/***********************************************************/ /* wxEeschemaStruct.h: */ /***********************************************************/ #ifndef WX_EESCHEMA_STRUCT_H #define WX_EESCHEMA_STRUCT_H #include "wxstruct.h" #include "param_config.h" #include "class_undoredo_container.h" #include "template_fieldnames.h" #include "block_commande.h" #include "class_sch_screen.h" #include "sch_collectors.h" class LIB_EDIT_FRAME; class LIB_VIEW_FRAME; class DRAWSEGMENT; class SCH_ITEM; class SCH_NO_CONNECT; class CMP_LIBRARY; class LIB_COMPONENT; class LIB_DRAW_ITEM; class EDA_ITEM; class SCH_BUS_ENTRY; class SCH_GLOBALLABEL; class SCH_TEXT; class SCH_SHEET; class SCH_SHEET_PATH; class SCH_SHEET_PIN; class SCH_COMPONENT; class SCH_FIELD; class LIB_PIN; class SCH_JUNCTION; class DIALOG_SCH_FIND; class wxFindDialogEvent; class wxFindReplaceData; /* enum used in RotationMiroir() */ enum fl_rot_cmp { CMP_NORMAL, // Normal orientation, no rotation or mirror CMP_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, // Rotate -90 CMP_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE, // Rotate +90 CMP_ORIENT_0, // No rotation and no mirror id CMP_NORMAL CMP_ORIENT_90, // Rotate 90, no mirror CMP_ORIENT_180, // Rotate 180, no mirror CMP_ORIENT_270, // Rotate -90, no mirror CMP_MIRROR_X = 0x100, // Mirror around X axis CMP_MIRROR_Y = 0x200 // Mirror around Y axis }; /** Schematic annotation order options. */ enum ANNOTATE_ORDER_T { SORT_BY_X_POSITION, ///< Annotate by X position from left to right. SORT_BY_Y_POSITION, ///< Annotate by Y position from top to bottom. UNSORTED, ///< Annotate by position of component in the schematic sheet ///< object list. }; /** Schematic annotation type options. */ enum ANNOTATE_OPTION_T { INCREMENTAL_BY_REF, ///< Annotate incrementally using the first free reference number. SHEET_NUMBER_X_100, ///< Annotate using the first free reference number starting at ///< the sheet number * 100. SHEET_NUMBER_X_1000, ///< Annotate using the first free reference number starting at ///< the sheet number * 1000. }; /** * Schematic editor (EESchema) main window. */ class SCH_EDIT_FRAME : public EDA_DRAW_FRAME { public: wxComboBox* m_SelPartBox; SCH_SHEET_PATH* m_CurrentSheet; ///< which sheet we are presently working on. int m_Multiflag; int m_NetlistFormat; int m_AddSubPrefix; bool m_ShowAllPins; wxPoint m_OldPos; LIB_EDIT_FRAME* m_LibeditFrame; LIB_VIEW_FRAME* m_ViewlibFrame; wxString m_UserLibraryPath; wxArrayString m_ComponentLibFiles; protected: TEMPLATES m_TemplateFieldNames; private: wxString m_DefaultSchematicFileName; int m_TextFieldSize; PARAM_CFG_ARRAY m_projectFileParams; PARAM_CFG_ARRAY m_configSettings; wxPageSetupDialogData m_pageSetupData; wxFindReplaceData* m_findReplaceData; wxPoint m_previewPosition; wxSize m_previewSize; wxPoint m_printDialogPosition; wxSize m_printDialogSize; bool m_printMonochrome; ///< Print monochrome instead of grey scale. bool m_printSheetReference; DIALOG_SCH_FIND* m_dlgFindReplace; wxPoint m_findDialogPosition; wxSize m_findDialogSize; wxArrayString m_findStringHistoryList; wxArrayString m_replaceStringHistoryList; BLOCK_SELECTOR m_blockItems; ///< List of selected items. SCH_ITEM* m_itemToRepeat; ///< Last item to insert by the repeat command. int m_repeatLabelDelta; ///< Repeat label number increment step. SCH_COLLECTOR m_collectedItems; ///< List of collected items. SCH_ITEM* m_undoItem; ///< Copy of the current item being edited. static int m_lastSheetPinType; ///< Last sheet pin type. static wxSize m_lastSheetPinTextSize; ///< Last sheet pin text size. static wxPoint m_lastSheetPinPosition; ///< Last sheet pin position. static int m_lastSheetPinEdge; ///< Last sheet edge a sheet pin was placed. public: SCH_EDIT_FRAME( wxWindow* father, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style = KICAD_DEFAULT_DRAWFRAME_STYLE ); ~SCH_EDIT_FRAME(); void OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& Event ); void Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnColorConfig( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ); void Process_Config( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnSelectTool( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ); void GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey = 0 ); PARAM_CFG_ARRAY& GetProjectFileParameters( void ); void SaveProjectFile( wxWindow* displayframe, bool askoverwrite = true ); bool LoadProjectFile( const wxString& CfgFileName, bool ForceRereadConfig ); /** * Function GetDefaultFieldName * returns a default symbol field name for field \a aFieldNdx for all components. * These field names are not modifiable, but template field names are. * @param aFieldNdx The field number index */ static wxString GetDefaultFieldName( int aFieldNdx ); /** * Function AddTemplateFieldName * inserts or appends a wanted symbol field name into the field names * template. Should be used for any symbol property editor. If the name * already exists, it overwrites the same name. * * @param aFieldName is a full description of the wanted field, and it must not match * any of the default field names. * @return int - the index within the config container at which aFieldName was * added, or -1 if the name is illegal because it matches a default field name. */ int AddTemplateFieldName( const TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME& aFieldName ) { return m_TemplateFieldNames.AddTemplateFieldName( aFieldName ); } /** * Function GetTemplateFieldName * returns a template field names list for read only access. */ const TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES& GetTemplateFieldNames() { return m_TemplateFieldNames.GetTemplateFieldNames(); } /** * Function DeleteAllTemplateFieldNames * removes all template field names. */ void DeleteAllTemplateFieldNames() { m_TemplateFieldNames.DeleteAllTemplateFieldNames(); } PARAM_CFG_ARRAY& GetConfigurationSettings( void ); void LoadSettings(); void SaveSettings(); void RedrawActiveWindow( wxDC* DC, bool EraseBg ); void CreateScreens(); void ReCreateHToolbar(); void ReCreateVToolbar(); void ReCreateOptToolbar(); void ReCreateMenuBar(); void OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition, EDA_ITEM* aItem = NULL ); /** * Function OnModify * Must be called after a schematic change * in order to set the "modify" flag of the current screen * and update the date in frame reference */ void OnModify(); SCH_SHEET_PATH* GetSheet(); SCH_SCREEN* GetScreen() const; virtual wxString GetScreenDesc(); void InstallConfigFrame( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnLeftClick( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition ); void OnLeftDClick( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition ); bool OnRightClick( const wxPoint& aPosition, wxMenu* PopMenu ); void OnSelectOptionToolbar( wxCommandEvent& event ); int BestZoom(); /** * Function LocateAndShowItem * checks the schematic at \a aPosition in logical (drawing) units for a item * matching the types in \a aFilterList. *

* The search is first performed at the nearest grid position to \a aPosition. If no * item if found on grid, then \a aPosition is tested for any items. If the item found * can be cross probed, a message is send to PCBNew and the selected item is highlighted * in PCB editor. *

* @param aPosition The wxPoint on the schematic to search. * @param aFilterList A list of #KICAD_T types to to filter. * @param aHotKeyCommandId A hot key command ID for performing additional tests when * multiple items are found at \a aPosition. * @return A SCH_ITEM pointer of the item found or NULL if no item found */ SCH_ITEM* LocateAndShowItem( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KICAD_T aFilterList[] = SCH_COLLECTOR::AllItems, int aHotKeyCommandId = 0 ); /** * Function LocateItem * checks for items at \a aPosition matching the types in \a aFilterList. *

* If multiple items are located at \a aPosition, a context menu is displayed to clarify * which item the user intended to select. If the user aborts the context menu, NULL is * returned and the abort request flag will be set to true. Make sure to clear this flag * before attempting to display any other context menus. *

* * @param aPosition The wxPoint location where to search. * @param aFilterList A list of #KICAD_T types to to filter. * @param aHotKeyCommandId A hot key command ID for performing additional tests when * multiple items are found at \a aPosition. * @return The SCH_ITEM pointer of the item found or NULL if no item found. */ SCH_ITEM* LocateItem( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KICAD_T aFilterList[] = SCH_COLLECTOR::AllItems, int aHotKeyCommandId = 0 ); /** * Function DeleteItemAtCrossHair * delete the item found under the cross hair. If multiple items are found at the * cross hair position, a context menu is displayed to clarify which item to delete. * See LocateItem() for more information on locating multiple items. * * @param aDC The device context to update if and item is deleted. * @return True if an item was deleted. */ bool DeleteItemAtCrossHair( wxDC* aDC ); SCH_ITEM* FindComponentAndItem( const wxString& component_reference, bool Find_in_hierarchy, int SearchType, const wxString& text_to_find, bool mouseWarp ); /* Cross probing with pcbnew */ void SendMessageToPCBNEW( EDA_ITEM* objectToSync, SCH_COMPONENT* LibItem ); /* netlist generation */ void BuildNetListBase(); /** * Function CreateNetlist * Create a netlist file: * build netlist info * test issues * create file * @param aFormat = netlist format (NET_TYPE_PCBNEW ...) * @param aFullFileName = full netlist file name * @param aUse_netnames = bool. if true, use net names from labels in schematic * if false, use net numbers (net codes) * bool aUse_netnames is used only for Spice netlist * @param aUsePrefix Prefix reference designator with an 'X' for spice output. * @return true if success. */ bool CreateNetlist( int aFormat, const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aUse_netnames, bool aUsePrefix ); /** * Function WriteNetListFile * Create the netlist file. Netlist info must be existing * @param aFormat = netlist format (NET_TYPE_PCBNEW ...) * @param aFullFileName = full netlist file name * @param aUse_netnames = bool. if true, use net names from labels in schematic * if false, use net numbers (net codes) * bool aUse_netnames is used only for Spice netlist * @return true if success. */ bool WriteNetListFile( int aFormat, const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aUse_netnames, bool aUsePrefix ); /** * Function DeleteAnnotation * clears the current component annotation. * @param aCurrentSheetOnly Clear the entire schematic annotation if true. Otherwise * only clear the annotation for the current sheet. */ void DeleteAnnotation( bool aCurrentSheetOnly ); /** * Function AnnotateComponents * * annotates the components in the schematic that are not currently annotated. * * @param aAnnotateSchematic Annotate the entire schematic if true. Otherwise annotate * the current sheet only. * @param aSortOption Define the annotation order. See #ANNOTATE_ORDER_T. * @param aAlgoOption Define the annotation style. See #ANNOTATE_OPTION_T. * @param aResetAnnotation Clear any previous annotation if true. Otherwise, keep the * existing component annotation. * @param aRepairTimestamps Test for and repair any duplicate time stamps if true. * Otherwise, keep the existing time stamps. This option * could change previous annotation because time stamps are * used to handle annotation in complex hierarchies. * * When the sheet number is used in annotation, each sheet annotation starts from sheet * number * 100. In other words the first sheet uses 100 to 199, the second sheet uses * 200 to 299, and so on. */ void AnnotateComponents( bool aAnnotateSchematic, ANNOTATE_ORDER_T aSortOption, ANNOTATE_OPTION_T aAlgoOption, bool aResetAnnotation, bool aRepairTimestamps ); /** * Function CheckAnnotate * checks for annotation errors. * *

* The following list of items are checked: *


* * @return Number of annotation errors found. * @param aMessageList A wxArrayString to store error messages. * @param aOneSheetOnly Check the current sheet only if true. Otherwise check * the entire schematic. */ int CheckAnnotate( wxArrayString* aMessageList, bool aOneSheetOnly ); // Functions used for hierarchy handling /** * Function DisplayCurrentSheet * draws the current sheet on the display. */ void DisplayCurrentSheet(); /** * Function GetUniqueFilenameForCurrentSheet * @return a filename that can be used in plot and print functions * for the current screen and sheet path. * This filename is unique and must be used instead of the screen filename * (or screen filename) when one must creates file for each sheet in the * hierarchy. because in complex hierarchies a sheet and a SCH_SCREEN is * used more than once * Name is <root sheet filename>-<sheet path> and has no extension. * However if filename is too long name is <sheet filename>-<sheet number> */ wxString GetUniqueFilenameForCurrentSheet(); /** * Function SetSheetNumberAndCount * Set the m_ScreenNumber and m_NumberOfScreen members for screens * must be called after a delete or add sheet command, and when entering * a sheet */ void SetSheetNumberAndCount(); /** * Show the print dialog */ void OnPrint( wxCommandEvent& event ); wxPageSetupDialogData& GetPageSetupData() { return m_pageSetupData; } void SetPreviewPosition( const wxPoint& aPoint ) { m_previewPosition = aPoint; } void SetPreviewSize( const wxSize& aSize ) { m_previewSize = aSize; } const wxPoint& GetPreviewPosition() { return m_previewPosition; } const wxSize& GetPreviewSize() { return m_previewSize; } void SetPrintDialogPosition( const wxPoint& aPoint ) { m_printDialogPosition = aPoint; } void SetPrintDialogSize( const wxSize& aSize ) { m_printDialogSize = aSize; } const wxPoint& GetPrintDialogPosition() { return m_printDialogPosition; } const wxSize& GetPrintDialogSize() { return m_printDialogSize; } bool GetPrintMonochrome() { return m_printMonochrome; } void SetPrintMonochrome( bool aMonochrome ) { m_printMonochrome = aMonochrome; } bool GetPrintSheetReference() { return m_printSheetReference; } void SetPrintSheetReference( bool aShow ) { m_printSheetReference = aShow; } void SVG_Print( wxCommandEvent& event ); // Plot functions: void ToPlot_PS( wxCommandEvent& event ); void ToPlot_HPGL( wxCommandEvent& event ); void ToPlot_DXF( wxCommandEvent& event ); void ToPostProcess( wxCommandEvent& event ); // read and save files void Save_File( wxCommandEvent& event ); void SaveProject(); bool LoadOneEEProject( const wxString& FileName, bool IsNew ); bool LoadOneEEFile( SCH_SCREEN* screen, const wxString& FullFileName ); bool ReadInputStuffFile(); /** * Function ProcessStuffFile * gets footprint info from each line in the Stuff File by Ref Desg * * Read a "stuff" file created by cvpcb. * That file has lines like: * comp = "C1" module = "CP6" * comp = "C2" module = "C1" * comp = "C3" module = "C1" * "comp =" gives the component reference * "module =" gives the footprint name * * @param aFilename The file to read from. * @param aSetFieldsAttributeToVisible = true to set the footprint field flag to visible * @return bool - true if success, else true. */ bool ProcessStuffFile( FILE* aFilename, bool aSetFieldsAttributeToVisible ); bool SaveEEFile( SCH_SCREEN* screen, int FileSave ); // General search: private: void OnMoveItem( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ); void OnExit( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnAnnotate( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnErc( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCreateNetlist( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCreateBillOfMaterials( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnFindItems( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnFindDialogClose( wxFindDialogEvent& event ); void OnFindDrcMarker( wxFindDialogEvent& event ); void OnFindCompnentInLib( wxFindDialogEvent& event ); void OnFindSchematicItem( wxFindDialogEvent& event ); void OnLoadFile( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnLoadStuffFile( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnNewProject( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnLoadProject( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOpenPcbnew( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOpenCvpcb( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOpenLibraryViewer( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnOpenLibraryEditor( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnSetOptions( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCancelCurrentCommand( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ); void OnSelectItem( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ); /* edition events functions */ void OnCopySchematicItemRequest( wxCommandEvent& event ); /* User interface update event handlers. */ void OnUpdateBlockSelected( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ); void OnUpdatePaste( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ); void OnUpdateHiddenPins( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ); void OnUpdateBusOrientation( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ); void OnUpdateSelectTool( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent ); /** * Function SetLanguage * called on a language menu selection */ void SetLanguage( wxCommandEvent& event ); // Bus Entry SCH_BUS_ENTRY* CreateBusEntry( wxDC* DC, int entry_type ); void SetBusEntryShape( wxDC* DC, SCH_BUS_ENTRY* BusEntry, int entry_type ); int GetBusEntryShape( SCH_BUS_ENTRY* BusEntry ); void StartMoveBusEntry( SCH_BUS_ENTRY* DrawLibItem, wxDC* DC ); /** * Function AddNoConnect * add a no connect item to the current schematic sheet at \a aPosition. * @param aDC The device context to draw the no connect to. * @param aPosition The position in logical (drawing) units to add the no connect. * @return The no connect item added. */ SCH_NO_CONNECT* AddNoConnect( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition ); // Junction SCH_JUNCTION* AddJunction( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aPutInUndoList = FALSE ); // Text, label, glabel SCH_TEXT* CreateNewText( wxDC* aDC, int aType ); void EditSchematicText( SCH_TEXT* TextStruct ); void ChangeTextOrient( SCH_TEXT* aTextItem, wxDC* aDC ); void MoveText( SCH_TEXT* aTextItem, wxDC* aDC ); /** * Function OnCovertTextType * is a command event handler to change a text type to an other one. The new text, * label, hierarchical label, or global label is created from the old text and the * old text is deleted. */ void OnConvertTextType( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ); // Wire, Bus void BeginSegment( wxDC* DC, int type ); void EndSegment( wxDC* DC ); void DeleteCurrentSegment( wxDC* DC ); void DeleteConnection( bool DeleteFullConnection ); // graphic lines void Delete_Segment_Edge( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC ); void Drawing_SetNewWidth( DRAWSEGMENT* DrawSegm, wxDC* DC ); void Delete_Drawings_All_Layer( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC ); DRAWSEGMENT* Begin_Edge( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC ); // Hierarchical Sheet & PinSheet void InstallHierarchyFrame( wxDC* DC, wxPoint& pos ); SCH_SHEET* CreateSheet( wxDC* DC ); void ReSizeSheet( SCH_SHEET* Sheet, wxDC* DC ); /** * Use the component viewer to select component to import into schematic. */ wxString SelectFromLibBrowser( void ); public: bool EditSheet( SCH_SHEET* Sheet, wxDC* DC ); wxPoint GetLastSheetPinPosition() const { return m_lastSheetPinPosition; } int GetLastSheetPinEdge() const { return m_lastSheetPinEdge; } private: void StartMoveSheet( SCH_SHEET* sheet, wxDC* DC ); /** * Function CreateSheetPin * creates a new SCH_SHEET_PIN object and add it to \a aSheet at the current cursor position. * @param aSheet The sheet to add the new sheet pin to. * @param aDC The device context to draw on. * @return The new sheet pin object created or NULL if the task was aborted by the user. */ SCH_SHEET_PIN* CreateSheetPin( SCH_SHEET* aSheet, wxDC* aDC ); /** * Function EditSheetPin * displays the dialog for editing the parameters of \a aSheetPin. * @param aSheetPin The sheet pin item to edit. * @param aDC The device context to draw on. * @return The user response from the edit dialog. */ int EditSheetPin( SCH_SHEET_PIN* aSheetPin, wxDC* aDC ); /** * Function MoveSheetPin * moves \a aSheetPin within it's parent sheet object. * @param aSheetPin The sheet pin item to move. * @param aDC The device context to draw on. */ void MoveSheetPin( SCH_SHEET_PIN* aSheetPin, wxDC* aDC ); /** * Function ImportSheetPin * automatically creates a sheet pin from the hierarchical labels in the schematic * referenced by \a aSheet. * @param aSheet The sheet to import the new sheet pin to. * @param aDC The device context to draw on. * @return The new sheet pin object importd or NULL if the task was aborted by the user. */ SCH_SHEET_PIN* ImportSheetPin( SCH_SHEET* aSheet, wxDC* aDC ); public: /** * Function DeleteItem * removes \a aItem from the current screen and saves it in the undo list. * @param aItem The item to remove from the current screen. */ void DeleteItem( SCH_ITEM* aItem ); int GetLabelIncrement() const { return m_repeatLabelDelta; } private: // Component SCH_COMPONENT* Load_Component( wxDC* DC, const wxString& libname, wxArrayString& List, bool UseLibBrowser ); void StartMovePart( SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem, wxDC* DC ); public: void OnChangeComponentOrientation( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ); private: void OnSelectUnit( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ); void ConvertPart( SCH_COMPONENT* DrawComponent, wxDC* DC ); void SetInitCmp( SCH_COMPONENT* DrawComponent, wxDC* DC ); void MoveField( SCH_FIELD* aField, wxDC* aDC ); void EditComponentFieldText( SCH_FIELD* aField, wxDC* aDC ); void RotateField( SCH_FIELD* aField, wxDC* aDC ); void PasteListOfItems( wxDC* DC ); /* Undo - redo */ public: /** * Function SaveCopyInUndoList. * Create a copy of the current schematic item, and put it in the undo list. * * flag_type_command = * UR_CHANGED * UR_NEW * UR_DELETED * UR_WIRE_IMAGE * UR_MOVED * * If it is a delete command, items are put on list with the .Flags member * set to UR_DELETED. When it will be really deleted, the GetDrawItems() and the * sub-hierarchy will be deleted. If it is only a copy, the GetDrawItems() and the * sub-hierarchy must NOT be deleted. * * @note * Edit wires and buses is a bit complex. * because when a new wire is added, a lot of modifications in wire list is made * (wire concatenation): modified items, deleted items and new items * so flag_type_command is UR_WIRE_IMAGE: the struct ItemToCopy is a list of * wires saved in Undo List (for Undo or Redo commands, saved wires will be * exchanged with current wire list * @param aItemToCopy = the schematic item modified by the command to undo * @param aTypeCommand = command type (see enum UNDO_REDO_T) * @param aTransformPoint = the reference point of the transformation, * for commands like move */ void SaveCopyInUndoList( SCH_ITEM* aItemToCopy, UNDO_REDO_T aTypeCommand, const wxPoint& aTransformPoint = wxPoint( 0, 0 ) ); /** * Function SaveCopyInUndoList (overloaded). * Creates a new entry in undo list of commands. * add a list of pickers to handle a list of items * @param aItemsList = the list of items modified by the command to undo * @param aTypeCommand = command type (see enum UNDO_REDO_T) * @param aTransformPoint = the reference point of the transformation, * for commands like move */ void SaveCopyInUndoList( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aItemsList, UNDO_REDO_T aTypeCommand, const wxPoint& aTransformPoint = wxPoint( 0, 0 ) ); private: /** * Function PutDataInPreviousState * is used in undo or redo command to put data pointed by List in the previous state, i.e. * the state stored in \a aList * @param aList a PICKED_ITEMS_LIST pointer to the list of items to undo/redo * @param aRedoCommand a bool: true for redo, false for undo */ void PutDataInPreviousState( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aList, bool aRedoCommand ); /** * Function GetSchematicFromRedoList * Redo the last edition: * - Save the current schematic in Undo list * - Get an old version of the schematic from Redo list * @return none */ void GetSchematicFromRedoList( wxCommandEvent& event ); /** * Function GetSchematicFromUndoList * performs an undo the last edition: * - Save the current schematic in Redo list * - Get an old version of the schematic from Undo list */ void GetSchematicFromUndoList( wxCommandEvent& event ); /** * Function copyBlockItems * copies the list of block item. * @sa m_blockItems * @param aItemList List to copy the block select items into. */ void copyBlockItems( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aItemsList ); /** * Function addJunctionMenuEntries * adds the context menu items to \a aMenu for \a aJunction. * @params aMenu The menu to add the items to. * @params aJunction The SCH_JUNCTION object selected. */ void addJunctionMenuEntries( wxMenu* aMenu, SCH_JUNCTION* aJunction ); public: void Key( wxDC* DC, int hotkey, EDA_ITEM* DrawStruct ); /* Block operations. */ void InitBlockPasteInfos(); void HandleBlockEndByPopUp( int Command, wxDC* DC ); /** * Function ReturnBlockCommand * Returns the block command internat code (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) * corresponding to the keys pressed (ALT, SHIFT, SHIFT ALT ..) when * block command is started by dragging the mouse. * @param aKey = the key modifiers (Alt, Shift ...) * @return the block command id (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) */ virtual int ReturnBlockCommand( int aKey ); /** * Function HandleBlockPlace * Called after HandleBlockEnd, when a block command needs to be * executed after the block is moved to its new place * (bloc move, drag, copy .. ) * Parameters must be initialized in GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate */ virtual void HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC ); /** * Function HandleBlockEnd * Handle the "end" of a block command, * i.e. is called at the end of the definition of the area of a block. * depending on the current block command, this command is executed * or parameters are initialized to prepare a call to HandleBlockPlace * in GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate * @return false if no item selected, or command finished, * true if some items found and HandleBlockPlace must be called later */ virtual bool HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC ); void RepeatDrawItem( wxDC* DC ); void SetRepeatItem( SCH_ITEM* aItem ) { m_itemToRepeat = aItem; } /** * Function SetUndoItem * clones \a aItem which can be used to restore the state of the item being edited * when the user cancels the editing in progress. * * @param aItem The item to make a clone of for undoing the last change. Set to * NULL to free the current undo item. */ void SetUndoItem( const SCH_ITEM* aItem ); SCH_ITEM* GetUndoItem() const { return m_undoItem; } /** * Function SaveUndoItemInUndoList * swaps the cloned item in member variable m_undoItem with \a aItem and saves it to * the undo list then swap the data back. This swaps the internal structure of the * item with the cloned item. It does not swap the actual item pointers themselves. * * @param aItem The item to swap with the current undo item. */ void SaveUndoItemInUndoList( SCH_ITEM* aItem ); // ERC: /** * Load component libraries defined in project file. */ void LoadLibraries( void ); /** * Function PrintPage * plots or prints the current sheet to the clipboard. * @param aDC = wxDC given by the calling print function * @param aPrintMask = not used here * @param aPrintMirrorMode = not used here (Set when printing in mirror mode) * @param aData = a pointer on an auxiliary data (not always used, NULL if not used) */ virtual void PrintPage( wxDC* aDC, int aPrintMask, bool aPrintMirrorMode, void* aData = NULL ); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif // WX_EESCHEMA_STRUCT_H