/***********************************/ /* Module de calcul de la Netliste */ /***********************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "netlist.h" /* Definitions generales liees au calcul de netliste */ #include "protos.h" int g_NbrObjNet; ObjetNetListStruct* g_TabObjNet = NULL; //#define NETLIST_DEBUG /* Routines locales */ static void PropageNetCode( int OldNetCode, int NewNetCode, int IsBus ); static void SheetLabelConnect( ObjetNetListStruct* SheetLabel ); static int ListeObjetConnection( DrawSheetPath* sheetlist, ObjetNetListStruct* ObjNet ); static int ConvertBusToMembers( ObjetNetListStruct* ObjNet ); static void PointToPointConnect( ObjetNetListStruct* Ref, int IsBus, int start ); static void SegmentToPointConnect( ObjetNetListStruct* Jonction, int IsBus, int start ); static void LabelConnect( ObjetNetListStruct* Label ); static int TriNetCode( const void* o1, const void* o2 ); static void ConnectBusLabels( ObjetNetListStruct* Label, int NbItems ); static void SetUnconnectedFlag( ObjetNetListStruct* ObjNet, int NbItems ); static int TriBySheet( const void* o1, const void* o2 ); /* Variable locales */ static int FirstNumWireBus, LastNumWireBus, RootBusNameLength; static int LastNetCode, LastBusNetCode; static int s_PassNumber; #if defined (DEBUG) #include const char* ShowType( NetObjetType aType ) { const char* ret; switch( aType ) { case NET_SEGMENT: ret = "segment"; break; case NET_BUS: ret = "bus"; break; case NET_JONCTION: ret = "junction"; break; case NET_LABEL: ret = "label"; break; case NET_HIERLABEL: ret = "hierlabel"; break; case NET_GLOBLABEL: ret = "glabel"; break; case NET_BUSLABELMEMBER: ret = "buslblmember"; break; case NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER: ret = "hierbuslblmember"; break; case NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER: ret = "gbuslblmember"; break; case NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER: ret = "sbuslblmember"; break; case NET_SHEETLABEL: ret = "sheetlabel"; break; case NET_PINLABEL: ret = "pinlabel"; break; case NET_PIN: ret = "pin"; break; case NET_NOCONNECT: ret = "noconnect"; break; default: ret = "??"; break; } return ret; } void ObjetNetListStruct::Show( std::ostream& out, int ndx ) { wxString path = m_SheetList.PathHumanReadable(); out << "\n"; out << " \n"; if( m_Label ) out << " \n"; if( m_Comp ) m_Comp->Show( 1, out ); else out << " m_Comp==NULL\n"; out << "\n"; } void dumpNetTable() { for( int i = 0; im_AssociatedScreen->SetModify(); for( sheet = SheetListList.GetFirst(); sheet != NULL; sheet = SheetListList.GetNext() ) { g_NbrObjNet += ListeObjetConnection( sheet, NULL ); } if( g_NbrObjNet == 0 ) { DisplayError( this, _( "No component" ), 20 ); return NULL; } i = sizeof(ObjetNetListStruct) * g_NbrObjNet; g_TabObjNet = (ObjetNetListStruct*) MyZMalloc( i ); if( g_TabObjNet == NULL ) return NULL; /* second pass: fill the fields of the structures used in connectivty calculation */ s_PassNumber++; ObjetNetListStruct* tabObjNet = g_TabObjNet; sheet = SheetListList.GetFirst(); for( ; sheet != NULL; sheet = SheetListList.GetNext() ) { int icnt = ListeObjetConnection( sheet, tabObjNet ); tabObjNet += icnt; // tabObjNet points the first free location in g_TabObjNet } activity.Empty(); activity << wxT( " " ) << _( "NbItems" ) << wxT( " " ) << g_NbrObjNet; SetStatusText( activity ); /* Sort objects by Sheet */ qsort( g_TabObjNet, g_NbrObjNet, sizeof(ObjetNetListStruct), TriBySheet ); activity << wxT( "; " ) << _( "Conn" ); SetStatusText( activity ); sheet = &(g_TabObjNet[0].m_SheetList); LastNetCode = LastBusNetCode = 1; for( i = istart = 0; iGetNet() == 0 ) return; /* Calcul du numero de sous feuille correspondante au sheetlabel */ /* Comparaison du SheetLabel avec les GLABELS de la sous feuille * pour regroupement des NetCodes */ for( i = 0, ObjetNet = g_TabObjNet; i < g_NbrObjNet; i++ ) { if( ObjetNet[i].m_SheetList != SheetLabel->m_SheetListInclude ) continue; //use SheetInclude, not the sheet!! if( (ObjetNet[i].m_Type != NET_HIERLABEL ) && (ObjetNet[i].m_Type != NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER ) ) continue; if( ObjetNet[i].GetNet() == SheetLabel->GetNet() ) continue; //already connected. if( ObjetNet[i].m_Label->CmpNoCase( *SheetLabel->m_Label ) != 0 ) continue; //different names. /* Propagation du Netcode a tous les Objets de meme NetCode */ if( ObjetNet[i].GetNet() ) PropageNetCode( ObjetNet[i].GetNet(), SheetLabel->GetNet(), 0 ); else ObjetNet[i].SetNet( SheetLabel->GetNet() ); } } /**************************************************************************************/ static int ListeObjetConnection( DrawSheetPath* sheetlist, ObjetNetListStruct* ObjNet ) /**************************************************************************************/ /** Function ListeObjetConnection * Creates the list of objects related to connections (pins of components, wires, labels, junctions ...) * @param sheetlist: pointer to a sheetlist. * @param ObjNet: if NULL, objects count else list to fill */ { int ii, NbrItem = 0; EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList; SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem; EDA_LibComponentStruct* Entry; LibEDA_BaseStruct* DEntry; Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* SheetLabel; DrawSheetPath list; DrawList = sheetlist->LastScreen()->EEDrawList; for( ; DrawList; DrawList = DrawList->Next() ) { switch( DrawList->Type() ) { case DRAW_SEGMENT_STRUCT_TYPE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (EDA_DrawLineStruct*) DrawList ) if( ObjNet ) { if( (STRUCT->GetLayer() != LAYER_BUS) && (STRUCT->GetLayer() != LAYER_WIRE) ) break; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetList = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Comp = STRUCT; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start = STRUCT->m_Start; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_End = STRUCT->m_End; if( STRUCT->GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS ) { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_BUS; } else /* Cas des WIRE */ { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_SEGMENT; } } NbrItem++; break; case DRAW_JUNCTION_STRUCT_TYPE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DrawJunctionStruct*) DrawList ) if( ObjNet ) { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetList = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Comp = STRUCT; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_JONCTION; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start = ObjNet[NbrItem].m_End = STRUCT->m_Pos; } NbrItem++; break; case DRAW_NOCONNECT_STRUCT_TYPE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DrawNoConnectStruct*) DrawList ) if( ObjNet ) { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetList = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Comp = STRUCT; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_NOCONNECT; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start = ObjNet[NbrItem].m_End = STRUCT->m_Pos; } NbrItem++; break; case TYPE_SCH_LABEL: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (SCH_LABEL*) DrawList ) ii = IsBusLabel( STRUCT->m_Text ); if( ObjNet ) { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetList = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Comp = STRUCT; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_LABEL; if( STRUCT->m_Layer == LAYER_GLOBLABEL ) ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_GLOBLABEL; if( STRUCT->m_Layer == LAYER_HIERLABEL ) ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_HIERLABEL; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Label = &STRUCT->m_Text; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start = ObjNet[NbrItem].m_End = STRUCT->m_Pos; /* Si c'est un Bus, eclatement en Label */ if( ii ) ConvertBusToMembers( ObjNet + NbrItem ); } NbrItem += ii + 1; break; case TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL: case TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (SCH_LABEL*) DrawList ) ii = IsBusLabel( STRUCT->m_Text ); if( ObjNet ) { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetList = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Comp = STRUCT; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_LABEL; if( STRUCT->m_Layer == LAYER_GLOBLABEL ) //this is not the simplest way of doing it ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_GLOBLABEL; // (look at the case statement above). if( STRUCT->m_Layer == LAYER_HIERLABEL ) ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_HIERLABEL; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Label = &STRUCT->m_Text; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start = ObjNet[NbrItem].m_End = STRUCT->m_Pos; /* Si c'est un Bus, eclatement en Label */ if( ii ) ConvertBusToMembers( ObjNet + NbrItem ); } NbrItem += ii + 1; break; case TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT: DrawLibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) DrawList; Entry = FindLibPart( DrawLibItem->m_ChipName, wxEmptyString, FIND_ROOT ); if( Entry == NULL ) break; if( Entry->m_Drawings == NULL ) break; DEntry = Entry->m_Drawings; for( ; DEntry; DEntry = DEntry->Next() ) { LibDrawPin* Pin = (LibDrawPin*) DEntry; if( DEntry->Type() != COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE ) continue; if( DEntry->m_Unit && ( DEntry->m_Unit != DrawLibItem->GetUnitSelection( sheetlist ) ) ) continue; if( DEntry->m_Convert && (DEntry->m_Convert != DrawLibItem->m_Convert) ) continue; wxPoint pos2 = TransformCoordinate( DrawLibItem->m_Transform, Pin->m_Pos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; if( ObjNet ) { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Comp = DEntry; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetList = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_PIN; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Link = DrawLibItem; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_ElectricalType = Pin->m_PinType; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_PinNum = Pin->m_PinNum; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Label = &Pin->m_PinName; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start = ObjNet[NbrItem].m_End = pos2; } NbrItem++; if( ( (int) Pin->m_PinType == (int) PIN_POWER_IN ) && ( Pin->m_Attributs & PINNOTDRAW ) ) { /* Il y a un PIN_LABEL Associe */ if( ObjNet ) { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Comp = NULL; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetList = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_PINLABEL; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Label = &Pin->m_PinName; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start = pos2; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_End = ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start; } NbrItem++; } } break; case DRAW_PICK_ITEM_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_POLYLINE_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_BUSENTRY_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_MARKER_STRUCT_TYPE: case TYPE_SCH_TEXT: break; case DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DrawSheetStruct*) DrawList ) list = *sheetlist; list.Push( STRUCT ); SheetLabel = STRUCT->m_Label; for( ; SheetLabel != NULL; SheetLabel = SheetLabel->Next() ) { ii = IsBusLabel( SheetLabel->m_Text ); if( ObjNet ) { ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Comp = SheetLabel; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetList = *sheetlist; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Link = DrawList; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Type = NET_SHEETLABEL; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_ElectricalType = SheetLabel->m_Shape; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Label = &SheetLabel->m_Text; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_SheetListInclude = list; ObjNet[NbrItem].m_Start = ObjNet[NbrItem].m_End = SheetLabel->m_Pos; /* Si c'est un Bus, eclatement en Label */ if( ii ) ConvertBusToMembers( ObjNet + NbrItem ); } NbrItem += ii + 1; } break; case DRAW_HIERARCHICAL_PIN_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE: DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Netlist: Type DRAW_SHEETLABEL inattendu" ) ); break; default: { wxString msg; msg.Printf( wxT( "Netlist: unexpected type struct %d" ), DrawList->Type() ); DisplayError( NULL, msg ); break; } } } return NbrItem; } /************************************************************************/ static void ConnectBusLabels( ObjetNetListStruct* Label, int NbItems ) /************************************************************************/ /* Routine qui analyse les labels type xxBUSLABELMEMBER * Propage les Netcodes entre labels correspondants ( c'est a dire lorsque * leur numero de membre est identique) lorsqu'ils sont connectes * globalement par leur BusNetCode * Utilise et met a jour la variable LastNetCode */ { ObjetNetListStruct* LabelInTst, * Lim; Lim = Label + NbItems; for( ; Label < Lim; Label++ ) { if( (Label->m_Type == NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER) || (Label->m_Type == NET_BUSLABELMEMBER) || (Label->m_Type == NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER) ) { if( Label->GetNet() == 0 ) { Label->SetNet( LastNetCode ); LastNetCode++; } for( LabelInTst = Label + 1; LabelInTst < Lim; LabelInTst++ ) { if( (LabelInTst->m_Type == NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER) || (LabelInTst->m_Type == NET_BUSLABELMEMBER) || (LabelInTst->m_Type == NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER) ) { if( LabelInTst->m_BusNetCode != Label->m_BusNetCode ) continue; if( LabelInTst->m_Member != Label->m_Member ) continue; if( LabelInTst->GetNet() == 0 ) LabelInTst->SetNet( Label->GetNet() ); else PropageNetCode( LabelInTst->GetNet(), Label->GetNet(), 0 ); } } } } } /**************************************************/ int IsBusLabel( const wxString& LabelDrawList ) /**************************************************/ /* Routine qui verifie si le Label a une notation de type Bus * Retourne 0 si non * nombre de membres si oui * met a jour FirstNumWireBus, LastNumWireBus et RootBusNameLength */ { unsigned Num; int ii; wxString BufLine; long tmp; bool error = FALSE; /* Search for '[' because a bus label is like "busname[nn..mm]" */ ii = LabelDrawList.Find( '[' ); if( ii < 0 ) return 0; Num = (unsigned) ii; FirstNumWireBus = LastNumWireBus = 9; RootBusNameLength = Num; Num++; while( LabelDrawList[Num] != '.' && Num < LabelDrawList.Len() ) { BufLine.Append( LabelDrawList[Num] ); Num++; } if( !BufLine.ToLong( &tmp ) ) error = TRUE; FirstNumWireBus = tmp; while( LabelDrawList[Num] == '.' && Num < LabelDrawList.Len() ) Num++; BufLine.Empty(); while( LabelDrawList[Num] != ']' && Num < LabelDrawList.Len() ) { BufLine.Append( LabelDrawList[Num] ); Num++; } if( !BufLine.ToLong( &tmp ) ) error = TRUE;; LastNumWireBus = tmp; if( FirstNumWireBus < 0 ) FirstNumWireBus = 0; if( LastNumWireBus < 0 ) LastNumWireBus = 0; if( FirstNumWireBus > LastNumWireBus ) { EXCHG( FirstNumWireBus, LastNumWireBus ); } if( error && (s_PassNumber == 0) ) { wxString msg = _( "Bad Bus Label: " ) + LabelDrawList; DisplayError( NULL, msg ); } return LastNumWireBus - FirstNumWireBus + 1; } /***************************************************************/ static int ConvertBusToMembers( ObjetNetListStruct* BusLabel ) /***************************************************************/ /* Routine qui eclate un label type Bus en autant de Label qu'il contient de membres, * et qui cree les structures avec le type NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER, NET_BUSLABELMEMBER * ou NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER * entree = pointeur sur l'ObjetNetListStruct initialise corresp au buslabel * suppose que FirstNumWireBus, LastNumWireBus et RootBusNameLength sont a jour * modifie l'ObjetNetListStruct de base et remplit les suivants * m_Label is a pointer to a new wxString * m_Label must be deallocated by the user (only for a NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER, * NET_BUSLABELMEMBER or a NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER object type) */ { int NumItem, BusMember; wxString BufLine; if( BusLabel->m_Type == NET_HIERLABEL ) BusLabel->m_Type = NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER; else if( BusLabel->m_Type == NET_GLOBLABEL ) BusLabel->m_Type = NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER; else if( BusLabel->m_Type == NET_SHEETLABEL ) BusLabel->m_Type = NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER; else BusLabel->m_Type = NET_BUSLABELMEMBER; /* Convertion du BusLabel en la racine du Label + le numero du fil */ BufLine = BusLabel->m_Label->Left( RootBusNameLength ); BusMember = FirstNumWireBus; BufLine << BusMember; BusLabel->m_Label = new wxString( BufLine ); BusLabel->m_Member = BusMember; NumItem = 1; for( BusMember++; BusMember <= LastNumWireBus; BusMember++ ) { *(BusLabel + 1) = *BusLabel; //copy constructor. BusLabel++; NumItem++; /* Convertion du BusLabel en la racine du Label + le numero du fil */ BufLine = BusLabel->m_Label->Left( RootBusNameLength ); BufLine << BusMember; BusLabel->m_Label = new wxString( BufLine ); BusLabel->m_Member = BusMember; } return NumItem; } /**********************************************************************/ static void PropageNetCode( int OldNetCode, int NewNetCode, int IsBus ) /**********************************************************************/ /* PropageNetCode propage le netcode NewNetCode sur tous les elements * appartenant a l'ancien netcode OldNetCode * Si IsBus == 0; c'est le membre NetCode qui est propage * Si IsBus != 0; c'est le membre BusNetCode qui est propage */ { int jj; ObjetNetListStruct* Objet = g_TabObjNet; if( OldNetCode == NewNetCode ) return; #if defined (NETLIST_DEBUG) && defined (DEBUG) printf( "replacing net %d with %d\n", OldNetCode, NewNetCode ); #endif if( IsBus == 0 ) /* Propagation du NetCode */ { for( jj = 0; jj < g_NbrObjNet; jj++, Objet++ ) { if( Objet->GetNet() == OldNetCode ) { Objet->SetNet( NewNetCode ); } } } else /* Propagation du BusNetCode */ { for( jj = 0; jj < g_NbrObjNet; jj++, Objet++ ) { if( Objet->m_BusNetCode == OldNetCode ) { Objet->m_BusNetCode = NewNetCode; } } } } /***************************************************************************/ static void PointToPointConnect( ObjetNetListStruct* Ref, int IsBus, int start ) /***************************************************************************/ /* Routine qui verifie si l'element *Ref est connecte a * d'autres elements de la liste des objets du schema, selon le mode Point * a point ( Extremites superposees ) * * si IsBus: * la connexion ne met en jeu que des elements type bus * ( BUS ou BUSLABEL ou JONCTION ) * sinon * la connexion ne met en jeu que des elements type non bus * ( autres que BUS ou BUSLABEL ) * * L'objet Ref doit avoir un NetCode valide. * * La liste des objets est supposee classe par SheetPath Croissants, * et la recherche se fait a partir de l'element start, 1er element * de la feuille de schema * ( il ne peut y avoir connexion physique entre elements de differentes sheets) */ { int i, netCode; ObjetNetListStruct* netTable = g_TabObjNet; if( IsBus == 0 ) /* Objets autres que BUS et BUSLABELS */ { netCode = Ref->GetNet(); for( i = start; i < g_NbrObjNet; i++ ) { if( netTable[i].m_SheetList != Ref->m_SheetList ) //used to be > (why?) continue; switch( netTable[i].m_Type ) { case NET_SEGMENT: case NET_PIN: case NET_LABEL: case NET_HIERLABEL: case NET_GLOBLABEL: case NET_SHEETLABEL: case NET_PINLABEL: case NET_JONCTION: case NET_NOCONNECT: if( Ref->m_Start == netTable[i].m_Start || Ref->m_Start == netTable[i].m_End || Ref->m_End == netTable[i].m_Start || Ref->m_End == netTable[i].m_End ) { if( netTable[i].GetNet() == 0 ) netTable[i].SetNet( netCode ); else PropageNetCode( netTable[i].GetNet(), netCode, 0 ); } break; case NET_BUS: case NET_BUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER: break; } } } else /* Objets type BUS et BUSLABELS ( et JONCTIONS )*/ { netCode = Ref->m_BusNetCode; for( i = start; im_SheetList ) continue; switch( netTable[i].m_Type ) { case NET_SEGMENT: case NET_PIN: case NET_LABEL: case NET_HIERLABEL: case NET_GLOBLABEL: case NET_SHEETLABEL: case NET_PINLABEL: case NET_NOCONNECT: break; case NET_BUS: case NET_BUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_JONCTION: if( Ref->m_Start == netTable[i].m_Start || Ref->m_Start == netTable[i].m_End || Ref->m_End == netTable[i].m_Start || Ref->m_End == netTable[i].m_End ) { if( netTable[i].m_BusNetCode == 0 ) netTable[i].m_BusNetCode = netCode; else PropageNetCode( netTable[i].m_BusNetCode, netCode, 1 ); } break; } } } } /**************************************************************/ static void SegmentToPointConnect( ObjetNetListStruct* Jonction, int IsBus, int start ) /***************************************************************/ /* * Routine qui recherche si un point (jonction) est connecte a des segments, * et regroupe les NetCodes des objets connectes a la jonction. * Le point de jonction doit avoir un netcode valide * La liste des objets est supposee classe par NumSheet Croissants, * et la recherche se fait a partir de l'element start, 1er element * de la feuille de schema * ( il ne peut y avoir connexion physique entre elements de differentes sheets) */ { int i; ObjetNetListStruct* Segment = g_TabObjNet; for( i = start; i < g_NbrObjNet; i++ ) { if( Segment[i].m_SheetList != Jonction->m_SheetList ) continue; if( IsBus == 0 ) { if( Segment[i].m_Type != NET_SEGMENT ) continue; } else { if( Segment[i].m_Type != NET_BUS ) continue; } if( SegmentIntersect( Segment[i].m_Start.x, Segment[i].m_Start.y, Segment[i].m_End.x, Segment[i].m_End.y, Jonction->m_Start.x, Jonction->m_Start.y ) ) { /* Propagation du Netcode a tous les Objets de meme NetCode */ if( IsBus == 0 ) { if( Segment[i].GetNet() ) PropageNetCode( Segment[i].GetNet(), Jonction->GetNet(), IsBus ); else Segment[i].SetNet( Jonction->GetNet() ); } else { if( Segment[i].m_BusNetCode ) PropageNetCode( Segment[i].m_BusNetCode, Jonction->m_BusNetCode, IsBus ); else Segment[i].m_BusNetCode = Jonction->m_BusNetCode; } } } } /***************************************************************** * Function which connects the groups of object which have the same label *******************************************************************/ static void LabelConnect( ObjetNetListStruct* LabelRef ) { if( LabelRef->GetNet() == 0 ) return; ObjetNetListStruct* netTable = g_TabObjNet; for( int i = 0; iGetNet() ) continue; if( netTable[i].m_SheetList != LabelRef->m_SheetList ) { if( (netTable[i].m_Type != NET_PINLABEL && netTable[i].m_Type != NET_GLOBLABEL && netTable[i].m_Type != NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER) ) continue; if( (netTable[i].m_Type == NET_GLOBLABEL || netTable[i].m_Type == NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER) && netTable[i].m_Type != LabelRef->m_Type ) //global labels only connect other global labels. continue; } //regular labels are sheet-local; //NET_HIERLABEL are used to connect sheets. //NET_LABEL is sheet-local (***) //NET_GLOBLABEL is global. if( netTable[i].m_Type == NET_LABEL || netTable[i].m_Type == NET_GLOBLABEL || netTable[i].m_Type == NET_HIERLABEL || netTable[i].m_Type == NET_BUSLABELMEMBER || netTable[i].m_Type == NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER || netTable[i].m_Type == NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER || netTable[i].m_Type == NET_PINLABEL ) { if( netTable[i].m_Label->CmpNoCase( *LabelRef->m_Label ) != 0 ) continue; // Propagation du Netcode a tous les Objets de meme NetCode if( netTable[i].GetNet() ) PropageNetCode( netTable[i].GetNet(), LabelRef->GetNet(), 0 ); else netTable[i].SetNet( LabelRef->GetNet() ); } } } /****************************************************************************/ static int TriNetCode( const void* o1, const void* o2 ) /****************************************************************************/ /* Routine de comparaison pour le tri par NetCode croissant * du tableau des elements connectes ( TabPinSort ) par qsort() */ { ObjetNetListStruct* Objet1 = (ObjetNetListStruct*) o1; ObjetNetListStruct* Objet2 = (ObjetNetListStruct*) o2; return Objet1->GetNet() - Objet2->GetNet(); } /*****************************************************************************/ static int TriBySheet( const void* o1, const void* o2 ) /*****************************************************************************/ /* Routine de comparaison pour le tri par NumSheet * du tableau des elements connectes ( TabPinSort ) par qsort() */ { ObjetNetListStruct* Objet1 = (ObjetNetListStruct*) o1; ObjetNetListStruct* Objet2 = (ObjetNetListStruct*) o2; return Objet1->m_SheetList.Cmp( Objet2->m_SheetList ); } /**********************************************************************/ static void SetUnconnectedFlag( ObjetNetListStruct* ListObj, int NbItems ) /**********************************************************************/ /* Routine positionnant le membre .FlagNoConnect des elements de * la liste des objets netliste, tries par ordre de NetCode */ { ObjetNetListStruct* NetItemRef, * NetItemTst, * ItemPtr; ObjetNetListStruct* NetStart, * NetEnd, * Lim; int Nb; ConnectType StateFlag; NetStart = NetEnd = ListObj; NetItemRef = NetStart; Nb = 0; StateFlag = UNCONNECTED; Lim = ListObj + NbItems; for( ; NetItemRef < Lim; NetItemRef++ ) { if( NetItemRef->m_Type == NET_NOCONNECT ) if( StateFlag != PAD_CONNECT ) StateFlag = NOCONNECT; /* Analyse du net en cours */ NetItemTst = NetItemRef + 1; if( (NetItemTst >= Lim) || ( NetItemRef->GetNet() != NetItemTst->GetNet() ) ) { /* Net analyse: mise a jour de m_FlagOfConnection */ NetEnd = NetItemTst; for( ItemPtr = NetStart; ItemPtr < NetEnd; ItemPtr++ ) { ItemPtr->m_FlagOfConnection = StateFlag; } if( NetItemTst >= Lim ) return; /* Start Analyse Nouveau Net */ StateFlag = UNCONNECTED; NetStart = NetItemTst; continue; } for( ; ; NetItemTst++ ) { if( (NetItemTst >= Lim) || ( NetItemRef->GetNet() != NetItemTst->GetNet() ) ) break; switch( NetItemTst->m_Type ) { case NET_SEGMENT: case NET_LABEL: case NET_HIERLABEL: case NET_GLOBLABEL: case NET_SHEETLABEL: case NET_PINLABEL: case NET_BUS: case NET_BUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_SHEETBUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_HIERBUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_GLOBBUSLABELMEMBER: case NET_JONCTION: break; case NET_PIN: if( NetItemRef->m_Type == NET_PIN ) StateFlag = PAD_CONNECT; break; case NET_NOCONNECT: if( StateFlag != PAD_CONNECT ) StateFlag = NOCONNECT; break; } } } }