/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2024 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include <pcb_edit_frame.h> #include <pcb_table.h> #include <board.h> #include <geometry/shape_simple.h> #include <geometry/shape_segment.h> #include <geometry/shape_compound.h> PCB_TABLE::PCB_TABLE( BOARD_ITEM* aParent, int aLineWidth ) : BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER( aParent, PCB_TABLE_T ), m_strokeExternal( true ), m_strokeHeader( true ), m_borderStroke( aLineWidth, LINE_STYLE::DEFAULT, COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED ), m_strokeRows( true ), m_strokeColumns( true ), m_separatorsStroke( aLineWidth, LINE_STYLE::DEFAULT, COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED ), m_colCount( 0 ) { } PCB_TABLE::PCB_TABLE( const PCB_TABLE& aTable ) : BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER( aTable ) { m_strokeExternal = aTable.m_strokeExternal; m_strokeHeader = aTable.m_strokeHeader; m_borderStroke = aTable.m_borderStroke; m_strokeRows = aTable.m_strokeRows; m_strokeColumns = aTable.m_strokeColumns; m_separatorsStroke = aTable.m_separatorsStroke; m_colCount = aTable.m_colCount; m_colWidths = aTable.m_colWidths; m_rowHeights = aTable.m_rowHeights; for( PCB_TABLECELL* src : aTable.m_cells ) AddCell( new PCB_TABLECELL( *src ) ); } PCB_TABLE::~PCB_TABLE() { // We own our cells; delete them for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : m_cells ) delete cell; } void PCB_TABLE::swapData( BOARD_ITEM* aImage ) { wxCHECK_RET( aImage != nullptr && aImage->Type() == PCB_TABLE_T, wxT( "Cannot swap data with invalid table." ) ); PCB_TABLE* table = static_cast<PCB_TABLE*>( aImage ); std::swap( m_layer, table->m_layer ); std::swap( m_isLocked, table->m_isLocked ); std::swap( m_strokeExternal, table->m_strokeExternal ); std::swap( m_strokeHeader, table->m_strokeHeader ); std::swap( m_borderStroke, table->m_borderStroke ); std::swap( m_strokeRows, table->m_strokeRows ); std::swap( m_strokeColumns, table->m_strokeColumns ); std::swap( m_separatorsStroke, table->m_separatorsStroke ); std::swap( m_colCount, table->m_colCount ); std::swap( m_colWidths, table->m_colWidths ); std::swap( m_rowHeights, table->m_rowHeights ); std::swap( m_cells, table->m_cells ); for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : m_cells ) cell->SetParent( this ); for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : table->m_cells ) cell->SetParent( table ); } void PCB_TABLE::SetPosition( const VECTOR2I& aPos ) { Move( aPos - GetPosition() ); } VECTOR2I PCB_TABLE::GetPosition() const { return m_cells[0]->GetPosition(); } VECTOR2I PCB_TABLE::GetEnd() const { VECTOR2I tableSize; for( int ii = 0; ii < GetColCount(); ++ii ) tableSize.x += GetColWidth( ii ); for( int ii = 0; ii < GetRowCount(); ++ii ) tableSize.y += GetRowHeight( ii ); return GetPosition() + tableSize; } void PCB_TABLE::Normalize() { // JEY TODO: pukes on rotated tables... int y = GetPosition().y; for( int row = 0; row < GetRowCount(); ++row ) { int x = GetPosition().x; int rowHeight = m_rowHeights[ row ]; for( int col = 0; col < GetColCount(); ++col ) { int colWidth = m_colWidths[ col ]; PCB_TABLECELL* cell = GetCell( row, col ); VECTOR2I pos( x, y ); if( cell->GetPosition() != pos ) { cell->SetPosition( pos ); cell->ClearRenderCache(); } VECTOR2I end = cell->GetStart() + VECTOR2I( colWidth, rowHeight ); if( cell->GetColSpan() > 1 || cell->GetRowSpan() > 1 ) { for( int ii = col + 1; ii < col + cell->GetColSpan(); ++ii ) end.x += m_colWidths[ii]; for( int ii = row + 1; ii < row + cell->GetRowSpan(); ++ii ) end.y += m_rowHeights[ii]; } if( cell->GetEnd() != end ) { cell->SetEnd( end ); cell->ClearRenderCache(); } x += colWidth; } y += rowHeight; } } void PCB_TABLE::Move( const VECTOR2I& aMoveVector ) { for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : m_cells ) cell->Move( aMoveVector ); } void PCB_TABLE::Rotate( const VECTOR2I& aRotCentre, const EDA_ANGLE& aAngle ) { for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : m_cells ) cell->Rotate( aRotCentre, aAngle ); Normalize(); } void PCB_TABLE::Flip( const VECTOR2I& aCentre, bool aFlipLeftRight ) { for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : m_cells ) cell->Flip( aCentre, aFlipLeftRight ); std::vector<PCB_TABLECELL*> oldCells = m_cells; int rowOffset = 0; for( int row = 0; row < GetRowCount(); ++row ) { for( int col = 0; col < GetColCount(); ++col ) m_cells[ rowOffset + col ] = oldCells[ rowOffset + GetColCount() - 1 - col ]; rowOffset += GetColCount(); } SetLayer( FlipLayer( GetLayer(), GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount() ) ); Normalize(); } void PCB_TABLE::RunOnChildren( const std::function<void( BOARD_ITEM* )>& aFunction ) const { for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : m_cells ) aFunction( cell ); } const BOX2I PCB_TABLE::GetBoundingBox() const { // Note: a table with no cells is not allowed BOX2I bbox = m_cells[0]->GetBoundingBox(); bbox.Merge( m_cells[ m_cells.size() - 1 ]->GetBoundingBox() ); return bbox; } std::shared_ptr<SHAPE> PCB_TABLE::GetEffectiveShape( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, FLASHING aFlash ) const { VECTOR2I origin = GetPosition(); VECTOR2I end = GetEnd(); std::shared_ptr<SHAPE_COMPOUND> shape = std::make_shared<SHAPE_COMPOUND>(); std::vector<VECTOR2I> pts; pts.emplace_back( origin ); pts.emplace_back( end.x, origin.y ); pts.emplace_back( end ); pts.emplace_back( origin.x, end.y ); shape->AddShape( new SHAPE_SIMPLE( pts ) ); auto addSeg = [&shape]( const VECTOR2I& ptA, const VECTOR2I& ptB, int width ) { shape->AddShape( new SHAPE_SEGMENT( ptA, ptB, width ) ); }; if( StrokeColumns() && GetSeparatorsStroke().GetWidth() >= 0) { for( int col = 0; col < GetColCount() - 1; ++col ) { for( int row = 0; row < GetRowCount(); ++row ) { PCB_TABLECELL* cell = GetCell( row, col ); VECTOR2I topRight( cell->GetEndX(), cell->GetStartY() ); if( cell->GetColSpan() > 0 && cell->GetRowSpan() > 0 ) addSeg( topRight, cell->GetEnd(), GetSeparatorsStroke().GetWidth() ); } } } if( StrokeRows() && GetSeparatorsStroke().GetWidth() >= 0 ) { for( int row = 0; row < GetRowCount() - 1; ++row ) { for( int col = 0; col < GetColCount(); ++col ) { PCB_TABLECELL* cell = GetCell( row, col ); VECTOR2I botLeft( cell->GetStartX(), cell->GetEndY() ); if( cell->GetColSpan() > 0 && cell->GetRowSpan() > 0 ) addSeg( botLeft, cell->GetEnd(), GetSeparatorsStroke().GetWidth() ); } } } if( StrokeExternal() && GetBorderStroke().GetWidth() >= 0 ) { addSeg( pts[0], pts[1], GetBorderStroke().GetWidth() ); addSeg( pts[1], pts[2], GetBorderStroke().GetWidth() ); addSeg( pts[2], pts[3], GetBorderStroke().GetWidth() ); addSeg( pts[3], pts[0], GetBorderStroke().GetWidth() ); } return shape; } void PCB_TABLE::TransformShapeToPolygon( SHAPE_POLY_SET& aBuffer, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, int aClearance, int aMaxError, ERROR_LOC aErrorLoc, bool aIgnoreLineWidth ) const { int gap = aClearance; if( StrokeColumns() || StrokeRows() ) gap = std::max( gap, aClearance + GetSeparatorsStroke().GetWidth() / 2 ); if( StrokeExternal() || StrokeHeader() ) gap = std::max( gap, aClearance + GetBorderStroke().GetWidth() / 2 ); for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : m_cells ) cell->TransformShapeToPolygon( aBuffer, aLayer, gap, aMaxError, aErrorLoc, false ); } INSPECT_RESULT PCB_TABLE::Visit( INSPECTOR aInspector, void* aTestData, const std::vector<KICAD_T>& aScanTypes ) { for( KICAD_T scanType : aScanTypes ) { if( scanType == PCB_TABLE_T ) { if( INSPECT_RESULT::QUIT == aInspector( this, aTestData ) ) return INSPECT_RESULT::QUIT; } if( scanType == PCB_TABLECELL_T ) { for( PCB_TABLECELL* cell : m_cells ) { if( INSPECT_RESULT::QUIT == aInspector( cell, (void*) this ) ) return INSPECT_RESULT::QUIT; } } } return INSPECT_RESULT::CONTINUE; } wxString PCB_TABLE::GetItemDescription( UNITS_PROVIDER* aUnitsProvider ) const { return wxString::Format( _( "%d Column Table" ), m_colCount ); } BITMAPS PCB_TABLE::GetMenuImage() const { return BITMAPS::spreadsheet; // JEY TODO } bool PCB_TABLE::HitTest( const VECTOR2I& aPosition, int aAccuracy ) const { BOX2I rect = GetBoundingBox(); rect.Inflate( aAccuracy ); return rect.Contains( aPosition ); } bool PCB_TABLE::HitTest( const BOX2I& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const { BOX2I rect = aRect; rect.Inflate( aAccuracy ); if( aContained ) return rect.Contains( GetBoundingBox() ); return rect.Intersects( GetBoundingBox() ); } void PCB_TABLE::GetMsgPanelInfo( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* aFrame, std::vector<MSG_PANEL_ITEM>& aList ) { // Don't use GetShownText() here; we want to show the user the variable references aList.emplace_back( _( "Table" ), wxString::Format( _( "%d Columns" ), m_colCount ) ); } int PCB_TABLE::Compare( const PCB_TABLE* aTable, const PCB_TABLE* aOther ) { int diff; if( ( diff = (int) aTable->GetCells().size() - (int) aOther->GetCells().size() ) != 0 ) return diff; if( ( diff = aTable->GetColCount() - aOther->GetColCount() ) != 0 ) return diff; for( int col = 0; col < aTable->GetColCount(); ++col ) { if( ( diff = aTable->GetColWidth( col ) - aOther->GetColWidth( col ) ) != 0 ) return diff; } for( int row = 0; row < aTable->GetRowCount(); ++row ) { if( ( diff = aTable->GetRowHeight( row ) - aOther->GetRowHeight( row ) ) != 0 ) return diff; } for( int row = 0; row < aTable->GetRowCount(); ++row ) { for( int col = 0; col < aTable->GetColCount(); ++col ) { PCB_TABLECELL* cell = aTable->GetCell( row, col ); PCB_TABLECELL* other = aOther->GetCell( row, col ); if( ( diff = cell->PCB_SHAPE::Compare( other ) ) != 0 ) return diff; if( ( diff = cell->EDA_TEXT::Compare( other ) ) != 0 ) return diff; } } return 0; } bool PCB_TABLE::operator==( const BOARD_ITEM& aOther ) const { if( Type() != aOther.Type() ) return false; const PCB_TABLE& other = static_cast<const PCB_TABLE&>( aOther ); if( m_cells.size() != other.m_cells.size() ) return false; if( m_colWidths != other.m_colWidths ) return false; if( m_rowHeights != other.m_rowHeights ) return false; for( int ii = 0; ii < (int) m_cells.size(); ++ii ) { if( !( *m_cells[ii] == *other.m_cells[ii] ) ) return false; } return true; } double PCB_TABLE::Similarity( const BOARD_ITEM& aOther ) const { if( aOther.Type() != Type() ) return 0.0; const PCB_TABLE& other = static_cast<const PCB_TABLE&>( aOther ); if( m_cells.size() != other.m_cells.size() ) return 0.1; double similarity = 1.0; for( int ii = 0; ii < (int) m_cells.size(); ++ii ) similarity *= m_cells[ii]->Similarity( *other.m_cells[ii] ); return similarity; } static struct PCB_TABLE_DESC { PCB_TABLE_DESC() { ENUM_MAP<LINE_STYLE>& plotDashTypeEnum = ENUM_MAP<LINE_STYLE>::Instance(); if( plotDashTypeEnum.Choices().GetCount() == 0 ) { plotDashTypeEnum.Map( LINE_STYLE::DEFAULT, _HKI( "Default" ) ) .Map( LINE_STYLE::SOLID, _HKI( "Solid" ) ) .Map( LINE_STYLE::DASH, _HKI( "Dashed" ) ) .Map( LINE_STYLE::DOT, _HKI( "Dotted" ) ) .Map( LINE_STYLE::DASHDOT, _HKI( "Dash-Dot" ) ) .Map( LINE_STYLE::DASHDOTDOT, _HKI( "Dash-Dot-Dot" ) ); } PROPERTY_MANAGER& propMgr = PROPERTY_MANAGER::Instance(); REGISTER_TYPE( PCB_TABLE ); propMgr.AddTypeCast( new TYPE_CAST<PCB_TABLE, BOARD_ITEM> ); propMgr.AddTypeCast( new TYPE_CAST<PCB_TABLE, BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER> ); propMgr.InheritsAfter( TYPE_HASH( PCB_TABLE ), TYPE_HASH( BOARD_ITEM ) ); propMgr.InheritsAfter( TYPE_HASH( PCB_TABLE ), TYPE_HASH( BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER ) ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, int>( _HKI( "Start X" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetPositionX, &PCB_TABLE::GetPositionX, PROPERTY_DISPLAY::PT_COORD, ORIGIN_TRANSFORMS::ABS_X_COORD ) ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, int>( _HKI( "Start Y" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetPositionY, &PCB_TABLE::GetPositionY, PROPERTY_DISPLAY::PT_COORD, ORIGIN_TRANSFORMS::ABS_Y_COORD ) ); const wxString tableProps = _( "Table Properties" ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, bool>( _HKI( "External Border" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetStrokeExternal, &PCB_TABLE::StrokeExternal ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, bool>( _HKI( "Header Border" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetStrokeHeader, &PCB_TABLE::StrokeHeader ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, int>( _HKI( "Border Width" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetBorderWidth, &PCB_TABLE::GetBorderWidth, PROPERTY_DISPLAY::PT_SIZE ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY_ENUM<PCB_TABLE, LINE_STYLE>( _HKI( "Border Style" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetBorderStyle, &PCB_TABLE::GetBorderStyle ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, COLOR4D>( _HKI( "Border Color" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetBorderColor, &PCB_TABLE::GetBorderColor ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, bool>( _HKI( "Row Separators" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetStrokeRows, &PCB_TABLE::StrokeRows ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, bool>( _HKI( "Cell Separators" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetStrokeColumns, &PCB_TABLE::StrokeColumns ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, int>( _HKI( "Separators Width" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetSeparatorsWidth, &PCB_TABLE::GetSeparatorsWidth, PROPERTY_DISPLAY::PT_SIZE ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY_ENUM<PCB_TABLE, LINE_STYLE>( _HKI( "Separators Style" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetSeparatorsStyle, &PCB_TABLE::GetSeparatorsStyle ), tableProps ); propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<PCB_TABLE, COLOR4D>( _HKI( "Separators Color" ), &PCB_TABLE::SetSeparatorsColor, &PCB_TABLE::GetSeparatorsColor ), tableProps ); } } _PCB_TABLE_DESC;