/*************************************************************************/ /* viewlib_frame.cpp - fonctions des classes du type WinEDA_ViewlibFrame */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "bitmaps.h" #include "protos.h" #include "id.h" /*****************************/ /* class WinEDA_ViewlibFrame */ /*****************************/ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_ViewlibFrame, wxFrame ) COMMON_EVENTS_DRAWFRAME EVT_CLOSE( WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::OnCloseWindow ) EVT_SIZE( WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::OnSize ) EVT_ACTIVATE( WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnActivate ) EVT_TOOL_RANGE( ID_LIBVIEW_START_H_TOOL, ID_LIBVIEW_END_H_TOOL, WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_TOOL_RANGE( ID_ZOOM_IN_BUTT, ID_ZOOM_PAGE_BUTT, WinEDA_DrawFrame::Process_Zoom ) EVT_TOOL( ID_LIBVIEW_CMP_EXPORT_TO_SCHEMATIC, WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ExportToSchematicLibraryPart ) EVT_KICAD_CHOICEBOX( ID_LIBVIEW_SELECT_PART_NUMBER, WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::Process_Special_Functions ) EVT_LISTBOX( ID_LIBVIEW_LIB_LIST, WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ClickOnLibList ) EVT_LISTBOX( ID_LIBVIEW_CMP_LIST, WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ClickOnCmpList ) END_EVENT_TABLE() /****************/ /* Constructeur */ /****************/ WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::WinEDA_ViewlibFrame( wxWindow* father, WinEDA_App* parent, LibraryStruct* Library, wxSemaphore* semaphore ) : WinEDA_DrawFrame( father, VIEWER_FRAME, parent, _( "Library browser" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize ) { m_FrameName = wxT( "ViewlibFrame" ); m_Draw_Axis = TRUE; // TRUE pour avoir les axes dessines m_Draw_Grid = TRUE; // TRUE pour avoir la axes dessinee // Give an icon SetIcon( wxIcon( library_browse_xpm ) ); m_CmpList = NULL; m_LibList = NULL; m_Semaphore = semaphore; if( m_Semaphore ) SetWindowStyle( GetWindowStyle() | wxSTAY_ON_TOP ); SetBaseScreen( new SCH_SCREEN( VIEWER_FRAME ) ); GetScreen()->SetZoom( 16 ); if( Library == NULL ) { m_LibListSize.x = 150; // Width of library list m_LibListSize.y = -1; m_LibList = new wxListBox( this, ID_LIBVIEW_LIB_LIST, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), m_LibListSize, 0, NULL, wxLB_HSCROLL ); m_LibList->SetFont( *g_DialogFont ); m_LibList->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) ); // Library background listbox color (white) m_LibList->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) ); // Library foreground listbox color (black) } else g_CurrentViewLibraryName = Library->m_Name; m_CmpListSize.x = 150; // Width of component list m_CmpListSize.y = -1; m_CmpList = new wxListBox( this, ID_LIBVIEW_CMP_LIST, wxPoint( m_LibListSize.x, 0 ), m_CmpListSize, 0, NULL, wxLB_HSCROLL ); m_CmpList->SetFont( *g_DialogFont ); m_CmpList->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) ); // Component background listbox color (white) m_CmpList->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) ); // Component foreground listbox color (black) GetSettings(); SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y ); ReCreateHToolbar(); ReCreateVToolbar(); if( m_LibList ) ReCreateListLib(); DisplayLibInfos(); Show( TRUE ); } /***************/ /* Destructeur */ /***************/ WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::~WinEDA_ViewlibFrame() { delete GetScreen(); SetBaseScreen( 0 ); m_Parent->m_ViewlibFrame = NULL; } /*****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& Event ) /*****************************************************************/ { SaveSettings(); if( m_Semaphore ) m_Semaphore->Post(); Destroy(); } /*****************************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& SizeEv ) /*****************************************************/ { wxSize size; wxSize maintoolbar_size; wxSize Vtoolbar_size; GetClientSize( &size.x, &size.y ); m_FrameSize = size; size.y -= m_MsgFrameHeight; if( m_HToolBar ) { maintoolbar_size = m_HToolBar->GetSize(); } if( m_VToolBar ) { Vtoolbar_size = m_VToolBar->GetSize(); m_VToolBar->SetSize( size.x - maintoolbar_size.y, 0, -1, size.y ); } if( MsgPanel ) { MsgPanel->SetSize( 0, size.y, size.x, m_MsgFrameHeight ); } if( DrawPanel ) { DrawPanel->SetSize( m_LibListSize.x + m_CmpListSize.x, 0, size.x - Vtoolbar_size.x - m_LibListSize.x - m_CmpListSize.x, size.y ); } if( m_LibList ) { m_LibListSize.y = size.y; m_LibList->SetSize( 0, 0, m_LibListSize.x, m_LibListSize.y ); } if( m_CmpList ) { m_CmpListSize.y = size.y; m_CmpList->SetSize( m_LibListSize.x, 0, m_CmpListSize.x, m_CmpListSize.y ); } } /*******************************************/ int WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::BestZoom() /*******************************************/ { int bestzoom, ii, jj; wxSize size, itemsize; EDA_LibComponentStruct* CurrentLibEntry = NULL; CurrentLibEntry = FindLibPart( g_CurrentViewComponentName.GetData(), g_CurrentViewLibraryName.GetData(), FIND_ROOT ); if( CurrentLibEntry == NULL ) { bestzoom = 16; GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x = 0; GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y = 0; return bestzoom; } EDA_Rect BoundaryBox = CurrentLibEntry->GetBoundaryBox( g_ViewUnit, g_ViewConvert ); itemsize = BoundaryBox.GetSize(); size = DrawPanel->GetClientSize(); size.x -= 60; // Pour marges haut et bas ii = itemsize.x / size.x; jj = itemsize.y / size.y; ii = MAX( ii, jj ); /* determination du zoom existant le plus proche */ for( bestzoom = 1; bestzoom < 512; bestzoom <<= 1 ) { if( bestzoom > ii ) break; } GetScreen()->m_Curseur = BoundaryBox.Centre(); return bestzoom; } /***************************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ReCreateListLib() /***************************************************/ { const wxChar** ListNames, ** names; int ii; bool found = FALSE; if( m_LibList == NULL ) return; ListNames = GetLibNames(); m_LibList->Clear(); for( names = ListNames, ii = 0; *names != NULL; names++, ii++ ) { m_LibList->Append( *names ); if( g_CurrentViewLibraryName.Cmp( *names ) == 0 ) { m_LibList->SetSelection( ii, TRUE ); found = TRUE; } } free( ListNames ); /* Librairie courante peut etre non retrouv�e en liste * (peut etre effac�e lors d'une modification de configuration) */ if( !found ) { g_CurrentViewLibraryName.Empty(); g_CurrentViewComponentName.Empty(); } ReCreateListCmp(); ReCreateHToolbar(); DisplayLibInfos(); ReDrawPanel(); } /***********************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ReCreateListCmp() /***********************************************/ { int ii; EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry = NULL; LibraryStruct* Library = FindLibrary( g_CurrentViewLibraryName.GetData() ); m_CmpList->Clear(); ii = 0; g_CurrentViewComponentName.Empty(); g_ViewConvert = 1; /* Vue normal / convert */ g_ViewUnit = 1; /* unit� a afficher (A, B ..) */ if( Library ) LibEntry = (EDA_LibComponentStruct*) PQFirst( &Library->m_Entries, FALSE ); while( LibEntry ) { m_CmpList->Append( LibEntry->m_Name.m_Text ); LibEntry = (EDA_LibComponentStruct*) PQNext( Library->m_Entries, LibEntry, NULL ); } } /********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ClickOnLibList( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************************/ { int ii = m_LibList->GetSelection(); if( ii < 0 ) return; wxString name = m_LibList->GetString( ii ); if( g_CurrentViewLibraryName == name ) return; g_CurrentViewLibraryName = name; ReCreateListCmp(); ReDrawPanel(); DisplayLibInfos(); ReCreateHToolbar(); } /****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ClickOnCmpList( wxCommandEvent& event ) /****************************************************************/ { int ii = m_CmpList->GetSelection(); if( ii < 0 ) return; wxString name = m_CmpList->GetString( ii ); g_CurrentViewComponentName = name; DisplayLibInfos(); g_ViewUnit = 1; g_ViewConvert = 1; Zoom_Automatique( FALSE ); ReCreateHToolbar(); ReDrawPanel(); } /****************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_ViewlibFrame::ExportToSchematicLibraryPart( wxCommandEvent& event ) /****************************************************************************/ /* Export to schematic the current viewed component, and close the library browser */ { int ii = m_CmpList->GetSelection(); if( ii >= 0 ) g_CurrentViewComponentName = m_CmpList->GetString( ii ); else g_CurrentViewComponentName.Empty(); Close( TRUE ); }