/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Mario Luzeiro * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * @file bvh_packet_traversal.cpp * @brief This file implements packet traversal over the BVH PBRT implementation. */ #include "bvh_pbrt.h" #define BVH_RANGED_TRAVERSAL //#define BVH_PARTITION_TRAVERSAL #define MAX_TODOS 64 struct StackNode { int cell; unsigned int ia; // Index to the first alive ray }; static inline unsigned int getFirstHit( const RAYPACKET& aRayPacket, const BBOX_3D& aBBox, unsigned int ia, HITINFO_PACKET* aHitInfoPacket ) { float hitT; if( aBBox.Intersect( aRayPacket.m_ray[ia], &hitT ) && ( hitT < aHitInfoPacket[ia].m_HitInfo.m_tHit ) ) return ia; if( !aRayPacket.m_Frustum.Intersect( aBBox ) ) return RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET; for( unsigned int i = ia + 1; i < RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET; ++i ) { if( aBBox.Intersect( aRayPacket.m_ray[i], &hitT ) && ( hitT < aHitInfoPacket[i].m_HitInfo.m_tHit ) ) return i; } return RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET; } #ifdef BVH_RANGED_TRAVERSAL static inline unsigned int getLastHit( const RAYPACKET& aRayPacket, const BBOX_3D& aBBox, unsigned int ia, HITINFO_PACKET* aHitInfoPacket ) { for( unsigned int ie = (RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET - 1); ie > ia; --ie ) { float hitT; if( aBBox.Intersect( aRayPacket.m_ray[ie], &hitT ) && ( hitT < aHitInfoPacket[ie].m_HitInfo.m_tHit ) ) return ie + 1; } return ia + 1; } // "Large Ray Packets for Real-time Whitted Ray Tracing" // http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~ravir/whitted.pdf // Ranged Traversal bool BVH_PBRT::Intersect( const RAYPACKET& aRayPacket, HITINFO_PACKET* aHitInfoPacket ) const { if( m_nodes == nullptr ) return false; if( &m_nodes[0] == nullptr ) return false; bool anyHit = false; int todoOffset = 0, nodeNum = 0; StackNode todo[MAX_TODOS]; unsigned int ia = 0; while( true ) { const LinearBVHNode *curCell = &m_nodes[nodeNum]; ia = getFirstHit( aRayPacket, curCell->bounds, ia, aHitInfoPacket ); if( ia < RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET ) { if( curCell->nPrimitives == 0 ) { StackNode& node = todo[todoOffset++]; node.cell = curCell->secondChildOffset; node.ia = ia; nodeNum = nodeNum + 1; continue; } else { const unsigned int ie = getLastHit( aRayPacket, curCell->bounds, ia, aHitInfoPacket ); for( int j = 0; j < curCell->nPrimitives; ++j ) { const OBJECT_3D* obj = m_primitives[curCell->primitivesOffset + j]; if( aRayPacket.m_Frustum.Intersect( obj->GetBBox() ) ) { for( unsigned int i = ia; i < ie; ++i ) { const bool hit = obj->Intersect( aRayPacket.m_ray[i], aHitInfoPacket[i].m_HitInfo ); if( hit ) { anyHit |= hit; aHitInfoPacket[i].m_hitresult |= hit; aHitInfoPacket[i].m_HitInfo.m_acc_node_info = nodeNum; } } } } } } if( todoOffset == 0 ) break; const StackNode& node = todo[--todoOffset]; nodeNum = node.cell; ia = node.ia; } return anyHit; } #endif // "Ray Tracing Deformable Scenes Using Dynamic Bounding Volume Hierarchies" // http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15869-f11/www/readings/wald07_packetbvh.pdf #ifdef BVH_PARTITION_TRAVERSAL static inline unsigned int getLastHit( const RAYPACKET& aRayPacket, const BBOX_3D& aBBox, unsigned int ia, const unsigned int* aRayIndex, HITINFO_PACKET* aHitInfoPacket ) { for( unsigned int ie = (RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET - 1); ie > ia; --ie ) { float hitT; if( aBBox.Intersect( aRayPacket.m_ray[ aRayIndex[ie] ], &hitT ) && ( hitT < aHitInfoPacket[ aRayIndex[ie] ].m_HitInfo.m_tHit ) ) return ie + 1; } return ia + 1; } static inline unsigned int partRays( const RAYPACKET& aRayPacket, const BBOX_3D& aBBox, unsigned int ia, unsigned int* aRayIndex, HITINFO_PACKET* aHitInfoPacket ) { if( !aRayPacket.m_Frustum.Intersect( aBBox ) ) return RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET; unsigned int ie = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ia; ++i ) { float hitT; if( aBBox.Intersect( aRayPacket.m_ray[ aRayIndex[i] ], &hitT ) && ( hitT < aHitInfoPacket[ aRayIndex[i] ].m_HitInfo.m_tHit ) ) std::swap( aRayIndex[ie++], aRayIndex[i] ); } return ie; } bool BVH_PBRT::Intersect( const RAYPACKET& aRayPacket, HITINFO_PACKET* aHitInfoPacket ) const { bool anyHit = false; int todoOffset = 0, nodeNum = 0; StackNode todo[MAX_TODOS]; unsigned int I[RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET]; memcpy( I, m_I, RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET * sizeof( unsigned int ) ); unsigned int ia = 0; while( true ) { const LinearBVHNode *curCell = &m_nodes[nodeNum]; ia = partRays( aRayPacket, curCell->bounds, ia, I, aHitInfoPacket ); if( ia < RAYPACKET_RAYS_PER_PACKET ) { if( curCell->nPrimitives == 0 ) { StackNode& node = todo[todoOffset++]; node.cell = curCell->secondChildOffset; node.ia = ia; nodeNum = nodeNum + 1; continue; } else { unsigned int ie = getLastHit( aRayPacket, curCell->bounds, ia, I, aHitInfoPacket ); for( int j = 0; j < curCell->nPrimitives; ++j ) { const OBJECT_3D* obj = m_primitives[curCell->primitivesOffset + j]; if( aRayPacket.m_Frustum.Intersect( obj->GetBBox() ) ) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ie; ++i ) { unsigned int idx = I[i]; bool hit = obj->Intersect( aRayPacket.m_ray[idx], aHitInfoPacket[idx].m_HitInfo ); if( hit ) { anyHit |= hit; aHitInfoPacket[idx].m_hitresult |= hit; aHitInfoPacket[idx].m_HitInfo.m_acc_node_info = nodeNum; } } } } } } if( todoOffset == 0 ) break; const StackNode& node = todo[--todoOffset]; nodeNum = node.cell; ia = node.ia; } return anyHit; } #endif