/****************/ /* controle.cpp */ /****************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "eda_dde.h" #include "id.h" #include "protos.h" /* Routines locales */ /* variables externes */ #define MSG_TO_PCB KICAD_PCB_PORT_SERVICE_NUMBER /**************************************************************/ EDA_BaseStruct * WinEDA_SchematicFrame:: SchematicGeneralLocateAndDisplay(bool IncludePin) /**************************************************************/ /* Routine de localisation et d'affichage des caract (si utile ) de l'element pointe par la souris ou par le curseur pcb - marqueur - noconnect - jonction - wire/bus/entry - label - composant - pin retourne un pointeur sur le composant Null sinon */ { EDA_BaseStruct *DrawStruct; wxString msg; wxPoint mouse_position = GetScreen()->m_MousePosition; LibDrawPin * Pin = NULL; EDA_SchComponentStruct * LibItem = NULL; char Line[1024]; DrawStruct = SchematicGeneralLocateAndDisplay(mouse_position, IncludePin); if(! DrawStruct && ( mouse_position != GetScreen()->m_Curseur) ) { DrawStruct = SchematicGeneralLocateAndDisplay(GetScreen()->m_Curseur, IncludePin); } if ( ! DrawStruct ) return NULL; /* Cross probing to pcbnew if a pin or a component is found */ switch (DrawStruct->m_StructType ) { case COMPONENT_FIELD_DRAW_TYPE: { PartTextStruct * Field = (PartTextStruct *) DrawStruct; LibItem = (EDA_SchComponentStruct * )Field->m_Parent; sprintf(Line,"$PART: %s", CONV_TO_UTF8(LibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text)); SendCommand(MSG_TO_PCB, Line); } break; case DRAW_LIB_ITEM_STRUCT_TYPE: Pin = LocateAnyPin(m_CurrentScreen->EEDrawList, GetScreen()->m_Curseur, &LibItem); if ( Pin ) break; // Priority is probing a pin first LibItem = (EDA_SchComponentStruct *) DrawStruct; sprintf(Line,"$PART: %s", CONV_TO_UTF8(LibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text) ); SendCommand(MSG_TO_PCB, Line); break; default: Pin = LocateAnyPin(m_CurrentScreen->EEDrawList, GetScreen()->m_Curseur, &LibItem); break; case COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE: Pin = (LibDrawPin*) DrawStruct; break; } if ( Pin ) { /* Force display pin infos (the previous display could be a component info) */ Pin->Display_Infos(this); if ( LibItem ) Affiche_1_Parametre( this, 1, LibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text, LibItem->m_Field[VALUE].m_Text, CYAN); // Cross probing:2 - pin found, and send a locate pin command to pcbnew (hightlight net) if(Pin->m_PinNum) { wxString pinnum; Pin->ReturnPinStringNum(pinnum); sprintf(Line,"$PIN: %s $PART: %s", CONV_TO_UTF8(pinnum), CONV_TO_UTF8(LibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text)); SendCommand(MSG_TO_PCB, Line); } } return DrawStruct; } /************************************************************************************/ EDA_BaseStruct * WinEDA_SchematicFrame:: SchematicGeneralLocateAndDisplay(const wxPoint & refpoint, bool IncludePin) /************************************************************************************/ /* Find the schematic item at position "refpoint" the priority order is: - marker - noconnect - junction - wire/bus/entry - label - pin - component return: an EDA_BaseStruct pointer on the item a Null pointer if no item found For some items, caracteristics are displayed on the screen. */ { EDA_BaseStruct *DrawStruct; LibDrawPin * Pin; EDA_SchComponentStruct * LibItem; wxString Text; wxString msg; int ii; DrawStruct = PickStruct(refpoint, GetScreen()->EEDrawList, MARKERITEM); if( DrawStruct ) { DrawMarkerStruct * Marker = (DrawMarkerStruct *) DrawStruct; ii = Marker->m_Type; Text = Marker->GetComment(); if(Text.IsEmpty() ) Text = wxT("NoComment"); msg = NameMarqueurType[ii]; msg << wxT(" << ") << Text; Affiche_Message(msg); return(DrawStruct); } DrawStruct = PickStruct(refpoint, GetScreen()->EEDrawList, NOCONNECTITEM); if( DrawStruct ) { MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); return(DrawStruct); } DrawStruct = PickStruct(refpoint, GetScreen()->EEDrawList, JUNCTIONITEM); if( DrawStruct ) { MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); return(DrawStruct); } DrawStruct = PickStruct(refpoint, GetScreen()->EEDrawList, WIREITEM|BUSITEM|RACCORDITEM); if( DrawStruct ) // Search for a pin { Pin = LocateAnyPin(m_CurrentScreen->EEDrawList,refpoint, &LibItem); if( Pin ) { Pin->Display_Infos(this); if ( LibItem ) Affiche_1_Parametre( this, 1, LibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text, LibItem->m_Field[VALUE].m_Text, CYAN); } else MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); return(DrawStruct); } DrawStruct = PickStruct(refpoint, GetScreen()->EEDrawList, FIELDCMPITEM); if( DrawStruct ) { PartTextStruct * Field = (PartTextStruct *) DrawStruct; LibItem = (EDA_SchComponentStruct * )Field->m_Parent; LibItem->Display_Infos(this); return(DrawStruct); } /* search for a pin */ Pin = LocateAnyPin(m_CurrentScreen->EEDrawList, refpoint, &LibItem); if( Pin ) { Pin->Display_Infos(this); if ( LibItem ) Affiche_1_Parametre( this, 1, LibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text, LibItem->m_Field[VALUE].m_Text, CYAN); if ( IncludePin == TRUE ) return(LibItem); } DrawStruct = PickStruct(refpoint, GetScreen()->EEDrawList, LIBITEM); if( DrawStruct ) { DrawStruct = LocateSmallestComponent( GetScreen() ); LibItem = (EDA_SchComponentStruct *) DrawStruct; LibItem->Display_Infos(this); return(DrawStruct); } DrawStruct = PickStruct(refpoint, GetScreen()->EEDrawList, SHEETITEM); if( DrawStruct ) { ((DrawSheetStruct*) DrawStruct)->Display_Infos(this); return(DrawStruct); } // Recherche des autres elements DrawStruct = PickStruct(refpoint, GetScreen()->EEDrawList, SEARCHALL); if( DrawStruct ) { return(DrawStruct); } MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); return(NULL); } /***********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::GeneralControle(wxDC *DC, wxPoint MousePositionInPixels) /***********************************************************************/ { wxSize delta; int zoom = m_CurrentScreen->GetZoom(); wxPoint curpos, oldpos; int hotkey = 0; ActiveScreen = (SCH_SCREEN *) m_CurrentScreen; curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_MousePosition; oldpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; delta.x = m_CurrentScreen->GetGrid().x / zoom; delta.y = m_CurrentScreen->GetGrid().y / zoom; if( delta.x <= 0 ) delta.x = 1; if( delta.y <= 0 ) delta.y = 1; switch( g_KeyPressed ) { case EDA_PANNING_UP_KEY : OnZoom(ID_ZOOM_PANNING_UP); curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; break; case EDA_PANNING_DOWN_KEY : OnZoom(ID_ZOOM_PANNING_DOWN); curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; break; case EDA_PANNING_LEFT_KEY : OnZoom(ID_ZOOM_PANNING_LEFT); curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; break; case EDA_PANNING_RIGHT_KEY : OnZoom(ID_ZOOM_PANNING_RIGHT); curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; break; case WXK_F1 : OnZoom(ID_ZOOM_PLUS_KEY); curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; break; case WXK_F2 : OnZoom(ID_ZOOM_MOINS_KEY); curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; break; case WXK_F3 : OnZoom(ID_ZOOM_REDRAW_KEY); break; case WXK_F4 : OnZoom(ID_ZOOM_CENTER_KEY); curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; break; case ' ': // Remise a zero coord relatives m_CurrentScreen->m_O_Curseur = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; break; case '\t': // Switch to drag mode, when block moving ((WinEDA_SchematicFrame*)this)->HandleBlockEndByPopUp(BLOCK_DRAG, DC); break; case WXK_NUMPAD8 : /* Deplacement curseur vers le haut */ case WXK_UP : MousePositionInPixels.y -= delta.y; DrawPanel->MouseTo(MousePositionInPixels); break ; case WXK_NUMPAD2: /* Deplacement curseur vers le bas */ case WXK_DOWN: MousePositionInPixels.y += delta.y; DrawPanel->MouseTo(MousePositionInPixels); break ; case WXK_NUMPAD4: /* Deplacement curseur vers la gauche */ case WXK_LEFT : MousePositionInPixels.x -= delta.x; DrawPanel->MouseTo(MousePositionInPixels); break ; case WXK_NUMPAD6: /* Deplacement curseur vers la droite */ case WXK_RIGHT: MousePositionInPixels.x += delta.x; DrawPanel->MouseTo(MousePositionInPixels); break; case WXK_INSERT: case WXK_NUMPAD0: if ( m_Ident == SCHEMATIC_FRAME ) { if ( g_ItemToRepeat && (g_ItemToRepeat->m_Flags == 0) ) { ((WinEDA_SchematicFrame*)this)->RepeatDrawItem(DC); } else wxBell(); break; } if ( m_Ident == LIBEDITOR_FRAME ) { if ( LibItemToRepeat && (LibItemToRepeat->m_Flags == 0) && (LibItemToRepeat->m_StructType == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE) ) { ((WinEDA_LibeditFrame*)this)->RepeatPinItem(DC, (LibDrawPin*) LibItemToRepeat); } else wxBell(); break; } case 0: case WXK_DECIMAL: break; default: hotkey = g_KeyPressed; break; } /* Recalcul de la position du curseur schema */ m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur = curpos; /* Placement sur la grille generale */ PutOnGrid( & m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur); if( m_CurrentScreen->IsRefreshReq() ) { RedrawActiveWindow(DC, TRUE); } if ( (oldpos.x != m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur.x) || (oldpos.y != m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur.y) ) { curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur; m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur = oldpos; DrawPanel->CursorOff(DC); m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur = curpos; DrawPanel->CursorOn(DC); if(DrawPanel->ManageCurseur) { DrawPanel->ManageCurseur(DrawPanel, DC, TRUE); } } Affiche_Status_Box(); /* Affichage des coord curseur */ if ( hotkey ) { if( m_CurrentScreen->m_CurrentItem && m_CurrentScreen->m_CurrentItem->m_Flags ) OnHotKey(DC, hotkey, m_CurrentScreen->m_CurrentItem); else OnHotKey(DC, hotkey, NULL); } }