/** * @file hierarch.cpp */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "wxEeschemaStruct.h" #include "general.h" #include "sch_sheet.h" #include "sch_sheet_path.h" #include "wx/imaglist.h" #include "wx/treectrl.h" enum { ID_TREECTRL_HIERARCHY = 1600 }; class HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG; /* This class derived from wxTreeItemData stores the SCH_SHEET_PATH of each * sheet in hierarchy in each TreeItem, in its associated data buffer */ class TreeItemData : public wxTreeItemData { public: SCH_SHEET_PATH m_SheetPath; TreeItemData( SCH_SHEET_PATH sheet ) : wxTreeItemData() { m_SheetPath = sheet; } }; /* Class to handle hierarchy tree. */ class HIERARCHY_TREE : public wxTreeCtrl { private: HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG* m_Parent; wxImageList* imageList; public: HIERARCHY_TREE() { } HIERARCHY_TREE( HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG* parent ); DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS( HIERARCHY_TREE ) }; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( HIERARCHY_TREE, wxTreeCtrl ) HIERARCHY_TREE::HIERARCHY_TREE( HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG* parent ) : wxTreeCtrl( (wxWindow*)parent, ID_TREECTRL_HIERARCHY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS, wxDefaultValidator, wxT( "HierachyTreeCtrl" ) ) { m_Parent = parent; // Make an image list containing small icons imageList = new wxImageList( 16, 15, true, 2 ); imageList->Add( KiBitmap( tree_nosel_xpm ) ); imageList->Add( KiBitmap( tree_sel_xpm ) ); AssignImageList( imageList ); } class HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG : public wxDialog { public: SCH_EDIT_FRAME* m_Parent; HIERARCHY_TREE* m_Tree; int m_nbsheets; wxDC* m_DC; private: wxSize m_TreeSize; int maxposx; public: HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos ); void BuildSheetsTree( SCH_SHEET_PATH* list, wxTreeItemId* previousmenu ); ~HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG(); void OnSelect( wxTreeEvent& event ); private: void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& event ); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG, wxDialog ) EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED( ID_TREECTRL_HIERARCHY, HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::OnSelect ) END_EVENT_TABLE() void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::InstallHierarchyFrame( wxDC* DC, wxPoint& pos ) { HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG* treeframe = new HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG( this, DC, pos ); treeframe->ShowModal(); treeframe->Destroy(); } HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos ) : wxDialog( parent, -1, _( "Navigator" ), pos, wxSize( 110, 50 ), DIALOG_STYLE ) { wxTreeItemId cellule; m_Parent = parent; m_DC = DC; m_Tree = new HIERARCHY_TREE( this ); m_nbsheets = 1; cellule = m_Tree->AddRoot( _( "Root" ), 0, 1 ); m_Tree->SetItemBold( cellule, true ); SCH_SHEET_PATH list; list.Push( g_RootSheet ); m_Tree->SetItemData( cellule, new TreeItemData( list ) ); wxRect itemrect; #ifdef __UNIX__ itemrect.SetWidth( 100 ); itemrect.SetHeight( 20 ); #else m_Tree->GetBoundingRect( cellule, itemrect ); #endif m_TreeSize.x = itemrect.GetWidth() + 10; m_TreeSize.y = 20; if( m_Parent->GetSheet()->Last() == g_RootSheet ) m_Tree->SelectItem( cellule ); //root. maxposx = 15; BuildSheetsTree( &list, &cellule ); if( m_nbsheets > 1 ) { m_Tree->Expand( cellule ); // Readjust the size of the frame to an optimal value. m_TreeSize.y += m_nbsheets * itemrect.GetHeight(); m_TreeSize.x = MIN( m_TreeSize.x, 250 ); m_TreeSize.y = MIN( m_TreeSize.y, 350 ); SetClientSize( m_TreeSize ); } } HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::~HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG() { } void HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // true is to force the frame to close Close( true ); } /* Routine to create the hierarchical tree of the schematic * This routine is re-entrant! */ void HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::BuildSheetsTree( SCH_SHEET_PATH* list, wxTreeItemId* previousmenu ) { wxTreeItemId menu; if( m_nbsheets > NB_MAX_SHEET ) { if( m_nbsheets == (NB_MAX_SHEET + 1) ) { wxString msg; msg << wxT( "BuildSheetsTree: Error: nbsheets > " ) << NB_MAX_SHEET; DisplayError( this, msg ); m_nbsheets++; } return; } maxposx += m_Tree->GetIndent(); SCH_ITEM* schitem = list->LastDrawList(); while( schitem && m_nbsheets < NB_MAX_SHEET ) { if( schitem->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T ) { SCH_SHEET* sheet = (SCH_SHEET*) schitem; m_nbsheets++; menu = m_Tree->AppendItem( *previousmenu, sheet->m_SheetName, 0, 1 ); list->Push( sheet ); m_Tree->SetItemData( menu, new TreeItemData( *list ) ); int ll = m_Tree->GetItemText( menu ).Len(); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ ll *= 9; // * char width #else ll *= 12; // * char width #endif ll += maxposx + 20; m_TreeSize.x = MAX( m_TreeSize.x, ll ); m_TreeSize.y += 1; if( *list == *( m_Parent->GetSheet() ) ) { m_Tree->EnsureVisible( menu ); m_Tree->SelectItem( menu ); } BuildSheetsTree( list, &menu ); m_Tree->Expand( menu ); list->Pop(); } schitem = schitem->Next(); } maxposx -= m_Tree->GetIndent(); } /* Called on a double-click on a tree item: * Open the selected sheet, and display the corresponding screen */ void HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::OnSelect( wxTreeEvent& event ) { wxTreeItemId ItemSel = m_Tree->GetSelection(); *(m_Parent->m_CurrentSheet) = ( (TreeItemData*) m_Tree->GetItemData( ItemSel ) )->m_SheetPath; m_Parent->DisplayCurrentSheet(); Close( true ); } void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DisplayCurrentSheet() { m_itemToRepeat = NULL; ClearMsgPanel(); SCH_SCREEN* screen = m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen(); SetScreen( screen ); // update the References m_CurrentSheet->UpdateAllScreenReferences(); SetSheetNumberAndCount(); DrawPanel->m_CanStartBlock = -1; if( screen->m_FirstRedraw ) { Zoom_Automatique( false ); screen->m_FirstRedraw = false; screen->SetCrossHairPosition( screen->GetScrollCenterPosition() ); DrawPanel->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); } else { RedrawScreen( screen->GetScrollCenterPosition(), true ); } // Now refresh DrawPanel. Should be not necessary, but because screen has changed // the previous refresh has set all new draw parameters (scroll position ..) // but most of time there were some inconsitencies about cursor parameters // ( previous position of cursor ...) and artefacts can happen // mainly when sheet size has changed // This second refresh clears artefacts because at this point, // all parameters are now updated DrawPanel->Refresh(); }