/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2019 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr * Copyright (C) 1992-2021 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * @file eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp * @brief Dialog box for creating bom and other documents from generic netlist. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for _HKI definition used in dialog_bom_help_md.h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include wxString s_bomHelpInfo = #include ; // BOM "plugins" are not actually plugins. They are external tools // (scripts or executables) called by this dialog. typedef std::vector< std::unique_ptr > BOM_GENERATOR_ARRAY; // The main dialog frame to run scripts to build bom class DIALOG_BOM : public DIALOG_BOM_BASE { private: SCH_EDIT_FRAME* m_parent; BOM_GENERATOR_ARRAY m_generators; bool m_initialized; HTML_MESSAGE_BOX* m_helpWindow; public: DIALOG_BOM( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent ); ~DIALOG_BOM(); private: void OnGeneratorSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnRunGenerator( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnAddGenerator( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnRemoveGenerator( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnEditGenerator( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnCommandLineEdited( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnNameEdited( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnShowConsoleChanged( wxCommandEvent& event ) override; void OnIdle( wxIdleEvent& event ) override; void pluginInit(); void installGeneratorsList(); BOM_GENERATOR_HANDLER* addGenerator( const wxString& aPath, const wxString& aName = wxEmptyString ); bool pluginExists( const wxString& aName ); BOM_GENERATOR_HANDLER* selectedGenerator() { int idx = m_lbGenerators->GetSelection(); if( idx < 0 || idx >= (int)m_generators.size() ) return nullptr; return m_generators[idx].get(); } wxString chooseGenerator(); }; // Create and show DIALOG_BOM. int InvokeDialogCreateBOM( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* aCaller ) { DIALOG_BOM dlg( aCaller ); // QuasiModal so syntax help works return dlg.ShowQuasiModal(); } DIALOG_BOM::DIALOG_BOM( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent ) : DIALOG_BOM_BASE( parent ), m_parent( parent ), m_initialized( false ), m_helpWindow( nullptr ) { m_buttonAddGenerator->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::small_plus ) ); m_buttonDelGenerator->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::small_trash ) ); m_buttonEdit->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::small_edit ) ); installGeneratorsList(); #ifndef __WINDOWS__ m_checkBoxShowConsole->Show( false ); #endif SetupStandardButtons( { { wxID_OK, _( "Generate" ) }, { wxID_CANCEL, _( "Close" ) } } ); SetInitialFocus( m_lbGenerators ); // Now all widgets have the size fixed, call FinishDialogSettings finishDialogSettings(); m_buttonReset->Bind( wxEVT_BUTTON, [&]( wxCommandEvent& ) { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig(); cfg->m_BomPanel.selected_plugin = wxEmptyString; cfg->m_BomPanel.plugins = cfg->DefaultBomPlugins(); installGeneratorsList(); } ); } DIALOG_BOM::~DIALOG_BOM() { if( m_helpWindow ) m_helpWindow->Destroy(); EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig(); cfg->m_BomPanel.plugins.clear(); for( const std::unique_ptr& plugin : m_generators ) { wxString name = plugin->GetName(); wxFileName path( plugin->GetStoredPath() ); // handle empty nickname by stripping path if( name.IsEmpty() ) name = path.GetName(); EESCHEMA_SETTINGS::BOM_PLUGIN_SETTINGS setting( name, path.GetFullPath() ); setting.command = plugin->GetCommand(); cfg->m_BomPanel.plugins.emplace_back( setting ); } cfg->m_BomPanel.selected_plugin = m_lbGenerators->GetStringSelection().ToStdString(); } // Read the initialized plugins in config and fill the list of names void DIALOG_BOM::installGeneratorsList() { EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig(); wxString active_plugin_name = cfg->m_BomPanel.selected_plugin; m_generators.clear(); for( EESCHEMA_SETTINGS::BOM_PLUGIN_SETTINGS& setting : cfg->m_BomPanel.plugins ) { auto plugin = std::make_unique( setting.path ); plugin->SetName( setting.name ); if( !setting.command.IsEmpty() ) plugin->SetCommand( setting.command ); m_generators.emplace_back( std::move( plugin ) ); } m_lbGenerators->Clear(); if( !m_generators.empty() ) { for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_generators.size(); ii++ ) { wxString name = m_generators[ii]->GetName(); if( !m_generators[ii]->FindFilePath().Exists( wxFILE_EXISTS_REGULAR ) ) { wxLogTrace( BOM_TRACE, wxS( "BOM plugin %s not found" ), m_generators[ii]->FindFilePath().GetFullName() ); name.Append( wxT( " " ) + _( "(file missing)" ) ); if( active_plugin_name == name ) active_plugin_name.Clear(); } m_lbGenerators->Append( name ); if( active_plugin_name == name ) m_lbGenerators->SetSelection( ii ); } } pluginInit(); } BOM_GENERATOR_HANDLER* DIALOG_BOM::addGenerator( const wxString& aPath, const wxString& aName ) { BOM_GENERATOR_HANDLER* ret = nullptr; auto plugin = std::make_unique( aPath ); if( !plugin->IsOk() ) return nullptr; if( !aName.IsEmpty() ) { plugin->SetName( aName ); m_lbGenerators->Append( aName ); } else { m_lbGenerators->Append( plugin->GetName() ); } ret = plugin.get(); m_generators.push_back( std::move( plugin ) ); return ret; } bool DIALOG_BOM::pluginExists( const wxString& aName ) { for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_generators.size(); ii++ ) { if( aName == m_generators[ii]->GetName() ) return true; } return false; } void DIALOG_BOM::OnGeneratorSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) { pluginInit(); } void DIALOG_BOM::pluginInit() { BOM_GENERATOR_HANDLER* plugin = selectedGenerator(); if( !plugin ) { m_textCtrlName->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); m_textCtrlCommand->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); m_Messages->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); return; } if( !plugin->FindFilePath().Exists( wxFILE_EXISTS_REGULAR ) ) { m_textCtrlName->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); m_textCtrlCommand->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "The selected BOM generator script %s could not be found." ), plugin->GetFile().GetFullPath() ); if( !plugin->GetFile().IsAbsolute() ) { msg.Append( wxString::Format( _( "\n\nSearched:\n\t%s\n\t%s" ), PATHS::GetUserPluginsPath(), PATHS::GetStockPluginsPath() ) ); } m_Messages->SetValue( msg ); return; } m_textCtrlName->SetValue( plugin->GetName() ); m_textCtrlCommand->SetValue( plugin->GetCommand() ); m_Messages->SetValue( plugin->GetInfo() ); m_Messages->SetSelection( 0, 0 ); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ if( plugin->Options().Index( wxT( "show_console" ) ) == wxNOT_FOUND ) m_checkBoxShowConsole->SetValue( false ); else m_checkBoxShowConsole->SetValue( true ); #endif // A plugin can be not working, so do not left the OK button enabled if // the plugin is not ready to use m_sdbSizerOK->Enable( plugin->IsOk() ); } void DIALOG_BOM::OnRunGenerator( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Calculate the xml netlist filename wxFileName fn = m_parent->Schematic().GetFileName(); fn.ClearExt(); wxString fullfilename = fn.GetFullPath(); m_parent->ClearMsgPanel(); wxString reportmsg; WX_STRING_REPORTER reporter( &reportmsg ); m_parent->SetNetListerCommand( m_textCtrlCommand->GetValue() ); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ if( m_checkBoxShowConsole->IsChecked() ) m_parent->SetExecFlags( wxEXEC_SHOW_CONSOLE ); #endif if( m_parent->ReadyToNetlist( _( "Generating BOM requires a fully annotated schematic." ) ) ) m_parent->WriteNetListFile( NET_TYPE_BOM, fullfilename, GNL_OPT_BOM|GNL_ALL, &reporter ); m_Messages->SetValue( reportmsg ); // Force focus back on the dialog SetFocus(); } void DIALOG_BOM::OnRemoveGenerator( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int ii = m_lbGenerators->GetSelection(); if( ii < 0 ) return; m_lbGenerators->Delete( ii ); m_generators.erase( m_generators.begin() + ii ); // Select the next item, if exists if( m_lbGenerators->GetCount() ) m_lbGenerators->SetSelection( std::min( ii, (int) m_lbGenerators->GetCount() - 1 ) ); pluginInit(); } void DIALOG_BOM::OnAddGenerator( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString filename = chooseGenerator(); if( filename.IsEmpty() ) return; // Creates a new plugin entry wxFileName fn( filename ); wxString name = wxGetTextFromUser( _( "Generator nickname:" ), _( "Add Generator" ), fn.GetName(), this ); if( name.IsEmpty() ) return; // Verify if it does not exists if( pluginExists( name ) ) { wxMessageBox( wxString::Format( _( "Nickname '%s' already in use." ), name ) ); return; } try { auto plugin = addGenerator( fn.GetFullPath(), name ); if( plugin ) { m_lbGenerators->SetSelection( m_lbGenerators->GetCount() - 1 ); m_textCtrlCommand->SetValue( plugin->GetCommand() ); pluginInit(); } } catch( const std::runtime_error& e ) { DisplayError( this, e.what() ); } } wxString DIALOG_BOM::chooseGenerator() { static wxString lastPath; if( lastPath.IsEmpty() ) lastPath = PATHS::GetUserPluginsPath(); wxString fullFileName = wxFileSelector( _( "Generator File" ), lastPath, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr, wxFD_OPEN, this ); return fullFileName; } void DIALOG_BOM::OnEditGenerator( wxCommandEvent& event ) { auto plugin = selectedGenerator(); if( !plugin ) return; wxString pluginFile = plugin->GetFile().GetFullPath(); if( pluginFile.Length() <= 2 ) // if name != "" { wxMessageBox( _( "Generator file name not found." ) ); return; } wxString editorname = Pgm().GetTextEditor(); if( !editorname.IsEmpty() ) ExecuteFile( editorname, pluginFile ); else wxMessageBox( _( "No text editor selected in KiCad. Please choose one." ) ); } void DIALOG_BOM::OnHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_helpWindow ) { m_helpWindow->ShowModeless(); return; } m_helpWindow = new HTML_MESSAGE_BOX( nullptr, _( "Bill of Materials Generation Help" ) ); m_helpWindow->SetDialogSizeInDU( 500, 350 ); wxString html_txt; ConvertMarkdown2Html( wxGetTranslation( s_bomHelpInfo ), html_txt ); m_helpWindow->AddHTML_Text( html_txt ); m_helpWindow->ShowModeless(); } void DIALOG_BOM::OnCommandLineEdited( wxCommandEvent& event ) { auto generator = selectedGenerator(); if( generator ) generator->SetCommand( m_textCtrlCommand->GetValue() ); } void DIALOG_BOM::OnNameEdited( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( m_textCtrlName->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) return; int ii = m_lbGenerators->GetSelection(); if( ii < 0 ) return; m_generators[ii]->SetName( m_textCtrlName->GetValue() ); m_lbGenerators->SetString( ii, m_generators[ii]->GetName() ); } void DIALOG_BOM::OnShowConsoleChanged( wxCommandEvent& event ) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ static constexpr wxChar OPT_SHOW_CONSOLE[] = wxT( "show_console" ); auto plugin = selectedGenerator(); if( !plugin ) return; if( m_checkBoxShowConsole->IsChecked() ) { if( plugin->Options().Index( OPT_SHOW_CONSOLE ) == wxNOT_FOUND ) plugin->Options().Add( OPT_SHOW_CONSOLE ); } else { plugin->Options().Remove( OPT_SHOW_CONSOLE ); } #endif } void DIALOG_BOM::OnIdle( wxIdleEvent& event ) { // On some platforms we initialize wxTextCtrls to all-selected, but we don't want that // for the messages text box. if( !m_initialized ) { m_Messages->SetSelection( 0, 0 ); m_initialized = true; } }