) { } void TEXTE_MODULE::Copy( TEXTE_MODULE* source ) // copy structure { if( source == NULL ) return; m_Pos = source->m_Pos; m_Layer = source->m_Layer; m_Miroir = source->m_Miroir; // vue normale / miroir m_NoShow = source->m_NoShow; // 0: visible 1: invisible m_Type = source->m_Type; // 0: ref,1: val, autre = 2..255 m_Orient = source->m_Orient; // orientation en 1/10 degre m_Pos0 = source->m_Pos0; // coord du debut du texte /ancre, orient 0 m_Size = source->m_Size; m_Width = source->m_Width; m_Text = source->m_Text; } /* supprime du chainage la structure Struct * les structures arrieres et avant sont chainees directement */ void TEXTE_MODULE::UnLink( void ) { /* Modification du chainage arriere */ if( Pback ) { if( Pback->m_StructType != TYPEMODULE ) { Pback->Pnext = Pnext; } else /* Le chainage arriere pointe sur la structure "Pere" */ { ( (MODULE*) Pback )->m_Drawings = Pnext; } } /* Modification du chainage avant */ if( Pnext ) Pnext->Pback = Pback; Pnext = Pback = NULL; } /******************************************/ int TEXTE_MODULE:: GetLength( void ) /******************************************/ { return m_Text.Len(); } /******************************************/ void TEXTE_MODULE:: SetWidth( int new_width ) /******************************************/ { m_Width = new_width; } // mise a jour des coordonn�s absolues pour affichage void TEXTE_MODULE:: SetDrawCoord( void ) { MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent; m_Pos = m_Pos0; if( Module == NULL ) return; int angle = Module->m_Orient; NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( angle ); RotatePoint( &m_Pos.x, &m_Pos.y, angle ); m_Pos.x += Module->m_Pos.x; m_Pos.y += Module->m_Pos.y; } // mise a jour des coordonn�s relatives au module void TEXTE_MODULE:: SetLocalCoord( void ) { MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent; if( Module == NULL ) return; m_Pos0.x = m_Pos.x - Module->m_Pos.x; m_Pos0.y = m_Pos.y - Module->m_Pos.y; int angle = Module->m_Orient; NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( angle ); RotatePoint( &m_Pos0.x, &m_Pos0.y, -angle ); } /* locate functions */ bool TEXTE_MODULE::HitTest( const wxPoint& posref ) { int mX, mY, dx, dy; MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent; int angle = m_Orient; if( Module ) angle += Module->m_Orient; dx = ( m_Size.x * GetLength() ) / 2; dy = m_Size.y / 2; dx = ( (dx * 10) / 9 ) + m_Width; /* Facteur de forme des lettres : 10/9 */ /* le point de reference est tourn�de - angle * pour se ramener a un rectangle de reference horizontal */ mX = posref.x - m_Pos.x; mY = posref.y - m_Pos.y; RotatePoint( &mX, &mY, -angle ); /* le point de reference est-il dans ce rectangle */ if( ( abs( mX ) <= abs( dx ) ) && ( abs( mY ) <= abs( dy ) ) ) { return true; } return false; } /******************************************************************************************/ void TEXTE_MODULE::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, wxPoint offset, int draw_mode ) /******************************************************************************************/ /* trace 1 texte de module * Utilise la police definie dans grfonte.h * (Se reporter a ce fichier pour les explications complementaires) * offset = offset de trace ( reference au centre du texte) * draw_mode = GR_OR, GR_XOR.. */ { int zoom; int width, color, orient, miroir; wxSize size; wxPoint pos; // Centre du texte PCB_SCREEN* screen; WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* frame; MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent; if( panel == NULL ) return; screen = (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen(); frame = (WinEDA_BasePcbFrame*) panel->m_Parent; zoom = screen->GetZoom(); pos.x = m_Pos.x - offset.x; pos.y = m_Pos.y - offset.y; size = m_Size; orient = GetDrawRotation(); miroir = m_Miroir & 1; // = 0 si vu en miroir width = m_Width; if( (frame->m_DisplayModText == FILAIRE) || ( (width / zoom) < L_MIN_DESSIN ) ) width = 0; else if( frame->m_DisplayModText == SKETCH ) width = -width; GRSetDrawMode( DC, draw_mode ); /* trace du centre du texte */ if( (g_AnchorColor & ITEM_NOT_SHOW) == 0 ) { int anchor_size = 2 * zoom; GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, pos.x - anchor_size, pos.y, pos.x + anchor_size, pos.y, 0, g_AnchorColor ); GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, pos.x, pos.y - anchor_size, pos.x, pos.y + anchor_size, 0, g_AnchorColor ); } color = g_DesignSettings.m_LayerColor[Module->m_Layer]; if( Module && Module->m_Layer == CUIVRE_N ) color = g_ModuleTextCUColor; if( Module && Module->m_Layer == CMP_N ) color = g_ModuleTextCMPColor; if( (color & ITEM_NOT_SHOW) != 0 ) return; if( m_NoShow ) color = g_ModuleTextNOVColor; if( (color & ITEM_NOT_SHOW) != 0 ) return; /* Si le texte doit etre mis en miroir: modif des parametres */ if( miroir == 0 ) size.x = -size.x; /* Trace du texte */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, pos, color, m_Text, orient, size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width ); } /******************************************/ int TEXTE_MODULE::GetDrawRotation( void ) /******************************************/ /* Return text rotation for drawings and plotting */ { int rotation; MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent; rotation = m_Orient; if( Module ) rotation += Module->m_Orient; NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( rotation ); // if( (rotation > 900 ) && (rotation < 2700 ) ) rotation -= 1800; // For angle = 0 .. 180 deg while( rotation > 900 ) rotation -= 1800; // For angle = -90 .. 90 deg return rotation; } #if defined(DEBUG) /** * Function Show * is used to output the object tree, currently for debugging only. * @param nestLevel An aid to prettier tree indenting, and is the level * of nesting of this object within the overall tree. * @param os The ostream& to output to. */ void TEXTE_MODULE::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) { // for now, make it look like XML: NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << GetClass().Lower().mb_str() << " string=\"" << m_Text.mb_str() << "\"/>\n"; // NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << "\n"; } #endif