#ifdef _WIN32 # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define NOMINMAX # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #include "sentry.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef NDEBUG # undef NDEBUG #endif #include #ifdef SENTRY_PLATFORM_WINDOWS # include # define sleep_s(SECONDS) Sleep((SECONDS)*1000) #else # include # include # define sleep_s(SECONDS) sleep(SECONDS) #endif static sentry_value_t before_send_callback(sentry_value_t event, void *hint, void *closure) { (void)hint; (void)closure; // make our mark on the event sentry_value_set_by_key( event, "adapted_by", sentry_value_new_string("before_send")); // tell the backend to proceed with the event return event; } static sentry_value_t discarding_before_send_callback(sentry_value_t event, void *hint, void *closure) { (void)hint; (void)closure; // discard event and signal backend to stop further processing sentry_value_decref(event); return sentry_value_new_null(); } static sentry_value_t discarding_on_crash_callback( const sentry_ucontext_t *uctx, sentry_value_t event, void *closure) { (void)uctx; (void)closure; // discard event and signal backend to stop further processing sentry_value_decref(event); return sentry_value_new_null(); } static sentry_value_t on_crash_callback( const sentry_ucontext_t *uctx, sentry_value_t event, void *closure) { (void)uctx; (void)closure; // tell the backend to retain the event return event; } static void print_envelope(sentry_envelope_t *envelope, void *unused_state) { (void)unused_state; size_t size_out = 0; char *s = sentry_envelope_serialize(envelope, &size_out); printf("%s", s); sentry_free(s); sentry_envelope_free(envelope); } static bool has_arg(int argc, char **argv, const char *arg) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], arg) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } #ifdef CRASHPAD_WER_ENABLED int call_rffe_many_times() { RaiseFailFastException(NULL, NULL, 0); RaiseFailFastException(NULL, NULL, 0); RaiseFailFastException(NULL, NULL, 0); RaiseFailFastException(NULL, NULL, 0); return 1; } typedef int (*crash_func)(); void indirect_call(crash_func func) { // This code always generates CFG guards. func(); } static void trigger_stack_buffer_overrun() { // Call into the middle of the Crashy function. crash_func func = (crash_func)((uintptr_t)(call_rffe_many_times) + 16); __try { // Generates a STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN exception if CFG triggers. indirect_call(func); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // CFG fast fail should never be caught. printf( "If you see me, then CFG wasn't enabled (compile with /guard:cf)"); } // Should only reach here if CFG is disabled. abort(); } static void trigger_fastfail_crash() { // this bypasses WINDOWS SEH and will only be caught with the crashpad WER // module enabled __fastfail(77); } #endif // CRASHPAD_WER_ENABLED #ifdef SENTRY_PLATFORM_AIX // AIX has a null page mapped to the bottom of memory, which means null derefs // don't segfault. try dereferencing the top of memory instead; the top nibble // seems to be unusable. static void *invalid_mem = (void *)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF9B; // -100 for memset #else static void *invalid_mem = (void *)1; #endif static void trigger_crash() { memset((char *)invalid_mem, 1, 100); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { sentry_options_t *options = sentry_options_new(); if (has_arg(argc, argv, "disable-backend")) { sentry_options_set_backend(options, NULL); } // this is an example. for real usage, make sure to set this explicitly to // an app specific cache location. sentry_options_set_database_path(options, ".sentry-native"); sentry_options_set_auto_session_tracking(options, false); sentry_options_set_symbolize_stacktraces(options, true); sentry_options_set_environment(options, "development"); // sentry defaults this to the `SENTRY_RELEASE` env variable if (!has_arg(argc, argv, "release-env")) { sentry_options_set_release(options, "test-example-release"); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "log")) { sentry_options_set_debug(options, 1); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "attachment")) { // assuming the example / test is run directly from the cmake build // directory sentry_options_add_attachment(options, "./CMakeCache.txt"); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "stdout")) { sentry_options_set_transport( options, sentry_transport_new(print_envelope)); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "capture-transaction")) { sentry_options_set_traces_sample_rate(options, 1.0); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "child-spans")) { sentry_options_set_max_spans(options, 5); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "before-send")) { sentry_options_set_before_send(options, before_send_callback, NULL); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "discarding-before-send")) { sentry_options_set_before_send( options, discarding_before_send_callback, NULL); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "on-crash")) { sentry_options_set_on_crash(options, on_crash_callback, NULL); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "discarding-on-crash")) { sentry_options_set_on_crash( options, discarding_on_crash_callback, NULL); } sentry_init(options); if (!has_arg(argc, argv, "no-setup")) { sentry_set_transaction("test-transaction"); sentry_set_level(SENTRY_LEVEL_WARNING); sentry_set_extra("extra stuff", sentry_value_new_string("some value")); sentry_set_extra("…unicode key…", // https://xkcd.com/1813/ :-) sentry_value_new_string("őá…–🤮🚀¿ 한글 테스트")); sentry_set_tag("expected-tag", "some value"); sentry_set_tag("not-expected-tag", "some value"); sentry_remove_tag("not-expected-tag"); sentry_value_t context = sentry_value_new_object(); sentry_value_set_by_key( context, "type", sentry_value_new_string("runtime")); sentry_value_set_by_key( context, "name", sentry_value_new_string("testing-runtime")); sentry_set_context("runtime", context); sentry_value_t user = sentry_value_new_object(); sentry_value_set_by_key(user, "id", sentry_value_new_int32(42)); sentry_value_set_by_key( user, "username", sentry_value_new_string("some_name")); sentry_set_user(user); sentry_value_t default_crumb = sentry_value_new_breadcrumb(NULL, "default level is info"); sentry_add_breadcrumb(default_crumb); sentry_value_t debug_crumb = sentry_value_new_breadcrumb("http", "debug crumb"); sentry_value_set_by_key( debug_crumb, "category", sentry_value_new_string("example!")); sentry_value_set_by_key( debug_crumb, "level", sentry_value_new_string("debug")); sentry_add_breadcrumb(debug_crumb); sentry_value_t nl_crumb = sentry_value_new_breadcrumb(NULL, "lf\ncrlf\r\nlf\n..."); sentry_value_set_by_key( nl_crumb, "category", sentry_value_new_string("something else")); sentry_add_breadcrumb(nl_crumb); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "start-session")) { sentry_start_session(); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "overflow-breadcrumbs")) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 101; i++) { char buffer[4]; snprintf(buffer, 4, "%zu", i); sentry_add_breadcrumb(sentry_value_new_breadcrumb(0, buffer)); } } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "capture-multiple")) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { char buffer[10]; snprintf(buffer, 10, "Event #%zu", i); sentry_value_t event = sentry_value_new_message_event( SENTRY_LEVEL_INFO, NULL, buffer); sentry_capture_event(event); } } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "reinstall")) { sentry_reinstall_backend(); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "sleep")) { sleep_s(10); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "crash")) { trigger_crash(); } #ifdef CRASHPAD_WER_ENABLED if (has_arg(argc, argv, "fastfail")) { trigger_fastfail_crash(); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "stack-buffer-overrun")) { trigger_stack_buffer_overrun(); } #endif if (has_arg(argc, argv, "assert")) { assert(0); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "abort")) { abort(); } #ifdef SENTRY_PLATFORM_UNIX if (has_arg(argc, argv, "raise")) { raise(SIGSEGV); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "kill")) { kill(getpid(), SIGSEGV); } #endif if (has_arg(argc, argv, "capture-event")) { sentry_value_t event = sentry_value_new_message_event( SENTRY_LEVEL_INFO, "my-logger", "Hello World!"); if (has_arg(argc, argv, "add-stacktrace")) { sentry_event_value_add_stacktrace(event, NULL, 0); } sentry_capture_event(event); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "capture-exception")) { sentry_value_t exc = sentry_value_new_exception( "ParseIntError", "invalid digit found in string"); if (has_arg(argc, argv, "add-stacktrace")) { sentry_value_set_stacktrace(exc, NULL, 0); } sentry_value_t event = sentry_value_new_event(); sentry_event_add_exception(event, exc); sentry_capture_event(event); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "capture-transaction")) { sentry_transaction_context_t *tx_ctx = sentry_transaction_context_new("little.teapot", "Short and stout here is my handle and here is my spout"); if (has_arg(argc, argv, "unsample-tx")) { sentry_transaction_context_set_sampled(tx_ctx, 0); } sentry_transaction_t *tx = sentry_transaction_start(tx_ctx, sentry_value_new_null()); if (has_arg(argc, argv, "error-status")) { sentry_transaction_set_status( tx, SENTRY_SPAN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "child-spans")) { sentry_span_t *child = sentry_transaction_start_child(tx, "littler.teapot", NULL); sentry_span_t *grandchild = sentry_span_start_child(child, "littlest.teapot", NULL); if (has_arg(argc, argv, "error-status")) { sentry_span_set_status(child, SENTRY_SPAN_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); sentry_span_set_status( grandchild, SENTRY_SPAN_STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS); } sentry_span_finish(grandchild); sentry_span_finish(child); } sentry_transaction_finish(tx); } // make sure everything flushes sentry_close(); if (has_arg(argc, argv, "sleep-after-shutdown")) { sleep_s(1); } if (has_arg(argc, argv, "crash-after-shutdown")) { trigger_crash(); } }