/* * KiRouter - a push-and-(sometimes-)shove PCB router * * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 CERN * Copyright (C) 2017-2024 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * @author Tomasz Wlostowski * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tool/tool_action.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::placeholders; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "router_tool.h" #include "router_status_view_item.h" #include "pns_router.h" #include "pns_itemset.h" #include "pns_logger.h" #include "pns_placement_algo.h" #include "pns_drag_algo.h" #include "pns_kicad_iface.h" #include #include using namespace KIGFX; /** * Flags used by via tool actions */ enum VIA_ACTION_FLAGS { // Via type VIA_MASK = 0x03, VIA = 0x00, ///< Normal via BLIND_VIA = 0x01, ///< blind/buried via MICROVIA = 0x02, ///< Microvia // Select layer SELECT_LAYER = VIA_MASK + 1, ///< Ask user to select layer before adding via }; // Actions, being statically-defined, require specialized I18N handling. We continue to // use the _() macro so that string harvesting by the I18N framework doesn't have to be // specialized, but we don't translate on initialization and instead do it in the getters. #undef _ #define _(s) s // Pass all the parameters as int to allow combining flags static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_PlaceThroughVia( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.PlaceVia" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .DefaultHotkey( 'V' ) .LegacyHotkeyName( "Add Through Via" ) .FriendlyName( _( "Place Through Via" ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Adds a through-hole via at the end of currently routed track." ) ) .Icon( BITMAPS::via ) .Flags( AF_NONE ) .Parameter( VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::VIA ) ); static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_PlaceBlindVia( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.PlaceBlindVia" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .DefaultHotkey( MD_ALT + MD_SHIFT + 'V' ) .LegacyHotkeyName( "Add Blind/Buried Via" ) .FriendlyName( _( "Place Blind/Buried Via" ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Adds a blind or buried via at the end of currently routed track.") ) .Icon( BITMAPS::via_buried ) .Flags( AF_NONE ) .Parameter( VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::BLIND_VIA ) ); static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_PlaceMicroVia( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.PlaceMicroVia" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .DefaultHotkey( MD_CTRL + 'V' ) .LegacyHotkeyName( "Add MicroVia" ) .FriendlyName( _( "Place Microvia" ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Adds a microvia at the end of currently routed track." ) ) .Icon( BITMAPS::via_microvia ) .Flags( AF_NONE ) .Parameter( VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::MICROVIA ) ); static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceThroughVia( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SelLayerAndPlaceVia" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .DefaultHotkey( '<' ) .LegacyHotkeyName( "Select Layer and Add Through Via" ) .FriendlyName( _( "Select Layer and Place Through Via..." ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Select a layer, then add a through-hole via at the end of currently routed track." ) ) .Icon( BITMAPS::select_w_layer ) .Flags( AF_NONE ) .Parameter( VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::VIA | VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::SELECT_LAYER ) ); static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceBlindVia( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SelLayerAndPlaceBlindVia" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .DefaultHotkey( MD_ALT + '<' ) .LegacyHotkeyName( "Select Layer and Add Blind/Buried Via" ) .FriendlyName( _( "Select Layer and Place Blind/Buried Via..." ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Select a layer, then add a blind or buried via at the end of currently routed track." ) ) .Icon( BITMAPS::select_w_layer ) .Flags( AF_NONE ) .Parameter( VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::BLIND_VIA | VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::SELECT_LAYER ) ); static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceMicroVia( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SelLayerAndPlaceMicroVia" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .FriendlyName( _( "Select Layer and Place Micro Via..." ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Select a layer, then add a micro via at the end of currently routed track." ) ) .Icon( BITMAPS::select_w_layer ) .Flags( AF_NONE ) .Parameter( VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::MICROVIA | VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::SELECT_LAYER ) ); static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_CustomTrackWidth( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.CustomTrackViaSize" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .DefaultHotkey( 'Q' ) .LegacyHotkeyName( "Custom Track/Via Size" ) .FriendlyName( _( "Custom Track/Via Size..." ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Shows a dialog for changing the track width and via size." ) ) .Icon( BITMAPS::width_track ) ); static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_SwitchPosture( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SwitchPosture" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .DefaultHotkey( '/' ) .LegacyHotkeyName( "Switch Track Posture" ) .FriendlyName( _( "Switch Track Posture" ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Switches posture of the currently routed track." ) ) .Icon( BITMAPS::change_entry_orient ) ); static const TOOL_ACTION ACT_SwitchCornerMode( TOOL_ACTION_ARGS() .Name( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SwitchRounding" ) .Scope( AS_CONTEXT ) .DefaultHotkey( MD_CTRL + '/' ) .FriendlyName( _( "Track Corner Mode" ) ) .Tooltip( _( "Switches between sharp/rounded and 45°/90° corners when routing tracks." ) ) .Icon( BITMAPS::switch_corner_rounding_shape ) ); #undef _ #define _(s) wxGetTranslation((s)) ROUTER_TOOL::ROUTER_TOOL() : TOOL_BASE( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter" ), m_lastTargetLayer( UNDEFINED_LAYER ), m_originalActiveLayer( UNDEFINED_LAYER ), m_inRouterTool( false ) { } class TRACK_WIDTH_MENU : public ACTION_MENU { public: TRACK_WIDTH_MENU( PCB_EDIT_FRAME& aFrame ) : ACTION_MENU( true ), m_frame( aFrame ) { SetIcon( BITMAPS::width_track_via ); SetTitle( _( "Select Track/Via Width" ) ); } protected: ACTION_MENU* create() const override { return new TRACK_WIDTH_MENU( m_frame ); } void update() override { BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = m_frame.GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings(); bool useIndex = !bds.m_UseConnectedTrackWidth && !bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize(); wxString msg; Clear(); Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_AUTO_WIDTH, _( "Use Starting Track Width" ), _( "Route using the width of the starting track." ), wxITEM_CHECK ); Check( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_AUTO_WIDTH, bds.m_UseConnectedTrackWidth && !bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize() ); Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_USE_NETCLASS_VALUES, _( "Use Net Class Values" ), _( "Use track and via sizes from the net class" ), wxITEM_CHECK ); Check( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_USE_NETCLASS_VALUES, useIndex && bds.GetTrackWidthIndex() == 0 && bds.GetViaSizeIndex() == 0 ); Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CUSTOM_WIDTH, _( "Use Custom Values..." ), _( "Specify custom track and via sizes" ), wxITEM_CHECK ); Check( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CUSTOM_WIDTH, bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize() ); AppendSeparator(); // Append the list of tracks & via sizes for( unsigned i = 0; i < bds.m_TrackWidthList.size(); i++ ) { int width = bds.m_TrackWidthList[i]; if( i == 0 ) msg = _( "Track netclass width" ); else msg.Printf( _( "Track %s" ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( width ) ); int menuIdx = ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_WIDTH1 + i; Append( menuIdx, msg, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK ); Check( menuIdx, useIndex && bds.GetTrackWidthIndex() == i ); } AppendSeparator(); for( unsigned i = 0; i < bds.m_ViasDimensionsList.size(); i++ ) { VIA_DIMENSION via = bds.m_ViasDimensionsList[i]; if( i == 0 ) msg = _( "Via netclass values" ); else { if( via.m_Drill > 0 ) { msg.Printf( _("Via %s, hole %s" ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( via.m_Diameter ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( via.m_Drill ) ); } else { msg.Printf( _( "Via %s" ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( via.m_Diameter ) ); } } int menuIdx = ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_VIASIZE1 + i; Append( menuIdx, msg, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK ); Check( menuIdx, useIndex && bds.GetViaSizeIndex() == i ); } } OPT_TOOL_EVENT eventHandler( const wxMenuEvent& aEvent ) override { BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS &bds = m_frame.GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings(); int id = aEvent.GetId(); // On Windows, this handler can be called with an event ID not existing in any // menuitem, so only set flags when we have an ID match. if( id == ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CUSTOM_WIDTH ) { bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize( true ); bds.m_TempOverrideTrackWidth = true; m_frame.GetToolManager()->RunAction( ACT_CustomTrackWidth ); } else if( id == ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_AUTO_WIDTH ) { bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize( false ); bds.m_UseConnectedTrackWidth = true; bds.m_TempOverrideTrackWidth = false; } else if( id == ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_USE_NETCLASS_VALUES ) { bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize( false ); bds.m_UseConnectedTrackWidth = false; bds.SetViaSizeIndex( 0 ); bds.SetTrackWidthIndex( 0 ); } else if( id >= ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_VIASIZE1 && id <= ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_VIASIZE16 ) { bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize( false ); bds.SetViaSizeIndex( id - ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_VIASIZE1 ); } else if( id >= ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_WIDTH1 && id <= ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_WIDTH16 ) { bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize( false ); bds.m_TempOverrideTrackWidth = true; bds.SetTrackWidthIndex( id - ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_WIDTH1 ); } return OPT_TOOL_EVENT( PCB_ACTIONS::trackViaSizeChanged.MakeEvent() ); } private: PCB_EDIT_FRAME& m_frame; }; class DIFF_PAIR_MENU : public ACTION_MENU { public: DIFF_PAIR_MENU( PCB_EDIT_FRAME& aFrame ) : ACTION_MENU( true ), m_frame( aFrame ) { SetIcon( BITMAPS::width_track_via ); SetTitle( _( "Select Differential Pair Dimensions" ) ); } protected: ACTION_MENU* create() const override { return new DIFF_PAIR_MENU( m_frame ); } void update() override { const BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = m_frame.GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings(); Clear(); Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_USE_NETCLASS_DIFFPAIR, _( "Use Net Class Values" ), _( "Use differential pair dimensions from the net class" ), wxITEM_CHECK ); Check( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_USE_NETCLASS_DIFFPAIR, !bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions() && bds.GetDiffPairIndex() == 0 ); Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CUSTOM_DIFFPAIR, _( "Use Custom Values..." ), _( "Specify custom differential pair dimensions" ), wxITEM_CHECK ); Check( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CUSTOM_DIFFPAIR, bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions() ); AppendSeparator(); // Append the list of differential pair dimensions // Drop index 0 which is the current netclass dimensions (which are handled above) for( unsigned i = 1; i < bds.m_DiffPairDimensionsList.size(); ++i ) { DIFF_PAIR_DIMENSION diffPair = bds.m_DiffPairDimensionsList[i]; wxString msg; if( diffPair.m_Gap <= 0 ) { if( diffPair.m_ViaGap <= 0 ) { msg.Printf( _( "Width %s" ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( diffPair.m_Width ) ); } else { msg.Printf( _( "Width %s, via gap %s" ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( diffPair.m_Width ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( diffPair.m_ViaGap ) ); } } else { if( diffPair.m_ViaGap <= 0 ) { msg.Printf( _( "Width %s, gap %s" ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( diffPair.m_Width ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( diffPair.m_Gap ) ); } else { msg.Printf( _( "Width %s, gap %s, via gap %s" ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( diffPair.m_Width ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( diffPair.m_Gap ), m_frame.MessageTextFromValue( diffPair.m_ViaGap ) ); } } int menuIdx = ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_DIFFPAIR1 + i - 1; Append( menuIdx, msg, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK ); Check( menuIdx, !bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions() && bds.GetDiffPairIndex() == i ); } } OPT_TOOL_EVENT eventHandler( const wxMenuEvent& aEvent ) override { BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS &bds = m_frame.GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings(); int id = aEvent.GetId(); // On Windows, this handler can be called with an event ID not existing in any // menuitem, so only set flags when we have an ID match. if( id == ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CUSTOM_DIFFPAIR ) { bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions( true ); TOOL_MANAGER* toolManager = m_frame.GetToolManager(); toolManager->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::routerDiffPairDialog ); } else if( id == ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_USE_NETCLASS_DIFFPAIR ) { bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions( false ); bds.SetDiffPairIndex( 0 ); } else if( id >= ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_DIFFPAIR1 && id <= ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_DIFFPAIR16 ) { bds.UseCustomDiffPairDimensions( false ); // remember that the menu doesn't contain index 0 (which is the netclass values) bds.SetDiffPairIndex( id - ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_DIFFPAIR1 + 1 ); } return OPT_TOOL_EVENT( PCB_ACTIONS::trackViaSizeChanged.MakeEvent() ); } private: PCB_EDIT_FRAME& m_frame; }; ROUTER_TOOL::~ROUTER_TOOL() { } bool ROUTER_TOOL::Init() { m_lastTargetLayer = UNDEFINED_LAYER; m_originalActiveLayer = UNDEFINED_LAYER; PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = getEditFrame(); wxASSERT( frame ); auto& menu = m_menu.GetMenu(); menu.SetTitle( _( "Interactive Router" ) ); m_trackViaMenu = std::make_shared( *frame ); m_trackViaMenu->SetTool( this ); m_menu.RegisterSubMenu( m_trackViaMenu ); m_diffPairMenu = std::make_shared( *frame ); m_diffPairMenu->SetTool( this ); m_menu.RegisterSubMenu( m_diffPairMenu ); auto haveHighlight = [&]( const SELECTION& sel ) { KIGFX::RENDER_SETTINGS* cfg = m_toolMgr->GetView()->GetPainter()->GetSettings(); return !cfg->GetHighlightNetCodes().empty(); }; auto notRoutingCond = [this]( const SELECTION& ) { return !m_router->RoutingInProgress(); }; auto hasOtherEnd = [&]( const SELECTION& ) { std::vector currentNets = m_router->GetCurrentNets(); if( currentNets.empty() || currentNets[0] == nullptr ) return false; // Need to have something unconnected to finish to NETINFO_ITEM* netInfo = static_cast( currentNets[0] ); int currentNet = netInfo->GetNetCode(); BOARD* board = getEditFrame()->GetBoard(); RN_NET* ratsnest = board->GetConnectivity()->GetRatsnestForNet( currentNet ); return ratsnest && !ratsnest->GetEdges().empty(); }; menu.AddItem( ACTIONS::cancelInteractive, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways, 1 ); menu.AddSeparator( 1 ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::clearHighlight, haveHighlight, 2 ); menu.AddSeparator( haveHighlight, 2 ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::routeSingleTrack, notRoutingCond ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::routeDiffPair, notRoutingCond ); menu.AddItem( ACTIONS::finishInteractive, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::routerUndoLastSegment, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::routerContinueFromEnd, hasOtherEnd ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::routerAttemptFinish, hasOtherEnd ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::breakTrack, notRoutingCond ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::drag45Degree, notRoutingCond ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::dragFreeAngle, notRoutingCond ); menu.AddItem( ACT_PlaceThroughVia, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( ACT_PlaceBlindVia, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( ACT_PlaceMicroVia, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceThroughVia, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceBlindVia, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceMicroVia, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( ACT_SwitchPosture, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddItem( ACT_SwitchCornerMode, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddSeparator(); auto diffPairCond = [this]( const SELECTION& ) { return m_router->Mode() == PNS::PNS_MODE_ROUTE_DIFF_PAIR; }; menu.AddMenu( m_trackViaMenu.get(), SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddMenu( m_diffPairMenu.get(), diffPairCond ); menu.AddItem( PCB_ACTIONS::routerSettingsDialog, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); menu.AddSeparator(); frame->AddStandardSubMenus( m_menu ); return true; } void ROUTER_TOOL::Reset( RESET_REASON aReason ) { m_lastTargetLayer = UNDEFINED_LAYER; if( aReason == RUN ) TOOL_BASE::Reset( aReason ); } // Saves the complete event log and the dump of the PCB, allowing us to // recreate hard-to-find P&S quirks and bugs. void ROUTER_TOOL::saveRouterDebugLog() { auto logger = m_router->Logger(); if( !logger || logger->GetEvents().size() == 0 ) return; wxString cwd = wxGetCwd(); wxFileName fname_log; fname_log.SetPath( cwd ); fname_log.SetName( "pns.log" ); wxFileName fname_dump( cwd ); fname_dump.SetPath( cwd ); fname_dump.SetName( "pns.dump" ); wxFileName fname_settings( cwd ); fname_settings.SetPath( cwd ); fname_settings.SetName( "pns.settings" ); wxString msg = wxString::Format( wxT( "Path: %s\nEvent file: %s\nBoard dump: %s\nSettings dump: %s" ), fname_log.GetPath(), fname_log.GetFullName(), fname_dump.GetFullName(), fname_settings.GetFullName() ); int rv = OKOrCancelDialog( nullptr, _( "Save router log" ), _( "Would you like to save the router\nevent log for debugging purposes?" ), msg, _( "OK" ), _( "Cancel" ) ); if( !rv ) return; FILE* settings_f = wxFopen( fname_settings.GetFullPath(), "wb" ); std::string settingsStr = m_router->Settings().FormatAsString(); fprintf( settings_f, "%s\n", settingsStr.c_str() ); fclose( settings_f ); // Export as *.kicad_pcb format, using a strategy which is specifically chosen // as an example on how it could also be used to send it to the system clipboard. PCB_IO_KICAD_SEXPR pcb_io; pcb_io.SaveBoard( fname_dump.GetFullPath(), m_iface->GetBoard(), nullptr ); PROJECT* prj = m_iface->GetBoard()->GetProject(); prj->GetProjectFile().SaveAs( cwd, "pns" ); prj->GetLocalSettings().SaveAs( cwd, "pns" ); // Build log file: std::vector added, removed, heads; m_router->GetUpdatedItems( removed, added, heads ); std::set removedKIIDs; for( auto item : removed ) { wxASSERT_MSG( item->Parent() != nullptr, "removed an item with no parent uuid?" ); if( item->Parent() ) removedKIIDs.insert( item->Parent()->m_Uuid ); } FILE* log_f = wxFopen( fname_log.GetFullPath(), "wb" ); wxString logString = PNS::LOGGER::FormatLogFileAsString( m_router->Mode(), added, removedKIIDs, heads, logger->GetEvents() ); fprintf( log_f, "%s\n", logString.c_str().AsChar() ); fclose( log_f ); logger->Clear(); // prevent re-entry } void ROUTER_TOOL::handleCommonEvents( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { if( aEvent.Category() == TC_VIEW || aEvent.Category() == TC_MOUSE ) { BOX2D viewAreaD = getView()->GetGAL()->GetVisibleWorldExtents(); m_router->SetVisibleViewArea( BOX2I( viewAreaD.GetOrigin(), viewAreaD.GetSize() ) ); } if( !ADVANCED_CFG::GetCfg().m_EnableRouterDump ) return; if( !aEvent.IsKeyPressed() ) return; switch( aEvent.KeyCode() ) { case '0': saveRouterDebugLog(); aEvent.SetPassEvent( false ); break; default: break; } } int ROUTER_TOOL::getStartLayer( const PNS::ITEM* aItem ) { int tl = getView()->GetTopLayer(); if( m_startItem ) { const LAYER_RANGE& ls = m_startItem->Layers(); if( ls.Overlaps( tl ) ) return tl; else return ls.Start(); } return tl; } void ROUTER_TOOL::switchLayerOnViaPlacement() { int activeLayer = frame()->GetActiveLayer(); int currentLayer = m_router->GetCurrentLayer(); if( currentLayer != activeLayer ) m_router->SwitchLayer( activeLayer ); std::optional newLayer = m_router->Sizes().PairedLayer( currentLayer ); if( !newLayer ) newLayer = m_router->Sizes().GetLayerTop(); m_router->SwitchLayer( *newLayer ); m_lastTargetLayer = *newLayer; updateSizesAfterLayerSwitch( ToLAYER_ID( *newLayer ), m_endSnapPoint ); } void ROUTER_TOOL::updateSizesAfterLayerSwitch( PCB_LAYER_ID targetLayer, const VECTOR2I& aPos ) { std::vector nets = m_router->GetCurrentNets(); PNS::SIZES_SETTINGS sizes = m_router->Sizes(); BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = board()->GetDesignSettings(); std::shared_ptr& drcEngine = bds.m_DRCEngine; DRC_CONSTRAINT constraint; PCB_TRACK dummyTrack( board() ); dummyTrack.SetFlags( ROUTER_TRANSIENT ); dummyTrack.SetLayer( targetLayer ); dummyTrack.SetNet( nets.empty() ? nullptr: static_cast( nets[0] ) ); dummyTrack.SetStart( aPos ); dummyTrack.SetEnd( dummyTrack.GetStart() ); if( bds.UseNetClassTrack() || !sizes.TrackWidthIsExplicit() ) { constraint = drcEngine->EvalRules( TRACK_WIDTH_CONSTRAINT, &dummyTrack, nullptr, targetLayer ); if( !constraint.IsNull() ) { int width = sizes.TrackWidth(); // Only change the size if we're explicitly using the net class, or we're out of range // for our new constraints. Otherwise, just leave the track width alone so we don't // change for no reason. if( bds.UseNetClassTrack() || ( width < bds.m_TrackMinWidth ) || ( width < constraint.m_Value.Min() ) || ( width > constraint.m_Value.Max() ) ) { sizes.SetTrackWidth( std::max( bds.m_TrackMinWidth, constraint.m_Value.Opt() ) ); } if( sizes.TrackWidth() == constraint.m_Value.Opt() ) sizes.SetWidthSource( constraint.GetName() ); else if( sizes.TrackWidth() == bds.m_TrackMinWidth ) sizes.SetWidthSource( _( "board minimum track width" ) ); else sizes.SetWidthSource( _( "existing track" ) ); } } if( nets.size() >= 2 && ( bds.UseNetClassDiffPair() || !sizes.TrackWidthIsExplicit() ) ) { PCB_TRACK dummyTrackB( board() ); dummyTrackB.SetFlags( ROUTER_TRANSIENT ); dummyTrackB.SetLayer( targetLayer ); dummyTrackB.SetNet( static_cast( nets[1] ) ); dummyTrackB.SetStart( aPos ); dummyTrackB.SetEnd( dummyTrackB.GetStart() ); constraint = drcEngine->EvalRules( TRACK_WIDTH_CONSTRAINT, &dummyTrack, &dummyTrackB, targetLayer ); if( !constraint.IsNull() ) { sizes.SetDiffPairWidth( std::max( bds.m_TrackMinWidth, constraint.m_Value.Opt() ) ); if( sizes.DiffPairWidth() == constraint.m_Value.Opt() ) sizes.SetDiffPairWidthSource( constraint.GetName() ); else sizes.SetDiffPairWidthSource( _( "board minimum track width" ) ); } constraint = drcEngine->EvalRules( DIFF_PAIR_GAP_CONSTRAINT, &dummyTrack, &dummyTrackB, targetLayer ); if( !constraint.IsNull() ) { sizes.SetDiffPairGap( std::max( bds.m_MinClearance, constraint.m_Value.Opt() ) ); if( sizes.DiffPairGap() == constraint.m_Value.Opt() ) sizes.SetDiffPairGapSource( constraint.GetName() ); else sizes.SetDiffPairGapSource( _( "board minimum clearance" ) ); } } m_router->UpdateSizes( sizes ); } static VIATYPE getViaTypeFromFlags( int aFlags ) { switch( aFlags & VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::VIA_MASK ) { case VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::VIA: return VIATYPE::THROUGH; case VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::BLIND_VIA: return VIATYPE::BLIND_BURIED; case VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::MICROVIA: return VIATYPE::MICROVIA; default: wxASSERT_MSG( false, wxT( "Unhandled via type" ) ); return VIATYPE::THROUGH; } } int ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { handleLayerSwitch( aEvent, false ); UpdateMessagePanel(); return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::onViaCommand( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { if( !m_router->IsPlacingVia() ) { return handleLayerSwitch( aEvent, true ); } else { m_router->ToggleViaPlacement(); frame()->SetActiveLayer( static_cast( m_router->GetCurrentLayer() ) ); updateEndItem( aEvent ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); } UpdateMessagePanel(); return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::handleLayerSwitch( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent, bool aForceVia ) { wxCHECK( m_router, 0 ); if( !IsToolActive() ) return 0; // First see if this is one of the switch layer commands BOARD* brd = board(); LSET enabledLayers = LSET::AllCuMask( brd->GetDesignSettings().GetCopperLayerCount() ); LSEQ layers = enabledLayers.Seq(); PCB_LAYER_ID currentLayer = (PCB_LAYER_ID) m_router->GetCurrentLayer(); PCB_LAYER_ID targetLayer = UNDEFINED_LAYER; if( aEvent.IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::layerNext ) ) { if( m_lastTargetLayer == UNDEFINED_LAYER ) m_lastTargetLayer = currentLayer; size_t idx = 0; size_t target_idx = 0; for( size_t i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++ ) { if( layers[i] == m_lastTargetLayer ) { idx = i; break; } } target_idx = ( idx + 1 ) % layers.size(); // issue: #14480 // idx + 1 layer may be invisible, switches to next visible layer for( size_t i = 0; i < layers.size() - 1; i++ ) { if( brd->IsLayerVisible( static_cast( layers[target_idx] ) ) ) { targetLayer = layers[target_idx]; break; } target_idx += 1; if( target_idx >= layers.size() ) { target_idx = 0; } } if( targetLayer == UNDEFINED_LAYER ) { // if there is no visible layers return 0; } } else if( aEvent.IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::layerPrev ) ) { if( m_lastTargetLayer == UNDEFINED_LAYER ) m_lastTargetLayer = currentLayer; size_t idx = 0; size_t target_idx = 0; for( size_t i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++ ) { if( layers[i] == m_lastTargetLayer ) { idx = i; break; } } target_idx = ( idx > 0 ) ? ( idx - 1 ) : ( layers.size() - 1 ); for( size_t i = 0; i < layers.size() - 1; i++ ) { if( brd->IsLayerVisible( static_cast( layers[target_idx] ) ) ) { targetLayer = layers[target_idx]; break; } if( target_idx > 0 ) target_idx -= 1; else target_idx = layers.size() - 1; } if( targetLayer == UNDEFINED_LAYER ) { // if there is no visible layers return 0; } } else if( aEvent.IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::layerToggle ) ) { PCB_SCREEN* screen = frame()->GetScreen(); if( currentLayer == screen->m_Route_Layer_TOP ) targetLayer = screen->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM; else targetLayer = screen->m_Route_Layer_TOP; } else if( aEvent.IsActionInGroup( PCB_ACTIONS::layerDirectSwitchActions() ) ) { targetLayer = aEvent.Parameter(); if( !enabledLayers.test( targetLayer ) ) return 0; } if( targetLayer != UNDEFINED_LAYER ) { m_lastTargetLayer = targetLayer; if( targetLayer == currentLayer ) return 0; if( !aForceVia && m_router && m_router->SwitchLayer( targetLayer ) ) { updateEndItem( aEvent ); updateSizesAfterLayerSwitch( targetLayer, m_endSnapPoint ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); // refresh return 0; } } BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = board()->GetDesignSettings(); const int layerCount = bds.GetCopperLayerCount(); PCB_LAYER_ID pairTop = frame()->GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP; PCB_LAYER_ID pairBottom = frame()->GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM; PNS::SIZES_SETTINGS sizes = m_router->Sizes(); VIATYPE viaType = VIATYPE::THROUGH; bool selectLayer = false; // Otherwise it is one of the router-specific via commands if( targetLayer == UNDEFINED_LAYER ) { const int actViaFlags = aEvent.Parameter(); selectLayer = actViaFlags & VIA_ACTION_FLAGS::SELECT_LAYER; viaType = getViaTypeFromFlags( actViaFlags ); // ask the user for a target layer if( selectLayer ) { wxPoint endPoint = ToWxPoint( view()->ToScreen( m_endSnapPoint ) ); endPoint = frame()->GetCanvas()->ClientToScreen( endPoint ); // Build the list of not allowed layer for the target layer LSET not_allowed_ly = LSET::AllNonCuMask(); if( viaType != VIATYPE::THROUGH ) not_allowed_ly.set( currentLayer ); if( viaType == VIATYPE::MICROVIA ) { // Allows only the previous or the next layer from the current layer int previous_layer = currentLayer == B_Cu ? layerCount - 2 : currentLayer - 1; int next_layer = currentLayer >= layerCount-2 ? B_Cu : currentLayer + 1; not_allowed_ly = LSET::AllLayersMask(); if( previous_layer >= F_Cu && previous_layer != currentLayer ) not_allowed_ly.reset( previous_layer ); if( next_layer != currentLayer ) not_allowed_ly.reset( next_layer ); } targetLayer = frame()->SelectOneLayer( static_cast( currentLayer ), not_allowed_ly, endPoint ); // Reset the cursor to the end of the track controls()->SetCursorPosition( m_endSnapPoint ); if( targetLayer == UNDEFINED_LAYER ) // cancelled by user return 0; // One cannot place a blind/buried via on only one layer: if( viaType != VIATYPE::THROUGH ) { if( currentLayer == targetLayer ) return 0; } } } // fixme: P&S supports more than one fixed layer pair. Update the dialog? sizes.ClearLayerPairs(); // Convert blind/buried via to a through hole one, if it goes through all layers if( viaType == VIATYPE::BLIND_BURIED && ( ( targetLayer == B_Cu && currentLayer == F_Cu ) || ( targetLayer == F_Cu && currentLayer == B_Cu ) ) ) { viaType = VIATYPE::THROUGH; } if( targetLayer == UNDEFINED_LAYER ) { // Implicic layer selection switch( viaType ) { case VIATYPE::THROUGH: // use the default layer pair currentLayer = pairTop; targetLayer = pairBottom; break; case VIATYPE::MICROVIA: // Try to use the layer pair preset, if the layers are adjacent, // because a microvia is usually restricted to 2 adjacent copper layers if( pairTop > pairBottom ) std::swap( pairTop, pairBottom ); if( currentLayer == pairTop && pairBottom == pairTop+1 ) { targetLayer = pairBottom; } else if( currentLayer == pairBottom && pairBottom == pairTop+1 ) { targetLayer = pairTop; } else if( currentLayer == F_Cu || currentLayer == In1_Cu ) { // front-side microvia currentLayer = F_Cu; if( layerCount > 2 ) // Ensure the inner layer In1_Cu exists targetLayer = In1_Cu; else targetLayer = B_Cu; } else if( currentLayer == B_Cu || currentLayer == layerCount - 2 ) { // back-side microvia currentLayer = B_Cu, targetLayer = (PCB_LAYER_ID) ( layerCount - 2 ); } else { // This is not optimal: from an internal layer one can want to switch // to the previous or the next internal layer // but at this point we do not know what the user want. targetLayer = PCB_LAYER_ID( currentLayer + 1 ); } break; case VIATYPE::BLIND_BURIED: if( currentLayer == pairTop || currentLayer == pairBottom ) { // the current layer is on the defined layer pair, // swap to the other side currentLayer = pairTop; targetLayer = pairBottom; } else { // the current layer is not part of the current layer pair, // so fallback and swap to the top layer of the pair by default targetLayer = pairTop; } // Do not create a broken via (i.e. a via on only one copper layer) if( currentLayer == targetLayer ) { WX_INFOBAR* infobar = frame()->GetInfoBar(); infobar->ShowMessageFor( _( "Blind/buried via need 2 different layers." ), 2000, wxICON_ERROR, WX_INFOBAR::MESSAGE_TYPE::DRC_VIOLATION ); return 0; } break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "unexpected via type" ) ); return 0; break; } } sizes.SetViaDiameter( bds.m_ViasMinSize ); sizes.SetViaDrill( bds.m_MinThroughDrill ); if( bds.UseNetClassVia() || viaType == VIATYPE::MICROVIA ) { PCB_VIA dummyVia( board() ); dummyVia.SetViaType( viaType ); dummyVia.SetLayerPair( currentLayer, targetLayer ); if( !m_router->GetCurrentNets().empty() ) dummyVia.SetNet( static_cast( m_router->GetCurrentNets()[0] ) ); DRC_CONSTRAINT constraint; constraint = bds.m_DRCEngine->EvalRules( VIA_DIAMETER_CONSTRAINT, &dummyVia, nullptr, currentLayer ); if( !constraint.IsNull() ) sizes.SetViaDiameter( constraint.m_Value.Opt() ); constraint = bds.m_DRCEngine->EvalRules( HOLE_SIZE_CONSTRAINT, &dummyVia, nullptr, currentLayer ); if( !constraint.IsNull() ) sizes.SetViaDrill( constraint.m_Value.Opt() ); } else { sizes.SetViaDiameter( bds.GetCurrentViaSize() ); sizes.SetViaDrill( bds.GetCurrentViaDrill() ); } sizes.SetViaType( viaType ); sizes.AddLayerPair( currentLayer, targetLayer ); m_router->UpdateSizes( sizes ); if( !m_router->IsPlacingVia() ) m_router->ToggleViaPlacement(); m_lastTargetLayer = targetLayer; if( m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) { updateEndItem( aEvent ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); } else { updateStartItem( aEvent ); } return 0; } bool ROUTER_TOOL::prepareInteractive() { PCB_EDIT_FRAME* editFrame = getEditFrame(); int routingLayer = getStartLayer( m_startItem ); if( !IsCopperLayer( routingLayer ) ) { editFrame->ShowInfoBarError( _( "Tracks on Copper layers only." ) ); return false; } m_originalActiveLayer = editFrame->GetActiveLayer(); editFrame->SetActiveLayer( ToLAYER_ID( routingLayer ) ); if( !getView()->IsLayerVisible( routingLayer ) ) { editFrame->GetAppearancePanel()->SetLayerVisible( routingLayer, true ); editFrame->GetCanvas()->Refresh(); } PNS::SIZES_SETTINGS sizes( m_router->Sizes() ); m_iface->SetStartLayer( routingLayer ); frame()->GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_TempOverrideTrackWidth = false; m_iface->ImportSizes( sizes, m_startItem, nullptr ); sizes.AddLayerPair( frame()->GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP, frame()->GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM ); m_router->UpdateSizes( sizes ); if( m_startItem && m_startItem->Net() ) { if( m_router->Mode() == PNS::PNS_MODE_ROUTE_DIFF_PAIR ) { if( PNS::NET_HANDLE coupledNet = m_router->GetRuleResolver()->DpCoupledNet( m_startItem->Net() ) ) highlightNets( true, { m_startItem->Net(), coupledNet } ); } else { highlightNets( true, { m_startItem->Net() } ); } } controls()->SetAutoPan( true ); if( !m_router->StartRouting( m_startSnapPoint, m_startItem, routingLayer ) ) { // It would make more sense to leave the net highlighted as the higher-contrast mode // makes the router clearances more visible. However, since we just started routing // the conversion of the screen from low contrast to high contrast is a bit jarring and // makes the infobar coming up less noticeable. highlightNets( false ); frame()->ShowInfoBarError( m_router->FailureReason(), true, [&]() { m_router->ClearViewDecorations(); } ); controls()->SetAutoPan( false ); return false; } m_endItem = nullptr; m_endSnapPoint = m_startSnapPoint; UpdateMessagePanel(); frame()->UndoRedoBlock( true ); return true; } bool ROUTER_TOOL::finishInteractive() { m_router->StopRouting(); m_startItem = nullptr; m_endItem = nullptr; frame()->SetActiveLayer( m_originalActiveLayer ); UpdateMessagePanel(); frame()->GetCanvas()->SetCurrentCursor( KICURSOR::ARROW ); controls()->SetAutoPan( false ); controls()->ForceCursorPosition( false ); frame()->UndoRedoBlock( false ); highlightNets( false ); return true; } void ROUTER_TOOL::performRouting() { m_router->ClearViewDecorations(); if( !prepareInteractive() ) return; auto setCursor = [&]() { frame()->GetCanvas()->SetCurrentCursor( KICURSOR::PENCIL ); }; auto syncRouterAndFrameLayer = [&]() { PCB_LAYER_ID routingLayer = ToLAYER_ID( m_router->GetCurrentLayer() ); PCB_EDIT_FRAME* editFrame = getEditFrame(); editFrame->SetActiveLayer( routingLayer ); if( !getView()->IsLayerVisible( routingLayer ) ) { editFrame->GetAppearancePanel()->SetLayerVisible( routingLayer, true ); editFrame->GetCanvas()->Refresh(); } }; // Set initial cursor setCursor(); while( TOOL_EVENT* evt = Wait() ) { setCursor(); // Don't crash if we missed an operation that canceled routing. if( !m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) { if( evt->IsCancelInteractive() ) m_cancelled = true; break; } handleCommonEvents( *evt ); if( evt->IsMotion() ) { updateEndItem( *evt ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); } else if( evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::routerUndoLastSegment ) || evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::doDelete ) || evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::undo ) ) { if( std::optional last = m_router->UndoLastSegment() ) { getViewControls()->WarpMouseCursor( last.value(), true ); evt->SetMousePosition( last.value() ); } updateEndItem( *evt ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); } else if( evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::routerAttemptFinish ) ) { bool* autoRouted = evt->Parameter(); if( m_router->Finish() ) { // When we're routing a group of signals automatically we want // to break up the undo stack every time we have to manually route // so the user gets nice checkpoints. Remove the APPEND_UNDO flag. if( autoRouted != nullptr ) *autoRouted = true; break; } else { // This acts as check if we were called by the autorouter; we don't want // to reset APPEND_UNDO if we're auto finishing after route-other-end if( autoRouted != nullptr ) { *autoRouted = false; m_iface->SetCommitFlags( 0 ); } // Warp the mouse so the user is at the point we managed to route to controls()->WarpMouseCursor( m_router->Placer()->CurrentEnd(), true, true ); } } else if( evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::routerContinueFromEnd ) ) { bool needsAppend = m_router->Placer()->HasPlacedAnything(); if( m_router->ContinueFromEnd( &m_startItem ) ) { syncRouterAndFrameLayer(); m_startSnapPoint = m_router->Placer()->CurrentStart(); updateEndItem( *evt ); // Warp the mouse to wherever we actually ended up routing to controls()->WarpMouseCursor( m_router->Placer()->CurrentEnd(), true, true ); // We want the next router commit to be one undo at the UI layer m_iface->SetCommitFlags( needsAppend ? APPEND_UNDO : 0 ); } else { frame()->ShowInfoBarError( m_router->FailureReason(), true ); } } else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) || evt->IsDrag( BUT_LEFT ) || evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::routeSingleTrack ) ) { updateEndItem( *evt ); bool needLayerSwitch = m_router->IsPlacingVia(); bool forceFinish = evt->Modifier( MD_SHIFT ); bool forceCommit = false; if( m_router->FixRoute( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem, forceFinish, forceCommit ) ) break; if( needLayerSwitch ) switchLayerOnViaPlacement(); // Synchronize the indicated layer syncRouterAndFrameLayer(); updateEndItem( *evt ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); m_startItem = nullptr; } else if( evt->IsAction( &ACT_SwitchCornerMode ) ) { m_router->ToggleCornerMode(); UpdateMessagePanel(); updateEndItem( *evt ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); // refresh } else if( evt->IsAction( &ACT_SwitchPosture ) ) { m_router->FlipPosture(); updateEndItem( *evt ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); // refresh } else if( evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::properties ) ) { frame()->GetCanvas()->SetCurrentCursor( KICURSOR::ARROW ); controls()->SetAutoPan( false ); { m_toolMgr->RunAction( ACT_CustomTrackWidth ); } controls()->SetAutoPan( true ); setCursor(); UpdateMessagePanel(); } else if( evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::finishInteractive ) || evt->IsDblClick( BUT_LEFT ) ) { // Stop current routing: bool forceFinish = true; bool forceCommit = false; m_router->FixRoute( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem, forceFinish, forceCommit ); break; } else if( evt->IsCancelInteractive() || evt->IsActivate() || evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::routerInlineDrag ) ) { if( evt->IsCancelInteractive() && !m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) m_cancelled = true; if( evt->IsActivate() && !evt->IsMoveTool() ) m_cancelled = true; break; } else if( evt->IsUndoRedo() ) { // We're in an UndoRedoBlock. If we get here, something's broken. wxFAIL; break; } else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_RIGHT ) ) { m_menu.ShowContextMenu( selection() ); } // TODO: It'd be nice to be able to say "don't allow any non-trivial editing actions", // but we don't at present have that, so we just knock out some of the egregious ones. else if( ZONE_FILLER_TOOL::IsZoneFillAction( evt ) ) { wxBell(); } else { evt->SetPassEvent(); } } m_router->CommitRouting(); // Reset to normal for next route m_iface->SetCommitFlags( 0 ); finishInteractive(); } int ROUTER_TOOL::DpDimensionsDialog( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { PNS::SIZES_SETTINGS sizes = m_router->Sizes(); DIALOG_PNS_DIFF_PAIR_DIMENSIONS settingsDlg( frame(), sizes ); if( settingsDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK ) { m_router->UpdateSizes( sizes ); m_savedSizes = sizes; BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = frame()->GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings(); bds.SetCustomDiffPairWidth( sizes.DiffPairWidth() ); bds.SetCustomDiffPairGap( sizes.DiffPairGap() ); bds.SetCustomDiffPairViaGap( sizes.DiffPairViaGap() ); } return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::SettingsDialog( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { DIALOG_PNS_SETTINGS settingsDlg( frame(), m_router->Settings() ); settingsDlg.ShowModal(); UpdateMessagePanel(); return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::ChangeRouterMode( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { PNS::PNS_MODE mode = aEvent.Parameter(); PNS::ROUTING_SETTINGS& settings = m_router->Settings(); settings.SetMode( mode ); UpdateMessagePanel(); return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::CycleRouterMode( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { PNS::ROUTING_SETTINGS& settings = m_router->Settings(); PNS::PNS_MODE mode = settings.Mode(); switch( mode ) { case PNS::RM_MarkObstacles: mode = PNS::RM_Shove; break; case PNS::RM_Shove: mode = PNS::RM_Walkaround; break; case PNS::RM_Walkaround: mode = PNS::RM_MarkObstacles; break; } settings.SetMode( mode ); UpdateMessagePanel(); return 0; } PNS::PNS_MODE ROUTER_TOOL::GetRouterMode() { return m_router->Settings().Mode(); } bool ROUTER_TOOL::RoutingInProgress() { return m_router->RoutingInProgress(); } void ROUTER_TOOL::breakTrack() { if( m_startItem && m_startItem->OfKind( PNS::ITEM::SEGMENT_T ) ) m_router->BreakSegment( m_startItem, m_startSnapPoint ); } int ROUTER_TOOL::RouteSelected( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { PNS::ROUTER_MODE mode = aEvent.Parameter(); PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = getEditFrame(); VIEW_CONTROLS* controls = getViewControls(); PCB_LAYER_ID originalLayer = frame->GetActiveLayer(); bool autoRoute = aEvent.Matches( PCB_ACTIONS::routerAutorouteSelected.MakeEvent() ); bool otherEnd = aEvent.Matches( PCB_ACTIONS::routerRouteSelectedFromEnd.MakeEvent() ); if( m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) return 0; // Save selection then clear it for interactive routing PCB_SELECTION selection = m_toolMgr->GetTool()->GetSelection(); if( selection.Size() == 0 ) return 0; m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear ); frame->PushTool( aEvent ); auto setCursor = [&]() { frame->GetCanvas()->SetCurrentCursor( KICURSOR::PENCIL ); }; Activate(); // Must be done after Activate() so that it gets set into the correct context controls->ShowCursor( true ); controls->ForceCursorPosition( false ); // Set initial cursor setCursor(); // Get all connected board items, adding pads for any footprints selected std::vector itemList; for( EDA_ITEM* item : selection.GetItemsSortedBySelectionOrder() ) { if( item->Type() == PCB_FOOTPRINT_T ) { const PADS& fpPads = ( static_cast( item ) )->Pads(); for( PAD* pad : fpPads ) itemList.push_back( pad ); } else if( dynamic_cast( item ) != nullptr ) { itemList.push_back( static_cast( item ) ); } } std::shared_ptr connectivity = frame->GetBoard()->GetConnectivity(); // For putting sequential tracks that successfully autoroute into one undo commit bool groupStart = true; for( BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* item : itemList ) { // This code is similar to GetRatsnestForPad() but it only adds the anchor for // the side of the connectivity on this pad. It also checks for ratsnest points // inside the pad (like a trace end) and counts them. RN_NET* net = connectivity->GetRatsnestForNet( item->GetNetCode() ); if( !net ) continue; std::vector> anchors; for( const CN_EDGE& edge : net->GetEdges() ) { std::shared_ptr target = edge.GetTargetNode(); std::shared_ptr source = edge.GetSourceNode(); if( !source || source->Dirty() || !target || target->Dirty() ) continue; if( source->Parent() == item ) anchors.push_back( source ); else if( target->Parent() == item ) anchors.push_back( target ); } // Route them for( std::shared_ptr anchor : anchors ) { // Try to return to the original layer as indicating the user's preferred // layer for autorouting tracks. The layer can be changed by the user to // finish tracks that can't complete automatically, but should be changed // back after. if( frame->GetActiveLayer() != originalLayer ) frame->SetActiveLayer( originalLayer ); VECTOR2I ignore; m_startItem = m_router->GetWorld()->FindItemByParent( anchor->Parent() ); m_startSnapPoint = anchor->Pos(); m_router->SetMode( mode ); // Prime the interactive routing to attempt finish if we are autorouting bool autoRouted = false; if( autoRoute ) m_toolMgr->PostAction( PCB_ACTIONS::routerAttemptFinish, &autoRouted ); else if( otherEnd ) m_toolMgr->PostAction( PCB_ACTIONS::routerContinueFromEnd ); // We want autorouted tracks to all be in one undo group except for // any tracks that need to be manually finished. // The undo appending for manually finished tracks is handled in peformRouting() if( groupStart ) groupStart = false; else m_iface->SetCommitFlags( APPEND_UNDO ); // Start interactive routing. Will automatically finish if possible. performRouting(); // Route didn't complete automatically, need to a new undo commit // for the next line so those can group as far as they autoroute if( !autoRouted ) groupStart = true; } } m_iface->SetCommitFlags( 0 ); frame->PopTool( aEvent ); return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::MainLoop( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { if( m_inRouterTool ) return 0; REENTRANCY_GUARD guard( &m_inRouterTool ); PNS::ROUTER_MODE mode = aEvent.Parameter(); PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = getEditFrame(); VIEW_CONTROLS* controls = getViewControls(); if( m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) { if( m_router->Mode() == mode ) return 0; else m_router->StopRouting(); } // Deselect all items m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear ); frame->PushTool( aEvent ); auto setCursor = [&]() { frame->GetCanvas()->SetCurrentCursor( KICURSOR::PENCIL ); }; Activate(); // Must be done after Activate() so that it gets set into the correct context controls->ShowCursor( true ); controls->ForceCursorPosition( false ); // Set initial cursor setCursor(); m_router->SetMode( mode ); m_cancelled = false; if( aEvent.HasPosition() ) m_toolMgr->PrimeTool( aEvent.Position() ); // Main loop: keep receiving events while( TOOL_EVENT* evt = Wait() ) { if( !evt->IsDrag() ) setCursor(); if( evt->IsCancelInteractive() ) { frame->PopTool( aEvent ); break; } else if( evt->IsActivate() ) { if( evt->IsMoveTool() || evt->IsEditorTool() ) { // leave ourselves on the stack so we come back after the move break; } else { frame->PopTool( aEvent ); break; } } else if( evt->Action() == TA_UNDO_REDO_PRE ) { m_router->ClearWorld(); } else if( evt->Action() == TA_UNDO_REDO_POST || evt->Action() == TA_MODEL_CHANGE ) { m_router->SyncWorld(); } else if( evt->IsMotion() ) { updateStartItem( *evt ); } else if( evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::dragFreeAngle ) ) { updateStartItem( *evt, true ); performDragging( PNS::DM_ANY | PNS::DM_FREE_ANGLE ); } else if( evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::drag45Degree ) ) { updateStartItem( *evt, true ); performDragging( PNS::DM_ANY ); } else if( evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::breakTrack ) ) { updateStartItem( *evt, true ); breakTrack( ); evt->SetPassEvent( false ); } else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) || evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::routeSingleTrack ) || evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::routeDiffPair ) ) { updateStartItem( *evt ); if( evt->HasPosition() ) { if( evt->Modifier( MD_SHIFT ) ) performDragging( PNS::DM_ANY ); else performRouting(); } } else if( evt->IsAction( &ACT_PlaceThroughVia ) ) { m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::layerToggle ); } else if( evt->IsAction( &PCB_ACTIONS::layerChanged ) ) { m_router->SwitchLayer( frame->GetActiveLayer() ); updateStartItem( *evt ); updateSizesAfterLayerSwitch( frame->GetActiveLayer(), m_startSnapPoint ); } else if( evt->IsKeyPressed() ) { // wxWidgets fails to correctly translate shifted keycodes on the wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK // event so we need to process the wxEVT_CHAR event that will follow as long as we // pass the event. evt->SetPassEvent(); } else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_RIGHT ) ) { m_menu.ShowContextMenu( selection() ); } else { evt->SetPassEvent(); } if( m_cancelled ) { frame->PopTool( aEvent ); break; } } // Store routing settings till the next invocation m_savedSizes = m_router->Sizes(); m_router->ClearViewDecorations(); return 0; } void ROUTER_TOOL::performDragging( int aMode ) { m_router->ClearViewDecorations(); view()->ClearPreview(); view()->InitPreview(); VIEW_CONTROLS* ctls = getViewControls(); if( m_startItem && m_startItem->IsLocked() ) { KIDIALOG dlg( frame(), _( "The selected item is locked." ), _( "Confirmation" ), wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxICON_WARNING ); dlg.SetOKLabel( _( "Drag Anyway" ) ); dlg.DoNotShowCheckbox( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; } // We don't support dragging arcs inside the PNS right now if( m_startItem && m_startItem->Kind() == PNS::ITEM::ARC_T ) { if( m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) m_router->StopRouting(); m_startItem = nullptr; m_gridHelper->SetAuxAxes( false ); ctls->ForceCursorPosition( false ); highlightNets( false ); m_cancelled = true; m_toolMgr->PostAction( PCB_ACTIONS::drag45Degree ); return; } bool dragStarted = m_router->StartDragging( m_startSnapPoint, m_startItem, aMode ); if( !dragStarted ) return; if( m_startItem && m_startItem->Net() ) highlightNets( true, { m_startItem->Net() } ); ctls->SetAutoPan( true ); m_gridHelper->SetAuxAxes( true, m_startSnapPoint ); frame()->UndoRedoBlock( true ); while( TOOL_EVENT* evt = Wait() ) { ctls->ForceCursorPosition( false ); if( evt->IsMotion() ) { updateEndItem( *evt ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); if( PNS::DRAG_ALGO* dragger = m_router->GetDragger() ) { bool dragStatus; if( dragger->GetForceMarkObstaclesMode( &dragStatus ) ) { view()->ClearPreview(); if( !dragStatus ) { wxString hint; hint.Printf( _( "(%s to commit anyway.)" ), KeyNameFromKeyCode( MD_CTRL + PSEUDO_WXK_CLICK ) ); ROUTER_STATUS_VIEW_ITEM* statusItem = new ROUTER_STATUS_VIEW_ITEM(); statusItem->SetMessage( _( "Track violates DRC." ) ); statusItem->SetHint( hint ); statusItem->SetPosition( frame()->GetToolManager()->GetMousePosition() ); view()->AddToPreview( statusItem ); } } } } else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) ) { bool forceFinish = false; bool forceCommit = evt->Modifier( MD_CTRL ); if( m_router->FixRoute( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem, forceFinish, forceCommit ) ) break; } else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_RIGHT ) ) { m_menu.ShowContextMenu( selection() ); } else if( evt->IsCancelInteractive() || evt->IsActivate() ) { if( evt->IsCancelInteractive() && !m_startItem ) m_cancelled = true; if( evt->IsActivate() && !evt->IsMoveTool() ) m_cancelled = true; break; } else if( evt->IsUndoRedo() ) { // We're in an UndoRedoBlock. If we get here, something's broken. wxFAIL; break; } else if( evt->Category() == TC_COMMAND ) { // TODO: It'd be nice to be able to say "don't allow any non-trivial editing actions", // but we don't at present have that, so we just knock out some of the egregious ones. if( evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::cut ) || evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::copy ) || evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::paste ) || evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::pasteSpecial ) || ZONE_FILLER_TOOL::IsZoneFillAction( evt ) ) { wxBell(); } // treat an undo as an escape else if( evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::undo ) ) { if( m_startItem ) break; else wxBell(); } else { evt->SetPassEvent(); } } else { evt->SetPassEvent(); } handleCommonEvents( *evt ); } view()->ClearPreview(); view()->ShowPreview( false ); if( m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) m_router->StopRouting(); m_startItem = nullptr; m_gridHelper->SetAuxAxes( false ); frame()->UndoRedoBlock( false ); ctls->SetAutoPan( false ); ctls->ForceCursorPosition( false ); highlightNets( false ); } void ROUTER_TOOL::NeighboringSegmentFilter( const VECTOR2I& aPt, GENERAL_COLLECTOR& aCollector, PCB_SELECTION_TOOL* aSelTool ) { /* * If the collection contains a trivial line corner (two connected segments) * or a non-fanout-via (a via with no more than two connected segments), then * trim the collection down to a single item (which one won't matter since * they're all connected). */ // First make sure we've got something that *might* match. int vias = aCollector.CountType( PCB_VIA_T ); int traces = aCollector.CountType( PCB_TRACE_T ); int arcs = aCollector.CountType( PCB_ARC_T ); // We eliminate arcs because they are not supported in the inline drag code. if( arcs > 0 ) return; // We need to have at least 1 via or track if( vias + traces == 0 ) return; // We cannot drag more than one via at a time if( vias > 1 ) return; // We cannot drag more than two track segments at a time if( traces > 2 ) return; // Fetch first PCB_TRACK (via or trace) as our reference PCB_TRACK* reference = nullptr; for( int i = 0; !reference && i < aCollector.GetCount(); i++ ) reference = dynamic_cast( aCollector[i] ); // This should never happen, but just in case... if( !reference ) return; int refNet = reference->GetNetCode(); VECTOR2I refPoint( aPt.x, aPt.y ); EDA_ITEM_FLAGS flags = reference->IsPointOnEnds( refPoint, -1 ); if( flags & STARTPOINT ) refPoint = reference->GetStart(); else if( flags & ENDPOINT ) refPoint = reference->GetEnd(); // Check all items to ensure that any TRACKs are co-terminus with the reference and on // the same net. for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); i++ ) { PCB_TRACK* neighbor = dynamic_cast( aCollector[i] ); if( neighbor && neighbor != reference ) { if( neighbor->GetNetCode() != refNet ) return; if( neighbor->GetStart() != refPoint && neighbor->GetEnd() != refPoint ) return; } } // Selection meets criteria; trim it to the reference item. aCollector.Empty(); aCollector.Append( reference ); } bool ROUTER_TOOL::CanInlineDrag( int aDragMode ) { m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionCursor, NeighboringSegmentFilter ); const PCB_SELECTION& selection = m_toolMgr->GetTool()->GetSelection(); const BOARD_ITEM* item = static_cast( selection.Front() ); // Note: EDIT_TOOL::Drag temporarily handles items of type PCB_ARC_T on its own using // DragArcTrack(), so PCB_ARC_T should never occur here. if( item->IsType( GENERAL_COLLECTOR::DraggableItems ) ) { // Footprints cannot be dragged freely. if( item->IsType( { PCB_FOOTPRINT_T } ) ) return !( aDragMode & PNS::DM_FREE_ANGLE ); else return true; } return false; } int ROUTER_TOOL::InlineDrag( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { const PCB_SELECTION& selection = m_toolMgr->GetTool()->GetSelection(); if( selection.Empty() ) { m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionCursor, NeighboringSegmentFilter ); } if( selection.Empty() ) return 0; BOARD_ITEM* item = static_cast( selection.Front() ); if( item->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T && item->Type() != PCB_VIA_T && item->Type() != PCB_FOOTPRINT_T ) { return 0; } std::set footprints; if( item->Type() == PCB_FOOTPRINT_T ) footprints.insert( static_cast( item ) ); // We can drag multiple footprints, but not a grab-bag of items if( selection.Size() > 1 ) { if( item->Type() != PCB_FOOTPRINT_T ) return 0; for( int idx = 1; idx < selection.Size(); ++idx ) { if( static_cast( selection.GetItem( idx ) )->Type() != PCB_FOOTPRINT_T ) return 0; footprints.insert( static_cast( selection.GetItem( idx ) ) ); } } // If we overrode locks, we want to clear the flag from the source item before SyncWorld is // called so that virtual vias are not generated for the (now unlocked) track segment. Note in // this case the lock can't be reliably re-applied, because there is no guarantee that the end // state of the drag results in the same number of segments so it's not clear which segment to // apply the lock state to. bool wasLocked = false; if( item->IsLocked() ) { wasLocked = true; item->SetLocked( false ); } m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear ); frame()->PushTool( aEvent ); Activate(); m_startItem = nullptr; PNS::ITEM* startItem = nullptr; PNS::ITEM_SET itemsToDrag; bool showCourtyardConflicts = frame()->GetPcbNewSettings()->m_ShowCourtyardCollisions; std::shared_ptr drcEngine = m_toolMgr->GetTool()->GetDRCEngine(); DRC_INTERACTIVE_COURTYARD_CLEARANCE courtyardClearanceDRC( drcEngine ); std::shared_ptr connectivityData = board()->GetConnectivity(); std::vector dynamicItems; std::unique_ptr dynamicData = nullptr; VECTOR2I lastOffset; if( !footprints.empty() ) { if( showCourtyardConflicts ) courtyardClearanceDRC.Init( board() ); for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : footprints ) { for( PAD* pad : footprint->Pads() ) { PNS::ITEM* solid = m_router->GetWorld()->FindItemByParent( pad ); if( solid ) itemsToDrag.Add( solid ); if( pad->GetLocalRatsnestVisible() || displayOptions().m_ShowModuleRatsnest ) { if( connectivityData->GetRatsnestForPad( pad ).size() > 0 ) dynamicItems.push_back( pad ); } } for( ZONE* zone : footprint->Zones() ) { std::vector solids = m_router->GetWorld()->FindItemsByZone( zone ); for( PNS::ITEM* solid : solids ) itemsToDrag.Add( solid ); } if( showCourtyardConflicts ) courtyardClearanceDRC.m_FpInMove.push_back( footprint ); } dynamicData = std::make_unique( board()->GetConnectivity(), dynamicItems, true ); connectivityData->BlockRatsnestItems( dynamicItems ); } else { startItem = m_router->GetWorld()->FindItemByParent( item ); if( startItem ) itemsToDrag.Add( startItem ); } GAL* gal = m_toolMgr->GetView()->GetGAL(); VECTOR2I p0 = controls()->GetCursorPosition( false ); VECTOR2I p = p0; m_gridHelper->SetUseGrid( gal->GetGridSnapping() && !aEvent.DisableGridSnapping() ); m_gridHelper->SetSnap( !aEvent.Modifier( MD_SHIFT ) ); if( startItem ) { p = snapToItem( startItem, p0 ); m_startItem = startItem; if( m_startItem->Net() ) highlightNets( true, { m_startItem->Net() } ); } else if( !footprints.empty() ) { FOOTPRINT* footprint = static_cast( item ); // The mouse is going to be moved on grid before dragging begins. VECTOR2I tweakedMousePos; PCB_BASE_EDIT_FRAME* editFrame = getEditFrame(); // Check if user wants to warp the mouse to origin of moved object if( editFrame->GetMoveWarpsCursor() ) tweakedMousePos = footprint->GetPosition(); // Use footprint anchor to warp mouse else tweakedMousePos = controls()->GetCursorPosition(); // Just use current mouse pos // We tweak the mouse position using the value from above, and then use that as the // start position to prevent the footprint from jumping when we start dragging. // First we move the visual cross hair cursor... controls()->ForceCursorPosition( true, tweakedMousePos ); controls()->SetCursorPosition( tweakedMousePos ); // ...then the mouse pointer // Now that the mouse is in the right position, get a copy of the position to use later p = controls()->GetCursorPosition(); } int dragMode = aEvent.Parameter (); bool dragStarted = m_router->StartDragging( p, itemsToDrag, dragMode ); if( !dragStarted ) { if( wasLocked ) item->SetLocked( true ); return 0; } m_gridHelper->SetAuxAxes( true, p ); controls()->ShowCursor( true ); controls()->SetAutoPan( true ); frame()->UndoRedoBlock( true ); view()->ClearPreview(); view()->InitPreview(); auto setCursor = [&]() { frame()->GetCanvas()->SetCurrentCursor( KICURSOR::ARROW ); }; // Set initial cursor setCursor(); // Set the initial visible area BOX2D viewAreaD = getView()->GetGAL()->GetVisibleWorldExtents(); m_router->SetVisibleViewArea( BOX2I( viewAreaD.GetOrigin(), viewAreaD.GetSize() ) ); // Send an initial movement to prime the collision detection m_router->Move( p, nullptr ); bool hasMouseMoved = false; while( TOOL_EVENT* evt = Wait() ) { setCursor(); if( evt->IsCancelInteractive() ) { if( wasLocked ) item->SetLocked( true ); break; } else if( evt->IsMotion() || evt->IsDrag( BUT_LEFT ) ) { hasMouseMoved = true; updateEndItem( *evt ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); view()->ClearPreview(); if( !footprints.empty() ) { VECTOR2I offset = m_endSnapPoint - p; BOARD_ITEM* previewItem; for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : footprints ) { for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing : footprint->GraphicalItems() ) { previewItem = static_cast( drawing->Clone() ); previewItem->Move( offset ); view()->AddToPreview( previewItem ); view()->Hide( drawing, true ); } for( PAD* pad : footprint->Pads() ) { if( ( pad->GetLayerSet() & LSET::AllCuMask() ).none() && pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 ) { previewItem = static_cast( pad->Clone() ); previewItem->Move( offset ); view()->AddToPreview( previewItem ); } else { // Pads with copper or holes are handled by the router } view()->Hide( pad, true ); } previewItem = static_cast( footprint->Reference().Clone() ); previewItem->Move( offset ); view()->AddToPreview( previewItem ); view()->Hide( &footprint->Reference() ); previewItem = static_cast( footprint->Value().Clone() ); previewItem->Move( offset ); view()->AddToPreview( previewItem ); view()->Hide( &footprint->Value() ); if( showCourtyardConflicts ) footprint->Move( offset ); } if( showCourtyardConflicts ) { courtyardClearanceDRC.Run(); courtyardClearanceDRC.UpdateConflicts( getView(), false ); for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : footprints ) footprint->Move( -offset ); } // Update ratsnest dynamicData->Move( offset - lastOffset ); lastOffset = offset; connectivityData->ComputeLocalRatsnest( dynamicItems, dynamicData.get(), offset ); } if( PNS::DRAG_ALGO* dragger = m_router->GetDragger() ) { bool dragStatus; if( dragger->GetForceMarkObstaclesMode( &dragStatus ) ) { if( !dragStatus ) { wxString hint; hint.Printf( _( "(%s to commit anyway.)" ), KeyNameFromKeyCode( MD_CTRL + PSEUDO_WXK_CLICK ) ); ROUTER_STATUS_VIEW_ITEM* statusItem = new ROUTER_STATUS_VIEW_ITEM(); statusItem->SetMessage( _( "Track violates DRC." ) ); statusItem->SetHint( hint ); statusItem->SetPosition( frame()->GetToolManager()->GetMousePosition() ); view()->AddToPreview( statusItem ); } } } } else if( hasMouseMoved && ( evt->IsMouseUp( BUT_LEFT ) || evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) ) ) { bool forceFinish = false; bool forceCommit = evt->Modifier( MD_CTRL ); updateEndItem( *evt ); m_router->FixRoute( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem, forceFinish, forceCommit ); break; } else if( evt->IsUndoRedo() ) { // We're in an UndoRedoBlock. If we get here, something's broken. wxFAIL; break; } else if( evt->Category() == TC_COMMAND ) { // TODO: It'd be nice to be able to say "don't allow any non-trivial editing actions", // but we don't at present have that, so we just knock out some of the egregious ones. if( evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::cut ) || evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::copy ) || evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::paste ) || evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::pasteSpecial ) || ZONE_FILLER_TOOL::IsZoneFillAction( evt ) ) { wxBell(); } // treat an undo as an escape else if( evt->IsAction( &ACTIONS::undo ) ) { if( wasLocked ) item->SetLocked( true ); break; } else { evt->SetPassEvent(); } } else { evt->SetPassEvent(); } handleCommonEvents( *evt ); } if( !footprints.empty() ) { for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : footprints ) { for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing : footprint->GraphicalItems() ) view()->Hide( drawing, false ); view()->Hide( &footprint->Reference(), false ); view()->Hide( &footprint->Value(), false ); for( PAD* pad : footprint->Pads() ) view()->Hide( pad, false ); } connectivityData->ClearLocalRatsnest(); } view()->ClearPreview(); view()->ShowPreview( false ); // Clear temporary COURTYARD_CONFLICT flag and ensure the conflict shadow is cleared courtyardClearanceDRC.ClearConflicts( getView() ); if( m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) m_router->StopRouting(); m_gridHelper->SetAuxAxes( false ); controls()->SetAutoPan( false ); controls()->ForceCursorPosition( false ); frame()->UndoRedoBlock( false ); frame()->PopTool( aEvent ); highlightNets( false ); return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::InlineBreakTrack( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { const SELECTION& selection = m_toolMgr->GetTool()->GetSelection(); if( selection.Size() != 1 ) return 0; const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* item = static_cast( selection.Front() ); if( item->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T ) return 0; m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear ); Activate(); m_startItem = m_router->GetWorld()->FindItemByParent( item ); TOOL_MANAGER* toolManager = frame()->GetToolManager(); GAL* gal = toolManager->GetView()->GetGAL(); m_gridHelper->SetUseGrid( gal->GetGridSnapping() && !aEvent.DisableGridSnapping() ); m_gridHelper->SetSnap( !aEvent.Modifier( MD_SHIFT ) ); if( toolManager->IsContextMenuActive() ) { // If we're here from a context menu then we need to get the position of the // cursor when the context menu was invoked. This is used to figure out the // break point on the track. m_startSnapPoint = snapToItem( m_startItem, toolManager->GetMenuCursorPos() ); } else { // If we're here from a hotkey, then get the current mouse position so we know // where to break the track. m_startSnapPoint = snapToItem( m_startItem, controls()->GetCursorPosition() ); } if( m_startItem && m_startItem->IsLocked() ) { KIDIALOG dlg( frame(), _( "The selected item is locked." ), _( "Confirmation" ), wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxICON_WARNING ); dlg.SetOKLabel( _( "Break Track" ) ); dlg.DoNotShowCheckbox( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return 0; } frame()->UndoRedoBlock( true ); breakTrack(); if( m_router->RoutingInProgress() ) m_router->StopRouting(); frame()->UndoRedoBlock( false ); return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::CustomTrackWidthDialog( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = board()->GetDesignSettings(); DIALOG_TRACK_VIA_SIZE sizeDlg( frame(), bds ); if( sizeDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK ) { bds.m_TempOverrideTrackWidth = true; bds.UseCustomTrackViaSize( true ); TOOL_EVENT dummy; onTrackViaSizeChanged( dummy ); } return 0; } int ROUTER_TOOL::onTrackViaSizeChanged( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) { PNS::SIZES_SETTINGS sizes( m_router->Sizes() ); if( !m_router->GetCurrentNets().empty() ) m_iface->ImportSizes( sizes, m_startItem, m_router->GetCurrentNets()[0] ); m_router->UpdateSizes( sizes ); // Changing the track width can affect the placement, so call the // move routine without changing the destination // Update end item first to avoid moving to an invalid/missing item updateEndItem( aEvent ); m_router->Move( m_endSnapPoint, m_endItem ); UpdateMessagePanel(); return 0; } void ROUTER_TOOL::UpdateMessagePanel() { std::vector items; if( m_router->GetState() == PNS::ROUTER::ROUTE_TRACK ) { PNS::SIZES_SETTINGS sizes( m_router->Sizes() ); PNS::RULE_RESOLVER* resolver = m_iface->GetRuleResolver(); PNS::CONSTRAINT constraint; std::vector nets = m_router->GetCurrentNets(); wxString description; wxString secondary; wxString mode; if( m_router->Mode() == PNS::ROUTER_MODE::PNS_MODE_ROUTE_DIFF_PAIR ) { wxASSERT( nets.size() >= 2 ); NETINFO_ITEM* netA = static_cast( nets[0] ); NETINFO_ITEM* netB = static_cast( nets[1] ); wxASSERT( netA ); wxASSERT( netB ); description = wxString::Format( _( "Routing Diff Pair: %s" ), netA->GetNetname() + wxT( ", " ) + netB->GetNetname() ); wxString netclass; NETCLASS* netclassA = netA->GetNetClass(); NETCLASS* netclassB = netB->GetNetClass(); if( netclassA == netclassB ) netclass = netclassA->GetName(); else netclass = netclassA->GetName() + wxT( ", " ) + netclassB->GetName(); secondary = wxString::Format( _( "Resolved Netclass: %s" ), UnescapeString( netclass ) ); } else if( !nets.empty() && nets[0] ) { NETINFO_ITEM* net = static_cast( nets[0] ); description = wxString::Format( _( "Routing Track: %s" ), net->GetNetname() ); secondary = wxString::Format( _( "Resolved Netclass: %s" ), UnescapeString( net->GetNetClass()->GetName() ) ); } else { description = _( "Routing Track" ); secondary = _( "(no net)" ); } items.emplace_back( description, secondary ); wxString cornerMode; if( m_router->Settings().GetFreeAngleMode() ) { cornerMode = _( "Free-angle" ); } else { switch( m_router->Settings().GetCornerMode() ) { case DIRECTION_45::CORNER_MODE::MITERED_45: cornerMode = _( "45-degree" ); break; case DIRECTION_45::CORNER_MODE::ROUNDED_45: cornerMode = _( "45-degree rounded" ); break; case DIRECTION_45::CORNER_MODE::MITERED_90: cornerMode = _( "90-degree" ); break; case DIRECTION_45::CORNER_MODE::ROUNDED_90: cornerMode = _( "90-degree rounded" ); break; default: break; } } items.emplace_back( _( "Corner Style" ), cornerMode ); switch( m_router->Settings().Mode() ) { case PNS::PNS_MODE::RM_MarkObstacles: mode = _( "Highlight collisions" ); break; case PNS::PNS_MODE::RM_Walkaround: mode = _( "Walk around" ); break; case PNS::PNS_MODE::RM_Shove: mode = _( "Shove" ); break; default: break; } items.emplace_back( _( "Mode" ), mode ); #define FORMAT_VALUE( x ) frame()->MessageTextFromValue( x ) if( m_router->Mode() == PNS::ROUTER_MODE::PNS_MODE_ROUTE_DIFF_PAIR ) { items.emplace_back( wxString::Format( _( "Track Width: %s" ), FORMAT_VALUE( sizes.DiffPairWidth() ) ), wxString::Format( _( "(from %s)" ), sizes.GetDiffPairWidthSource() ) ); items.emplace_back( wxString::Format( _( "Min Clearance: %s" ), FORMAT_VALUE( sizes.Clearance() ) ), wxString::Format( _( "(from %s)" ), sizes.GetClearanceSource() ) ); items.emplace_back( wxString::Format( _( "Diff Pair Gap: %s" ), FORMAT_VALUE( sizes.DiffPairGap() ) ), wxString::Format( _( "(from %s)" ), sizes.GetDiffPairGapSource() ) ); const PNS::ITEM_SET& traces = m_router->Placer()->Traces(); wxASSERT( traces.Count() == 2 ); if( resolver->QueryConstraint( PNS::CONSTRAINT_TYPE::CT_MAX_UNCOUPLED, traces[0], traces[1], m_router->GetCurrentLayer(), &constraint ) ) { items.emplace_back( wxString::Format( _( "DP Max Uncoupled-length: %s" ), FORMAT_VALUE( constraint.m_Value.Max() ) ), wxString::Format( _( "(from %s)" ), constraint.m_RuleName ) ); } } else { items.emplace_back( wxString::Format( _( "Track Width: %s" ), FORMAT_VALUE( sizes.TrackWidth() ) ), wxString::Format( _( "(from %s)" ), sizes.GetWidthSource() ) ); items.emplace_back( wxString::Format( _( "Min Clearance: %s" ), FORMAT_VALUE( sizes.Clearance() ) ), wxString::Format( _( "(from %s)" ), sizes.GetClearanceSource() ) ); } #undef FORMAT_VALUE frame()->SetMsgPanel( items ); } else { frame()->SetMsgPanel( board() ); return; } } void ROUTER_TOOL::setTransitions() { Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::SelectCopperLayerPair, PCB_ACTIONS::selectLayerPair.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::MainLoop, PCB_ACTIONS::routeSingleTrack.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::MainLoop, PCB_ACTIONS::routeDiffPair.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::RouteSelected, PCB_ACTIONS::routerRouteSelected.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::RouteSelected, PCB_ACTIONS::routerRouteSelectedFromEnd.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::RouteSelected, PCB_ACTIONS::routerAutorouteSelected.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::DpDimensionsDialog, PCB_ACTIONS::routerDiffPairDialog.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::SettingsDialog, PCB_ACTIONS::routerSettingsDialog.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::ChangeRouterMode, PCB_ACTIONS::routerHighlightMode.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::ChangeRouterMode, PCB_ACTIONS::routerShoveMode.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::ChangeRouterMode, PCB_ACTIONS::routerWalkaroundMode.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::CycleRouterMode, PCB_ACTIONS::cycleRouterMode.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::InlineDrag, PCB_ACTIONS::routerInlineDrag.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::InlineBreakTrack, PCB_ACTIONS::breakTrack.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onViaCommand, ACT_PlaceThroughVia.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onViaCommand, ACT_PlaceBlindVia.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onViaCommand, ACT_PlaceMicroVia.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onViaCommand, ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceThroughVia.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onViaCommand, ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceBlindVia.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onViaCommand, ACT_SelLayerAndPlaceMicroVia.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerTop.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner1.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner2.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner3.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner4.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner5.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner6.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner7.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner8.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner9.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner10.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner11.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner12.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner13.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner14.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner15.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner16.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner17.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner18.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner19.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner20.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner21.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner22.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner23.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner24.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner25.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner26.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner27.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner28.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner29.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerInner30.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerBottom.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerNext.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerPrev.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onLayerCommand, PCB_ACTIONS::layerToggle.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::CustomTrackWidthDialog, ACT_CustomTrackWidth.MakeEvent() ); Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::onTrackViaSizeChanged, PCB_ACTIONS::trackViaSizeChanged.MakeEvent() ); }