/**************************************/ /* annotate.cpp: component annotation */ /**************************************/ #include "annotate_dialog.cpp" #include "netlist.h" #include "protos.h" /* fonctions exportees */ int ListeComposants( CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, SCH_SCREEN* screen, int NumSheet ); int AnnotTriComposant( const void* o1, const void* o2 ); void BreakReference( CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ); /* fonctions locales */ static void ReAnnotateComponents( CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ); static void ComputeReferenceNumber( CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ); static int GetLastReferenceNumber( CmpListStruct* Objet, CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ); static int ExistUnit( CmpListStruct* Objet, int Unit, CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ); /* Variable locales */ static bool AnnotProject = TRUE; static bool SortByPosition = TRUE; /**************************************/ void ReAnnotatePowerSymbolsOnly() /**************************************/ /* Used to reannotate the power symbols, before testing erc or computing netlist * when a true component reannotation is not necessary * * In order to avoid conflicts the ref number start with a 0: * PWR with id 12 is named PWR12 in global annotation and PWR012 by the Power annotation */ { /* Build the screen list */ EDA_ScreenList ScreenList( NULL ); /* Update the sheet number, sheet count and date */ ScreenList.UpdateSheetNumberAndDate(); SCH_SCREEN* screen; int CmpNumber = 1; for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList = screen->EEDrawList; for( ; DrawList != NULL; DrawList = DrawList->Pnext ) { if( DrawList->Type() != DRAW_LIB_ITEM_STRUCT_TYPE ) continue; EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawLibItem = (EDA_SchComponentStruct*) DrawList; EDA_LibComponentStruct* Entry = FindLibPart( DrawLibItem->m_ChipName.GetData(), wxEmptyString, FIND_ROOT ); if( (Entry == NULL) || (Entry->m_Options != ENTRY_POWER) ) continue; DrawLibItem->ClearAnnotation(); DrawLibItem->m_RefIdNumber = CmpNumber; DrawLibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text.RemoveLast(); // Remove the '?' DrawLibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text << wxT( "0" ) << CmpNumber; CmpNumber++; } } } /******************************************************************/ void InstallAnnotateFrame( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* parent, wxPoint& pos ) /******************************************************************/ { WinEDA_AnnotateFrame* frame = new WinEDA_AnnotateFrame( parent ); frame->ShowModal(); frame->Destroy(); } /******************************************************************/ void WinEDA_AnnotateFrame::AnnotateComponents( wxCommandEvent& event ) /******************************************************************/ /* * Compute the annotation of the components for the whole projeect, or the current sheet only. * All the components or the new ones only will be annotated. */ { int NbSheet, ii, NbOfCmp; SCH_SCREEN* screen; CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp; wxBusyCursor dummy; AnnotProject = (m_AnnotProjetCtrl->GetSelection() == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; SortByPosition = (m_AnnotSortCmpCtrl->GetSelection() == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* If it is an annotation for all the components, reset previous annotation: */ if( m_AnnotNewCmpCtrl->GetSelection() == 0 ) DeleteAnnotation( event ); if( m_Abort ) return; /* Build the screen list */ EDA_ScreenList ScreenList( NULL ); NbSheet = ScreenList.GetCount(); /* Update the sheet number, sheet count and date */ ScreenSch->SetModify(); ScreenList.UpdateSheetNumberAndDate(); /* First pass: Component counting */ screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen; if( AnnotProject == TRUE ) { NbOfCmp = 0; for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { NbOfCmp += ListeComposants( NULL, screen, screen->m_SheetNumber ); } } else NbOfCmp = ListeComposants( NULL, screen, screen->m_SheetNumber ); if( NbOfCmp == 0 ) return; ii = sizeof(CmpListStruct) * NbOfCmp; BaseListeCmp = (CmpListStruct*) MyZMalloc( ii ); /* Second pass : Int data tables */ screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen; if( AnnotProject == TRUE ) { ii = 0; for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { ii += ListeComposants( BaseListeCmp + ii, screen, screen->m_SheetNumber ); } } else ii = ListeComposants( BaseListeCmp, screen, screen->m_SheetNumber ); if( ii != NbOfCmp ) DisplayError( this, wxT( "Internal error in AnnotateComponents()" ) ); /* Separation des Numeros de la reference: IC1 -> IC, et 1 dans .m_NumRef */ BreakReference( BaseListeCmp, NbOfCmp ); qsort( BaseListeCmp, NbOfCmp, sizeof(CmpListStruct), ( int( * ) ( const void*, const void* ) )AnnotTriComposant ); /* Recalcul des numeros de reference */ ComputeReferenceNumber( BaseListeCmp, NbOfCmp ); ReAnnotateComponents( BaseListeCmp, NbOfCmp ); MyFree( BaseListeCmp ); BaseListeCmp = NULL; /* Final control */ CheckAnnotate( m_Parent, AnnotProject ? FALSE : TRUE ); m_Parent->DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE ); /* Refresh screen */ EndModal( 1 ); } /********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_AnnotateFrame::DeleteAnnotation( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************************/ /* Clear the current annotation for the whole project or only for the current sheet * Update sheet number and number of sheets */ { int NbSheet; SCH_SCREEN* screen; EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawLibItem; if( !IsOK( this, _( "Previous Annotation will be deleted. Continue ?" ) ) ) { m_Abort = TRUE; return; } AnnotProject = (m_AnnotProjetCtrl->GetSelection() == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; m_Abort = FALSE; /* Build the screen list */ EDA_ScreenList ScreenList( NULL ); NbSheet = ScreenList.GetCount(); /* Update the sheet number, sheet count and date */ ScreenList.UpdateSheetNumberAndDate(); ScreenSch->SetModify(); if( AnnotProject == TRUE ) screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); else screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen; for( ; screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList = screen->EEDrawList; for( ; DrawList != NULL; DrawList = DrawList->Pnext ) { if( DrawList->Type() == DRAW_LIB_ITEM_STRUCT_TYPE ) { DrawLibItem = (EDA_SchComponentStruct*) DrawList; DrawLibItem->ClearAnnotation(); } } if( !AnnotProject ) break; } m_Parent->DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE ); EndModal( 0 ); } /************************************************************************************/ int ListeComposants( CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, SCH_SCREEN* screen, int NumSheet ) /***********************************************************************************/ /* if BaseListeCmp == NULL : Components counting * else update data table BaseListeCmp */ { int NbrCmp = 0; EDA_BaseStruct* DrawList = screen->EEDrawList; EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawLibItem; EDA_LibComponentStruct* Entry; DrawList = screen->EEDrawList; for( ; DrawList; DrawList = DrawList->Pnext ) { switch( DrawList->Type() ) { case DRAW_SEGMENT_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_JUNCTION_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_TEXT_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_LABEL_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_GLOBAL_LABEL_STRUCT_TYPE: break; case DRAW_LIB_ITEM_STRUCT_TYPE: DrawLibItem = (EDA_SchComponentStruct*) DrawList; Entry = FindLibPart( DrawLibItem->m_ChipName.GetData(), wxEmptyString, FIND_ROOT ); if( Entry == NULL ) break; if( BaseListeCmp == NULL ) /* Items counting only */ { NbrCmp++; break; } BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_Cmp = DrawLibItem; BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_NbParts = Entry->m_UnitCount; BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_Unit = DrawLibItem->m_Multi; BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_PartsLocked = Entry->m_UnitSelectionLocked; BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_Sheet = NumSheet; BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_IsNew = FALSE; BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_Pos = DrawLibItem->m_Pos; BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_TimeStamp = DrawLibItem->m_TimeStamp; if( DrawLibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text.IsEmpty() ) DrawLibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text = wxT( "DefRef?" ); strncpy( BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_TextRef, CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text ), 32 ); BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_NumRef = -1; if( DrawLibItem->m_Field[VALUE].m_Text.IsEmpty() ) DrawLibItem->m_Field[VALUE].m_Text = wxT( "~" ); strncpy( BaseListeCmp[NbrCmp].m_TextValue, CONV_TO_UTF8( DrawLibItem->m_Field[VALUE].m_Text ), 32 ); NbrCmp++; break; case DRAW_PICK_ITEM_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_POLYLINE_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_BUSENTRY_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_SHEETLABEL_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_MARKER_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_NOCONNECT_STRUCT_TYPE: break; default: break; } } return NbrCmp; } /*****************************************************************/ int AnnotTriComposant( const void* o1, const void* o2 ) /****************************************************************/ /* function used par qsort() for sorting the list * Composants are sorted * by reference * if same reference: by value * if same value: by unit number * if same unit number, by sheet * if same sheet, by time stamp **/ { CmpListStruct* Objet1 = (CmpListStruct*) o1; CmpListStruct* Objet2 = (CmpListStruct*) o2; int ii = strnicmp( Objet1->m_TextRef, Objet2->m_TextRef, 32 ); if( SortByPosition == TRUE ) { if( ii == 0 ) ii = Objet1->m_Sheet - Objet2->m_Sheet; if( ii == 0 ) ii = Objet1->m_Unit - Objet2->m_Unit; if( ii == 0 ) ii = Objet1->m_Pos.x - Objet2->m_Pos.x; if( ii == 0 ) ii = Objet1->m_Pos.y - Objet2->m_Pos.y; } else { if( ii == 0 ) ii = strnicmp( Objet1->m_TextValue, Objet2->m_TextValue, 32 ); if( ii == 0 ) ii = Objet1->m_Unit - Objet2->m_Unit; if( ii == 0 ) ii = Objet1->m_Sheet - Objet2->m_Sheet; } if( ii == 0 ) ii = Objet1->m_TimeStamp - Objet2->m_TimeStamp; return ii; } /********************************************************************/ static void ReAnnotateComponents( CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ) /********************************************************************/ /* Update the reference component for the schematic project (or the current sheet) */ { int ii; char* Text; EDA_SchComponentStruct* DrawLibItem; /* Reattribution des numeros */ for( ii = 0; ii < NbOfCmp; ii++ ) { Text = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef; DrawLibItem = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Cmp; if( BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef < 0 ) strcat( Text, "?" ); else sprintf( Text + strlen( Text ), "%d", BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef ); DrawLibItem->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Text ); DrawLibItem->m_Multi = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Unit; DrawLibItem->m_RefIdNumber = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef; if( DrawLibItem->m_RefIdNumber < 0 ) DrawLibItem->m_RefIdNumber = 0; } } /**************************************************************/ void BreakReference( CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ) /**************************************************************/ /* Modifie dans BaseListeCmp la reference des composants en supprimant la * partie nombre de la partie texte. * Place le nombre dans .m_NumRef * Pour les composants multiples non encore annotes, met .m_Unit a sa valeur max * Utilise: * BaseListeCmp * NbOfCmp */ { int ii, ll; char* Text; /* Separation des Numeros de la reference: IC1 -> IC, et 1 dans .m_NumRef */ for( ii = 0; ii < NbOfCmp; ii++ ) { BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef = -1; Text = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef; ll = strlen( Text ) - 1; if( Text[ll] == '?' ) { BaseListeCmp[ii].m_IsNew = TRUE; if( !BaseListeCmp[ii].m_PartsLocked ) BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Unit = 0x7FFFFFFF; Text[ll] = 0; continue; } if( isdigit( Text[ll] ) == 0 ) { BaseListeCmp[ii].m_IsNew = TRUE; if( !BaseListeCmp[ii].m_PartsLocked ) BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Unit = 0x7FFFFFFF; continue; } while( ll >= 0 ) { if( (Text[ll] <= ' ' ) || isdigit( Text[ll] ) ) ll--; else { if( isdigit( Text[ll + 1] ) ) BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef = atoi( &Text[ll + 1] ); Text[ll + 1] = 0; break; } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ static void ComputeReferenceNumber( CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ) /*****************************************************************************/ /* Compute the reference number for components without reference number * Compute .m_NumRef member */ { int ii, jj, LastReferenceNumber, NumberOfUnits, Unit; const char* Text, * RefText, * ValText; CmpListStruct* ObjRef, * ObjToTest; /* Components with an invisible reference (power...) always are re-annotated*/ for( ii = 0; ii < NbOfCmp; ii++ ) { Text = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef; if( *Text == '#' ) { BaseListeCmp[ii].m_IsNew = TRUE; BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef = 0; } } ValText = RefText = ""; LastReferenceNumber = 1; for( ii = 0; ii < NbOfCmp; ii++ ) { ObjRef = &BaseListeCmp[ii]; if( BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Flag ) continue; Text = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef; if( strnicmp( RefText, Text, 32 ) != 0 ) /* Nouveau Identificateur */ { RefText = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef; LastReferenceNumber = GetLastReferenceNumber( BaseListeCmp + ii, BaseListeCmp, NbOfCmp ); } /* Annotation of mono-part components ( 1 part per package ) (trivial case)*/ if( BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NbParts <= 1 ) { if( BaseListeCmp[ii].m_IsNew ) { LastReferenceNumber++; BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef = LastReferenceNumber; } BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Unit = 1; BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Flag = 1; BaseListeCmp[ii].m_IsNew = FALSE; continue; } /* Annotation of multi-part components ( n parts per package ) (complex case) */ ValText = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_TextValue; NumberOfUnits = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NbParts; if( BaseListeCmp[ii].m_IsNew ) { LastReferenceNumber++; BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef = LastReferenceNumber; if( !BaseListeCmp[ii].m_PartsLocked ) BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Unit = 1; BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Flag = 1; } for( Unit = 1; Unit <= NumberOfUnits; Unit++ ) { if( BaseListeCmp[ii].m_Unit == Unit ) continue; jj = ExistUnit( BaseListeCmp + ii, Unit, BaseListeCmp, NbOfCmp ); if( jj >= 0 ) continue; /* Unit exists for this reference */ /* Search a component to annotate ( same prefix, same value) */ for( jj = ii + 1; jj < NbOfCmp; jj++ ) { ObjToTest = &BaseListeCmp[jj]; if( BaseListeCmp[jj].m_Flag ) continue; Text = BaseListeCmp[jj].m_TextRef; if( strnicmp( RefText, Text, 32 ) != 0 ) break; // references are different Text = BaseListeCmp[jj].m_TextValue; if( strnicmp( ValText, Text, 32 ) != 0 ) break; // values are different if( !BaseListeCmp[jj].m_IsNew ) { //BaseListeCmp[jj].m_Flag = 1; continue; } /* Component without reference number found, annotate it if possible */ if( !BaseListeCmp[jj].m_PartsLocked || (BaseListeCmp[jj].m_Unit == Unit) ) { BaseListeCmp[jj].m_NumRef = BaseListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef; BaseListeCmp[jj].m_Unit = Unit; BaseListeCmp[jj].m_Flag = 1; BaseListeCmp[jj].m_IsNew = FALSE; break; } } } } } /*************************************************************************************************/ static int GetLastReferenceNumber( CmpListStruct* Objet, CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ) /*************************************************************************************************/ /* Recherche le plus grand numero de reference dans les composants * de meme prefixe de reference que celui pointe par Objet * la liste des composants est supposee triee */ { CmpListStruct* LastObjet = BaseListeCmp + NbOfCmp; int LastNumber = 0; const char* RefText; RefText = Objet->m_TextRef; for( ; Objet < LastObjet; Objet++ ) { if( strnicmp( RefText, Objet->m_TextRef, 32 ) != 0 ) /* Nouveau Identificateur */ break; if( LastNumber < Objet->m_NumRef ) LastNumber = Objet->m_NumRef; } return LastNumber; } /*****************************************************************/ static int ExistUnit( CmpListStruct* Objet, int Unit, CmpListStruct* BaseListeCmp, int NbOfCmp ) /****************************************************************/ /* Recherche dans la liste triee des composants, pour les composants * multiples s'il existe pour le composant de reference Objet, * une unite de numero Unit * Retourne index dans BaseListeCmp si oui * retourne -1 si non */ { CmpListStruct* EndList = BaseListeCmp + NbOfCmp; char* RefText, * ValText; int NumRef, ii; CmpListStruct* ItemToTest; RefText = Objet->m_TextRef; ValText = Objet->m_TextValue; NumRef = Objet->m_NumRef; for( ItemToTest = BaseListeCmp, ii = 0; ItemToTest < EndList; ItemToTest++, ii++ ) { if( Objet == ItemToTest ) continue; if( ItemToTest->m_IsNew ) continue; /* non affecte */ if( ItemToTest->m_NumRef != NumRef ) continue; if( strnicmp( RefText, ItemToTest->m_TextRef, 32 ) != 0 ) /* Nouveau Identificateur */ continue; if( ItemToTest->m_Unit == Unit ) { return ii; } } return -1; } /******************************************************************/ int CheckAnnotate( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame, bool OneSheetOnly ) /******************************************************************/ /* Retourne le nombre de composants non annotés ou de meme référence (doublés) * Si OneSheetOnly : recherche sur le schema courant * sinon: recherche sur toute la hierarchie */ { int NbSheet, ii, NumSheet = 1, error, NbOfCmp; SCH_SCREEN* screen; CmpListStruct* ListeCmp = NULL; wxString Buff; wxString msg, cmpref; /* build tje screen list */ EDA_ScreenList ScreenList( NULL ); NbSheet = ScreenList.GetCount(); /* Update the sheet number, sheet count and date */ ScreenSch->SetModify(); ScreenList.UpdateSheetNumberAndDate(); /* 1ere passe : Comptage du nombre de composants */ screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) frame->m_CurrentScreen; if( !OneSheetOnly ) { NbOfCmp = 0; for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { NbOfCmp += ListeComposants( NULL, screen, NumSheet ); } } else NbOfCmp = ListeComposants( NULL, screen, NumSheet ); if( NbOfCmp == 0 ) { wxBell(); return 0; } ii = sizeof(CmpListStruct) * NbOfCmp; ListeCmp = (CmpListStruct*) MyZMalloc( ii ); /* 2eme passe : Remplissage du tableau des caracteristiques */ if( OneSheetOnly == 0 ) { ii = 0; screen = ScreenSch; for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { ii += ListeComposants( ListeCmp + ii, screen, NumSheet ); } } else { screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) frame->m_CurrentScreen; ListeComposants( ListeCmp, screen, NumSheet ); } qsort( ListeCmp, NbOfCmp, sizeof(CmpListStruct), AnnotTriComposant ); /* Separation des Numeros de la reference: IC1 -> IC, et 1 dans .m_NumRef */ BreakReference( ListeCmp, NbOfCmp ); /* comptage des elements non annotes */ error = 0; for( ii = 0; ii < NbOfCmp - 1; ii++ ) { msg.Empty(); Buff.Empty(); if( ListeCmp[ii].m_IsNew ) { if( ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef >= 0 ) Buff << ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef; else Buff = wxT( "?" ); cmpref = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef ); msg.Printf( _( "item not annotated: %s%s" ), cmpref.GetData(), Buff.GetData() ); if( (ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit > 0) && (ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit < 0x7FFFFFFF) ) { Buff.Printf( _( "( unit %d)" ), ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit ); msg << Buff; } DisplayError( NULL, msg ); error++; break; } if( MAX( ListeCmp[ii].m_NbParts, 1 ) < ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit ) // Annotate error { if( ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef >= 0 ) Buff << ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef; else Buff = wxT( "?" ); cmpref = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef ); msg.Printf( _( "Error item %s%s" ), cmpref.GetData(), Buff.GetData() ); Buff.Printf( _( " unit %d and no more than %d parts" ), ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit, ListeCmp[ii].m_NbParts ); msg << Buff; DisplayError( frame, msg ); error++; break; } } if( error ) return error; // count the duplicated elements (if all are annotated) for( ii = 0; (ii < NbOfCmp - 1) && (error < 4); ii++ ) { msg.Empty(); Buff.Empty(); if( (stricmp( ListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef, ListeCmp[ii + 1].m_TextRef ) != 0) || ( ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef != ListeCmp[ii + 1].m_NumRef ) ) continue; /* Meme reference trouvée */ /* Il y a erreur si meme unite */ if( ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit == ListeCmp[ii+1].m_Unit ) { if( ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef >= 0 ) Buff << ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef; else Buff = wxT( "?" ); cmpref = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef ); msg.Printf( _( "Multiple item %s%s" ), cmpref.GetData(), Buff.GetData() ); if( (ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit > 0) && (ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit < 0x7FFFFFFF) ) { Buff.Printf( _( " (unit %d)" ), ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit ); msg << Buff; } DisplayError( frame, msg ); error++; continue; } /* Il y a erreur si unites differentes mais nombre de parts differentes * par boitier (ex U3 ( 1 part) et U3B sont incompatibles) */ if( ListeCmp[ii].m_NbParts != ListeCmp[ii + 1].m_NbParts ) { if( ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef >= 0 ) Buff << ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef; else Buff = wxT( "?" ); cmpref = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef ); msg.Printf( _( "Multiple item %s%s" ), cmpref.GetData(), Buff.GetData() ); if( (ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit > 0) && (ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit < 0x7FFFFFFF) ) { Buff.Printf( _( " (unit %d)" ), ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit ); msg << Buff; } DisplayError( frame, msg ); error++; } /* Il y a erreur si unites differentes ET valeurs différentes */ if( stricmp( ListeCmp[ii].m_TextValue, ListeCmp[ii + 1].m_TextValue ) != 0 ) { wxString nextcmpref, cmpvalue, nextcmpvalue; cmpref = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ListeCmp[ii].m_TextRef ); nextcmpref = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ListeCmp[ii + 1].m_TextRef ); cmpvalue = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ListeCmp[ii].m_TextValue ); nextcmpvalue = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ListeCmp[ii + 1].m_TextValue ); msg.Printf( _( "Diff values for %s%d%c (%s) and %s%d%c (%s)" ), cmpref.GetData(), ListeCmp[ii].m_NumRef, ListeCmp[ii].m_Unit + 'A' - 1, cmpvalue.GetData(), nextcmpref.GetData(), ListeCmp[ii + 1].m_NumRef, ListeCmp[ii + 1].m_Unit + 'A' - 1, nextcmpvalue.GetData() ); DisplayError( frame, msg ); error++; } } MyFree( ListeCmp ); return error; }