[alias] # Alias to simplify marking commits as bug fixes # When the script is enabled, you may commit a change and run 'git fixes 123456' to mark the commit as a fix to bug lp:123456 # Enable by executing in the source root directory: # git config --add include.path $(pwd)/helpers/git/fixes_alias fixes = "!f() { \ COMMIT_MSG=$(git log -1 --format=medium | tail -n +5 | sed -e 's/^ //'); \ git commit --amend -m \"${COMMIT_MSG}\n\nFixes: lp:$1\n* https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/$1\"; \ }; f" # Alias to extract the changelog using ADD/NEW/REMOVE/CHANGE tags from commit messages changelog = log -E --grep="ADD:|NEW:|REMOVE[D]?:|CHANGE[D]?:"