import subprocess import os import io import json import sys import urllib import pytest import pprint import textwrap sourcedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # pytest.register_assert_rewrite("tests.assertions") def make_dsn(httpserver, auth="uiaeosnrtdy", id=123456): url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(httpserver.url_for("/{}".format(id))) # We explicitly use `` here, because on Windows, `localhost` will # first try `::1` (the ipv6 loopback), retry a couple times and give up # after a timeout of 2 seconds, falling back to the ipv4 loopback instead. host = url.netloc.replace("localhost", "") return urllib.parse.urlunsplit( ( url.scheme, "{}@{}".format(auth, host), url.path, url.query, url.fragment, ) ) def run(cwd, exe, args, env=dict(os.environ), **kwargs): __tracebackhide__ = True if os.environ.get("ANDROID_API"): # older android emulators do not correctly pass down the returncode # so we basically echo the return code, and parse it manually is_pipe = kwargs.get("stdout") == subprocess.PIPE kwargs["stdout"] = subprocess.PIPE child = [ "{}/platform-tools/adb".format(os.environ["ANDROID_HOME"]), "shell", # Android by default only searches for libraries in system # directories and the app directory, and only supports RUNPATH # since API-24. # Since we are no "app" in that sense, we can use # `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to force the android dynamic loader to # load `` from the correct library. # See "cd /data/local/tmp && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./{} {}; echo -n ret:$?".format( exe, " ".join(args) ), ], **kwargs, ) stdout = child.stdout child.returncode = int(stdout[stdout.rfind(b"ret:") :][4:]) child.stdout = stdout[: stdout.rfind(b"ret:")] if not is_pipe: sys.stdout.buffer.write(child.stdout) if kwargs.get("check") and child.returncode: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( child.returncode, child.args, output=child.stdout, stderr=child.stderr ) return child cmd = [ "./{}".format(exe) if sys.platform != "win32" else "{}\\{}.exe".format(cwd, exe) ] if "asan" in os.environ.get("RUN_ANALYZER", ""): env["ASAN_OPTIONS"] = "detect_leaks=1" env["LSAN_OPTIONS"] = "suppressions={}".format( os.path.join(sourcedir, "tests", "leaks.txt") ) if "llvm-cov" in os.environ.get("RUN_ANALYZER", ""): # continuous mode is only supported on mac right now continuous = "%c" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "" env["LLVM_PROFILE_FILE"] = f"coverage-%p{continuous}.profraw" if "kcov" in os.environ.get("RUN_ANALYZER", ""): coverage_dir = os.path.join(cwd, "coverage") cmd = [ "kcov", "--include-path={}".format(os.path.join(sourcedir, "src")), coverage_dir, *cmd, ] if "valgrind" in os.environ.get("RUN_ANALYZER", ""): cmd = [ "valgrind", "--suppressions={}".format( os.path.join(sourcedir, "tests", "valgrind.txt") ), "--error-exitcode=33", "--leak-check=yes", *cmd, ] try: return[*cmd, *args], cwd=cwd, env=env, **kwargs) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise "running command failed: {cmd} {args}".format( cmd=" ".join(cmd), args=" ".join(args) ) ) from None def check_output(*args, **kwargs): stdout = run(*args, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs).stdout # capturing stdout on windows actually encodes "\n" as "\r\n", which we # revert, because it messes with envelope decoding stdout = stdout.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n") return stdout # Adapted from: class Envelope(object): def __init__( self, headers=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] items=None, # type: Optional[List[Item]] ): # type: (...) -> None if headers is not None: headers = dict(headers) self.headers = headers or {} if items is None: items = [] else: items = list(items) self.items = items def get_event(self): # type: (...) -> Optional[Event] for item in self.items: event = item.get_event() if event is not None: return event return None def __iter__(self): # type: (...) -> Iterator[Item] return iter(self.items) @classmethod def deserialize_from( cls, f # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Envelope headers = json.loads(f.readline()) items = [] while 1: item = Item.deserialize_from(f) if item is None: break items.append(item) return cls(headers=headers, items=items) @classmethod def deserialize( cls, bytes # type: bytes ): # type: (...) -> Envelope return cls.deserialize_from(io.BytesIO(bytes)) def print_verbose(self, indent=0): """Pretty prints the envelope.""" print(" " * indent + "Envelope:") indent += 2 print(" " * indent + "Headers:") indent += 2 print(textwrap.indent(pprint.pformat(self.headers), " " * indent)) indent -= 2 print(" " * indent + "Items:") indent += 2 for item in self.items: item.print_verbose(indent) def __repr__(self): # type: (...) -> str return "" % (self.headers, self.items) class PayloadRef(object): def __init__( self, bytes=None, # type: Optional[bytes] json=None, # type: Optional[Any] ): # type: (...) -> None self.json = json self.bytes = bytes def print_verbose(self, indent=0): """Pretty prints the item.""" print(" " * indent + "Payload:") indent += 2 if self.bytes: payload = self.bytes.encode("utf-8", errors="replace") if self.json: payload = pprint.pformat(self.json) try: print(textwrap.indent(payload, " " * indent)) except UnicodeEncodeError: # Windows CI appears fickle, and we put emojis in the json payload = payload.encode("ascii", errors="replace").decode() print(textwrap.indent(payload, " " * indent)) def __repr__(self): # type: (...) -> str return "" % (self.bytes, self.json) class Item(object): def __init__( self, payload, # type: Union[bytes, text_type, PayloadRef] headers=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] ): if headers is not None: headers = dict(headers) elif headers is None: headers = {} self.headers = headers if isinstance(payload, bytes): payload = PayloadRef(bytes=payload) else: payload = payload self.payload = payload def get_event(self): # type: (...) -> Optional[Event] # Transactions are events with a few extra fields, so return them as well. if ( self.headers.get("type") in ["event", "transaction"] and self.payload.json is not None ): return self.payload.json return None @classmethod def deserialize_from( cls, f # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Optional[Item] line = f.readline().rstrip() if not line: return None headers = json.loads(line) length = headers["length"] payload = if headers.get("type") in ["event", "session", "transaction"]: rv = cls(headers=headers, payload=PayloadRef(json=json.loads(payload))) else: rv = cls(headers=headers, payload=payload) f.readline() return rv @classmethod def deserialize( cls, bytes # type: bytes ): # type: (...) -> Optional[Item] return cls.deserialize_from(io.BytesIO(bytes)) def print_verbose(self, indent=0): """Pretty prints the item.""" item_type = self.headers.get("type", "?").capitalize() print(" " * indent + f"{item_type}:") indent += 2 print(" " * indent + "Headers:") indent += 2 headers = pprint.pformat(self.headers) print(textwrap.indent(headers, " " * indent)) indent -= 2 self.payload.print_verbose(indent) def __repr__(self): # type: (...) -> str return "" % ( self.headers, self.payload, )