/***********************************************************************/ /* Methodes de base de gestion des classes des elements de schematique */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "id.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" /************************/ /* class SCH_TEXT */ /* class SCH_LABEL */ /* class SCH_GLOBALLABEL */ /* class SCH_HIERLABEL */ /************************/ /* Messages correspondants aux types ou forme des labels */ const char* SheetLabelType[] = { "Input", "Output", "BiDi", "3State", "UnSpc", "?????" }; int TemplateIN_HN[] = { 6, 0, 0, -1, -1, -2, -1, -2, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0 }; int TemplateIN_HI[] = { 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0 }; int TemplateIN_BOTTOM[] = { 6, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0 }; int TemplateIN_UP[] = { 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 1, 0, 0 }; int TemplateOUT_HN[] = { 6, -2, 0, -1, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, 0 }; int TemplateOUT_HI[] = { 6, 2, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0 }; int TemplateOUT_BOTTOM[] = { 6, 0, -2, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -2 }; int TemplateOUT_UP[] = { 6, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 2 }; int TemplateUNSPC_HN[] = { 5, 0, -1, -2, -1, -2, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1 }; int TemplateUNSPC_HI[] = { 5, 0, -1, 2, -1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1 }; int TemplateUNSPC_BOTTOM[] = { 5, 1, 0, 1, -2, -1, -2, -1, 0, 1, 0 }; int TemplateUNSPC_UP[] = { 5, 1, 0, 1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 0, 1, 0 }; int TemplateBIDI_HN[] = { 5, 0, 0, -1, -1, -2, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0 }; int TemplateBIDI_HI[] = { 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 }; int TemplateBIDI_BOTTOM[] = { 5, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0 }; int TemplateBIDI_UP[] = { 5, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0 }; int Template3STATE_HN[] = { 5, 0, 0, -1, -1, -2, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0 }; int Template3STATE_HI[] = { 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 }; int Template3STATE_BOTTOM[] = { 5, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0 }; int Template3STATE_UP[] = { 5, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0 }; int* TemplateShape[5][4] = { { TemplateIN_HN, TemplateIN_UP, TemplateIN_HI, TemplateIN_BOTTOM }, { TemplateOUT_HN, TemplateOUT_UP, TemplateOUT_HI, TemplateOUT_BOTTOM }, { TemplateBIDI_HN, TemplateBIDI_UP, TemplateBIDI_HI, TemplateBIDI_BOTTOM }, { Template3STATE_HN, Template3STATE_UP, Template3STATE_HI, Template3STATE_BOTTOM }, { TemplateUNSPC_HN, TemplateUNSPC_UP, TemplateUNSPC_HI, TemplateUNSPC_BOTTOM } }; /**************************************************************************/ SCH_TEXT::SCH_TEXT( const wxPoint& pos, const wxString& text, KICAD_T aType ) : SCH_ITEM( NULL, aType ) , EDA_TextStruct( text ) /**************************************************************************/ { m_Layer = LAYER_NOTES; m_Pos = pos; m_Shape = 0; m_IsDangling = FALSE; } /** Function HitTest * @return true if the point aPosRef is within item area * @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test */ bool SCH_TEXT::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosRef ) { EDA_Rect rect = GetBoundingBox(); return rect.Inside( aPosRef ); } /*********************************************/ SCH_TEXT* SCH_TEXT::GenCopy() /*********************************************/ { SCH_TEXT* newitem; switch( Type() ) { default: case TYPE_SCH_TEXT: newitem = new SCH_TEXT( m_Pos, m_Text ); break; case TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL: newitem = new SCH_GLOBALLABEL( m_Pos, m_Text ); break; case TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL: newitem = new SCH_HIERLABEL( m_Pos, m_Text ); break; case TYPE_SCH_LABEL: newitem = new SCH_LABEL( m_Pos, m_Text ); break; } newitem->m_Layer = m_Layer; newitem->m_Shape = m_Shape; newitem->m_Orient = m_Orient; newitem->m_Size = m_Size; newitem->m_Width = m_Width; newitem->m_HJustify = m_HJustify; newitem->m_VJustify = m_VJustify; newitem->m_IsDangling = m_IsDangling; return newitem; } /********************************************************/ void SCH_TEXT::SwapData( SCH_TEXT* copyitem ) /********************************************************/ { EXCHG( m_Text, copyitem->m_Text ); EXCHG( m_Pos, copyitem->m_Pos ); EXCHG( m_Size, copyitem->m_Size ); EXCHG( m_Width, copyitem->m_Width ); EXCHG( m_Shape, copyitem->m_Shape ); EXCHG( m_Orient, copyitem->m_Orient ); EXCHG( m_Layer, copyitem->m_Layer ); EXCHG( m_HJustify, copyitem->m_HJustify ); EXCHG( m_VJustify, copyitem->m_VJustify ); EXCHG( m_IsDangling, copyitem->m_IsDangling ); } /***************************************************************/ void SCH_TEXT::Place( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame, wxDC* DC ) /***************************************************************/ { /* save old text in undo list */ if( g_ItemToUndoCopy && ( (m_Flags & IS_NEW) == 0 ) ) { /* restore old values and save new ones */ SwapData( (SCH_TEXT*) g_ItemToUndoCopy ); /* save in undo list */ frame->SaveCopyInUndoList( this, IS_CHANGED ); /* restore new values */ SwapData( (SCH_TEXT*) g_ItemToUndoCopy ); SAFE_DELETE( g_ItemToUndoCopy ); } SCH_ITEM::Place( frame, DC ); } /*******************************************************************************************/ void SCH_TEXT::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color ) /*******************************************************************************************/ /* Texts type Comment (text on layer "NOTE") have 4 directions, and the Text origin is the first letter */ { EDA_Colors color; int width = MAX( m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth ); if( Color >= 0 ) color = (EDA_Colors)Color; else color = ReturnLayerColor( m_Layer ); GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode ); switch( m_Orient ) { case 0: /* Horiz Normal Orientation (left justified) */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( m_Pos.x + offset.x, m_Pos.y - TXTMARGE + offset.y ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 1: /* Vert Orientation UP */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( m_Pos.x - TXTMARGE + offset.x, m_Pos.y + offset.y ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 2: /* Horiz Orientation - Right justified */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( m_Pos.x + offset.x, m_Pos.y - TXTMARGE + offset.y ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 3: /* Vert Orientation BOTTOM */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( m_Pos.x - TXTMARGE + offset.x, m_Pos.y + offset.y ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, width, m_Italic, true ); break; } if( m_IsDangling ) DrawDanglingSymbol( panel, DC, m_Pos + offset, color ); } /** * Function Save * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd" format. * @param aFile The FILE to write to. * @return bool - true if success writing else false. */ bool SCH_TEXT::Save( FILE* aFile ) const { bool success = true; const char * shape = "~"; if (m_Italic ) shape = "Italic"; if( fprintf( aFile, "Text Notes %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d %s %d\n%s\n", m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Orient, m_Size.x, shape, m_Width, CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Text ) ) == EOF ) { success = false; } return success; } #if defined(DEBUG) void SCH_TEXT::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) { // XML output: wxString s = GetClass(); NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << s.Lower().mb_str() << " layer=\"" << m_Layer << '"' << " shape=\"" << m_Shape << '"' << " dangling=\"" << m_IsDangling << '"' << '>' << CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Text ) << "\n"; } #endif /****************************************************************************/ SCH_LABEL::SCH_LABEL( const wxPoint& pos, const wxString& text ) : SCH_TEXT( pos, text, TYPE_SCH_LABEL ) /****************************************************************************/ { m_Layer = LAYER_LOCLABEL; m_Shape = NET_INPUT; m_IsDangling = TRUE; } /** * Function Save * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd" format. * @param aFile The FILE to write to. * @return bool - true if success writing else false. */ bool SCH_LABEL::Save( FILE* aFile ) const { bool success = true; const char * shape = "~"; if (m_Italic ) shape = "Italic"; if( fprintf( aFile, "Text Label %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d %s %d\n%s\n", m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Orient, m_Size.x, shape, m_Width, CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Text ) ) == EOF ) { success = false; } return success; } /***********************************************************************************/ SCH_GLOBALLABEL::SCH_GLOBALLABEL( const wxPoint& pos, const wxString& text ) : SCH_TEXT( pos, text, TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL ) /***********************************************************************************/ { m_Layer = LAYER_GLOBLABEL; m_Shape = NET_BIDI; m_IsDangling = TRUE; } /** * Function Save * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd" format. * @param aFile The FILE to write to. * @return bool - true if success writing else false. */ bool SCH_GLOBALLABEL::Save( FILE* aFile ) const { bool success = true; const char * shape = "~"; if (m_Italic ) shape = "Italic"; if( fprintf( aFile, "Text GLabel %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d %s %s %d\n%s\n", m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Orient, m_Size.x, SheetLabelType[m_Shape], shape, m_Width, CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Text ) ) == EOF ) { success = false; } return success; } /************************************************/ bool SCH_GLOBALLABEL::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosRef ) /************************************************/ /** Function HitTest * @return true if the point aPosRef is within item area * @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test */ { EDA_Rect rect = GetBoundingBox(); return rect.Inside( aPosRef ); } /***********************************************************************************/ SCH_HIERLABEL::SCH_HIERLABEL( const wxPoint& pos, const wxString& text ) : SCH_TEXT( pos, text, TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL ) /***********************************************************************************/ { m_Layer = LAYER_HIERLABEL; m_Shape = NET_INPUT; m_IsDangling = TRUE; } /** * Function Save * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd" format. * @param aFile The FILE to write to. * @return bool - true if success writing else false. */ bool SCH_HIERLABEL::Save( FILE* aFile ) const { bool success = true; const char * shape = "~"; if (m_Italic ) shape = "Italic"; if( fprintf( aFile, "Text HLabel %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d %s %s %d\n%s\n", m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Orient, m_Size.x, SheetLabelType[m_Shape], shape, m_Width, CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Text ) ) == EOF ) { success = false; } return success; } /************************************************/ bool SCH_HIERLABEL::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosRef ) /************************************************/ /** Function HitTest * @return true if the point aPosRef is within item area * @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test */ { EDA_Rect rect = GetBoundingBox(); return rect.Inside( aPosRef ); } /*********************************************************************************************/ void SCH_LABEL::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color ) /*********************************************************************************************/ { SCH_TEXT::Draw( panel, DC, offset, DrawMode, Color ); } /*******************************************************************************************/ void SCH_HIERLABEL::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color ) /******************************************************************************************/ /* Texts type Global Label have 4 directions, and the Text origin is the graphic icon */ { int Poly[40]; int ii; EDA_Colors color; wxPoint AnchorPos = m_Pos + offset;; int width = MAX( m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth ); if( Color >= 0 ) color = (EDA_Colors)Color; else color = ReturnLayerColor( m_Layer ); GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode ); ii = m_Size.x + TXTMARGE; switch( m_Orient ) { case 0: /* Orientation horiz normale */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( AnchorPos.x - ii, AnchorPos.y ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 1: /* Orientation vert UP */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( AnchorPos.x, AnchorPos.y + ii ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 2: /* Orientation horiz inverse */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( AnchorPos.x + ii, AnchorPos.y ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 3: /* Orientation vert BOTTOM */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( AnchorPos.x, AnchorPos.y - ii ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, width, m_Italic, true ); break; } CreateGraphicShape( Poly, AnchorPos ); GRPoly( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, Poly[0], (wxPoint*)(Poly + 1), 0, width, color, color ); if( m_IsDangling ) DrawDanglingSymbol( panel, DC, m_Pos + offset, color ); } /** * Function CreateGraphicShape * calculates the graphic shape (a polygon) associated to the text * @param corner_list = coordinates list fill with polygon corners ooordinates (size > 20) * @param Pos = Postion of the shape * format list is * corner_count, x0, y0, ... xn, yn */ void SCH_HIERLABEL::CreateGraphicShape( int* corner_list, const wxPoint& Pos ) { int* Template = TemplateShape[m_Shape][m_Orient]; int HalfSize = m_Size.x / 2; int imax = *Template; Template++; *corner_list++ = imax; for( int ii = 0; ii < imax; ii++ ) { *corner_list++ = ( HalfSize * (*Template) ) + Pos.x; Template++; *corner_list++ = ( HalfSize * (*Template) ) + Pos.y; Template++; } } /****************************************/ EDA_Rect SCH_HIERLABEL::GetBoundingBox() /****************************************/ { int x, y, dx, dy, length, height; x = m_Pos.x; y = m_Pos.y; dx = dy = 0; int width = MAX( m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth ); height = m_Size.y + 2*TXTMARGE; length = ( Pitch(width) * NegableTextLength(m_Text) ) + height + 2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; // add height for triangular shapes switch( m_Orient ) // respect orientation { case 0: /* Horiz Normal Orientation (left justified) */ dx = -length; dy = height; x += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; y -= height/2; break; case 1: /* Vert Orientation UP */ dx = height; dy = length; x -= height/2; y -= DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; break; case 2: /* Horiz Orientation - Right justified */ dx = length; dy = height; x -= DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; y -= height/2; break; case 3: /* Vert Orientation BOTTOM */ dx = height; dy = -length; x -= height/2; y += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; break; } EDA_Rect box(wxPoint(x,y), wxSize(dx,dy) ); box.Normalize(); return box; } /*******************************************************************************************/ void SCH_GLOBALLABEL::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& draw_offset, int DrawMode, int Color ) /******************************************************************************************/ /* Texts type Global Label have 4 directions, and the Text origin is the graphic icon */ { int Poly[20]; int offset; EDA_Colors color; int HalfSize; wxPoint AnchorPos = m_Pos + draw_offset;; int width = MAX( m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth ); if( Color >= 0 ) color = (EDA_Colors)Color; else color = ReturnLayerColor( m_Layer ); GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode ); HalfSize = m_Size.x / 2; offset = width; switch( m_Shape ) { case NET_INPUT: case NET_BIDI: case NET_TRISTATE: offset += HalfSize; break; case NET_OUTPUT: offset += TXTMARGE; break; default: break; } switch( m_Orient ) { case 0: /* Orientation horiz normale */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( AnchorPos.x - offset, AnchorPos.y ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 1: /* Orientation vert UP */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( AnchorPos.x, AnchorPos.y + offset ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 2: /* Orientation horiz inverse */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( AnchorPos.x + offset, AnchorPos.y ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width, m_Italic, true ); break; case 3: /* Orientation vert BOTTOM */ DrawGraphicText( panel, DC, wxPoint( AnchorPos.x, AnchorPos.y - offset ), color, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, width, m_Italic, true ); break; } CreateGraphicShape( Poly, AnchorPos ); GRPoly( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, Poly[0], (wxPoint*) (Poly + 1), 0, width, color, color ); if( m_IsDangling ) DrawDanglingSymbol( panel, DC, AnchorPos, color ); } /** function CreateGraphicShape * Calculates the graphic shape (a polygon) associated to the text * @param corner_list = oordinates list fill with polygon corners ooordinates (size >= 14) * @param Pos = Postion of the shape * format list is * , x0, y0, ... xn, yn */ void SCH_GLOBALLABEL::CreateGraphicShape( int* corner_list, const wxPoint& Pos ) { int HalfSize = m_Size.y / 2; int width = MAX( m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth ); *corner_list = 7; corner_list++; // 7 corners in list int symb_len = ( Pitch(width) * NegableTextLength(m_Text) ) + (TXTMARGE * 2); // Create outline shape : 6 points int x = symb_len + width + 3; int y = HalfSize*1.5 + width + 3; /* 50% more for negation bar */ corner_list[0] = 0; corner_list[1] = 0; // Starting point (anchor) corner_list[2] = 0; corner_list[3] = -y; // Up corner_list[4] = -x; corner_list[5] = -y; // left Up corner_list[6] = -x; corner_list[7] = 0; // left corner_list[8] = -x; corner_list[9] = y; // left down corner_list[10] = 0; corner_list[11] = y; // down int x_offset = 0; switch( m_Shape ) { case NET_INPUT: x_offset = -HalfSize; corner_list[0] += HalfSize; break; case NET_OUTPUT: corner_list[6] -= HalfSize; break; case NET_BIDI: case NET_TRISTATE: x_offset = -HalfSize; corner_list[0] += HalfSize; corner_list[6] -= HalfSize; break; case NET_UNSPECIFIED: default: break; } int angle = 0; switch( m_Orient ) { case 0: /* Orientation horiz normale */ break; case 1: /* Orientation vert UP */ angle = 900; break; case 2: /* Orientation horiz inverse */ angle = 1800; break; case 3: /* Orientation vert BOTTOM */ angle = -900; break; } // Rotate outlines and move in real position for( int ii = 0; ii < 12; ii += 2 ) { corner_list[ii] += x_offset; if( angle ) RotatePoint( &corner_list[ii], &corner_list[ii + 1], angle ); corner_list[ii] += Pos.x; corner_list[ii + 1] += Pos.y; } corner_list[12] = corner_list[0]; corner_list[13] = corner_list[1]; // closing } /******************************************/ EDA_Rect SCH_GLOBALLABEL::GetBoundingBox() /******************************************/ { int x, y, dx, dy, length, height; x = m_Pos.x; y = m_Pos.y; dx = dy = 0; int width = MAX( m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth ); height = m_Size.y + 2*TXTMARGE; length = ( Pitch(width) * NegableTextLength(m_Text) ) + 2* height + 2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; // add 2*height for triangular shapes (bidirectional) switch( m_Orient ) // respect orientation { case 0: /* Horiz Normal Orientation (left justified) */ dx = -length; dy = height; x += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; y -= height/2; break; case 1: /* Vert Orientation UP */ dx = height; dy = length; x -= height/2; y -= DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; break; case 2: /* Horiz Orientation - Right justified */ dx = length; dy = height; x -= DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; y -= height/2; break; case 3: /* Vert Orientation BOTTOM */ dx = height; dy = -length; x -= height/2; y += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; break; } EDA_Rect box(wxPoint(x,y), wxSize(dx,dy) ); box.Normalize(); return box; } /***********************************/ EDA_Rect SCH_TEXT::GetBoundingBox() /***********************************/ { int x, y, dx, dy, length, height; x = m_Pos.x; y = m_Pos.y; int width = MAX( m_Width, g_DrawMinimunLineWidth ); length = ( Pitch(width) * NegableTextLength(m_Text) ); height = m_Size.y; dx = dy = 0; switch( m_Orient ) // respect orientation { case 0: /* Horiz Normal Orientation (left justified) */ dx = 2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE + length; dy = -2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE - height - TXTMARGE; x -= DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; y += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; break; case 1: /* Vert Orientation UP */ dx = -2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE - height - TXTMARGE; dy = -2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE - length; x += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; y += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; break; case 2: /* Horiz Orientation - Right justified */ dx = -2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE - length; dy = -2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE - height - TXTMARGE; x += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; y += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; break; case 3: /* Vert Orientation BOTTOM */ dx = -2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE - height - TXTMARGE; dy = 2*DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE + length; x += DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; y -= DANGLING_SYMBOL_SIZE; break; } EDA_Rect box(wxPoint(x,y), wxSize(dx,dy) ); box.Normalize(); return box; }