/********************************************/ /* library editor: undo and redo functions */ /********************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "id.h" #include "protos.h" /*************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::SaveCopyInUndoList(EDA_BaseStruct * ItemToCopy, int unused_flag) /*************************************************************************/ { EDA_BaseStruct * item; EDA_LibComponentStruct * CopyItem; CopyItem = CopyLibEntryStruct ( this, (EDA_LibComponentStruct *) ItemToCopy); GetScreen()->AddItemToUndoList((EDA_BaseStruct *)CopyItem); /* Clear current flags (which can be temporary set by a current edit command) */ for ( item = CopyItem->m_Drawings; item != NULL; item = item->Pnext ) item->m_Flags = 0; /* Clear redo list, because after new save there is no redo to do */ while ( GetScreen()->m_RedoList ) { item = GetScreen()->m_RedoList->Pnext; delete GetScreen()->m_RedoList; GetScreen()->m_RedoList = item; } } /******************************************************/ bool WinEDA_LibeditFrame::GetComponentFromRedoList() /******************************************************/ /* Redo the last edition: - Place the current edited library component in undo list - Get old version of the current edited library component * @return FALSE if nothing done, else TRUE */ { if ( GetScreen()->m_RedoList == NULL ) return FALSE; GetScreen()->AddItemToUndoList((EDA_BaseStruct *)CurrentLibEntry); CurrentLibEntry = (EDA_LibComponentStruct *) GetScreen()->GetItemFromRedoList(); if ( CurrentLibEntry ) CurrentLibEntry->Pnext = NULL; CurrentDrawItem = NULL; GetScreen()->SetModify(); ReCreateHToolbar(); SetToolbars(); return TRUE; } /******************************************************/ bool WinEDA_LibeditFrame::GetComponentFromUndoList() /******************************************************/ /* Undo the last edition: - Place the current edited library component in Redo list - Get old version of the current edited library component * @return FALSE if nothing done, else TRUE */ { if ( GetScreen()->m_UndoList == NULL ) return FALSE; GetScreen()->AddItemToRedoList((EDA_BaseStruct *)CurrentLibEntry); CurrentLibEntry = (EDA_LibComponentStruct *) GetScreen()->GetItemFromUndoList(); if ( CurrentLibEntry ) CurrentLibEntry->Pnext = NULL; CurrentDrawItem = NULL; GetScreen()->SetModify(); ReCreateHToolbar(); SetToolbars(); return TRUE; }