/* eda_doc.cpp */

// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop

// for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you
// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWindows headers
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/mimetype.h>
#include <wx/tokenzr.h>

#include "fctsys.h"
#include "wxstruct.h"
#include "common.h"

void WinEDA_App::ReadPdfBrowserInfos()

/* Read from Common config the Pdf browser choice
    if( m_EDA_CommonConfig )
        m_PdfBrowserIsDefault = m_EDA_CommonConfig->Read( wxT( "PdfBrowserIsDefault" ), TRUE );
        m_PdfBrowser = m_EDA_CommonConfig->Read( wxT( "PdfBrowserName" ), wxEmptyString );
    if( m_PdfBrowser.IsEmpty() )
        m_PdfBrowserIsDefault = TRUE;

void WinEDA_App::WritePdfBrowserInfos()

/* Write into Common config the Pdf browser choice
    if( !m_EDA_CommonConfig )
    if( m_PdfBrowser.IsEmpty() )
        m_PdfBrowserIsDefault = TRUE;
    m_EDA_CommonConfig->Write( wxT( "PdfBrowserIsDefault" ), m_PdfBrowserIsDefault );
    m_EDA_CommonConfig->Write( wxT( "PdfBrowserName" ), m_PdfBrowser );

//  Mime type extensions (PDF files are not considered here)
static wxMimeTypesManager*  mimeDatabase;
static const wxFileTypeInfo EDAfallbacks[] =
    wxFileTypeInfo( wxT( "text/html" ),
        wxT( "wxhtml %s" ),
        wxT( "wxhtml %s" ),
        wxT( "html document (from Kicad)" ),
        wxT( "htm" ),                         wxT( "html" ),NULL ),

    wxFileTypeInfo( wxT( "application/sch" ),
        wxT( "eeschema %s" ),
        wxT( "eeschema -p %s" ),
        wxT( "sch document (from Kicad)" ),
        wxT( "sch" ),                         wxT( "SCH" ), NULL ),

    // must terminate the table with this!

bool GetAssociatedDocument( wxFrame* frame, const wxString& LibPath,
                            const wxString& DocName )

/* Launch the viewer for the doc file  DocName (mime type)
 * LibPath is the doc file search path:
 * (kicad/library)
 * DocName is the short filename with ext. Wildcarts are allowed
 * Seach file is made in LibPath/doc/DocName
 * if DocName is starting by http: or ftp: or www. the default internet browser is launched
    wxString docpath, fullfilename, file_ext;
    wxString Line;
    wxString command;
    bool     success = FALSE;

    // Is an internet url
    static const wxString url_header[3] = { wxT( "http:" ), wxT( "ftp:" ), wxT( "www." ) };

    for( int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ )
        if( DocName.First( url_header[ii] ) == 0 )   //. seems an internet url
            wxLaunchDefaultBrowser( DocName );
            return TRUE;

    /* Compute the full file name */
    if( wxIsAbsolutePath( DocName ) )
        fullfilename = DocName;
        docpath      = LibPath + wxT( "doc/" );
        fullfilename = docpath + DocName;

#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    fullfilename.Replace( UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP, WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP );
    fullfilename.Replace( WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP, UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP );

    wxString mask( wxT( "*" ) ), extension;

#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    mask     += wxT( ".*" );
    extension = wxT( ".*" );

    if( wxIsWild( fullfilename ) )
        fullfilename =
            EDA_FileSelector( _( "Doc Files" ),     /* Titre de la fenetre */
                wxPathOnly( fullfilename ),         /* Chemin par defaut */
                fullfilename,                       /* nom fichier par defaut */
                extension,                          /* extension par defaut */
                mask,                               /* Masque d'affichage */
                frame,                              /* parent frame */
                wxFD_OPEN,                          /* wxSAVE, wxFD_OPEN ..*/
                TRUE,                               /* true = ne change pas le repertoire courant */
                wxPoint( -1, -1 )
        if( fullfilename.IsEmpty() )
            return FALSE;

    if( !wxFileExists( fullfilename ) )
        Line = _( "Doc File " ) + fullfilename + _( " not found" );
        DisplayError( frame, Line );
        return FALSE;

    wxFileName CurrentFileName( fullfilename );
    file_ext = CurrentFileName.GetExt();
    if( file_ext == wxT( "pdf" ) )
        success = OpenPDF( fullfilename );
        return success;

    /* Try to launch some browser (usefull under linux) */
    wxFileType* filetype;

    wxString    type;
    filetype = wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromExtension( file_ext );

    if( !filetype )       // 2ieme tentative
        mimeDatabase = new wxMimeTypesManager;
        mimeDatabase->AddFallbacks( EDAfallbacks );
        filetype = mimeDatabase->GetFileTypeFromExtension( file_ext );
        delete mimeDatabase;
        mimeDatabase = NULL;

    if( filetype )
        wxFileType::MessageParameters params( fullfilename, type );

        success = filetype->GetOpenCommand( &command, params );
        delete filetype;
        if( success )
            success = ProcessExecute( command );

    if( !success )
        Line.Printf( _( "Unknown MIME type for Doc File [%s]" ),
            fullfilename.GetData() );
        DisplayError( frame, Line );

    return success;

int KeyWordOk( const wxString& KeyList, const wxString& Database )

/* Recherche si dans le texte Database on retrouve tous les mots
 * cles donnes dans KeyList ( KeyList = suite de mots cles
 * separes par des espaces
 * Retourne:
 *     0 si aucun mot cle trouv�
 *     1 si mot cle trouv�
    wxString KeysCopy, DataList;

    if( KeyList.IsEmpty() )
        return 0;

    KeysCopy = KeyList; KeysCopy.MakeUpper();
    DataList = Database; DataList.MakeUpper();

    wxStringTokenizer Token( KeysCopy, wxT( " \n\r" ) );

    while( Token.HasMoreTokens() )
        wxString          Key = Token.GetNextToken();

        // Search Key in Datalist:
        wxStringTokenizer Data( DataList, wxT( " \n\r" ) );

        while( Data.HasMoreTokens() )
            wxString word = Data.GetNextToken();
            if( word == Key )
                return 1; // Key found !

    // keyword not found
    return 0;