/**********************************************************************/ /* fonctions membres des classes utilisees dans pcbnew (voir pcbstruct.h */ /* sauf routines relatives aux pistes (voir class_track.cpp) */ /**********************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "wxstruct.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #ifdef CVPCB #include "cvpcb.h" #endif #include "protos.h" /**************************************************************/ void EDA_BaseStruct::Place( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, wxDC* DC ) /**************************************************************/ /* fonction virtuelle de placement: non utilisee en pcbnew (utilisee eeschema) * ---- A mieux utiliser (TODO...) */ { } /**********************/ /* Classe EDGE_ZONE */ /**********************/ /* Classe EDGE_ZONE: constructeur */ EDGE_ZONE::EDGE_ZONE( EDA_BaseStruct* parent ) : DRAWSEGMENT( parent, TYPEEDGEZONE ) { } /* Effacement memoire de la structure */ EDGE_ZONE:: ~EDGE_ZONE( void ) { } /**********************/ /* Classe DRAWSEGMENT */ /**********************/ /* Classe DRAWSEGMENT: constructeur */ DRAWSEGMENT::DRAWSEGMENT( EDA_BaseStruct* StructFather, DrawStructureType idtype ) : EDA_BaseLineStruct( StructFather, idtype ) { m_Flags = m_Shape = m_Type = m_Angle = 0; } /* Effacement memoire de la structure */ DRAWSEGMENT:: ~DRAWSEGMENT( void ) { } void DRAWSEGMENT::UnLink( void ) { /* Modification du chainage arriere */ if( Pback ) { if( Pback->m_StructType != TYPEPCB ) { Pback->Pnext = Pnext; } else /* Le chainage arriere pointe sur la structure "Pere" */ { ( (BOARD*) Pback )->m_Drawings = Pnext; } } /* Modification du chainage avant */ if( Pnext ) Pnext->Pback = Pback; Pnext = Pback = NULL; } /*******************************************/ void DRAWSEGMENT::Copy( DRAWSEGMENT* source ) /*******************************************/ { m_Type = source->m_Type; m_Layer = source->m_Layer; m_Width = source->m_Width; m_Start = source->m_Start; m_End = source->m_End; m_Shape = source->m_Shape; m_Angle = source->m_Angle; m_TimeStamp = source->m_TimeStamp; } /********************************************************/ bool DRAWSEGMENT::WriteDrawSegmentDescr( FILE* File ) /********************************************************/ { if( GetState( DELETED ) ) return FALSE; fprintf( File, "$DRAWSEGMENT\n" ); fprintf( File, "Po %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", m_Shape, m_Start.x, m_Start.y, m_End.x, m_End.y, m_Width ); fprintf( File, "De %d %d %d %lX %X\n", m_Layer, m_Type, m_Angle, m_TimeStamp, ReturnStatus() ); fprintf( File, "$EndDRAWSEGMENT\n" ); return TRUE; } /******************************************************************/ bool DRAWSEGMENT::ReadDrawSegmentDescr( FILE* File, int* LineNum ) /******************************************************************/ /* Lecture de la description de 1 segment type Drawing PCB */ { char Line[2048]; while( GetLine( File, Line, LineNum ) != NULL ) { if( strnicmp( Line, "$End", 4 ) == 0 ) return TRUE; /* fin de liste */ if( Line[0] == 'P' ) { sscanf( Line + 2, " %d %d %d %d %d %d", &m_Shape, &m_Start.x, &m_Start.y, &m_End.x, &m_End.y, &m_Width ); if( m_Width < 0 ) m_Width = 0; } if( Line[0] == 'D' ) { int status; sscanf( Line + 2, " %d %d %d %lX %X", &m_Layer, &m_Type, &m_Angle, &m_TimeStamp, &status ); if( m_Layer < FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER ) m_Layer = FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER; if( m_Layer > LAST_NO_COPPER_LAYER ) m_Layer = LAST_NO_COPPER_LAYER; SetState( status, ON ); } } return FALSE; } /*******************/ /* Classe MARQUEUR */ /*******************/ MARQUEUR::MARQUEUR( EDA_BaseStruct* StructFather ) : EDA_BaseStruct( StructFather, TYPEMARQUEUR ) { m_Bitmap = NULL; m_Type = 0; m_Color = RED; } /* Effacement memoire de la structure */ MARQUEUR:: ~MARQUEUR( void ) { } /* supprime du chainage la structure Struct * les structures arrieres et avant sont chainees directement */ void MARQUEUR::UnLink( void ) { /* Modification du chainage arriere */ if( Pback ) { if( Pback->m_StructType != TYPEPCB ) { Pback->Pnext = Pnext; } else /* Le chainage arriere pointe sur la structure "Pere" */ { ( (BOARD*) Pback )->m_Drawings = Pnext; } } /* Modification du chainage avant */ if( Pnext ) Pnext->Pback = Pback; Pnext = Pback = NULL; } /**************************************************/ /* Class SCREEN: classe de gestion d'un affichage */ /***************************************************/ /* Constructeur de SCREEN */ PCB_SCREEN::PCB_SCREEN( int idscreen ) : BASE_SCREEN( TYPESCREEN ) { int zoom_list[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 0 }; m_Type = idscreen; SetGridList( g_GridList ); SetZoomList( zoom_list ); Init(); } /***************************/ PCB_SCREEN::~PCB_SCREEN( void ) /***************************/ { } /*************************/ void PCB_SCREEN::Init( void ) /*************************/ { InitDatas(); m_Active_Layer = CUIVRE_N; /* ref couche active 0.. 31 */ m_Route_Layer_TOP = CMP_N; /* ref couches par defaut pour vias (Cu.. Cmp) */ m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM = CUIVRE_N; m_Zoom = 128; /* valeur */ m_Grid = wxSize( 500, 500 ); /* pas de la grille en 1/10000 "*/ } /*************************/ /* class DISPLAY_OPTIONS */ /*************************/ /* * Options diverses d'affichage �l'�ran: */ DISPLAY_OPTIONS::DISPLAY_OPTIONS( void ) { DisplayPadFill = TRUE; DisplayPadNum = TRUE; DisplayPadNoConn = TRUE; DisplayPadIsol = TRUE; DisplayModEdge = TRUE; DisplayModText = TRUE; DisplayPcbTrackFill = TRUE; /* FALSE = sketch , TRUE = rempli */ DisplayTrackIsol = FALSE; m_DisplayViaMode = VIA_HOLE_NOT_SHOW; DisplayPolarCood = TRUE; DisplayZones = TRUE; Show_Modules_Cmp = TRUE; Show_Modules_Cu = TRUE; DisplayDrawItems = TRUE; ContrastModeDisplay = FALSE; } /*****************************************************/ EDA_BoardDesignSettings::EDA_BoardDesignSettings( void ) /*****************************************************/ // Default values for designing boards { int ii; int default_layer_color[32] = { GREEN, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, RED, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, MAGENTA, CYAN, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, LIGHTGRAY }; m_CopperLayerCount = 2; // Default design is a double sided board m_ViaDrill = 250; // via drill (for the entire board) m_CurrentViaSize = 450; // Current via size m_CurrentViaType = VIA_NORMALE; /* via type (BLIND, TROUGHT ...), bits 1 and 2 (not 0 and 1)*/ m_CurrentTrackWidth = 170; // current track width for( ii = 0; ii < HIST0RY_NUMBER; ii++ ) { m_TrackWidhtHistory[ii] = 0; // Last HIST0RY_NUMBER used track widths m_ViaSizeHistory[ii] = 0; // Last HIST0RY_NUMBER used via sizes } m_DrawSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (not EDGE layer) m_EdgeSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (EDGE layer only) m_PcbTextWidth = 100; // current Pcb (not module) Text width m_PcbTextSize = wxSize( 500, 500 ); // current Pcb (not module) Text size m_TrackClearence = 100; // track to track and track to pads clearance m_ZoneClearence = 150; // zone to track and zone to pads clearance m_MaskMargin = 150; // Solder mask margin /* Color options for screen display of the Printed Board: */ m_PcbGridColor = DARKGRAY; // Grid color for( ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++ ) m_LayerColor[ii] = default_layer_color[ii]; // Layer colors (tracks and graphic items) m_ViaColor[VIA_BORGNE] = CYAN; m_ViaColor[VIA_ENTERREE] = BROWN; m_ViaColor[VIA_NORMALE] = WHITE; m_ModuleTextCMPColor = LIGHTGRAY; // Text module color for modules on the COMPONENT layer m_ModuleTextCUColor = MAGENTA; // Text module color for modules on the COPPER layer m_ModuleTextNOVColor = DARKGRAY; // Text module color for "invisible" texts (must be BLACK if really not displayed) m_AnchorColor = BLUE; // Anchor color for modules and texts m_PadCUColor = GREEN; // Pad color for the COMPONENT side of the pad m_PadCMPColor = RED; // Pad color for the COPPER side of the pad m_RatsnestColor = WHITE; // Ratsnest color }