/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2020 CERN * Copyright (C) 2021 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * @author Jon Evans * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include const int projectLocalSettingsVersion = 3; PROJECT_LOCAL_SETTINGS::PROJECT_LOCAL_SETTINGS( PROJECT* aProject, const wxString& aFilename ) : JSON_SETTINGS( aFilename, SETTINGS_LOC::PROJECT, projectLocalSettingsVersion, /* aCreateIfMissing = */ true, /* aCreateIfDefault = */ false, /* aWriteFile = */ true ), m_ActiveLayer( UNDEFINED_LAYER ), m_ContrastModeDisplay( HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE::NORMAL ), m_NetColorMode( NET_COLOR_MODE::RATSNEST ), m_RatsnestMode( RATSNEST_MODE::ALL ), m_AutoTrackWidth( true ), m_ZoneDisplayMode( ZONE_DISPLAY_MODE::SHOW_FILLED ), m_TrackOpacity( 1.0 ), m_ViaOpacity( 1.0 ), m_PadOpacity( 1.0 ), m_ZoneOpacity( 0.6 ), m_SelectionFilter(), m_project( aProject ) { m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_LAMBDA( "board.visible_layers", [&]() -> std::string { return m_VisibleLayers.FmtHex(); }, [&]( const std::string& aString ) { m_VisibleLayers.ParseHex( aString.c_str(), aString.size() ); }, LSET::AllLayersMask().FmtHex() ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_LAMBDA( "board.visible_items", [&]() -> nlohmann::json { nlohmann::json ret = nlohmann::json::array(); for( size_t i = 0; i < m_VisibleItems.size(); i++ ) if( m_VisibleItems.test( i ) ) ret.push_back( i ); return ret; }, [&]( const nlohmann::json& aVal ) { if( !aVal.is_array() || aVal.empty() ) { m_VisibleItems = GAL_SET::DefaultVisible(); return; } m_VisibleItems.reset(); for( const nlohmann::json& entry : aVal ) { try { int i = entry.get(); m_VisibleItems.set( i ); } catch( ... ) { // Non-integer or out of range entry in the array; ignore } } }, {} ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_LAMBDA( "board.selection_filter", [&]() -> nlohmann::json { nlohmann::json ret; ret["lockedItems"] = m_SelectionFilter.lockedItems; ret["footprints"] = m_SelectionFilter.footprints; ret["text"] = m_SelectionFilter.text; ret["tracks"] = m_SelectionFilter.tracks; ret["vias"] = m_SelectionFilter.vias; ret["pads"] = m_SelectionFilter.pads; ret["graphics"] = m_SelectionFilter.graphics; ret["zones"] = m_SelectionFilter.zones; ret["keepouts"] = m_SelectionFilter.keepouts; ret["dimensions"] = m_SelectionFilter.dimensions; ret["otherItems"] = m_SelectionFilter.otherItems; return ret; }, [&]( const nlohmann::json& aVal ) { if( aVal.empty() || !aVal.is_object() ) return; SetIfPresent( aVal, "lockedItems", m_SelectionFilter.lockedItems ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "footprints", m_SelectionFilter.footprints ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "text", m_SelectionFilter.text ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "tracks", m_SelectionFilter.tracks ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "vias", m_SelectionFilter.vias ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "pads", m_SelectionFilter.pads ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "graphics", m_SelectionFilter.graphics ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "zones", m_SelectionFilter.zones ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "keepouts", m_SelectionFilter.keepouts ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "dimensions", m_SelectionFilter.dimensions ); SetIfPresent( aVal, "otherItems", m_SelectionFilter.otherItems ); }, { { "lockedItems", true }, { "footprints", true }, { "text", true }, { "tracks", true }, { "vias", true }, { "pads", true }, { "graphics", true }, { "zones", true }, { "keepouts", true }, { "dimensions", true }, { "otherItems", true } } ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_ENUM( "board.active_layer", &m_ActiveLayer, F_Cu, PCBNEW_LAYER_ID_START, F_Fab ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM( "board.active_layer_preset", &m_ActiveLayerPreset, "" ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_ENUM( "board.high_contrast_mode", &m_ContrastModeDisplay, HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE::NORMAL, HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE::NORMAL, HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE::HIDDEN ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM( "board.opacity.tracks", &m_TrackOpacity, 1.0 ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM( "board.opacity.vias", &m_ViaOpacity, 1.0 ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM( "board.opacity.pads", &m_PadOpacity, 1.0 ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM( "board.opacity.zones", &m_ZoneOpacity, 0.6 ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_LIST( "board.hidden_nets", &m_HiddenNets, {} ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_ENUM( "board.net_color_mode", &m_NetColorMode, NET_COLOR_MODE::RATSNEST, NET_COLOR_MODE::OFF, NET_COLOR_MODE::ALL ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_ENUM( "board.ratsnest_display_mode", &m_RatsnestMode, RATSNEST_MODE::ALL, RATSNEST_MODE::ALL, RATSNEST_MODE::VISIBLE ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM( "board.auto_track_width", &m_AutoTrackWidth, true ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_ENUM( "board.zone_display_mode", &m_ZoneDisplayMode, ZONE_DISPLAY_MODE::SHOW_FILLED, ZONE_DISPLAY_MODE::SHOW_FILLED, ZONE_DISPLAY_MODE::SHOW_TRIANGULATION ) ); m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_LAMBDA( "project.files", [&]() -> nlohmann::json { nlohmann::json ret = nlohmann::json::array(); for( PROJECT_FILE_STATE& fileState : m_files ) { nlohmann::json file; file["name"] = fileState.fileName; file["open"] = fileState.open; nlohmann::json window; window["maximized"] = fileState.window.maximized; window["size_x"] = fileState.window.size_x; window["size_y"] = fileState.window.size_y; window["pos_x"] = fileState.window.pos_x; window["pos_y"] = fileState.window.pos_y; window["display"] = fileState.window.display; file["window"] = window; ret.push_back( file ); } return ret; }, [&]( const nlohmann::json& aVal ) { if( !aVal.is_array() || aVal.empty() ) { return; } for( const nlohmann::json& file : aVal ) { PROJECT_FILE_STATE fileState; try { SetIfPresent( file, "name", fileState.fileName ); SetIfPresent( file, "open", fileState.open ); SetIfPresent( file, "window.size_x", fileState.window.size_x ); SetIfPresent( file, "window.size_y", fileState.window.size_y ); SetIfPresent( file, "window.pos_x", fileState.window.pos_x ); SetIfPresent( file, "window.pos_y", fileState.window.pos_y ); SetIfPresent( file, "window.maximized", fileState.window.maximized ); SetIfPresent( file, "window.display", fileState.window.display ); m_files.push_back( fileState ); } catch( ... ) { // Non-integer or out of range entry in the array; ignore } } }, { } ) ); registerMigration( 1, 2, [&]() { /** * Schema version 1 to 2: * LAYER_PADS and LAYER_ZONES added to visibility controls */ std::string ptr( "board.visible_items" ); if( Contains( ptr ) ) { if( At( ptr ).is_array() ) { At( ptr ).push_back( LAYER_PADS ); At( ptr ).push_back( LAYER_ZONES ); } else { At( "board" ).erase( "visible_items" ); } } return true; } ); registerMigration( 2, 3, [&]() { /** * Schema version 2 to 3: * Fix issue with object visibility not migrating from legacy, which required * remapping of GAL_LAYER_ID to match the legacy bitmask ordering. */ /// Stores a mapping from old to new enum offset const std::map offsets = { { 22, 34 }, // LAYER_PAD_HOLEWALLS { 23, 22 }, // LAYER_VIA_HOLES { 24, 35 }, // LAYER_VIA_HOLEWALLS { 25, 23 }, // LAYER_DRC_ERROR { 26, 36 }, // LAYER_DRC_WARNING { 27, 37 }, // LAYER_DRC_EXCLUSION { 28, 38 }, // LAYER_MARKER_SHADOWS { 29, 24 }, // LAYER_DRAWINGSHEET { 30, 25 }, // LAYER_GP_OVERLAY { 31, 26 }, // LAYER_SELECT_OVERLAY { 32, 27 }, // LAYER_PCB_BACKGROUND { 33, 28 }, // LAYER_CURSOR { 34, 29 }, // LAYER_AUX_ITEM { 35, 30 }, // LAYER_DRAW_BITMAPS { 39, 32 }, // LAYER_PADS { 40, 33 }, // LAYER_ZONES }; std::string ptr( "board.visible_items" ); if( Contains( ptr ) && At( ptr ).is_array() ) { nlohmann::json visible = nlohmann::json::array(); for( const nlohmann::json& val : At( ptr ) ) { try { int layer = val.get(); if( offsets.count( layer ) ) visible.push_back( offsets.at( layer ) ); else visible.push_back( layer ); } catch( ... ) { // skip invalid value } } At( "board" )["visible_items"] = visible; } return true; } ); } bool PROJECT_LOCAL_SETTINGS::MigrateFromLegacy( wxConfigBase* aLegacyConfig ) { /** * The normal legacy migration code won't be used for this because the only legacy * information stored here was stored in board files, so we do that migration when loading * the board. */ return true; } bool PROJECT_LOCAL_SETTINGS::SaveToFile( const wxString& aDirectory, bool aForce ) { wxASSERT( m_project ); Set( "meta.filename", m_project->GetProjectName() + "." + ProjectLocalSettingsFileExtension ); return JSON_SETTINGS::SaveToFile( aDirectory, aForce ); } const PROJECT_FILE_STATE* PROJECT_LOCAL_SETTINGS::GetFileState( const wxString& aFileName ) { auto it = std::find_if( m_files.begin(), m_files.end(), [&aFileName]( const PROJECT_FILE_STATE &a ) { return a.fileName == aFileName; } ); if( it != m_files.end() ) { return &( *it ); } return nullptr; } void PROJECT_LOCAL_SETTINGS::SaveFileState( const wxString& aFileName, const WINDOW_SETTINGS* aWindowCfg, bool aOpen ) { auto it = std::find_if( m_files.begin(), m_files.end(), [&aFileName]( const PROJECT_FILE_STATE& a ) { return a.fileName == aFileName; } ); if( it == m_files.end() ) { PROJECT_FILE_STATE fileState; fileState.fileName = aFileName; fileState.open = false; fileState.window.maximized = false; fileState.window.size_x = -1; fileState.window.size_y = -1; fileState.window.pos_x = -1; fileState.window.pos_y = -1; fileState.window.display = 0; m_files.push_back( fileState ); it = m_files.end() - 1; } ( *it ).window = aWindowCfg->state; ( *it ).open = aOpen; } void PROJECT_LOCAL_SETTINGS::ClearFileState() { m_files.clear(); }