/* * This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 1992-2011 jean-pierre.charras * Copyright (C) 1992-2021 Kicad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "pcb_calculator_settings.h" #include "attenuators/attenuator_classes.h" #include "../dialogs/panel_attenuators.h" #include #include #include extern double DoubleFromString( const wxString& TextValue ); PANEL_ATTENUATORS::PANEL_ATTENUATORS( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name ) : PANEL_ATTENUATORS_BASE( parent, id, pos, size, style, name ) { m_CurrAttenuator = nullptr; m_bpButtonCalcAtt->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::small_down ) ); // Populate attenuator list ordered like in dialog menu list m_AttenuatorList.push_back( new ATTENUATOR_PI() ); m_AttenuatorList.push_back( new ATTENUATOR_TEE() ); m_AttenuatorList.push_back( new ATTENUATOR_BRIDGE() ); m_AttenuatorList.push_back( new ATTENUATOR_SPLITTER() ); m_CurrAttenuator = m_AttenuatorList[0]; m_staticTextAttMsg->SetFont( KIUI::GetInfoFont( this ).Italic() ); m_attZinUnit->SetLabel( wxT( "Ω" ) ); m_attZoutUnit->SetLabel( wxT( "Ω" ) ); m_attR1Unit->SetLabel( wxT( "Ω" ) ); m_attR2Unit->SetLabel( wxT( "Ω" ) ); m_attR3Unit->SetLabel( wxT( "Ω" ) ); } PANEL_ATTENUATORS::~PANEL_ATTENUATORS() { for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_AttenuatorList.size(); ii++ ) delete m_AttenuatorList[ii]; } void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::UpdateUI() { m_attenuatorBitmap->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( m_CurrAttenuator->m_SchBitmapName ) ); m_attenuatorBitmap->GetParent()->Layout(); m_attenuatorBitmap->GetParent()->Refresh(); } void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::LoadSettings( PCB_CALCULATOR_SETTINGS* aCfg ) { wxASSERT( aCfg ); for( ATTENUATOR* attenuator : m_AttenuatorList ) attenuator->ReadConfig(); m_AttenuatorsSelection->SetSelection( aCfg->m_Attenuators.type ); SetAttenuator( m_AttenuatorsSelection->GetSelection() ); } void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::SaveSettings( PCB_CALCULATOR_SETTINGS* aCfg ) { wxASSERT( aCfg ); aCfg->m_Attenuators.type = m_AttenuatorsSelection->GetSelection(); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_AttenuatorList.size(); ii++ ) m_AttenuatorList[ii]->WriteConfig(); } // Called on a attenuator selection void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::OnAttenuatorSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ) { SetAttenuator( (unsigned) event.GetSelection() ); Refresh(); } void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::SetAttenuator( unsigned aIdx ) { if( aIdx >=m_AttenuatorList.size() ) aIdx = m_AttenuatorList.size() - 1; m_CurrAttenuator = m_AttenuatorList[aIdx]; TransfAttenuatorDataToPanel(); m_Attenuator_Messages->SetPage( wxEmptyString ); m_Att_R1_Value->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); m_Att_R2_Value->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); m_Att_R3_Value->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); } void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::OnCalculateAttenuator( wxCommandEvent& event ) { TransfPanelDataToAttenuator(); m_CurrAttenuator->Calculate(); TransfAttenuatorResultsToPanel(); } void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::TransfPanelDataToAttenuator() { wxString msg; msg = m_AttValueCtrl->GetValue(); m_CurrAttenuator->m_Attenuation = DoubleFromString(msg); msg = m_ZinValueCtrl->GetValue(); m_CurrAttenuator->m_Zin = DoubleFromString(msg); msg = m_ZoutValueCtrl->GetValue(); m_CurrAttenuator->m_Zout = DoubleFromString(msg); } void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::TransfAttenuatorDataToPanel() { m_attenuatorBitmap->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( m_CurrAttenuator->m_SchBitmapName ) ); wxString msg; msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), m_CurrAttenuator->m_Attenuation ); m_AttValueCtrl->SetValue( msg ); m_AttValueCtrl->Enable( m_CurrAttenuator->m_Attenuation_Enable ); m_ZinValueCtrl->Enable( m_CurrAttenuator->m_Zin_Enable ); if( m_CurrAttenuator->m_Zin_Enable ) msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), m_CurrAttenuator->m_Zin ); else msg.Clear(); m_ZinValueCtrl->SetValue( msg ); msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), m_CurrAttenuator->m_Zout ); m_ZoutValueCtrl->SetValue( msg ); if( m_CurrAttenuator->m_FormulaName ) { if( m_CurrAttenuator->m_FormulaName->StartsWith( "SetPage( *m_CurrAttenuator->m_FormulaName ); } else { wxString html_txt; ConvertMarkdown2Html( wxGetTranslation( *m_CurrAttenuator->m_FormulaName ), html_txt ); m_panelAttFormula->SetPage( html_txt ); } } else { m_panelAttFormula->SetPage( wxEmptyString ); } } void PANEL_ATTENUATORS::TransfAttenuatorResultsToPanel() { wxString msg; m_Attenuator_Messages->SetPage( wxEmptyString ); if( m_CurrAttenuator->m_Error ) { msg.Printf( _( "Attenuation more than %f dB" ), m_CurrAttenuator->m_MinimumATT ); m_Attenuator_Messages->AppendToPage( wxT( "

" ) ); m_Attenuator_Messages->AppendToPage( msg ); m_Attenuator_Messages->AppendToPage( wxT( "
" ) ); // Display -- as resistor values: msg = wxT( "--" ); m_Att_R1_Value->SetValue( msg ); m_Att_R2_Value->SetValue( msg ); if( m_CurrAttenuator->m_ResultCount >= 3 ) m_Att_R3_Value->SetValue( msg ); return; } msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), m_CurrAttenuator->m_R1 ); m_Att_R1_Value->SetValue( msg ); msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), m_CurrAttenuator->m_R2 ); m_Att_R2_Value->SetValue( msg ); if( m_CurrAttenuator->m_ResultCount < 3 ) { m_Att_R3_Value->SetValue( wxEmptyString ); } else { msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), m_CurrAttenuator->m_R3 ); m_Att_R3_Value->SetValue( msg ); } }