/* Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Peter Selinger. * This file is part of Potrace. It is free software and it is covered * by the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include "render.h" #include "greymap.h" #include "auxiliary.h" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* routines for anti-aliased rendering of curves */ /* we use the following method. Given a point (x,y) (with real-valued * coordinates) in the plane, let (xi,yi) be the integer part of the * coordinates, i.e., xi=floor(x), yi=floor(y). Define a path from * (x,y) to infinity as follows: path(x,y) = * (x,y)--(xi+1,y)--(xi+1,yi)--(+infty,yi). Now as the point (x,y) * moves smoothly across the plane, the path path(x,y) sweeps * (non-smoothly) across a certain area. We proportionately blacken * the area as the path moves "downward", and we whiten the area as * the path moves "upward". This way, after the point has traversed a * closed curve, the interior of the curve has been darkened * (counterclockwise movement) or lightened (clockwise movement). (The * "grey shift" is actually proportional to the winding number). By * choosing the above path with mostly integer coordinates, we achieve * that only pixels close to (x,y) receive grey values and are subject * to round-off errors. The grey value of pixels far away from (x,y) * is always in "integer" (where 0=black, 1=white). As a special * trick, we keep an accumulator rm->a1, which holds a double value to * be added to the grey value to be added to the current pixel * (xi,yi). Only when changing "current" pixels, we convert this * double value to an integer. This way we avoid round-off errors at * the meeting points of line segments. Another speedup measure is * that we sometimes use the rm->incrow_buf array to postpone * incrementing or decrementing an entire row. If incrow_buf[y]=x+1!=0, * then all the pixels (x,y),(x+1,y),(x+2,y),... are scheduled to be * incremented/decremented (which one is the case will be clear from * context). This keeps the greymap operations reasonably local. */ /* allocate a new rendering state */ render_t* render_new( greymap_t* gm ) { render_t* rm; rm = (render_t*) malloc( sizeof(render_t) ); if( !rm ) { return NULL; } memset( rm, 0, sizeof(render_t) ); rm->gm = gm; rm->incrow_buf = (int*) calloc( gm->h, sizeof(int) ); if( !rm->incrow_buf ) { free( rm ); return NULL; } memset( rm->incrow_buf, 0, gm->h * sizeof(int) ); return rm; } /* free a given rendering state. Note: this does not free the * underlying greymap. */ void render_free( render_t* rm ) { free( rm->incrow_buf ); free( rm ); } /* close path */ void render_close( render_t* rm ) { if( rm->x0 != rm->x1 || rm->y0 != rm->y1 ) { render_lineto( rm, rm->x0, rm->y0 ); } GM_INC( rm->gm, rm->x0i, rm->y0i, (rm->a0 + rm->a1) * 255 ); /* assert (rm->x0i != rm->x1i || rm->y0i != rm->y1i); */ /* the persistent state is now undefined */ } /* move point */ void render_moveto( render_t* rm, double x, double y ) { /* close the previous path */ render_close( rm ); rm->x0 = rm->x1 = x; rm->y0 = rm->y1 = y; rm->x0i = (int) floor( rm->x0 ); rm->x1i = (int) floor( rm->x1 ); rm->y0i = (int) floor( rm->y0 ); rm->y1i = (int) floor( rm->y1 ); rm->a0 = rm->a1 = 0; } /* add b to pixels (x,y) and all pixels to the right of it. However, * use rm->incrow_buf as a buffer to economize on multiple calls */ static void incrow( render_t* rm, int x, int y, int b ) { int i, x0; if( y < 0 || y >= rm->gm->h ) { return; } if( x < 0 ) { x = 0; } else if( x > rm->gm->w ) { x = rm->gm->w; } if( rm->incrow_buf[y] == 0 ) { rm->incrow_buf[y] = x + 1; /* store x+1 so that we can use 0 for "vacant" */ return; } x0 = rm->incrow_buf[y] - 1; rm->incrow_buf[y] = 0; if( x0 < x ) { for( i = x0; igm, i, y, -b ); } } else { for( i = x; igm, i, y, b ); } } } /* render a straight line */ void render_lineto( render_t* rm, double x2, double y2 ) { int x2i, y2i; double t0 = 2, s0 = 2; int sn, tn; double ss = 2, ts = 2; double r0, r1; int i, j; int rxi, ryi; int s; x2i = (int) floor( x2 ); y2i = (int) floor( y2 ); sn = abs( x2i - rm->x1i ); tn = abs( y2i - rm->y1i ); if( sn ) { s0 = ( (x2>rm->x1 ? rm->x1i + 1 : rm->x1i) - rm->x1 ) / (x2 - rm->x1); ss = fabs( 1.0 / (x2 - rm->x1) ); } if( tn ) { t0 = ( (y2>rm->y1 ? rm->y1i + 1 : rm->y1i) - rm->y1 ) / (y2 - rm->y1); ts = fabs( 1.0 / (y2 - rm->y1) ); } r0 = 0; i = 0; j = 0; rxi = rm->x1i; ryi = rm->y1i; while( i=tn || (ix1,rm->y1)..(x2,y2) */ /* move point to r1 */ rm->a1 += (r1 - r0) * (y2 - rm->y1) * ( rxi + 1 - ( (r0 + r1) / 2.0 * (x2 - rm->x1) + rm->x1 ) ); /* move point across pixel boundary */ if( s && x2>rm->x1 ) { GM_INC( rm->gm, rxi, ryi, rm->a1 * 255 ); rm->a1 = 0; rxi++; rm->a1 += rm->y1 + r1 * (y2 - rm->y1) - ryi; } else if( !s && y2>rm->y1 ) { GM_INC( rm->gm, rxi, ryi, rm->a1 * 255 ); rm->a1 = 0; incrow( rm, rxi + 1, ryi, 255 ); ryi++; } else if( s && x2<=rm->x1 ) { rm->a1 -= rm->y1 + r1 * (y2 - rm->y1) - ryi; GM_INC( rm->gm, rxi, ryi, rm->a1 * 255 ); rm->a1 = 0; rxi--; } else if( !s && y2<=rm->y1 ) { GM_INC( rm->gm, rxi, ryi, rm->a1 * 255 ); rm->a1 = 0; ryi--; incrow( rm, rxi + 1, ryi, -255 ); } r0 = r1; } /* move point to (x2,y2) */ r1 = 1; rm->a1 += (r1 - r0) * (y2 - rm->y1) * ( rxi + 1 - ( (r0 + r1) / 2.0 * (x2 - rm->x1) + rm->x1 ) ); rm->x1i = x2i; rm->y1i = y2i; rm->x1 = x2; rm->y1 = y2; /* assert (rxi != rm->x1i || ryi != rm->y1i); */ } /* render a Bezier curve. */ void render_curveto( render_t* rm, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4 ) { double x1, y1, dd0, dd1, dd, delta, e2, epsilon, t; x1 = rm->x1; /* starting point */ y1 = rm->y1; /* we approximate the curve by small line segments. The interval * size, epsilon, is determined on the fly so that the distance * between the true curve and its approximation does not exceed the * desired accuracy delta. */ delta = .1; /* desired accuracy, in pixels */ /* let dd = maximal value of 2nd derivative over curve - this must * occur at an endpoint. */ dd0 = sq( x1 - 2 * x2 + x3 ) + sq( y1 - 2 * y2 + y3 ); dd1 = sq( x2 - 2 * x3 + x4 ) + sq( y2 - 2 * y3 + y4 ); dd = 6 * sqrt( max( dd0, dd1 ) ); e2 = 8 * delta <= dd ? 8 * delta / dd : 1; epsilon = sqrt( e2 ); /* necessary interval size */ for( t = epsilon; t<1; t += epsilon ) { render_lineto( rm, x1 * cu( 1 - t ) + 3 * x2 * sq( 1 - t ) * t + 3 * x3 * (1 - t) * sq( t ) + x4 * cu( t ), y1 * cu( 1 - t ) + 3 * y2 * sq( 1 - t ) * t + 3 * y3 * (1 - t) * sq( t ) + y4 * cu( t ) ); } render_lineto( rm, x4, y4 ); }