/* This file is part of libeval, a simple math expression evaluator Copyright (C) 2017 Michael Geselbracht, mgeselbracht3@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2019-2020 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #ifdef DEBUG #include #endif #include /* The (generated) lemon parser is written in C. * In order to keep its symbol from the global namespace include the parser code with * a C++ namespace. */ namespace LIBEVAL { #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare" #endif #include "grammar.c" #include "grammar.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif static void libeval_dbg( int level, const char* fmt, ... ) { #ifdef DEBUG if(level < -10) // fixme: tom's debugging. { va_list ap; va_start( ap, fmt ); fprintf( stderr, "libeval: " ); vfprintf( stderr, fmt, ap ); va_end( ap ); } #endif } static const std::string formatOpName( int op ) { static const struct { int op; std::string mnemonic; } simpleOps[] = { { TR_OP_MUL, "MUL" }, { TR_OP_DIV, "DIV" }, { TR_OP_ADD, "ADD" }, { TR_OP_SUB, "SUB" }, { TR_OP_LESS, "LESS" }, { TR_OP_GREATER, "GREATER" }, { TR_OP_LESS_EQUAL, "LESS_EQUAL" }, { TR_OP_GREATER_EQUAL, "GREATER_EQUAL" }, { TR_OP_EQUAL, "EQUAL" }, { TR_OP_NOT_EQUAL, "NEQUAL" }, { TR_OP_BOOL_AND, "AND" }, { TR_OP_BOOL_OR, "OR" }, { TR_OP_BOOL_NOT, "NOT" }, { -1, "" } }; for( int i = 0; simpleOps[i].op >= 0; i++ ) { if( simpleOps[i].op == op ) { return simpleOps[i].mnemonic; } } return "???"; } std::string UOP::Format() const { char str[1024]; switch( m_op ) { case TR_UOP_PUSH_VAR: sprintf( str, "PUSH VAR [%p]", m_arg ); break; case TR_UOP_PUSH_VALUE: { auto val = reinterpret_cast( m_arg ); if( val->GetType() == VT_NUMERIC ) sprintf( str, "PUSH NUM [%.10f]", val->AsDouble() ); else sprintf( str, "PUSH STR [%s]", val->AsString().c_str() ); break; } case TR_OP_METHOD_CALL: sprintf(str, "MCALL" ); break; case TR_OP_FUNC_CALL: sprintf(str, "FCALL" ); break; default: sprintf( str, "%s %d", formatOpName( m_op ).c_str(), m_op ); break; } return str; } std::string UCODE::Dump() const { std::string rv; for( auto op : m_ucode ) { rv += op->Format(); rv += "\n"; } return rv; }; std::string TOKENIZER::GetChars( std::function cond ) const { std::string rv; size_t p = m_pos; // printf("p %d len %d\n", p, str.length() ); while( p < m_str.length() && cond( m_str[p] ) ) { rv.append( 1, m_str[p] ); p++; } return rv; } bool TOKENIZER::MatchAhead( std::string match, std::function stopCond ) const { int remaining = m_str.length() - m_pos; if( remaining < (int) match.length() ) return false; if( m_str.substr( m_pos, match.length() ) == match ) { return ( remaining == (int) match.length() || stopCond( m_str[m_pos + match.length()] ) ); } return false; } COMPILER::COMPILER() { m_errorStatus.pendingError = false; m_localeDecimalSeparator = '.'; m_parseFinished = false; m_unitResolver.reset( new UNIT_RESOLVER ); m_parser = LIBEVAL::ParseAlloc( malloc ); m_parseError = false; m_parseErrorPos = 0; m_tree = nullptr; } COMPILER::~COMPILER() { LIBEVAL::ParseFree( m_parser, free ); // Allow explicit call to destructor m_parser = nullptr; Clear(); } void COMPILER::Clear() { //free( current.token ); m_tokenizer.Clear(); } void COMPILER::parseError( const char* s ) { libeval_dbg(0, "PARSE ERROR: %s\n", s ); m_errorStatus.pendingError = true; m_errorStatus.message = s; } void COMPILER::parseOk() { m_parseFinished = true; } bool COMPILER::Compile( const std::string& aString, UCODE* aCode ) { // Feed parser token after token until end of input. newString( aString ); m_errorStatus.pendingError = false; m_tree = nullptr; m_parseFinished = false; T_TOKEN tok; libeval_dbg(0, "str: '%s' empty: %d\n", aString.c_str(), !!aString.empty() ); if( aString.empty() ) { m_parseFinished = true; return generateUCode( aCode ); } do { tok = getToken(); libeval_dbg(10, "parse: tok %d\n", tok.token ); Parse( m_parser, tok.token, tok.value, this ); if( m_errorStatus.pendingError ) { m_errorStatus.stage = ERROR_STATUS::CST_PARSE; m_errorStatus.failingPosition = m_tokenizer.GetPos(); m_errorStatus.failingObject = tok.value.value.str; m_errorStatus.message = "Parse error"; return false; } if( m_parseFinished || tok.token == G_ENDS ) { // Reset parser by passing zero as token ID, value is ignored. Parse( m_parser, 0, tok.value, this ); break; } } while( tok.token ); return generateUCode( aCode ); } void COMPILER::newString( const std::string& aString ) { Clear(); m_lexerState = LS_DEFAULT; m_tokenizer.Restart( aString ); m_parseFinished = false; } COMPILER::T_TOKEN COMPILER::getToken() { T_TOKEN rv; bool done = false; do { switch( m_lexerState ) { case LS_DEFAULT: done = lexDefault( rv ); break; case LS_STRING: done = lexString( rv ); break; } //printf( "-> lstate %d done %d\n", m_lexerState, !!done ); } while( !done ); return rv; } bool COMPILER::lexString( COMPILER::T_TOKEN& aToken ) { auto str = m_tokenizer.GetChars( []( int c ) -> bool { return c != '"'; } ); //printf("STR LIT '%s'\n", (const char *)str.c_str() ); aToken.token = G_STRING; snprintf( aToken.value.value.str, LIBEVAL_MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH, "%s", str.c_str() ); m_tokenizer.NextChar( str.length() + 1 ); m_lexerState = LS_DEFAULT; return true; } int COMPILER::resolveUnits() { int unitId = 0; for( auto unitName : m_unitResolver->GetSupportedUnits() ) { if( m_tokenizer.MatchAhead( unitName, []( int c ) -> bool { return !isalnum( c ); } ) ) { libeval_dbg(10, "Match unit '%s'\n", unitName.c_str() ); m_tokenizer.NextChar( unitName.length() ); return unitId; } unitId++; } return -1; } bool COMPILER::lexDefault( COMPILER::T_TOKEN& aToken ) { T_TOKEN retval; std::string current; size_t idx; int convertFrom; retval.token = G_ENDS; //printf( "tokdone %d\n", !!m_tokenizer.Done() ); if( m_tokenizer.Done() ) { aToken = retval; return true; } auto isDecimalSeparator = [&]( char ch ) -> bool { return ( ch == m_localeDecimalSeparator || ch == '.' || ch == ',' ); }; // Lambda: get value as string, store into clToken.token and update current index. auto extractNumber = [&]() { bool haveSeparator = false; idx = 0; auto ch = m_tokenizer.GetChar(); do { if( isDecimalSeparator( ch ) && haveSeparator ) break; current.append( 1, ch ); if( isDecimalSeparator( ch ) ) haveSeparator = true; m_tokenizer.NextChar(); ch = m_tokenizer.GetChar(); } while( isdigit( ch ) || isDecimalSeparator( ch ) ); // Ensure that the systems decimal separator is used for( int i = current.length(); i; i-- ) if( isDecimalSeparator( current[i - 1] ) ) current[i - 1] = m_localeDecimalSeparator; //printf("-> NUM: '%s'\n", (const char *) current.c_str() ); }; int ch; // Start processing of first/next token: Remove whitespace for( ;; ) { ch = m_tokenizer.GetChar(); if( ch == ' ' ) m_tokenizer.NextChar(); else break; } libeval_dbg(10, "LEX ch '%c' pos %lu\n", ch, (unsigned long)m_tokenizer.GetPos() ); if( ch == 0 ) { /* End of input */ } else if( isdigit( ch ) ) { // VALUE extractNumber(); retval.token = G_VALUE; snprintf( retval.value.value.str, LIBEVAL_MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH, "%s", current.c_str() ); } else if( ( convertFrom = resolveUnits() ) >= 0 ) { //printf("unit\n"); // UNIT // Units are appended to a VALUE. // Determine factor to default unit if unit for value is given. // Example: Default is mm, unit is inch: factor is 25.4 // The factor is assigned to the terminal UNIT. The actual // conversion is done within a parser action. retval.token = G_UNIT; retval.value.value.type = convertFrom; } else if( ch == '\"' ) // string literal { //printf( "MATCH STRING LITERAL\n" ); m_lexerState = LS_STRING; m_tokenizer.NextChar(); return false; } else if( isalpha( ch ) ) { //printf("ALPHA\n"); current = m_tokenizer.GetChars( []( int c ) -> bool { return isalnum( c ); } ); //printf("Len: %d\n", current.length() ); //printf("id '%s'\n", (const char *) current.c_str() ); fflush( stdout ); retval.token = G_IDENTIFIER; snprintf( retval.value.value.str, LIBEVAL_MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH, "%s", current.c_str() ); m_tokenizer.NextChar( current.length() ); } else if( m_tokenizer.MatchAhead( "==", []( int c ) -> bool { return c != '='; } ) ) { retval.token = G_EQUAL; m_tokenizer.NextChar( 2 ); } else if( m_tokenizer.MatchAhead( "!=", []( int c ) -> bool { return c != '='; } ) ) { retval.token = G_NOT_EQUAL; m_tokenizer.NextChar( 2 ); } else if( m_tokenizer.MatchAhead( "<=", []( int c ) -> bool { return c != '='; } ) ) { retval.token = G_LESS_EQUAL_THAN; m_tokenizer.NextChar( 2 ); } else if( m_tokenizer.MatchAhead( ">=", []( int c ) -> bool { return c != '='; } ) ) { retval.token = G_GREATER_EQUAL_THAN; m_tokenizer.NextChar( 2 ); } else if( m_tokenizer.MatchAhead( "&&", []( int c ) -> bool { return c != '&'; } ) ) { retval.token = G_BOOL_AND; m_tokenizer.NextChar( 2 ); } else if( m_tokenizer.MatchAhead( "||", []( int c ) -> bool { return c != '|'; } ) ) { retval.token = G_BOOL_OR; m_tokenizer.NextChar( 2 ); } else { //printf( "WTF: '%c'\n", ch ); // Single char tokens switch( ch ) { case '+': retval.token = G_PLUS; break; case '!': retval.token = G_BOOL_NOT; break; case '-': retval.token = G_MINUS; break; case '*': retval.token = G_MULT; break; case '/': retval.token = G_DIVIDE; break; case '<': retval.token = G_LESS_THAN; break; case '>': retval.token = G_GREATER_THAN; break; case '(': retval.token = G_PARENL; break; case ')': retval.token = G_PARENR; break; case ';': retval.token = G_SEMCOL; break; case '.': retval.token = G_STRUCT_REF; break; default: m_errorStatus.stage = ERROR_STATUS::CST_PARSE; m_errorStatus.failingPosition = m_tokenizer.GetPos(); m_errorStatus.failingObject = ch; m_errorStatus.message = "Syntax error"; break; /* invalid character */ } m_tokenizer.NextChar(); } aToken = retval; return true; } const std::string formatNode( TREE_NODE* tok ) { char str[1024]; // printf("fmt tok %p v %p ", tok, tok->value.v ); fflush( stdout ); sprintf( str, "%s", (const char*) tok->value.str ); return str; } void dumpNode( std::string& buf, TREE_NODE* tok, int depth = 0 ) { char str[1024]; sprintf( str, "\n[%p L0:%-20p L1:%-20p] ", tok, tok->leaf[0], tok->leaf[1] ); //[tok %p] ", tok); buf += str; for( int i = 0; i < 2 * depth; i++ ) buf += " "; if( tok->op & TR_OP_BINARY_MASK ) { buf += formatOpName( tok->op ); dumpNode( buf, tok->leaf[0], depth + 1 ); dumpNode( buf, tok->leaf[1], depth + 1 ); } switch( tok->op ) { case TR_NUMBER: buf += "NUMERIC: "; buf += formatNode( tok ); if( tok->leaf[0] ) dumpNode( buf, tok->leaf[0], depth + 1 ); break; case TR_STRING: buf += "STRING: "; buf += formatNode( tok ); break; case TR_IDENTIFIER: buf += "ID: "; buf += formatNode( tok ); break; case TR_STRUCT_REF: buf += "SREF: "; dumpNode( buf, tok->leaf[0], depth + 1 ); dumpNode( buf, tok->leaf[1], depth + 1 ); break; case TR_OP_FUNC_CALL: buf += "CALL '"; buf += tok->leaf[0]->value.str; buf += "': "; dumpNode( buf, tok->leaf[1], depth + 1 ); break; case TR_UNIT: sprintf( str, "UNIT: %d ", tok->value.type ); buf += str; break; } } ERROR_STATUS COMPILER::GetErrorStatus() { ERROR_STATUS dummy; return dummy; } void COMPILER::ReportError( const std::string aErrorMsg ) { m_errorStatus.pendingError = true; m_errorStatus.message = aErrorMsg; } void COMPILER::setRoot( TREE_NODE root ) { m_tree = copyNode( root ); } bool COMPILER::generateUCode( UCODE* aCode ) { std::vector stack; std::set visitedNodes; auto visited = [&]( TREE_NODE* node ) -> bool { return visitedNodes.find( node ) != visitedNodes.end(); }; assert( m_tree ); stack.push_back( m_tree ); std::string dump; dumpNode( dump, m_tree, 0 ); libeval_dbg(3,"Tree dump:\n%s\n\n", dump.c_str() ); while( !stack.empty() ) { auto node = stack.back(); libeval_dbg( 4, "process node %p [op %d] [stack %lu]\n", node, node->op, (unsigned long)stack.size() ); // process terminal nodes first switch( node->op ) { case TR_OP_FUNC_CALL: break; case TR_STRUCT_REF: { assert( node->leaf[0]->op == TR_IDENTIFIER ); //assert( node->leaf[1]->op == TR_IDENTIFIER ); switch( node->leaf[1]->op ) { case TR_IDENTIFIER: { auto vref = aCode->createVarRef( this, node->leaf[0]->value.str, node->leaf[1]->value.str ); if( m_errorStatus.pendingError ) { libeval_dbg(4, "varref fail\n"); return false; } node->uop = makeUop( TR_UOP_PUSH_VAR, vref ); node->isTerminal = true; break; } case TR_OP_FUNC_CALL: { libeval_dbg(4, "got a method call... [%s], this = %s\n", node->leaf[1]->leaf[0]->value.str, node->leaf[0]->value.str); auto vref = aCode->createVarRef( this, node->leaf[0]->value.str, ""); auto func = aCode->createFuncCall( this, node->leaf[1]->leaf[0]->value.str ); if(!func) { m_errorStatus.pendingError = true; m_errorStatus.stage = ERROR_STATUS::CST_CODEGEN; libeval_dbg(0, "unable to resolve func %s\n", node->leaf[1]->leaf[0]->value.str ); return false; // fixme: generate a message } // printf("cfc4 test\n"); // func(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); visitedNodes.insert( node->leaf[0] ); visitedNodes.insert( node->leaf[1]->leaf[0] ); node->uop = makeUop( TR_OP_METHOD_CALL, func, vref ); node->isTerminal = false; break; } } break; } case TR_NUMBER: { auto son = node->leaf[0]; double value = atof( node->value.str ); // fixme: locale if( son && son->op == TR_UNIT ) { //printf( "HandleUnit: %s unit %d\n", node->value.str, son->value.type ); value = m_unitResolver->Convert( node->value.str, son->value.type ); visitedNodes.insert( son ); } node->uop = makeUop( TR_UOP_PUSH_VALUE, value ); node->isTerminal = true; break; } case TR_STRING: { node->uop = makeUop( TR_UOP_PUSH_VALUE, node->value.str ); node->isTerminal = true; break; } default: node->uop = makeUop( node->op ); break; } if( !node->isTerminal && node->leaf[0] && !visited( node->leaf[0] ) ) { stack.push_back( node->leaf[0] ); visitedNodes.insert( node->leaf[0] ); continue; } else if( !node->isTerminal && node->leaf[1] && !visited( node->leaf[1] ) ) { stack.push_back( node->leaf[1] ); visitedNodes.insert( node->leaf[1] ); continue; } visitedNodes.insert( node ); if(node->uop) aCode->AddOp(node->uop); stack.pop_back(); } libeval_dbg(2,"DUMp: \n%s\n", aCode->Dump().c_str() ); return true; } void UOP::Exec( UCODE::CONTEXT* ctx, UCODE* ucode ) { switch( m_op ) { case TR_UOP_PUSH_VAR: { auto value = ctx->AllocValue(); value->Set( reinterpret_cast( m_arg )->GetValue( ucode ) ); ctx->Push( value ); break; } case TR_UOP_PUSH_VALUE: ctx->Push( reinterpret_cast( m_arg ) ); return; case TR_OP_METHOD_CALL: //printf("CALL METHOD %s\n" ); m_func( ucode, ctx, m_arg ); return; default: break; } if( m_op & TR_OP_BINARY_MASK ) { auto arg2 = ctx->Pop(); auto arg1 = ctx->Pop(); double result; switch( m_op ) { case TR_OP_ADD: result = arg1->AsDouble() + arg2->AsDouble(); break; case TR_OP_SUB: result = arg1->AsDouble() - arg2->AsDouble(); break; case TR_OP_MUL: result = arg1->AsDouble() * arg2->AsDouble(); break; case TR_OP_DIV: result = arg1->AsDouble() / arg2->AsDouble(); break; case TR_OP_LESS_EQUAL: result = arg1->AsDouble() <= arg2->AsDouble() ? 1 : 0; break; case TR_OP_GREATER_EQUAL: result = arg1->AsDouble() >= arg2->AsDouble() ? 1 : 0; break; case TR_OP_LESS: result = arg1->AsDouble() < arg2->AsDouble() ? 1 : 0; break; case TR_OP_GREATER: result = arg1->AsDouble() > arg2->AsDouble() ? 1 : 0; break; case TR_OP_EQUAL: result = arg1->EqualTo( arg2 ) ? 1 : 0; break; case TR_OP_NOT_EQUAL: result = arg1->EqualTo( arg2 ) ? 0 : 1; break; case TR_OP_BOOL_AND: result = ( ( arg1->AsDouble() != 0.0 ? true : false ) && ( arg2->AsDouble() != 0.0 ? true : false ) ) ? 1 : 0; break; case TR_OP_BOOL_OR: result = ( ( arg1->AsDouble() != 0.0 ? true : false ) || ( arg2->AsDouble() != 0.0 ? true : false ) ) ? 1 : 0; break; default: result = 0.0; break; } auto rp = ctx->AllocValue(); rp->Set( result ); ctx->Push( rp ); return; } else if( m_op & TR_OP_UNARY_MASK ) { // fixme : not operator } } VALUE* UCODE::Run() { CONTEXT ctx; for( const auto op : m_ucode ) op->Exec( &ctx, this ); assert( ctx.SP() == 1 ); return ctx.Pop(); } void UCODE::RuntimeError( const std::string aErrorMsg ) { } std::string ERROR_STATUS::Format() const { if( !pendingError ) return ""; char str[1024]; sprintf(str,"%s (pos: %d, near: '%s')", message.c_str(), failingPosition, failingObject.c_str() ); return str; } } // namespace LIBEVAL