*   track.cpp

#include "fctsys.h"

#include "common.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"

#include "protos.h"

/* Functions to recognize a track.
 *  A track is a list of connected segments (or/and vias)
 *  from a starting to an ending point
 *  starting and ending points are a pad or a point with more than 2 segments
 *  (and obviously a dangling segment end)

typedef std::vector<TRACK*> TRACK_PTRS; // buffer of item candidates when
                                        // search for items on the same track

/* Local functions */
static void Marque_Chaine_segments( BOARD*      Pcb,
                                    wxPoint     ref_pos,
                                    int         masklayer,
                                    TRACK_PTRS* aList );

 * Function Marque_Une_Piste
 * marks a chain of track segments, connected to aTrackList.
 * Each segment is marked by setting the BUSY bit into m_Flags.  Electrical
 * continuity is detected by walking each segment, and finally the segments
 * are rearranged into a contiguous chain within the given list.
 * @param aPcb = the board to analyze
 * @param aStartSegm - The first interesting segment within a list of track
 *                     segment of aPcb
 * @param aSegmCount = a pointer to an integer where to return the number of
 *                     interesting segments
 * @param aTrackLen = a pointer to an integer where to return the length of the
 *                    track
 * @param aReorder = bool:
 *  true for reorder the interesting segments (useful for track
 *   in this case the flag BUSY is set (the user is responsible of flag
 *  false for no reorder : useful when we want just calculate the track length
 *  in this case, flags are reset
 * @return TRACK* the first in the chain of interesting segments.
TRACK* Marque_Une_Piste( BOARD* aPcb,
                         TRACK* aStartSegm,
                         int*   aSegmCount,
                         int*   aTrackLen,
                         bool   aReorder )
    int        NbSegmBusy;

    TRACK_PTRS trackList;

    if( aSegmCount )
        *aSegmCount = 0;

    if( aTrackLen )
        *aTrackLen = 0;

    if( aStartSegm == NULL )
        return NULL;

    // Ensure the flag BUSY of all tracks of the board is cleared
    // because we use it to mark segments of the track
    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        track->SetState( BUSY, OFF );

    /* Set flags of the initial track segment */
    aStartSegm->SetState( BUSY, ON );
    int masque_layer = aStartSegm->ReturnMaskLayer();

    trackList.push_back( aStartSegm );

    /* Examine the initial track segment : if it is really a segment, this is
     * easy.
     *  If it is a via, one must search for connected segments.
     *  If <=2, this via connect 2 segments (or is connected to only one
     *  segment) and this via and these 2 segments are a part of a track.
     *  If > 2 only this via is flagged (the track has only this via)
    if( aStartSegm->Type() == TYPE_VIA )
        TRACK* Segm1, * Segm2 = NULL, * Segm3 = NULL;
        Segm1 = Fast_Locate_Piste( aPcb->m_Track, NULL,
                                   aStartSegm->m_Start, masque_layer );
        if( Segm1 )
            Segm2 = Fast_Locate_Piste( Segm1->Next(), NULL,
                                       aStartSegm->m_Start, masque_layer );
        if( Segm2 )
            Segm3 = Fast_Locate_Piste( Segm2->Next(), NULL,
                                       aStartSegm->m_Start, masque_layer );
        if( Segm3 )     // More than 2 segments are connected to this via. the
                        // "track" is only this via
            if( aSegmCount )
                *aSegmCount = 1;
            return aStartSegm;
        if( Segm1 )     // search for others segments connected to the initial
                        // segment start point
            masque_layer = Segm1->ReturnMaskLayer();
            Marque_Chaine_segments( aPcb, aStartSegm->m_Start, masque_layer,
                                    &trackList );
        if( Segm2 )     // search for others segments connected to the initial
                        // segment end point
            masque_layer = Segm2->ReturnMaskLayer();
            Marque_Chaine_segments( aPcb, aStartSegm->m_Start, masque_layer,
                                    &trackList );
    else    // mark the chain using both ends of the initial segment
        Marque_Chaine_segments( aPcb,
                                &trackList );
        Marque_Chaine_segments( aPcb,
                                &trackList );

    // Now examine selected vias and flag them if they are on the track
    // If a via is connected to only one or 2 segments, it is flagged (is on
    // the track)
    // If a via is connected to more than 2 segments, it is a track end, and it
    // is removed from the list
    // go through the list backwards.
    for( int i = trackList.size() - 1;  i>=0;  --i )
        TRACK* via = trackList[i];

        if( via->Type() != TYPE_VIA )

        if( via == aStartSegm )

        via->SetState( BUSY, ON );  // Try to flag it. the flag will be cleared
                                    // later if needed

        masque_layer = via->ReturnMaskLayer();

        TRACK* track = Fast_Locate_Piste( aPcb->m_Track,
                                          masque_layer );

        // Fast_Locate_Piste does not consider tracks flagged BUSY.
        // So if no connected track found, this via is on the current track
        // only: keep it
        if( track == NULL )

        /* If a track is found, this via connects also others segments of an
         * other track.  This case happens when the vias ends the selected
         * track but must we consider this via is on the selected track, or
         * on an other track.
         * (this is important when selecting a track for deletion: must this
         * via be deleted or not?)
         * We consider here this via on the track if others segment connected
         * to this via remain connected when removing this via.
         * We search for all others segment connected together:
         * if there are on the same layer, the via is on the selected track
         * if there are on different layers, the via is on an other track
        int layer = track->GetLayer();

        while( ( track = Fast_Locate_Piste( track->Next(), NULL,
                                            masque_layer ) ) != NULL )
            if( layer != track->GetLayer() )
                // The via connects segments of an other track: it is removed
                // from list because it is member of an other track
                via->SetState( BUSY, OFF );

    /* Rearrange the track list in order to have flagged segments linked
     * from firstTrack so the NbSegmBusy segments are consecutive segments
     * in list, the first item in the full track list is firstTrack, and
     * the NbSegmBusy-1 next items (NbSegmBusy when including firstTrack)
     * are the flagged segments
    NbSegmBusy = 0;
    TRACK* firstTrack;
    for( firstTrack = aPcb->m_Track;
         firstTrack = firstTrack->Next() )
        // Search for the first flagged BUSY segments
        if( firstTrack->GetState( BUSY ) )
            NbSegmBusy = 1;

    if( firstTrack == NULL )
        return NULL;

    double full_len = 0;
    if( aReorder )
        DLIST<TRACK>* list = (DLIST<TRACK>*)firstTrack->GetList();
        wxASSERT( list );

        /* Rearrange the chain starting at firstTrack
         * All others flagged items are moved from their position to the end
         * of the flagged list
        TRACK* next;
        for( TRACK* track = firstTrack->Next(); track; track = next )
            next = track->Next();
            if( track->GetState( BUSY ) )   // move it!
                list->Insert( track, firstTrack->Next() );
                if( aTrackLen )
                    full_len += track->GetLength();
    else if( aTrackLen )
        NbSegmBusy = 0;
        for( TRACK* track = firstTrack; track; track = track->Next() )
            if( track->GetState( BUSY ) )
                track->SetState( BUSY, OFF );
                full_len += track->GetLength();

    if( aTrackLen )
        *aTrackLen = wxRound( full_len );
    if( aSegmCount )
        *aSegmCount = NbSegmBusy;

    return firstTrack;

 * Function used by Marque_Une_Piste
 *  - Set the BUSY flag of connected segments, the first search point is
 *      ref_pos on layers allowed in masque_layer
 *  - Put segments fount in aList
 *  Vias are put in list but their flags BUSY is not set
 * @param aPcb = the board
 * @param aRef_pos = the reference coordinate of the starting search
 * @param aLayerMask = the allowed layers for segments to search
 *  (1 layer when starting point is on a segment, but more than one when
 *  starting point is on a via)
 * @param aList = the track list to fill with points of segments flagged
static void Marque_Chaine_segments( BOARD*      aPcb,
                                    wxPoint     aRef_pos,
                                    int         aLayerMask,
                                    TRACK_PTRS* aList )
    TRACK* pt_segm,             // The current segment being analyzed.
    * pt_via,                   // The via identified, eventually destroy

    * SegmentCandidate;         // The end segment to destroy (or NULL =
                                // pt_segm
    int NbSegm;

    if( aPcb->m_Track == NULL )

    /* Set the BUSY flag of all connected segments, first search starting at
     * aRef_pos
     *  Search ends when:
     *     - a pad is found (end of a track)
     *     - a segment end has more than one other segment end connected
     *     - and obviously when no connected item found
     *  Vias are a special case, because we must see others segment connected
     *  on others layers and they change the layer mask. They can be a track
     *  end or not
     * They will be analyzer later, and vias on terminal points of the track
     * will be considered as part of this track if they do not connect segments
     * of an other track together and will be considered as part of an other
     * track if when removing the via, the segments of that other track are
     * disconnected
    for( ; ; )
        if( Fast_Locate_Pad_Connecte( aPcb, aRef_pos, aLayerMask ) != NULL )

        /* Test for a via: a via changes the layer mask and can connect a lot
         * of segments at location aRef_pos. When found, the via is just
         * pushed in list.  Vias will be examined later, when all connected
         * segment are found and push in list.  This is because when a via
         * is found we do not know at this time the number of connected items
         * and we do not know if this via is on the track or finish the track
        pt_via = Fast_Locate_Via( aPcb->m_Track, NULL, aRef_pos, aLayerMask );
        if( pt_via )
            aLayerMask = pt_via->ReturnMaskLayer();

            aList->push_back( pt_via );

        /* Now we search all segments connected to point aRef_pos
         *  if only 1 segment: this segment is candidate
         *  if > 1 segment:
         *      end of track (more than 2 segment connected at this location)
        pt_segm = aPcb->m_Track; SegmentCandidate = NULL;
        NbSegm  = 0;
        while( ( pt_segm = Fast_Locate_Piste( pt_segm, NULL,
                                              aRef_pos, aLayerMask ) ) != NULL )
            if( pt_segm->GetState( BUSY ) ) // already found and selected: skip
                                            // it
                pt_segm = pt_segm->Next();

            if( pt_segm == pt_via ) // just previously found: skip it
                pt_segm = pt_segm->Next();

            if( NbSegm == 1 ) /* First time we found a connected item: pt_segm
                               * is candidate */
                SegmentCandidate = pt_segm;
                pt_segm = pt_segm->Next();
            else /* More than 1 segment connected -> this location is an end of
                  * the track */

        if( SegmentCandidate )      // A candidate is found: flag it an push it
                                    // in list
            /* Initialize parameters to search items connected to this
             * candidate:
             * we must analyze connections to its other end
            aLayerMask = SegmentCandidate->ReturnMaskLayer();

            if( aRef_pos == SegmentCandidate->m_Start )
                aRef_pos = SegmentCandidate->m_End;
                aRef_pos = SegmentCandidate->m_Start;

            pt_segm = aPcb->m_Track; /* restart list of tracks to analyze */

            /* flag this item an push it in list of selected items */
            aList->push_back( SegmentCandidate );
            SegmentCandidate->SetState( BUSY, ON );

/* Calculate the end points coordinates of a track (a list of connected
 * segments)
 * RefTrack is a segment of the track
 *  return 1 if OK, 0 when a track is a closed loop
 *  and the beginning and the end of the track in *StartTrack and *EndTrack
 *  Modify *StartTrack en *EndTrack  :
 *  (*StartTrack)->m_Start coordinate is the beginning of the track
 *  (*EndTrack)->m_End coordinate is the end of the track
 *  Segments connected must be consecutive in list
int ReturnEndsTrack( TRACK* RefTrack, int NbSegm,
                     TRACK** StartTrack, TRACK** EndTrack )
    TRACK* Track, * via, * segm, * TrackListEnd;
    int    NbEnds, masque_layer, ii, ok = 0;

    if( NbSegm <= 1 )
        *StartTrack = *EndTrack = RefTrack;
        return 1;

    /* Calculation of the limit analysis. */
    *StartTrack  = *EndTrack = NULL;
    TrackListEnd = Track = RefTrack; ii = 0;
    for( ; ( Track != NULL ) && ( ii < NbSegm ); ii++, Track = Track->Next() )
        TrackListEnd   = Track;
        Track->m_Param = 0;

    /* Calculate the extremes. */
    NbEnds = 0; Track = RefTrack; ii = 0;
    for( ; ( Track != NULL ) && ( ii < NbSegm ); ii++, Track = Track->Next() )
        if( Track->Type() == TYPE_VIA )

        masque_layer = Track->ReturnMaskLayer();
        via = Fast_Locate_Via( RefTrack, TrackListEnd,
                               Track->m_Start, masque_layer );
        if( via )
            masque_layer |= via->ReturnMaskLayer();
            via->SetState( BUSY, ON );

        Track->SetState( BUSY, ON );
        segm = Fast_Locate_Piste( RefTrack, TrackListEnd,
                                  Track->m_Start, masque_layer );
        Track->SetState( BUSY, OFF );
        if( via )
            via->SetState( BUSY, OFF );

        if( segm == NULL )
            switch( NbEnds )
            case 0:
                *StartTrack = Track; NbEnds++;

            case 1:
                int BeginPad, EndPad;
                *EndTrack = Track;

                /* Swap ox, oy with fx, fy */
                BeginPad = Track->GetState( BEGIN_ONPAD );
                EndPad   = Track->GetState( END_ONPAD );

                Track->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD | END_ONPAD, OFF );

                if( BeginPad )
                    Track->SetState( END_ONPAD, ON );
                if( EndPad )
                    Track->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, ON );

                EXCHG( Track->m_Start, Track->m_End );
                EXCHG( Track->start, Track->end );
                ok = 1;
                return ok;

        masque_layer = Track->ReturnMaskLayer();
        via = Fast_Locate_Via( RefTrack, TrackListEnd,
                               Track->m_End, masque_layer );
        if( via )
            masque_layer |= via->ReturnMaskLayer();
            via->SetState( BUSY, ON );

        Track->SetState( BUSY, ON );
        segm = Fast_Locate_Piste( RefTrack, TrackListEnd,
                                  Track->m_End, masque_layer );
        Track->SetState( BUSY, OFF );
        if( via )
            via->SetState( BUSY, OFF );
        if( segm == NULL )
            switch( NbEnds )
            case 0:
                int BeginPad, EndPad;
                *StartTrack = Track;

                /* Swap ox, oy with fx, fy */
                BeginPad = Track->GetState( BEGIN_ONPAD );
                EndPad   = Track->GetState( END_ONPAD );

                Track->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD | END_ONPAD, OFF );

                if( BeginPad )
                    Track->SetState( END_ONPAD, ON );
                if( EndPad )
                    Track->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, ON );

                EXCHG( Track->m_Start, Track->m_End );
                EXCHG( Track->start, Track->end );

            case 1:
                *EndTrack = Track;
                ok = 1;
                return ok;

    return ok;

/* Set to onoff the .m_State member, bit mask State of a list of items
void ListSetState( EDA_ITEM* Start, int NbItem, int State, int onoff )
    if( Start == NULL )

    for( ; (Start != NULL ) && ( NbItem > 0 ); NbItem--, Start = Start->Next() )
        Start->SetState( State, onoff );