/**********************************/ /* Dialog box for netlist outputs */ /**********************************/ #include "fctsys.h" // #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "netlist.h" /* Definitions generales liees au calcul de netliste */ #include "protos.h" // ID for configuration: #define CUSTOM_NETLIST_TITLE wxT("CustomNetlistTitle") #define CUSTOM_NETLIST_COMMAND wxT("CustomNetlistCommand") /* Routines locales */ /* Variable locales */ enum id_netlist { ID_CREATE_NETLIST = 1550, ID_CURRENT_FORMAT_IS_DEFAULT, ID_RUN_SIMULATOR, ID_SETUP_PLUGIN, ID_NETLIST_NOTEBOOK }; enum panel_netlist_index { PANELPCBNEW = 0, // Create Netlist format Pcbnew PANELORCADPCB2, // Create Netlis format OracdPcb2 PANELCADSTAR, // Create Netlis format OracdPcb2 PANELSPICE, // Create Netlis format Pspice PANELCUSTOMBASE // Start auxiliary panels (custom netlists) }; /* wxPanels for creating the NoteBook pages for each netlist format: */ class EDA_NoteBookPage: public wxPanel { public: int m_IdNetType; wxCheckBox * m_IsCurrentFormat; WinEDA_EnterText * m_CommandStringCtrl; WinEDA_EnterText * m_TitleStringCtrl; wxButton * m_ButtonCancel; wxBoxSizer * m_LeftBoxSizer; wxBoxSizer * m_RightBoxSizer; wxBoxSizer * m_LowBoxSizer; EDA_NoteBookPage(wxNotebook* parent, const wxString & title, int id_NetType, int idCheckBox, int idCreateFile); ~EDA_NoteBookPage() {}; }; /*****************************************************************************/ EDA_NoteBookPage::EDA_NoteBookPage(wxNotebook* parent, const wxString & title, int id_NetType, int idCheckBox, int idCreateFile) : wxPanel(parent, -1 ) /*****************************************************************************/ /* Contructor to create a setup page for one netlist format. * Used in Netlist format Dialog box creation */ { SetFont(*g_DialogFont); m_IdNetType = id_NetType; m_CommandStringCtrl = NULL; m_TitleStringCtrl = NULL; m_IsCurrentFormat = NULL; m_ButtonCancel = NULL; parent->AddPage(this, title, g_NetFormat == m_IdNetType); wxBoxSizer * MainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); SetSizer(MainBoxSizer); wxBoxSizer * UpperBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); m_LowBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); MainBoxSizer->Add(UpperBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); MainBoxSizer->Add(m_LowBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); m_LeftBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_RightBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); UpperBoxSizer->Add(m_LeftBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); UpperBoxSizer->Add(m_RightBoxSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5); if( idCheckBox ) { wxStaticText * text = new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Options:")); m_LeftBoxSizer->Add(text, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); m_IsCurrentFormat = new wxCheckBox(this, idCheckBox, _("Default format")); m_LeftBoxSizer->Add(m_IsCurrentFormat, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); if( g_NetFormat == m_IdNetType ) m_IsCurrentFormat->SetValue(TRUE); } if( idCreateFile ) // Create the 2 standard buttons: Create File and Cancel { wxButton * Button; if( idCreateFile == ID_SETUP_PLUGIN ) Button = new wxButton(this, idCreateFile, _("&Browse Plugin")); else Button = new wxButton(this, idCreateFile, _("&Netlist")); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); m_RightBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); m_ButtonCancel = Button = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel")); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLUE); m_RightBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); } } #define CUSTOMPANEL_COUNTMAX 8 /* Dialog frame for creating netlists */ class WinEDA_NetlistFrame: public wxDialog { public: WinEDA_SchematicFrame * m_Parent; wxNotebook* m_NoteBook; EDA_NoteBookPage * m_PanelNetType[4 + CUSTOMPANEL_COUNTMAX]; wxRadioBox * m_UseNetNamesInNetlist; public: // Constructor and destructor WinEDA_NetlistFrame(WinEDA_SchematicFrame *parent, wxPoint& pos); ~WinEDA_NetlistFrame() {}; private: void InstallCustomPages(); void InstallPageSpice(); void GenNetlist(wxCommandEvent& event); void RunSimulator(wxCommandEvent& event); void NetlistUpdateOpt(); void OnCancelClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void SelectNetlistType(wxCommandEvent& event); void SetupPlugin(wxCommandEvent& event); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE()}; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(WinEDA_NetlistFrame, wxDialog) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, WinEDA_NetlistFrame::OnCancelClick) EVT_BUTTON(ID_CREATE_NETLIST, WinEDA_NetlistFrame::GenNetlist) EVT_BUTTON(ID_SETUP_PLUGIN, WinEDA_NetlistFrame::SetupPlugin) EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_CURRENT_FORMAT_IS_DEFAULT, WinEDA_NetlistFrame::SelectNetlistType) EVT_BUTTON(ID_RUN_SIMULATOR, WinEDA_NetlistFrame::RunSimulator) END_EVENT_TABLE() /****************************************************************/ void InstallNetlistFrame(WinEDA_SchematicFrame *parent, wxPoint & pos) /****************************************************************/ /* Installator for the netlist generation dialog box */ { WinEDA_NetlistFrame * frame = new WinEDA_NetlistFrame(parent, pos); frame->ShowModal(); frame->Destroy(); } #define H_SIZE 370 #define V_SIZE 300 /*************************************************************************************/ WinEDA_NetlistFrame::WinEDA_NetlistFrame(WinEDA_SchematicFrame *parent, wxPoint& framepos): wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Netlist"), framepos, wxSize(H_SIZE, V_SIZE), DIALOG_STYLE | MAYBE_RESIZE_BORDER) /*************************************************************************************/ /* Constructor for the netlist generation dialog box */ { int ii; m_Parent = parent; SetFont(*g_DialogFont); if( g_NetFormat == NET_TYPE_NOT_INIT ) g_NetFormat = NET_TYPE_PCBNEW; for( ii = 0; ii < PANELCUSTOMBASE + CUSTOMPANEL_COUNTMAX; ii ++ ) { m_PanelNetType[ii] = NULL; } if( (framepos.x == -1) && (framepos.y == -1) ) Centre(); wxBoxSizer * GeneralBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); SetSizer(GeneralBoxSizer); m_NoteBook = new wxNotebook( this, ID_NETLIST_NOTEBOOK, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(H_SIZE - 6, V_SIZE - 28) ); m_NoteBook->SetFont(*g_DialogFont); GeneralBoxSizer->Add(m_NoteBook, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); // Add panels // Add Panel FORMAT PCBNEW m_PanelNetType[PANELPCBNEW] = new EDA_NoteBookPage(m_NoteBook, wxT("Pcbnew"), NET_TYPE_PCBNEW, ID_CURRENT_FORMAT_IS_DEFAULT, ID_CREATE_NETLIST); // Add Panel FORMAT ORCADPCB2 m_PanelNetType[PANELORCADPCB2] = new EDA_NoteBookPage(m_NoteBook, wxT("OrcadPCB2"), NET_TYPE_ORCADPCB2, ID_CURRENT_FORMAT_IS_DEFAULT, ID_CREATE_NETLIST); // Add Panel FORMAT CADSTAR m_PanelNetType[PANELCADSTAR] = new EDA_NoteBookPage(m_NoteBook, wxT("CadStar"), NET_TYPE_CADSTAR, ID_CURRENT_FORMAT_IS_DEFAULT, ID_CREATE_NETLIST); // Add Panel spice InstallPageSpice(); // Add custom panels: InstallCustomPages(); // Problem in wxMSV >= 2.7.1 : we must call GetSizer for one notebook page // to have a proper sizer commutation of all pages m_PanelNetType[PANELPCBNEW]->GetSizer()->Fit(this); m_PanelNetType[PANELPCBNEW]->GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); GetSizer()->Fit(this); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); } /*************************************************/ void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::InstallPageSpice() /*************************************************/ /* Create the spice page */ { wxButton * Button; EDA_NoteBookPage * page; page = m_PanelNetType[PANELSPICE] = new EDA_NoteBookPage(m_NoteBook, wxT("Spice"), NET_TYPE_SPICE, 0, 0); page->m_IsCurrentFormat = new wxCheckBox(page, ID_CURRENT_FORMAT_IS_DEFAULT, _("Default format")); page->m_IsCurrentFormat->SetValue( g_NetFormat == NET_TYPE_SPICE ); page->m_LeftBoxSizer->Add(page->m_IsCurrentFormat, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); wxString netlist_opt[2] = { _("Use Net Names"), _("Use Net Numbers") }; m_UseNetNamesInNetlist = new wxRadioBox(page, -1, _("Netlist Options:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 2, netlist_opt, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); if( ! g_OptNetListUseNames ) m_UseNetNamesInNetlist->SetSelection(1); page->m_LeftBoxSizer->Add(m_UseNetNamesInNetlist, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); page->m_CommandStringCtrl = new WinEDA_EnterText( page, _("Simulator command:"), g_SimulatorCommandLine, page->m_LowBoxSizer, wxSize(H_SIZE - 10, -1) ); // Add buttons Button = new wxButton( page, ID_CREATE_NETLIST, _("Netlist") ); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); page->m_RightBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); Button = new wxButton(page, ID_RUN_SIMULATOR, _("&Run Simulator")); Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColour(0, 100, 0) ); page->m_RightBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); Button = new wxButton(page, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel")); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLUE); page->m_RightBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5); } /*************************************************/ void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::InstallCustomPages() /*************************************************/ /* create the pages for custom netlist format selection: */ { int ii, CustomCount; wxString title, previoustitle, msg; EDA_NoteBookPage * CurrPage; CustomCount = CUSTOMPANEL_COUNTMAX; previoustitle = wxT("dummy_title"); for( ii = 0; ii < CustomCount; ii++ ) { msg = CUSTOM_NETLIST_TITLE; msg << ii + 1; title = m_Parent->m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Read(msg); // Install the panel only if it is the first panel not initialised if( title.IsEmpty() && previoustitle.IsEmpty() ) break; previoustitle = title; if( title.IsEmpty() ) CurrPage = m_PanelNetType[PANELCUSTOMBASE + ii] = new EDA_NoteBookPage(m_NoteBook, _("Add Plugin"), NET_TYPE_CUSTOM1 + ii, ID_CURRENT_FORMAT_IS_DEFAULT, ID_SETUP_PLUGIN); else CurrPage = m_PanelNetType[PANELCUSTOMBASE + ii] = new EDA_NoteBookPage(m_NoteBook, title, NET_TYPE_CUSTOM1 + ii, ID_CURRENT_FORMAT_IS_DEFAULT, ID_CREATE_NETLIST); msg = CUSTOM_NETLIST_COMMAND; msg << ii + 1; wxString Command = m_Parent->m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Read(msg); CurrPage->m_CommandStringCtrl = new WinEDA_EnterText( CurrPage, _("Netlist command:"), Command, CurrPage->m_LowBoxSizer, wxSize(H_SIZE - 10, -1) ); CurrPage->m_TitleStringCtrl = new WinEDA_EnterText( CurrPage, _("Title:"), title, CurrPage->m_LowBoxSizer, wxSize(H_SIZE - 10, -1) ); } } /***********************************************************/ void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::SetupPlugin(wxCommandEvent& event) /***********************************************************/ /* Browse the plugin files and set the m_CommandStringCtrl field */ { wxString FullFileName, Mask, Path; Mask = wxT("*"); Path = g_EDA_Appl->m_BinDir; FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _("Plugin files:"), Path, /* Chemin par defaut */ FullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */ wxEmptyString, /* extension par defaut */ Mask, /* Masque d'affichage */ this, wxFD_OPEN, TRUE ); if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() ) return; EDA_NoteBookPage * CurrPage; CurrPage = (EDA_NoteBookPage *) m_NoteBook->GetCurrentPage(); if( CurrPage == NULL ) return; CurrPage->m_CommandStringCtrl->SetValue(FullFileName); /* Get a title for this page */ wxString title = CurrPage->m_TitleStringCtrl->GetValue(); if( title.IsEmpty() ) DisplayInfo(this, _("Now, you must choose a title for this netlist control page\nand close the dialog box")); } // Fonctions de positionnement des variables d'option /*****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::SelectNetlistType(wxCommandEvent& event) /*****************************************************************/ { int ii; EDA_NoteBookPage * CurrPage; for( ii = 0; ii < PANELCUSTOMBASE + CUSTOMPANEL_COUNTMAX; ii++ ) if( m_PanelNetType[ii] ) m_PanelNetType[ii]->m_IsCurrentFormat->SetValue(FALSE); CurrPage = (EDA_NoteBookPage *) m_NoteBook->GetCurrentPage(); if( CurrPage == NULL ) return; g_NetFormat = CurrPage->m_IdNetType; CurrPage->m_IsCurrentFormat->SetValue(TRUE); } /***********************************************/ void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::NetlistUpdateOpt() /***********************************************/ { int ii; g_SimulatorCommandLine = m_PanelNetType[PANELSPICE]->m_CommandStringCtrl->GetValue(); g_NetFormat = NET_TYPE_PCBNEW; for( ii = 0; ii < PANELCUSTOMBASE + CUSTOMPANEL_COUNTMAX; ii++ ) { if( m_PanelNetType[ii] == NULL ) break; if( m_PanelNetType[ii]->m_IsCurrentFormat->GetValue() == TRUE ) g_NetFormat = m_PanelNetType[ii]->m_IdNetType; } g_OptNetListUseNames = TRUE; // Used for pspice, gnucap if( m_UseNetNamesInNetlist->GetSelection() == 1 ) g_OptNetListUseNames = FALSE; } /**********************************************************/ void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::GenNetlist(wxCommandEvent& event) /**********************************************************/ { wxString FullFileName, FileExt, Mask; wxString msg, Command; int netformat_tmp = g_NetFormat; NetlistUpdateOpt(); EDA_NoteBookPage * CurrPage; CurrPage = (EDA_NoteBookPage *) m_NoteBook->GetCurrentPage(); g_NetFormat = CurrPage->m_IdNetType; /* Calcul du nom du fichier netlist */ FullFileName = ScreenSch->m_FileName; switch( g_NetFormat ) { case NET_TYPE_SPICE: FileExt = wxT(".cir"); break; case NET_TYPE_CADSTAR: FileExt = wxT(".frp"); break; default: FileExt = g_NetExtBuffer; break; } Mask = wxT("*") + FileExt + wxT("*"); ChangeFileNameExt(FullFileName, FileExt); FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _("Netlist files:"), wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut */ FullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */ FileExt, /* extension par defaut */ Mask, /* Masque d'affichage */ this, wxFD_SAVE, TRUE ); if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() ) return; m_Parent->MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); ReAnnotatePowerSymbolsOnly(); if( CheckAnnotate(m_Parent, 0) ) { if( !IsOK( this, _("Must be Annotated, Continue ?") ) ) return; } /* Cleanup the entire hierarchy */ EDA_ScreenList ScreenList(NULL); for( SCH_SCREEN * screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() ) { bool ModifyWires; ModifyWires = screen->SchematicCleanUp(NULL); // if wire list has changed, delete the Undo Redo list to avoid // pointer problems with deleted data if( ModifyWires ) screen->ClearUndoRedoList(); } m_Parent->BuildNetListBase(); if( CurrPage->m_CommandStringCtrl ) g_NetListerCommandLine = CurrPage->m_CommandStringCtrl->GetValue(); else g_NetListerCommandLine.Empty(); switch( g_NetFormat ) { default: WriteNetList(m_Parent, FullFileName, TRUE); break; case NET_TYPE_CADSTAR: case NET_TYPE_ORCADPCB2: WriteNetList(m_Parent, FullFileName, FALSE); case NET_TYPE_SPICE: g_OptNetListUseNames = TRUE; // Used for pspice, gnucap if( m_UseNetNamesInNetlist->GetSelection() == 1 ) g_OptNetListUseNames = FALSE; WriteNetList(m_Parent, FullFileName, g_OptNetListUseNames); break; } FreeTabNetList( g_TabObjNet, g_NbrObjNet ); g_NetFormat = netformat_tmp; NetlistUpdateOpt(); // Update the new titles for( int ii = 0; ii < CUSTOMPANEL_COUNTMAX; ii++ ) { EDA_NoteBookPage * CurrPage = m_PanelNetType[ii + PANELCUSTOMBASE]; if( CurrPage == NULL ) break; msg = wxT("Custom"); msg << ii + 1; if( CurrPage->m_TitleStringCtrl ) { wxString title = CurrPage->m_TitleStringCtrl->GetValue(); if( msg != title ) // Title has changed, Update config { msg = CUSTOM_NETLIST_TITLE; msg << ii + 1; m_Parent->m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Write(msg, title); } } if( CurrPage->m_CommandStringCtrl ) { Command = CurrPage->m_CommandStringCtrl->GetValue(); msg = CUSTOM_NETLIST_COMMAND; msg << ii + 1; m_Parent->m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Write(msg, Command); } } EndModal( 0 ); } /***********************************************************/ void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::OnCancelClick(wxCommandEvent& event) /***********************************************************/ { EndModal( -1 ); } /***********************************************************/ void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::RunSimulator(wxCommandEvent& event) /***********************************************************/ { wxString NetlistFullFileName, ExecFile, CommandLine; g_SimulatorCommandLine = m_PanelNetType[PANELSPICE]->m_CommandStringCtrl->GetValue(); g_SimulatorCommandLine.Trim(FALSE); g_SimulatorCommandLine.Trim(TRUE); ExecFile = g_SimulatorCommandLine.BeforeFirst(' '); CommandLine = g_SimulatorCommandLine.AfterFirst(' '); /* Calcul du nom du fichier netlist */ NetlistFullFileName = ScreenSch->m_FileName; ChangeFileNameExt(NetlistFullFileName, wxT(".cir")); AddDelimiterString(NetlistFullFileName); CommandLine += wxT(" ") + NetlistFullFileName; ExecuteFile(this, ExecFile, CommandLine); }