/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2016 Mario Luzeiro * Copyright (C) 2015 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr * Copyright (C) 2013 Wayne Stambaugh * Copyright (C) 1992-2019 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include <3d_canvas/cinfo3d_visu.h> #include #include <3d_viewer_id.h> #include <3d_actions.h> #include #include #include #include "help_common_strings.h" void EDA_3D_VIEWER::CreateMenuBar() { wxLogTrace( m_logTrace, "EDA_3D_VIEWER::CreateMenuBar" ); COMMON_CONTROL* tool = m_toolManager->GetTool(); wxMenuBar* menuBar = new wxMenuBar; //-- File menu ----------------------------------------------------------- // CONDITIONAL_MENU* fileMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); fileMenu->AddItem( ID_MENU_SCREENCOPY_PNG, _( "Export Current View as PNG..." ), "", export_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); fileMenu->AddItem( ID_MENU_SCREENCOPY_JPEG, _( "Export Current View as JPEG..." ), "", export_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); fileMenu->AddSeparator(); // Don't use ACTIONS::quit; wxWidgets moves this on OSX and expects to find it via wxID_EXIT fileMenu->AddItem( wxID_EXIT, _( "Quit" ), "", exit_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); //-- Edit menu ------------------------------------------------------- // CONDITIONAL_MENU* editMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); editMenu->AddItem( ID_TOOL_SCREENCOPY_TOCLIBBOARD, _( "Copy 3D Image" ), "", copy_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); //-- View menu ------------------------------------------------------- // CONDITIONAL_MENU* viewMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ZOOM_IN, _( "Zoom In\tF1" ), HELP_ZOOM_IN, zoom_in_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ZOOM_OUT, _( "Zoom Out\tF2" ), HELP_ZOOM_OUT, zoom_out_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ZOOM_PAGE, _( "Zoom to Fit" ), HELP_ZOOM_FIT, zoom_fit_in_page_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, _( "Redraw\tR" ), HELP_ZOOM_REDRAW, zoom_redraw_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddSeparator(); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ROTATE3D_X_NEG, _( "Rotate X Clockwise\tShift+X" ), "", rotate_neg_x_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ROTATE3D_X_POS, _( "Rotate X Counterclockwise\tX" ), "", rotate_pos_x_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddSeparator(); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ROTATE3D_Y_NEG, _( "Rotate Y Clockwise\tShift+Y" ), "", rotate_neg_y_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ROTATE3D_Y_POS, _( "Rotate Y Counterclockwise\tY" ), "", rotate_pos_y_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddSeparator(); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ROTATE3D_Z_NEG, _( "Rotate Z Clockwise\tShift+Z" ), "", rotate_neg_z_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways );; viewMenu->AddItem( ID_ROTATE3D_Z_POS, _( "Rotate Z Counterclockwise\tZ" ), "", rotate_pos_z_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AppendSeparator(); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_MOVE3D_LEFT, _( "Move Left\tLeft" ), "", left_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_MOVE3D_RIGHT, _( "Move Right\tRight" ), "", right_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_MOVE3D_UP, _( "Move Up\tUp" ), "", up_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->AddItem( ID_MOVE3D_DOWN, _( "Move Down\tDown" ), "", down_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); viewMenu->Resolve(); //-- Preferences menu ----------------------------------------------- // CONDITIONAL_MENU* prefsMenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); auto raytracingCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.RenderEngineGet() != RENDER_ENGINE_OPENGL_LEGACY; }; auto NormalModeCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.MaterialModeGet() == MATERIAL_MODE_NORMAL; }; auto DiffuseModeCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.MaterialModeGet() == MATERIAL_MODE_DIFFUSE_ONLY; }; auto CADModeCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.MaterialModeGet() == MATERIAL_MODE_CAD_MODE; }; auto copperThicknessCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_OPENGL_COPPER_THICKNESS ); }; auto boundingBoxesCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_OPENGL_SHOW_MODEL_BBOX ); }; auto renderShadowsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_RAYTRACING_SHADOWS ); }; auto proceduralTexturesCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_RAYTRACING_PROCEDURAL_TEXTURES ); }; auto showFloorCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_RAYTRACING_BACKFLOOR ); }; auto useRefractionsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_RAYTRACING_REFRACTIONS ); }; auto useReflectionsCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_RAYTRACING_REFLECTIONS ); }; auto antiAliasingCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_RAYTRACING_ANTI_ALIASING ); }; auto postProcessCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_RAYTRACING_POST_PROCESSING ); }; auto showAxesCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GetFlag( FL_AXIS ); }; prefsMenu->AddItem( ID_TOOL_SET_VISIBLE_ITEMS, _( "Display Options" ), "", read_setup_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); prefsMenu->AddCheckItem( ID_RENDER_CURRENT_VIEW, _( "Raytracing" ), "", tools_xpm, raytracingCondition ); // Render options submenu CONDITIONAL_MENU* optsSubmenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); optsSubmenu->SetTitle( _( "Render Options" ) ); optsSubmenu->SetIcon( options_3drender_xpm ); // Material properties submenu CONDITIONAL_MENU* propsSubmenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); propsSubmenu->SetTitle( _( "Material Properties" ) ); propsSubmenu->SetIcon( color_materials_xpm ); propsSubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RENDER_MATERIAL_MODE_NORMAL, _( "Use All Properties" ), _( "Use all material properties from each 3D model file" ), nullptr, NormalModeCondition ); propsSubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RENDER_MATERIAL_MODE_DIFFUSE_ONLY, _( "Use Diffuse Only" ), _( "Use only the diffuse color property from model 3D model file" ), nullptr, DiffuseModeCondition ); propsSubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RENDER_MATERIAL_MODE_CAD_MODE, _( "CAD Color Style" ), _( "Use a CAD color style based on the diffuse color of the material" ), nullptr, CADModeCondition ); optsSubmenu->AddMenu( propsSubmenu, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); optsSubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_OPENGL_RENDER_COPPER_THICKNESS, _( "Show Copper Thickness" ), _( "Shows the copper thickness on copper layers (slower loading)" ), use_3D_copper_thickness_xpm, copperThicknessCondition ); optsSubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_OPENGL_RENDER_SHOW_MODEL_BBOX, _( "Show Model Bounding Boxes" ), "", ortho_xpm, boundingBoxesCondition ); // Raytracing submenu CONDITIONAL_MENU* raySubmenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); raySubmenu->SetTitle( _( "Raytracing Options" ) ); raySubmenu->SetIcon( tools_xpm ); raySubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RAYTRACING_RENDER_SHADOWS, _( "Render Shadows" ), "", green_xpm, renderShadowsCondition ); raySubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RAYTRACING_PROCEDURAL_TEXTURES, _( "Procedural Textures" ), _( "Apply procedural textures to materials (slow)"), green_xpm, proceduralTexturesCondition ); raySubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RAYTRACING_BACKFLOOR, _( "Add Floor" ), _( "Adds a floor plane below the board (slow)"), green_xpm, showFloorCondition ); raySubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RAYTRACING_REFRACTIONS, _( "Refractions" ), _( "Render materials with refractions properties on final render (slow)"), green_xpm, useRefractionsCondition ); raySubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RAYTRACING_REFLECTIONS, _( "Reflections" ), _( "Render materials with reflections properties on final render (slow)"), green_xpm, useReflectionsCondition ); raySubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RAYTRACING_ANTI_ALIASING, _( "Anti-aliasing" ), _( "Render with improved quality on final render (slow)"), green_xpm, antiAliasingCondition ); raySubmenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_FL_RAYTRACING_POST_PROCESSING, _( "Post-processing" ), _( "Apply Screen Space Ambient Occlusion and Global Illumination reflections on final render (slow)"), green_xpm, postProcessCondition ); optsSubmenu->AddMenu( raySubmenu, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); prefsMenu->AddMenu( optsSubmenu, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); prefsMenu->AddSeparator(); // Color submenu CONDITIONAL_MENU* colorSubmenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); colorSubmenu->SetTitle( _( "Choose Colors" ) ); colorSubmenu->SetIcon( palette_xpm ); colorSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_BGCOLOR_TOP, _( "Background Top Color..." ), "", setcolor_3d_bg_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); colorSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_BGCOLOR_BOTTOM, _( "Background Bottom Color..." ), "", setcolor_3d_bg_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); colorSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_SILKSCREEN_COLOR, _( "Silkscreen Color..." ), "", setcolor_silkscreen_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); colorSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_SOLDERMASK_COLOR, _( "Solder Mask Color..." ), "", setcolor_soldermask_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); colorSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_SOLDERPASTE_COLOR, _( "Solder Paste Color..." ), "", setcolor_solderpaste_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); colorSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_COPPER_COLOR, _( "Copper/Surface Finish Color..." ), "", setcolor_copper_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); colorSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_PCB_BODY_COLOR, _( "Board Body Color..." ), "", setcolor_board_body_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); prefsMenu->AddMenu( colorSubmenu ); prefsMenu->AddCheckItem( ID_MENU3D_AXIS_ONOFF, _( "Show 3D &Axis" ), "", axis3d_front_xpm, showAxesCondition ); // Grid submenu CONDITIONAL_MENU* gridSubmenu = new CONDITIONAL_MENU( false, tool ); gridSubmenu->SetTitle( _( "3D Grid" ) ); gridSubmenu->SetIcon( grid_xpm ); auto noGridCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GridGet() == GRID3D_NONE; }; auto grid10mmCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GridGet() == GRID3D_10MM; }; auto grid5mmCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GridGet() == GRID3D_5MM; }; auto grid2p5mmCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GridGet() == GRID3D_2P5MM; }; auto grid_1mmCondition = [ this ] ( const SELECTION& aSel ) { return m_settings.GridGet() == GRID3D_1MM; }; gridSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_GRID_NOGRID, _( "No 3D Grid" ), "", nullptr, noGridCondition ); gridSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_GRID_10_MM, _( "3D Grid 10mm" ), "", nullptr, grid10mmCondition ); gridSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_GRID_5_MM, _( "3D Grid 5mm" ), "", nullptr, grid5mmCondition ); gridSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_GRID_2P5_MM, _( "3D Grid 2.5mm" ), "", nullptr, grid2p5mmCondition ); gridSubmenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_GRID_1_MM, _( "3D Grid 1mm" ), "", nullptr, grid_1mmCondition ); prefsMenu->AddMenu( gridSubmenu, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); prefsMenu->AppendSeparator(); prefsMenu->AddItem( ID_MENU3D_RESET_DEFAULTS, _( "Reset to Default Settings" ), "", tools_xpm, SELECTION_CONDITIONS::ShowAlways ); prefsMenu->Resolve(); //-- Menubar ------------------------------------------------------------- // menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _( "&File" ) ); menuBar->Append( editMenu, _( "&Edit" ) ); menuBar->Append( viewMenu, _( "&View" ) ); menuBar->Append( prefsMenu, _( "&Preferences" ) ); AddStandardHelpMenu( menuBar ); SetMenuBar( menuBar ); }