// Name: build_BOM.cpp // Purpose: // Author: jean-pierre Charras // Licence: GPL license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "netlist.h" #include "dialog_build_BOM.h" #include "protos.h" // Filename extension for BOM list #define EXT_LIST wxT( ".lst" ) // Exported functions int BuildComponentsListFromSchematic( ListComponent* aList ); /* fonctions locales */ static int GenListeGLabels( ListLabel* aList ); static int ListTriComposantByRef( ListComponent* obj1, ListComponent* obj2 ); static int ListTriComposantByVal( ListComponent* obj1, ListComponent* obj2 ); static int ListTriGLabelBySheet( ListLabel* obj1, ListLabel* obj2 ); static int ListTriGLabelByVal( ListLabel* obj1, ListLabel* obj2 ); static void DeleteSubCmp( ListComponent* aList, int aItemCount ); static int PrintListeGLabel( FILE* f, ListLabel* aList, int aItemCount ); int RefDesStringCompare( char* obj1, char* obj2 ); int SplitString( wxString strToSplit, wxString* strBeginning, wxString* strDigits, wxString* strEnd ); /* Local variables */ /* separator used in bom export to spreadsheet */ static char s_ExportSeparatorSymbol; /**************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_Build_BOM_Frame::Create_BOM_Lists( bool aTypeFileIsExport, bool aIncludeSubComponents, char aExportSeparatorSymbol, bool aRunBrowser ) /**************************************************************************/ { wxString mask, filename; s_ExportSeparatorSymbol = aExportSeparatorSymbol; m_ListFileName = g_RootSheet->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName; ChangeFileNameExt( m_ListFileName, EXT_LIST ); //need to get rid of the path. m_ListFileName = m_ListFileName.AfterLast( '/' ); mask = wxT( "*" ); mask += EXT_LIST; filename = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Bill of materials:" ), wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut (ici dir courante) */ m_ListFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut, et resultat */ EXT_LIST, /* extension par defaut */ mask, /* Masque d'affichage */ this, wxFD_SAVE, TRUE ); if( filename.IsEmpty() ) return; else m_ListFileName = filename; /* Close dialog, then show the list (if so requested) */ if( aTypeFileIsExport ) CreateExportList( m_ListFileName, aIncludeSubComponents ); else GenereListeOfItems( m_ListFileName, aIncludeSubComponents ); EndModal( 1 ); if( aRunBrowser ) { wxString editorname = GetEditorName(); AddDelimiterString( filename ); ExecuteFile( this, editorname, filename ); } } /****************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_Build_BOM_Frame::CreateExportList( const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aIncludeSubComponents ) /****************************************************************************/ /* * Print a list of components, in a form which can be imported by a spreadsheet * form is: * cmp name; cmp val; fields; */ { FILE* f; ListComponent* aList; int itemCount; wxString msg; /* Creation de la liste des elements */ if( ( f = wxFopen( aFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL ) { msg = _( "Failed to open file " ); msg << aFullFileName; DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } itemCount = BuildComponentsListFromSchematic( NULL ); if( itemCount ) { aList = (ListComponent*) MyZMalloc( itemCount * sizeof(ListComponent) ); if( aList == NULL ) { fclose( f ); return; } BuildComponentsListFromSchematic( aList ); /* sort component list */ qsort( aList, itemCount, sizeof( ListComponent ), ( int( * ) ( const void*, const void* ) )ListTriComposantByRef ); if( !aIncludeSubComponents ) DeleteSubCmp( aList, itemCount ); /* create the file */ PrintComponentsListByRef( f, aList, itemCount, TRUE, aIncludeSubComponents ); MyFree( aList ); } fclose( f ); } /****************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_Build_BOM_Frame::GenereListeOfItems( const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aIncludeSubComponents ) /****************************************************************************/ /* * Routine principale pour la creation des listings ( composants et/ou labels * globaux et "sheet labels" ) */ { FILE* f; ListComponent* list; ListLabel* listOfLabels; int itemCount; char Line[1024]; wxString msg; /* Creation de la liste des elements */ if( ( f = wxFopen( aFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL ) { msg = _( "Failed to open file " ); msg << aFullFileName; DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } itemCount = BuildComponentsListFromSchematic( NULL ); if( itemCount ) { list = (ListComponent*) MyZMalloc( itemCount * sizeof(ListComponent) ); if( list == NULL ) // Error memory alloc { fclose( f ); return; } BuildComponentsListFromSchematic( list ); /* generation du fichier listing */ DateAndTime( Line ); wxString Title = g_Main_Title + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion(); fprintf( f, "%s >> Creation date: %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( Title ), Line ); /* Tri et impression de la liste des composants */ qsort( list, itemCount, sizeof( ListComponent ), ( int( * ) ( const void*, const void* ) )ListTriComposantByRef ); if( !aIncludeSubComponents ) DeleteSubCmp( list, itemCount ); // if( s_ListByRef ) if( m_ListCmpbyRefItems->GetValue() ) { PrintComponentsListByRef( f, list, itemCount, false, aIncludeSubComponents ); } // if( s_ListByValue ) if( m_ListCmpbyValItems->GetValue() ) { qsort( list, itemCount, sizeof( ListComponent ), ( int( * ) ( const void*, const void* ) )ListTriComposantByVal ); PrintComponentsListByVal( f, list, itemCount, aIncludeSubComponents ); } MyFree( list ); } /***************************************/ /* Generation liste des Labels globaux */ /***************************************/ itemCount = GenListeGLabels( NULL ); if( itemCount ) { listOfLabels = (ListLabel*) MyZMalloc( itemCount * sizeof(ListLabel) ); if( listOfLabels == NULL ) { fclose( f ); return; } GenListeGLabels( listOfLabels ); /* Tri de la liste */ // if( s_ListBySheet ) if( m_GenListLabelsbySheet->GetValue() ) { qsort( listOfLabels, itemCount, sizeof( ListLabel ), ( int( * ) ( const void*, const void* ) )ListTriGLabelBySheet ); msg.Printf( _( "\n#Global, Hierarchical Labels and PinSheets ( order = Sheet Number ) count = %d\n" ), itemCount ); fprintf( f, "%s", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); PrintListeGLabel( f, listOfLabels, itemCount ); } // if( s_ListHierarchicalPinByName ) if( m_GenListLabelsbyVal->GetValue() ) { qsort( listOfLabels, itemCount, sizeof( ListLabel ), ( int( * ) ( const void*, const void* ) )ListTriGLabelByVal ); msg.Printf( _( "\n#Global, Hierarchical Labels and PinSheets ( order = Alphab. ) count = %d\n\n" ), itemCount ); fprintf( f, "%s", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); PrintListeGLabel( f, listOfLabels, itemCount ); } MyFree( listOfLabels ); } msg = _( "\n#End List\n" ); fprintf( f, "%s", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); fclose( f ); } /*********************************************************/ int BuildComponentsListFromSchematic( ListComponent* aList ) /*********************************************************/ /* Creates the list of components found in the whole schematic * * if List == null, just returns the count. if not, fills the list. * goes through the sheets, not the screens, so that we account for * multiple instances of a given screen. * Also Initialise m_Father as pointer pointeur of the SCH_SCREN parent */ { int itemCount = 0; EDA_BaseStruct* SchItem; SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem; DrawSheetPath* sheet; /* Build the sheet (not screen) list */ EDA_SheetList SheetList( NULL ); for( sheet = SheetList.GetFirst(); sheet != NULL; sheet = SheetList.GetNext() ) { for( SchItem = sheet->LastDrawList(); SchItem; SchItem = SchItem->Next() ) { if( SchItem->Type() != TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT ) continue; itemCount++; DrawLibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) SchItem; DrawLibItem->m_Parent = sheet->LastScreen(); if( aList ) { aList->m_Comp = DrawLibItem; aList->m_SheetList = *sheet; aList->m_Unit = DrawLibItem->GetUnitSelection( sheet ); strncpy( aList->m_Ref, CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->GetRef( sheet ) ), sizeof( aList->m_Ref ) ); // Ensure always nul terminate m_Ref. aList->m_Ref[sizeof( aList->m_Ref ) - 1 ] = 0; aList++; } } } return itemCount; } /*********************************************/ static int GenListeGLabels( ListLabel* list ) /*********************************************/ /* Count the Glabels, or fill the list Listwith Glabel pointers * If List == NULL: Item count only * Else fill list of Glabels */ { int itemCount = 0; EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList; Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* SheetLabel; DrawSheetPath* sheet; /* Build the screen list */ EDA_SheetList SheetList( NULL ); for( sheet = SheetList.GetFirst(); sheet != NULL; sheet = SheetList.GetNext() ) { DrawList = sheet->LastDrawList(); wxString path = sheet->PathHumanReadable(); while( DrawList ) { switch( DrawList->Type() ) { case TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL: case TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL: itemCount++; if( list ) { list->m_LabelType = DrawList->Type(); snprintf( list->m_SheetPath, sizeof(list->m_SheetPath), "%s", CONV_TO_UTF8( path ) ); list->m_Label = DrawList; list++; } break; case DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE: { #define Sheet ( (DrawSheetStruct*) DrawList ) SheetLabel = Sheet->m_Label; while( SheetLabel != NULL ) { if( list ) { list->m_LabelType = DRAW_HIERARCHICAL_PIN_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE; snprintf( list->m_SheetPath, sizeof(list->m_SheetPath), "%s", CONV_TO_UTF8( path ) ); list->m_Label = SheetLabel; list++; } itemCount++; SheetLabel = (Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct*) (SheetLabel->Pnext); } } break; default: break; } DrawList = DrawList->Pnext; } } return itemCount; } /**********************************************************/ static int ListTriComposantByVal( ListComponent* obj1, ListComponent* obj2 ) /**********************************************************/ /* Routine de comparaison pour le tri du Tableau par qsort() * Les composants sont tries * par valeur * si meme valeur: par reference * si meme valeur: par numero d'unite */ { int ii; const wxString* Text1, * Text2; if( ( obj1 == NULL ) && ( obj2 == NULL ) ) return 0; if( obj1 == NULL ) return -1; if( obj2 == NULL ) return 1; if( ( obj1->m_Comp == NULL ) && ( obj2->m_Comp == NULL ) ) return 0; if( obj1->m_Comp == NULL ) return -1; if( obj2->m_Comp == NULL ) return 1; Text1 = &(obj1->m_Comp->GetField(VALUE)->m_Text); Text2 = &(obj2->m_Comp->GetField(VALUE)->m_Text); ii = Text1->CmpNoCase( *Text2 ); if( ii == 0 ) { ii = RefDesStringCompare( obj1->m_Ref, obj2->m_Ref ); } if( ii == 0 ) { ii = obj1->m_Unit - obj2->m_Unit; } return ii; } /**********************************************************/ static int ListTriComposantByRef( ListComponent* obj1, ListComponent* obj2 ) /**********************************************************/ /* Routine de comparaison pour le tri du Tableau par qsort() * Les composants sont tries * par reference * si meme referenece: par valeur * si meme valeur: par numero d'unite */ { int ii; const wxString* Text1, * Text2; if( ( obj1 == NULL ) && ( obj2 == NULL ) ) return 0; if( obj1 == NULL ) return -1; if( obj2 == NULL ) return 1; if( ( obj1->m_Comp == NULL ) && ( obj2->m_Comp == NULL ) ) return 0; if( obj1->m_Comp == NULL ) return -1; if( obj2->m_Comp == NULL ) return 1; ii = RefDesStringCompare( obj1->m_Ref, obj2->m_Ref ); if( ii == 0 ) { Text1 = &( obj1->m_Comp->GetField(VALUE)->m_Text ); Text2 = &( obj2->m_Comp->GetField(VALUE)->m_Text ); ii = Text1->CmpNoCase( *Text2 ); } if( ii == 0 ) { ii = obj1->m_Unit - obj2->m_Unit; } return ii; } /******************************************************************/ static int ListTriGLabelByVal( ListLabel* obj1, ListLabel* obj2 ) /*******************************************************************/ /* Routine de comparaison pour le tri du Tableau par qsort() * Les labels sont tries * par comparaison ascii * si meme valeur: par numero de sheet */ { int ii; const wxString* Text1, * Text2; if( obj1->m_LabelType == DRAW_HIERARCHICAL_PIN_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE ) Text1 = &( (Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct*) obj1->m_Label )->m_Text; else Text1 = &( (SCH_TEXT*) obj1->m_Label )->m_Text; if( obj2->m_LabelType == DRAW_HIERARCHICAL_PIN_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE ) Text2 = &( (Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct*) obj2->m_Label )->m_Text; else Text2 = &( (SCH_TEXT*) obj2->m_Label )->m_Text; ii = Text1->CmpNoCase( *Text2 ); if( ii == 0 ) { ii = strcmp( obj1->m_SheetPath, obj2->m_SheetPath ); } return ii; } /*******************************************************************/ static int ListTriGLabelBySheet( ListLabel* obj1, ListLabel* obj2 ) /*******************************************************************/ /* Routine de comparaison pour le tri du Tableau par qsort() * Les labels sont tries * par sheet number * si meme valeur, par ordre alphabetique */ { int ii; const wxString* Text1, * Text2; ii = strcmp( obj1->m_SheetPath, obj2->m_SheetPath ); if( ii == 0 ) { if( obj1->m_LabelType == DRAW_HIERARCHICAL_PIN_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE ) Text1 = &( (Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct*) obj1->m_Label )->m_Text; else Text1 = &( (SCH_TEXT*) obj1->m_Label )->m_Text; if( obj2->m_LabelType == DRAW_HIERARCHICAL_PIN_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE ) Text2 = &( (Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct*) obj2->m_Label )->m_Text; else Text2 = &( (SCH_TEXT*) obj2->m_Label )->m_Text; ii = Text1->CmpNoCase( *Text2 ); } return ii; } /**************************************************************/ static void DeleteSubCmp( ListComponent* aList, int aItemCount ) /**************************************************************/ /* Remove sub components from the list, when multiples parts per package are found in this list * The component list **MUST** be sorted by reference and by unit number */ { SCH_COMPONENT* libItem; wxString oldName; wxString currName; for( int ii = 0; ii < aItemCount; ii++ ) { libItem = aList[ii].m_Comp; if( libItem == NULL ) continue; currName = CONV_FROM_UTF8( aList[ii].m_Ref ); if( !oldName.IsEmpty() ) { if( oldName == currName ) // currName is a subpart of oldName: remove it { aList[ii].m_Comp = NULL; aList[ii].m_SheetList.Clear(); aList[ii].m_Ref[0] = 0; } } oldName = currName; } } /*******************************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_Build_BOM_Frame::PrintFieldData( FILE* f, SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem, bool CompactForm ) /*******************************************************************************************/ { // @todo make this variable length static const wxCheckBox* FieldListCtrl[] = { m_AddField1, m_AddField2, m_AddField3, m_AddField4, m_AddField5, m_AddField6, m_AddField7, m_AddField8 }; int ii; const wxCheckBox* FieldCtrl = FieldListCtrl[0]; if( m_AddFootprintField->IsChecked() ) { if( CompactForm ) { fprintf( f, "%c%s", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol, CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->GetField(FOOTPRINT)->m_Text ) ); } else fprintf( f, "; %-12s", CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->GetField(FOOTPRINT)->m_Text ) ); } for( ii = FIELD1; ii < DrawLibItem->GetFieldCount(); ii++ ) { FieldCtrl = FieldListCtrl[ii - FIELD1]; if( FieldCtrl == NULL ) continue; if( !FieldCtrl->IsChecked() ) continue; if( CompactForm ) fprintf( f, "%c%s", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol, CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->GetField(ii)->m_Text ) ); else fprintf( f, "; %-12s", CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->GetField(ii)->m_Text ) ); } } /*********************************************************************************************/ int WinEDA_Build_BOM_Frame::PrintComponentsListByRef( FILE* f, ListComponent* aList, int aItemCount, bool CompactForm, bool aIncludeSubComponents ) /*********************************************************************************************/ /* Print the B.O.M sorted by reference */ { int ii, Multi, Unit; EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList; SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem; EDA_LibComponentStruct* Entry; char CmpName[80]; wxString msg; if( CompactForm ) { // @todo make this variable length static const wxCheckBox* FieldListCtrl[FIELD8 - FIELD1 + 1] = { m_AddField1, m_AddField2, m_AddField3, m_AddField4, m_AddField5, m_AddField6, m_AddField7, m_AddField8 }; // Print comment line: fprintf( f, "ref%cvalue", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol ); if( aIncludeSubComponents ) { fprintf( f, "%csheet path", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol ); fprintf( f, "%clocation", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol ); } if( m_AddFootprintField->IsChecked() ) fprintf( f, "%cfootprint", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol ); for( ii = FIELD1; ii <= FIELD8; ii++ ) { const wxCheckBox* FieldCtrl = FieldListCtrl[ii - FIELD1]; if( FieldCtrl == NULL ) continue; if( !FieldCtrl->IsChecked() ) continue; msg = _( "Field" ); fprintf( f, "%c%s%d", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ), ii - FIELD1 + 1 ); } fprintf( f, "\n" ); } else { msg = _( "\n#Cmp ( order = Reference )" ); if( aIncludeSubComponents ) msg << _( " (with SubCmp)" ); fprintf( f, "%s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); } // Print list of items for( ii = 0; ii < aItemCount; ii++ ) { DrawList = aList[ii].m_Comp; if( DrawList == NULL ) continue; if( DrawList->Type() != TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT ) continue; DrawLibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) DrawList; if( aList[ii].m_Ref[0] == '#' ) continue; Multi = 0; Unit = ' '; Entry = FindLibPart( DrawLibItem->m_ChipName.GetData(), wxEmptyString, FIND_ROOT ); if( Entry ) Multi = Entry->m_UnitCount; if( ( Multi > 1 ) && aIncludeSubComponents ) Unit = aList[ii].m_Unit + 'A' - 1; sprintf( CmpName, "%s", aList[ii].m_Ref ); if( !CompactForm || Unit != ' ' ) sprintf( CmpName + strlen( CmpName ), "%c", Unit ); if( CompactForm ) fprintf( f, "%s%c%s", CmpName, s_ExportSeparatorSymbol, CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->GetField(VALUE)->m_Text ) ); else fprintf( f, "| %-10s %-12s", CmpName, CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->GetField(VALUE)->m_Text ) ); if( aIncludeSubComponents ) { msg = aList[ii].m_SheetList.PathHumanReadable(); if( CompactForm ) { fprintf( f, "%c%s", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); msg = m_Parent->GetXYSheetReferences( (BASE_SCREEN*)DrawLibItem->m_Parent, DrawLibItem->m_Pos ); fprintf( f, "%c%s)", s_ExportSeparatorSymbol, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); } else { fprintf( f, " (Sheet %s)", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); msg = m_Parent->GetXYSheetReferences( (BASE_SCREEN*)DrawLibItem->m_Parent, DrawLibItem->m_Pos ); fprintf( f, " (loc %s)", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); } } PrintFieldData( f, DrawLibItem, CompactForm ); fprintf( f, "\n" ); } if( !CompactForm ) { msg = _( "#End Cmp\n" ); fprintf( f, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); } return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************/ int WinEDA_Build_BOM_Frame::PrintComponentsListByVal( FILE* f, ListComponent* aList, int aItemCount, bool aIncludeSubComponents ) /**********************************************************************************************/ { int Multi; wxChar Unit; EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList; SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem; EDA_LibComponentStruct* Entry; char CmpName[80]; wxString msg; msg = _( "\n#Cmp ( order = Value )" ); if( aIncludeSubComponents ) msg << _( " (with SubCmp)" ); msg << wxT( "\n" ); fprintf( f, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); for( int ii = 0; ii < aItemCount; ii++ ) { DrawList = aList[ii].m_Comp; if( DrawList == NULL ) continue; if( DrawList->Type() != TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT ) continue; DrawLibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) DrawList; if( aList[ii].m_Ref[0] == '#' ) continue; Multi = 0; Unit = ' '; Entry = FindLibPart( DrawLibItem->m_ChipName.GetData(), wxEmptyString, FIND_ROOT ); if( Entry ) Multi = Entry->m_UnitCount; if( ( Multi > 1 ) && aIncludeSubComponents ) { Unit = aList[ii].m_Unit + 'A' - 1; } sprintf( CmpName, "%s%c", aList[ii].m_Ref, Unit ); fprintf( f, "| %-12s %-10s", CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->GetField(VALUE)->m_Text ), CmpName ); // print the sheet path if( aIncludeSubComponents ) { msg = aList[ii].m_SheetList.PathHumanReadable(); fprintf( f, " (Sheet %s)", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); msg = m_Parent->GetXYSheetReferences( (BASE_SCREEN*)DrawLibItem->m_Parent, DrawLibItem->m_Pos ); fprintf( f, " (loc %s)", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); } PrintFieldData( f, DrawLibItem ); fprintf( f, "\n" ); } msg = _( "#End Cmp\n" ); fprintf( f, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); return 0; } /******************************************************************/ static int PrintListeGLabel( FILE* f, ListLabel* aList, int aItemCount ) /******************************************************************/ { int ii, jj; SCH_LABEL* DrawTextItem; Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* DrawSheetLabel; ListLabel* LabelItem; wxString msg, sheetpath; wxString labeltype; for( ii = 0; ii < aItemCount; ii++ ) { LabelItem = &aList[ii]; switch( LabelItem->m_LabelType ) { case TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL: case TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL: DrawTextItem = (SCH_LABEL*) (LabelItem->m_Label); if( LabelItem->m_LabelType == TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL ) labeltype = wxT( "Hierarchical" ); else labeltype = wxT( "Global " ); sheetpath = CONV_FROM_UTF8( LabelItem->m_SheetPath ); msg.Printf( _( "> %-28.28s %s (Sheet %s) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n" ), DrawTextItem->m_Text.GetData(), labeltype.GetData(), sheetpath.GetData(), (float) DrawTextItem->m_Pos.x / 1000, (float) DrawTextItem->m_Pos.y / 1000 ); fprintf( f, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); break; case DRAW_HIERARCHICAL_PIN_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE: { DrawSheetLabel = (Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct*) LabelItem->m_Label; jj = DrawSheetLabel->m_Shape; if( jj < 0 ) jj = NET_TMAX; if( jj > NET_TMAX ) jj = 4; wxString labtype = CONV_FROM_UTF8( SheetLabelType[jj] ); msg.Printf( _( "> %-28.28s PinSheet %-7.7s (Sheet %s) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n" ), DrawSheetLabel->m_Text.GetData(), labtype.GetData(), LabelItem->m_SheetPath, (float) DrawSheetLabel->m_Pos.x / 1000, (float) DrawSheetLabel->m_Pos.y / 1000 ); fprintf( f, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); } break; default: break; } } msg = _( "#End labels\n" ); fprintf( f, CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) ); return 0; } /********************************************/ int RefDesStringCompare( char* obj1, char* obj2 ) /********************************************/ /* This function will act just like the strcmp function but correctly sort * the numerical order in the string * return -1 if first string is less than the second * return 0 if the strings are equal * return 1 if the first string is greater than the second */ { /* The strings we are going to compare */ wxString strFWord; wxString strSWord; /* The different sections of the first string */ wxString strFWordBeg, strFWordMid, strFWordEnd; /* The different sections of the second string */ wxString strSWordBeg, strSWordMid, strSWordEnd; int isEqual = 0; /* The numerical results of a string compare */ int iReturn = 0; /* The variable that is being returned */ long lFirstDigit = 0; /* The converted middle section of the first string */ long lSecondDigit = 0; /* The converted middle section of the second string */ /* Since m_Ref is a char * it is ASCII */ strFWord = wxString::FromAscii( obj1 ); strSWord = wxString::FromAscii( obj2 ); /* Split the two string into seperate parts */ SplitString( strFWord, &strFWordBeg, &strFWordMid, &strFWordEnd ); SplitString( strSWord, &strSWordBeg, &strSWordMid, &strSWordEnd ); /* Compare the Beginning section of the strings */ isEqual = strFWordBeg.CmpNoCase( strSWordBeg ); if( isEqual > 0 ) iReturn = 1; else if( isEqual < 0 ) iReturn = -1; else { /* If the first sections are equal compare there digits */ strFWordMid.ToLong( &lFirstDigit ); strSWordMid.ToLong( &lSecondDigit ); if( lFirstDigit > lSecondDigit ) iReturn = 1; else if( lFirstDigit < lSecondDigit ) iReturn = -1; else { /* If the first two sections are equal compare the endings */ isEqual = strFWordEnd.CmpNoCase( strSWordEnd ); if( isEqual > 0 ) iReturn = 1; else if( isEqual < 0 ) iReturn = -1; else iReturn = 0; } } return iReturn; } /**************************************************************************************************/ int SplitString( wxString strToSplit, wxString* strBeginning, wxString* strDigits, wxString* strEnd ) /**************************************************************************************************/ /* This is the function that breaks a string into three parts. * The alphabetic preamble * The numeric part * Any alphabetic ending * For example C10A is split to C 10 A */ { /* Clear all the return strings */ strBeginning->Clear(); strDigits->Clear(); strEnd->Clear(); /* There no need to do anything if the string is empty */ if( strToSplit.length() == 0 ) return 0; /* Starting at the end of the string look for the first digit */ int ii; for( ii = (strToSplit.length() - 1); ii >= 0; ii-- ) { if( isdigit( strToSplit[ii] ) ) break; } /* If there were no digits then just set the single string */ if( ii < 0 ) *strBeginning = strToSplit; else { /* Since there is at least one digit this is the trailing string */ *strEnd = strToSplit.substr( ii + 1 ); /* Go to the end of the digits */ int position = ii + 1; for( ; ii >= 0; ii-- ) { if( !isdigit( strToSplit[ii] ) ) break; } /* If all that was left was digits, then just set the digits string */ if( ii < 0 ) *strDigits = strToSplit.substr( 0, position ); /* We were only looking for the last set of digits everything else is part of the preamble */ else { *strDigits = strToSplit.substr( ii + 1, position - ii - 1 ); *strBeginning = strToSplit.substr( 0, ii + 1 ); } } return 0; }