 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2018 CERN
 * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * @author Jon Evans <jon@craftyjon.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <base_units.h>
#include <lib_pin.h>
#include <sch_symbol.h>
#include <sch_pin.h>
#include <schematic.h>
#include <schematic_settings.h>
#include <sch_sheet_path.h>
#include <sch_edit_frame.h>
#include "string_utils.h"

SCH_PIN::SCH_PIN( LIB_PIN* aLibPin, SCH_SYMBOL* aParentSymbol ) :
    SCH_ITEM( aParentSymbol, SCH_PIN_T )
    m_layer = LAYER_PIN;
    m_alt = wxEmptyString;
    m_number = aLibPin->GetNumber();
    m_libPin = aLibPin;
    SetPosition( aLibPin->GetPosition() );
    m_isDangling = true;

 * Create a proxy pin from an alternate pin designation.
 * The LIB_PIN data will be filled in when the pin is resolved (see SCH_SYMBOL::UpdatePins).
SCH_PIN::SCH_PIN( SCH_SYMBOL* aParentSymbol, const wxString& aNumber, const wxString& aAlt ) :
    SCH_ITEM( aParentSymbol, SCH_PIN_T )
    m_layer = LAYER_PIN;
    m_alt = aAlt;
    m_number = aNumber;
    m_libPin = nullptr;
    m_isDangling = true;

SCH_PIN::SCH_PIN( const SCH_PIN& aPin ) :
        SCH_ITEM( aPin )
    m_layer = aPin.m_layer;
    m_alt = aPin.m_alt;
    m_number = aPin.m_number;
    m_libPin = aPin.m_libPin;
    m_position = aPin.m_position;
    m_isDangling = aPin.m_isDangling;

SCH_PIN& SCH_PIN::operator=( const SCH_PIN& aPin )
    SCH_ITEM::operator=( aPin );

    m_alt = aPin.m_alt;
    m_number = aPin.m_number;
    m_libPin = aPin.m_libPin;
    m_position = aPin.m_position;
    m_isDangling = aPin.m_isDangling;

    return *this;

wxString SCH_PIN::GetName() const
    if( !m_alt.IsEmpty() )
        return m_alt;

    return m_libPin->GetName();

wxString SCH_PIN::GetShownName() const
    wxString name = m_libPin->GetName();

    if( !m_alt.IsEmpty() )
        name = m_alt;

    if( name == wxS( "~" ) )
        return wxEmptyString;
        return name;

wxString SCH_PIN::GetShownNumber() const
    if( m_number == wxS( "~" ) )
        return wxEmptyString;
        return m_number;

    if( !m_alt.IsEmpty() )
        return m_libPin->GetAlt( m_alt ).m_Type;

    return m_libPin->GetType();

    if( !m_alt.IsEmpty() )
        return m_libPin->GetAlt( m_alt ).m_Shape;

    return m_libPin->GetShape();

int SCH_PIN::GetOrientation() const
    return m_libPin->GetOrientation();

int SCH_PIN::GetLength() const
    return m_libPin->GetLength();

const BOX2I SCH_PIN::ViewBBox() const
    return GetBoundingBox( false, true, true );

void SCH_PIN::ViewGetLayers( int aLayers[], int& aCount ) const
    aCount     = 3;
    aLayers[0] = LAYER_DANGLING;
    aLayers[1] = LAYER_DEVICE;

bool SCH_PIN::Matches( const EDA_SEARCH_DATA& aSearchData, void* aAuxDat ) const
    const SCH_SEARCH_DATA& schSearchData =
            dynamic_cast<const SCH_SEARCH_DATA&>( aSearchData );

    if( !schSearchData.searchAllPins )
        return false;

    return EDA_ITEM::Matches( GetName(), aSearchData )
                || EDA_ITEM::Matches( GetNumber(), aSearchData );

bool SCH_PIN::Replace( const EDA_SEARCH_DATA& aSearchData, void* aAuxData )
    bool isReplaced = false;

    /* TODO: waiting on a way to override pins in the schematic...
    isReplaced |= EDA_ITEM::Replace( aSearchData, m_name );
    isReplaced |= EDA_ITEM::Replace( aSearchData, m_number );

    return isReplaced;

SCH_SYMBOL* SCH_PIN::GetParentSymbol() const
    return static_cast<SCH_SYMBOL*>( GetParent() );

wxString SCH_PIN::GetSelectMenuText( UNITS_PROVIDER* aUnitsProvider ) const
    return wxString::Format( "Symbol %s %s",
                             GetParentSymbol()->GetField( REFERENCE_FIELD )->GetShownText(),
                             m_libPin->GetSelectMenuText( aUnitsProvider ) );

void SCH_PIN::GetMsgPanelInfo( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* aFrame, std::vector<MSG_PANEL_ITEM>& aList )
    wxString  msg;

    aList.emplace_back( _( "Type" ), _( "Pin" ) );

    if( m_libPin->GetConvert() == LIB_ITEM::LIB_CONVERT::BASE )
        msg = _( "no" );
    else if( m_libPin->GetConvert() == LIB_ITEM::LIB_CONVERT::DEMORGAN )
        msg = _( "yes" );
        msg = wxT( "?" );

    aList.emplace_back( _( "Converted" ), msg );

    aList.emplace_back( _( "Name" ), GetShownName() );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Number" ), GetShownNumber() );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Type" ), ElectricalPinTypeGetText( GetType() ) );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Style" ), PinShapeGetText( GetShape() ) );

    aList.emplace_back( _( "Visible" ), IsVisible() ? _( "Yes" ) : _( "No" ) );

    aList.emplace_back( _( "Length" ), aFrame->MessageTextFromValue( GetLength() ), true );

    int i = PinOrientationIndex( GetOrientation() );
    aList.emplace_back( _( "Orientation" ), PinOrientationName( (unsigned) i ) );

    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* schframe = dynamic_cast<SCH_EDIT_FRAME*>( aFrame );
    SCH_SHEET_PATH* currentSheet = schframe ? &schframe->GetCurrentSheet() : nullptr;
    SCH_SYMBOL*     symbol = GetParentSymbol();

    aList.emplace_back( symbol->GetRef( currentSheet ), symbol->GetValue( currentSheet, true ) );

#if defined(DEBUG)
    if( !IsConnectivityDirty() && dynamic_cast<SCH_EDIT_FRAME*>( aFrame ) )
        SCH_CONNECTION* conn = Connection();

        if( conn )
            conn->AppendInfoToMsgPanel( aList );


bool SCH_PIN::IsStacked( const SCH_PIN* aPin ) const
    return m_parent == aPin->GetParent()
            && GetTransformedPosition() == aPin->GetTransformedPosition()
            && GetType() == aPin->GetType();

void SCH_PIN::ClearDefaultNetName( const SCH_SHEET_PATH* aPath )
    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock( m_netmap_mutex );

    if( aPath )
        m_net_name_map.erase( *aPath );

wxString SCH_PIN::GetDefaultNetName( const SCH_SHEET_PATH& aPath, bool aForceNoConnect )
    if( m_libPin->IsPowerConnection() )
        return EscapeString( m_libPin->GetName(), CTX_NETNAME );

    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock( m_netmap_mutex );

    auto it = m_net_name_map.find( aPath );

    if( it != m_net_name_map.end() )
        if( it->second.second == aForceNoConnect )
            return it->second.first;

    wxString name = "Net-(";

    if( aForceNoConnect || GetType() == ELECTRICAL_PINTYPE::PT_NC )
        name = ( "unconnected-(" );

    bool annotated = true;

    // Use timestamp for unannotated symbols
    if( GetParentSymbol()->GetRef( &aPath, false ).Last() == '?' )
        name << GetParentSymbol()->m_Uuid.AsString();
        name << "-Pad" << m_libPin->GetNumber() << ")";
        annotated = false;
    else if( !m_libPin->GetShownName().IsEmpty()
            && m_libPin->GetShownName() != m_libPin->GetShownNumber() )
        // Pin names might not be unique between different units so we must have the
        // unit token in the reference designator
        name << GetParentSymbol()->GetRef( &aPath, true );
        name << "-" << EscapeString( m_libPin->GetShownName(), CTX_NETNAME ) << ")";
        // Pin numbers are unique, so we skip the unit token
        name << GetParentSymbol()->GetRef( &aPath, false );
        name << "-Pad" << EscapeString( m_libPin->GetShownNumber(), CTX_NETNAME ) << ")";

    if( annotated )
        m_net_name_map[ aPath ] = std::make_pair( name, aForceNoConnect );

    return name;

VECTOR2I SCH_PIN::GetTransformedPosition() const
    TRANSFORM t = GetParentSymbol()->GetTransform();
    return t.TransformCoordinate( GetLocalPosition() ) + GetParentSymbol()->GetPosition();

const BOX2I SCH_PIN::GetBoundingBox( bool aIncludeInvisiblePins, bool aIncludeNameAndNumber,
                                     bool aIncludeElectricalType ) const
    TRANSFORM t = GetParentSymbol()->GetTransform();
    BOX2I     r = m_libPin->GetBoundingBox( aIncludeInvisiblePins, aIncludeNameAndNumber,
                                            aIncludeElectricalType );


    r = t.TransformCoordinate( r );
    r.Offset( GetParentSymbol()->GetPosition() );

    return r;

bool SCH_PIN::HitTest( const VECTOR2I& aPosition, int aAccuracy ) const
    // When looking for an "exact" hit aAccuracy will be 0 which works poorly if the pin has
    // no pin number or name.  Give it a floor.
    if( Schematic() )
        aAccuracy = std::max( aAccuracy, Schematic()->Settings().m_PinSymbolSize / 4 );

    BOX2I rect = GetBoundingBox( false, true, m_flags & SHOW_ELEC_TYPE );
    return rect.Inflate( aAccuracy ).Contains( aPosition );

bool SCH_PIN::HitTest( const BOX2I& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    BOX2I sel = aRect;

    if( aAccuracy )
        sel.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContained )
        return sel.Contains( GetBoundingBox( false, false, false ) );

    return sel.Intersects( GetBoundingBox( false, true, m_flags & SHOW_ELEC_TYPE ) );

EDA_ITEM* SCH_PIN::Clone() const
    return new SCH_PIN( *this );

bool SCH_PIN::ConnectionPropagatesTo( const EDA_ITEM* aItem ) const
    // Reciprocal checking is done in CONNECTION_GRAPH anyway
    return !( m_libPin->GetType() == ELECTRICAL_PINTYPE::PT_NC );