/****************************/ /* EESCHEMA - files-io.cpp */ /****************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "gestfich.h" #include "program.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include "eeschema_id.h" #include "class_library.h" /****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::Save_File( wxCommandEvent& event ) /****************************************************************/ /* Commands to save project or the current page. */ { int id = event.GetId(); switch( id ) { case ID_SAVE_PROJECT: /* Update Schematic File */ SaveProject(); break; case ID_SAVE_ONE_SHEET: /* Update Schematic File */ SaveEEFile( NULL, FILE_SAVE_AS ); break; case ID_SAVE_ONE_SHEET_AS: /* Save EED (new name) */ SaveEEFile( NULL, FILE_SAVE_NEW ); break; default: DisplayError( this, wxT( "WinEDA_SchematicFrame::Save_File Internal Error" ) ); break; } } /* * Load an entire project * * Schematic root file and its subhierarchies, the configuration and the libs * which are not already loaded) */ int WinEDA_SchematicFrame::LoadOneEEProject( const wxString& FileName, bool IsNew ) { SCH_SCREEN* screen; wxString FullFileName, msg; bool LibCacheExist = false; EDA_ScreenList ScreenList; for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { if( screen->IsModify() ) break; } if( screen ) { if( !IsOK( this, _( "Clear Schematic Hierarchy (modified!)?" ) ) ) return FALSE; if( g_RootSheet->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName != m_DefaultSchematicFileName ) SetLastProject( g_RootSheet->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName ); } FullFileName = FileName; if( ( FullFileName.IsEmpty() ) && !IsNew ) { wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Open Schematic" ), wxGetCwd(), wxEmptyString, SchematicFileWildcard, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return 0; FullFileName = dlg.GetPath(); } if( g_RootSheet ) { SAFE_DELETE( g_RootSheet ); } CreateScreens(); ActiveScreen = GetScreen(); screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) GetScreen(); wxSetWorkingDirectory( wxPathOnly( FullFileName ) ); GetScreen()->m_FileName = FullFileName; g_RootSheet->SetFileName( FullFileName ); Affiche_Message( wxEmptyString ); MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); memset( &g_EESchemaVar, 0, sizeof(g_EESchemaVar) ); GetScreen()->ClrModify(); //m_CurrentSheet->m_AssociatedScreen->Pnext = NULL; should be by default if( IsNew ) { screen->m_CurrentSheetDesc = &g_Sheet_A4; screen->SetZoom( 32 ); screen->m_Title = wxT( "noname.sch" ); GetScreen()->m_FileName = screen->m_Title; screen->m_Company.Empty(); screen->m_Commentaire1.Empty(); screen->m_Commentaire2.Empty(); screen->m_Commentaire3.Empty(); screen->m_Commentaire4.Empty(); LoadProjectFile( wxEmptyString, TRUE ); Zoom_Automatique( TRUE ); SetSheetNumberAndCount(); DrawPanel->Refresh(); return 1; } // Rechargement de la configuration: msg = _( "Ready\nWorking dir: \n" ) + wxGetCwd(); PrintMsg( msg ); LoadProjectFile( wxEmptyString, FALSE ); // Delete old caches. CMP_LIBRARY::RemoveCacheLibrary(); if( IsNew ) { if( DrawPanel ) DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); return 1; } /* Loading the project library cache * until apr 2009 the lib is named .cache.lib * and after (due to code change): -cache.lib * so if the -cache.lib is not foun, the od way will be tried */ bool use_oldcachename = false; wxFileName fn = g_RootSheet->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName; wxString cachename = fn.GetName() + wxT("-cache"); fn.SetName( cachename ); fn.SetExt( CompLibFileExtension ); if( ! fn.FileExists() ) { fn = g_RootSheet->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName; fn.SetExt( wxT( "cache.lib" ) ); use_oldcachename = true; } if( fn.FileExists() ) { wxString errMsg; wxLogDebug( wxT( "Load schematic cache library file <%s>" ), fn.GetFullPath().c_str() ); msg = wxT( "Load " ) + fn.GetFullPath(); CMP_LIBRARY* LibCache = CMP_LIBRARY::LoadLibrary( fn, errMsg ); if( LibCache ) { LibCache->SetCache(); msg += wxT( " OK" ); if ( use_oldcachename ) // set the new name { fn.SetName(cachename); fn.SetExt( CompLibFileExtension ); LibCache->SetFileName( fn ); } LibCacheExist = true; CMP_LIBRARY::GetLibraryList().push_back( LibCache ); } else { wxString prompt; prompt.Printf( _( "Component library <%s> failed to load.\n\n\ Error: %s" ), ( const wxChar* ) fn.GetFullPath(), ( const wxChar* ) errMsg ); DisplayError( this, prompt ); msg += wxT( " ->Error" ); } PrintMsg( msg ); } if( !wxFileExists( g_RootSheet->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName ) && !LibCacheExist ) { Zoom_Automatique( FALSE ); msg.Printf( _( "File <%s> not found." ), g_RootSheet->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName.GetData() ); DisplayInfoMessage( this, msg, 0 ); return -1; } //load the project. SAFE_DELETE( g_RootSheet->m_AssociatedScreen ); bool diag = g_RootSheet->Load( this ); /* Reaffichage ecran de base (ROOT) si necessaire */ ActiveScreen = GetScreen(); Zoom_Automatique( FALSE ); SetSheetNumberAndCount(); DrawPanel->Refresh( true ); return diag; } /**********************************************************/ SCH_SCREEN* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::CreateNewScreen( SCH_SCREEN* OldScreen, int TimeStamp ) /**********************************************************/ /* Routine de creation ( par allocation memoire ) d'un nouvel ecran * cet ecran est en chainage arriere avec OldScreen * la valeur TimeStamp est attribuee au parametre NewScreen->TimeStamp */ { SCH_SCREEN* NewScreen; NewScreen = new SCH_SCREEN(); NewScreen->SetRefreshReq(); if( OldScreen ) NewScreen->m_Company = OldScreen->m_Company; NewScreen->m_TimeStamp = TimeStamp; NewScreen->SetBack( OldScreen ); return NewScreen; } /****************************************************/ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::SaveProject() /****************************************************/ /* Saves the entire project and creates an archive for components * the library archive name is .cache.lib */ { SCH_SCREEN* screen; wxFileName fn; EDA_ScreenList ScreenList; for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { D( printf( "SaveEEFile, %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( screen->m_FileName ) ); ) SaveEEFile( screen, FILE_SAVE_AS ); } /* Creation du fichier d'archivage composants en repertoire courant */ fn = g_RootSheet->GetFileName(); wxString cachename = fn.GetName() + wxT("-cache"); fn.SetName( cachename ); fn.SetExt( CompLibFileExtension ); LibArchive( this, fn.GetFullPath() ); } /************************/ int CountCmpNumber() /************************/ /* Routine retournant le nombre de composants dans le schema, * powers non comprises */ { return g_RootSheet->ComponentCount(); /* * BASE_SCREEN* Window; * EDA_BaseStruct* Phead; * int Nb = 0; * * * * Window = ScreenSch; * while( Window ) * { * for( Phead = Window->EEDrawList; Phead != NULL; Phead = Phead->Pnext ) * { * if( Phead->Type() == TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT ) * { * DrawPartStruct* Cmp = (DrawPartStruct*) Phead; * if( Cmp->m_Field[VALUE].m_Text.GetChar( 0 ) != '#' ) * Nb++; * } * } * * Window = (BASE_SCREEN*) Window->Pnext; * } * * return Nb; */ }