 * Common plot library \n
 * Plot settings, postscript plotting, gerber plotting.
 * @file plot_common.h

#define __INCLUDE__PLOT_COMMON_H__ 1

#include <vector>
#include "drawtxt.h"

 * Enum PlotFormat
 * must be kept in order of the radio buttons in the plot panel/window.
enum PlotFormat {

const int PLOT_MIROIR = 1;

    PlotFormat m_PlotType;          // type of plot
    PLOTTER( PlotFormat aPlotType );

    virtual ~PLOTTER()
        /* Emergency cleanup */
        if( output_file )
            fclose( output_file );

    /** function GetPlotterType()
     * @return the format of the plot file
    PlotFormat GetPlotterType()
    { return m_PlotType; }

    virtual bool start_plot( FILE* fout ) = 0;
    virtual bool end_plot() = 0;

    virtual void set_negative( bool _negative )
        negative_mode = _negative;

    virtual void set_color_mode( bool _color_mode )
        color_mode = _color_mode;

    bool get_color_mode() const
        return color_mode;

    virtual void set_paper_size( Ki_PageDescr* sheet );
    virtual void set_current_line_width( int width ) = 0;
    virtual void set_default_line_width( int width ) = 0;
    virtual void set_color( int color )  = 0;
    virtual void set_dash( bool dashed ) = 0;

    virtual void set_creator( const wxString& _creator )
        creator = _creator;

    virtual void set_filename( const wxString& _filename )
        filename = _filename;

    virtual void set_viewport( wxPoint offset,
                               double scale, int orient ) = 0;

    /* Standard primitives */
    virtual void rect( wxPoint p1, wxPoint p2, FILL_T fill,
                       int width = -1 ) = 0;
    virtual void circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre, FILL_T fill,
                         int width = -1 ) = 0;
    virtual void arc( wxPoint centre, int StAngle, int EndAngle, int rayon,
                      FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void poly( int nb_segm, int* coord, FILL_T fill,
                       int width = -1 ) = 0;
    virtual void thick_segment( wxPoint start, wxPoint end, int width,
                                GRTraceMode tracemode );
    virtual void thick_arc( wxPoint centre, int StAngle, int EndAngle, int rayon,
                            int width, GRTraceMode tracemode );
    virtual void thick_rect( wxPoint p1, wxPoint p2, int width,
                             GRTraceMode tracemode );
    virtual void thick_circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre, int width,
                               GRTraceMode tracemode );
    virtual void pen_to( wxPoint pos, char plume ) = 0;

    /* Flash primitives */
    virtual void flash_pad_circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre,
                                   GRTraceMode trace_mode ) = 0;
    virtual void flash_pad_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient,
                                 GRTraceMode trace_mode ) = 0;
    virtual void flash_pad_rect( wxPoint pos, wxSize size,
                                 int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode ) = 0;
    virtual void flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, wxSize delta,
                                   int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode ) = 0;

    /* Convenience functions */
    void move_to( wxPoint pos )
        pen_to( pos, 'U' );

    void line_to( wxPoint pos )
        pen_to( pos, 'D' );

    void finish_to( wxPoint pos )
        pen_to( pos, 'D' );
        pen_to( pos, 'Z' );

    void pen_finish()
        /* Shortcut */
        pen_to( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), 'Z' );

    void text( const wxPoint&              aPos,
               enum EDA_Colors             aColor,
               const wxString&             aText,
               int                         aOrient,
               const wxSize&               aSize,
               enum GRTextHorizJustifyType aH_justify,
               enum GRTextVertJustifyType  aV_justify,
               int                         aWidth,
               bool                        aItalic,
               bool                        aBold );
    void           marker( const wxPoint& position, int diametre, int aShapeId );

    /* These are marker subcomponents */
    void           center_square( const wxPoint& position, int diametre, FILL_T fill );
    void           center_lozenge( const wxPoint& position, int diametre, FILL_T fill );

    /* Helper function for sketched filler segment */
    void           segment_as_oval( wxPoint start, wxPoint end, int width,
                                    GRTraceMode tracemode );
    void           sketch_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient, int width );

    virtual void   user_to_device_coordinates( wxPoint& pos );
    virtual void   user_to_device_size( wxSize& size );
    virtual double user_to_device_size( double size );

    /* Plot scale */
    double        plot_scale;
    /* Device scale (from decimils to device units) */
    double        device_scale;
    /* Plot offset (in decimils) */
    wxPoint       plot_offset;
    /* Output file */
    FILE*         output_file;
    /* Pen handling */
    bool          color_mode, negative_mode;
    int           default_pen_width;
    int           current_pen_width;
    char          pen_state;
    wxPoint       pen_lastpos;
    /* Other stuff */
    int           plot_orient_options; /* For now, mirror plot */
    wxString      creator;
    wxString      filename;
    Ki_PageDescr* sheet;
    wxSize        paper_size;


    virtual bool start_plot( FILE* fout );
    virtual bool end_plot();

/* HPGL doesn't handle line thickness or color */
    virtual void set_current_line_width( int width )
        /* Handy override */
        current_pen_width = wxRound( pen_diameter );
    virtual void set_default_line_width( int width ) {};
    virtual void set_dash( bool dashed );

    virtual void set_color( int color ) {};
    virtual void set_pen_speed( int speed )
        wxASSERT( output_file == 0 );
        pen_speed = speed;

    virtual void set_pen_number( int number )
        wxASSERT( output_file == 0 );
        pen_number = number;

    virtual void set_pen_diameter( double diameter )
        wxASSERT( output_file == 0 );
        pen_diameter = diameter;

    virtual void set_pen_overlap( double overlap )
        wxASSERT( output_file == 0 );
        pen_overlap = overlap;

    virtual void set_viewport( wxPoint offset,
                               double scale, int orient );
    virtual void rect( wxPoint p1, wxPoint p2, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void poly( int nb_segm, int* coord, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void thick_segment( wxPoint start, wxPoint end, int width,
                                GRTraceMode tracemode );
    virtual void arc( wxPoint centre, int StAngle, int EndAngle, int rayon,
                      FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void pen_to( wxPoint pos, char plume );
    virtual void flash_pad_circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre,
                                   GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient,
                                 GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_rect( wxPoint pos, wxSize size,
                                 int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, wxSize delta,
                                   int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode );

    void         pen_control( int plume );

    int    pen_speed;
    int    pen_number;
    double pen_diameter;
    double pen_overlap;

class PS_PLOTTER : public PLOTTER
        plot_scale_adjX = 1;
        plot_scale_adjY = 1;

    virtual bool start_plot( FILE* fout );
    virtual bool end_plot();
    virtual void set_current_line_width( int width );
    virtual void set_default_line_width( int width );
    virtual void set_dash( bool dashed );
    virtual void set_color( int color );

    void set_scale_adjust( double scaleX, double scaleY )
        plot_scale_adjX = scaleX;
        plot_scale_adjY = scaleY;

    virtual void set_viewport( wxPoint offset,
                               double scale, int orient );
    virtual void rect( wxPoint p1, wxPoint p2, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void arc( wxPoint centre, int StAngle, int EndAngle, int rayon,
                      FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void poly( int nb_segm, int* coord, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void pen_to( wxPoint pos, char plume );
    virtual void flash_pad_circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre,
                                   GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient,
                                 GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_rect( wxPoint pos, wxSize size,
                                 int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, wxSize delta,
                                   int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode );

    double plot_scale_adjX, plot_scale_adjY;

/* Class to handle a D_CODE when plotting a board : */
#define FIRST_DCODE_VALUE 10    // D_CODE < 10 is a command, D_CODE >= 10 is a tool

    enum Aperture_Type {
        Circle   = 1,
        Rect     = 2,
        Plotting = 3,
        Oval     = 4

    wxSize        size;     /* horiz and Vert size*/
    Aperture_Type type;     /* Type ( Line, rect , circulaire , ovale .. ) */
    int           D_code;   /* code number ( >= 10 ); */

    /* Trivia question: WHY Gerber decided to use D instead of the usual T for
     *  tool change? */

        work_file  = 0;
        final_file = 0;
        current_aperture = apertures.end();

    virtual bool                    start_plot( FILE* fout );
    virtual bool                    end_plot();
    virtual void                    set_current_line_width( int width );
    virtual void                    set_default_line_width( int width );

/* RS274X has no dashing, nor colours */
    virtual void set_dash( bool dashed ) {};
    virtual void set_color( int color ) {};
    virtual void                    set_viewport( wxPoint offset,
                                                  double scale, int orient );
    virtual void                    rect( wxPoint p1, wxPoint p2, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void                    circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void                    poly( int nb_segm, int* coord, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void                    pen_to( wxPoint pos, char plume );
    virtual void                    flash_pad_circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre,
                                                      GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void                    flash_pad_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient,
                                                    GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void                    flash_pad_rect( wxPoint pos, wxSize size,
                                                    int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void                    flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, wxSize delta,
                                                      int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode );

    void                            select_aperture( const wxSize&           size,
                                                     APERTURE::Aperture_Type type );

    std::vector<APERTURE>::iterator get_aperture( const wxSize&           size,
                                                  APERTURE::Aperture_Type type );

    FILE* work_file, * final_file;
    wxString    m_workFilename;

    void                            write_aperture_list();

    std::vector<APERTURE>           apertures;
    std::vector<APERTURE>::iterator current_aperture;

class DXF_PLOTTER : public PLOTTER

    virtual bool start_plot( FILE* fout );
    virtual bool end_plot();

/* For now we don't use 'thick' primitives, so no line width */
    virtual void set_current_line_width( int width )
        /* Handy override */
        current_pen_width = 0;
    virtual void set_default_line_width( int width )
        /* DXF lines are infinitesimal */
        default_pen_width = 0;
    virtual void set_dash( bool dashed );

    virtual void set_color( int color );

    virtual void set_viewport( wxPoint offset,
                               double scale, int orient );
    virtual void rect( wxPoint p1, wxPoint p2, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void poly( int nb_segm, int* coord, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void thick_segment( wxPoint start, wxPoint end, int width,
                                GRTraceMode tracemode );
    virtual void arc( wxPoint centre, int StAngle, int EndAngle, int rayon,
                      FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
    virtual void pen_to( wxPoint pos, char plume );
    virtual void flash_pad_circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre,
                                   GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient,
                                 GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_rect( wxPoint pos, wxSize size,
                                 int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
    virtual void flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, wxSize delta,
                                   int orient, GRTraceMode trace_mode );

    int current_color;

#endif  /* __INCLUDE__PLOT_COMMON_H__ */