/****************************************/ /* Basic classes for Kicad: */ /* EDA_ITEM */ /* EDA_TEXT */ /****************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "common.h" #include "macros.h" #include "wxstruct.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "class_base_screen.h" #include "drawtxt.h" enum textbox { ID_TEXTBOX_LIST = 8010 }; EDA_ITEM::EDA_ITEM( EDA_ITEM* parent, KICAD_T idType ) { InitVars(); m_StructType = idType; m_Parent = parent; } EDA_ITEM::EDA_ITEM( KICAD_T idType ) { InitVars(); m_StructType = idType; } EDA_ITEM::EDA_ITEM( const EDA_ITEM& base ) { InitVars(); m_StructType = base.m_StructType; m_Parent = base.m_Parent; m_Son = base.m_Son; m_Flags = base.m_Flags; m_TimeStamp = base.m_TimeStamp; m_Status = base.m_Status; m_Selected = base.m_Selected; } void EDA_ITEM::InitVars() { m_StructType = TYPE_NOT_INIT; Pnext = NULL; // Linked list: Link (next struct) Pback = NULL; // Linked list: Link (previous struct) m_Parent = NULL; // Linked list: Link (parent struct) m_Son = NULL; // Linked list: Link (son struct) m_List = NULL; // I am not on any list yet m_Image = NULL; // Link to an image copy for undelete or abort command m_Flags = 0; // flags for editions and other m_TimeStamp = 0; // Time stamp used for logical links m_Status = 0; m_Selected = 0; // Used by block commands, and selective editing } void EDA_ITEM::SetModified() { m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED; // If this a child object, then the parent modification state also needs to be set. if( m_Parent ) m_Parent->SetModified(); } EDA_ITEM* EDA_ITEM::doClone() const { wxCHECK_MSG( false, NULL, wxT( "doClone not implemented in derived class " ) + GetClass() + wxT( ". Bad programmer." ) ); } // see base_struct.h SEARCH_RESULT EDA_ITEM::IterateForward( EDA_ITEM* listStart, INSPECTOR* inspector, const void* testData, const KICAD_T scanTypes[] ) { EDA_ITEM* p = listStart; for( ; p; p = p->Pnext ) { if( SEARCH_QUIT == p->Visit( inspector, testData, scanTypes ) ) return SEARCH_QUIT; } return SEARCH_CONTINUE; } // see base_struct.h // many classes inherit this method, be careful: SEARCH_RESULT EDA_ITEM::Visit( INSPECTOR* inspector, const void* testData, const KICAD_T scanTypes[] ) { KICAD_T stype; #if 0 && defined(DEBUG) std::cout << GetClass().mb_str() << ' '; #endif for( const KICAD_T* p = scanTypes; (stype = *p) != EOT; ++p ) { // If caller wants to inspect my type if( stype == Type() ) { if( SEARCH_QUIT == inspector->Inspect( this, testData ) ) return SEARCH_QUIT; break; } } return SEARCH_CONTINUE; } wxString EDA_ITEM::GetSelectMenuText() const { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "GetSelectMenuText() was not overridden for schematic item type " ) + GetClass() ); return wxString( wxT( "Undefined menu text for " ) + GetClass() ); } #if defined(DEBUG) // A function that should have been in wxWidgets std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const wxSize& size ) { out << " width=\"" << size.GetWidth() << "\" height=\"" << size.GetHeight() << "\""; return out; } // A function that should have been in wxWidgets std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const wxPoint& pt ) { out << " x=\"" << pt.x << "\" y=\"" << pt.y << "\""; return out; } void EDA_ITEM::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) const { // XML output: wxString s = GetClass(); NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << s.Lower().mb_str() << ">" << " Need ::Show() override for this class " << "\n"; } std::ostream& EDA_ITEM::NestedSpace( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) { for( int i = 0; iGetCount() ) // GetCount() == 0 for void strings { if( aLine >= 0 && (aLine < (int)list->GetCount()) ) text = list->Item( aLine ); else text = list->Item( 0 ); } } // calculate the H and V size int dx = LenSize( text ); int dy = GetInterline(); /* Creates bounding box (rectangle) for an horizontal text */ wxSize textsize = wxSize( dx, dy ); if( aInvertY ) rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos.x, -m_Pos.y ); else rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos ); // extra dy interval for letters like j and y and ] int extra_dy = dy - m_Size.y; rect.Move( wxPoint( 0, -extra_dy / 2 ) ); // move origin by the half extra interval // for multiline texts and aLine < 0, merge all rectangles if( m_MultilineAllowed && list && aLine < 0 ) { for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < list->GetCount(); ii++ ) { text = list->Item( ii ); dx = LenSize( text ); textsize.x = MAX( textsize.x, dx ); textsize.y += dy; } } delete list; rect.SetSize( textsize ); rect.Inflate( thickness / 2 ); // ensure a small margin /* Now, calculate the rect origin, according to text justification * At this point the rectangle origin is the text origin (m_Pos). * This is true only for left and top text justified texts (using top to bottom Y axis * orientation). and must be recalculated for others justifications * also, note the V justification is relative to the first line */ switch( m_HJustify ) { case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT: break; case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER: rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - (rect.GetWidth() / 2) ); break; case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT: rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - rect.GetWidth() ); break; } dy = m_Size.y + thickness; switch( m_VJustify ) { case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP: break; case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER: rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - (dy / 2) ); break; case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM: rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - dy ); break; } rect.Normalize(); // Make h and v sizes always >= 0 return rect; } bool EDA_TEXT::TextHitTest( const wxPoint& aPoint, int aAccuracy ) const { EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1 ); // Get the full text area. wxPoint location = aPoint; rect.Inflate( aAccuracy ); RotatePoint( &location, m_Pos, -m_Orient ); return rect.Contains( location ); } bool EDA_TEXT::TextHitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContains, int aAccuracy ) const { EDA_RECT rect = aRect; rect.Inflate( aAccuracy ); if( aContains ) return rect.Contains( GetTextBox( -1 ) ); return rect.Intersects( GetTextBox( -1 ) ); } void EDA_TEXT::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset, EDA_Colors aColor, int aDrawMode, GRTraceMode aFillMode, EDA_Colors aAnchor_color ) { if( m_MultilineAllowed ) { wxPoint pos = m_Pos; wxArrayString* list = wxStringSplit( m_Text, '\n' ); wxPoint offset; offset.y = GetInterline(); RotatePoint( &offset, m_Orient ); for( unsigned i = 0; iCount(); i++ ) { wxString txt = list->Item( i ); DrawOneLineOfText( aPanel, aDC, aOffset, aColor, aDrawMode, aFillMode, aAnchor_color, txt, pos ); pos += offset; } delete (list); } else DrawOneLineOfText( aPanel, aDC, aOffset, aColor, aDrawMode, aFillMode, aAnchor_color, m_Text, m_Pos ); } void EDA_TEXT::DrawOneLineOfText( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset, EDA_Colors aColor, int aDrawMode, GRTraceMode aFillMode, EDA_Colors aAnchor_color, wxString& aText, wxPoint aPos ) { int width = m_Thickness; if( aFillMode == FILAIRE ) width = 0; if( aDrawMode != -1 ) GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode ); /* Draw text anchor, if allowed */ if( aAnchor_color != UNSPECIFIED_COLOR ) { int anchor_size = aDC->DeviceToLogicalXRel( 2 ); aAnchor_color = (EDA_Colors) ( aAnchor_color & MASKCOLOR ); int cX = aPos.x + aOffset.x; int cY = aPos.y + aOffset.y; GRLine( &aPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, cX - anchor_size, cY, cX + anchor_size, cY, 0, aAnchor_color ); GRLine( &aPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, cX, cY - anchor_size, cX, cY + anchor_size, 0, aAnchor_color ); } if( aFillMode == SKETCH ) width = -width; wxSize size = m_Size; if( m_Mirror ) size.x = -size.x; DrawGraphicText( aPanel, aDC, aOffset + aPos, aColor, aText, m_Orient, size, m_HJustify, m_VJustify, width, m_Italic, m_Bold ); } wxString EDA_TEXT::GetTextStyleName() { int style = 0; if( m_Italic ) style = 1; if( m_Bold ) style += 2; wxString stylemsg[4] = { _("Normal"), _("Italic"), _("Bold"), _("Bold+Italic") }; return stylemsg[style]; } /******************/ /* Class EDA_RECT */ /******************/ void EDA_RECT::Normalize() { if( m_Size.y < 0 ) { m_Size.y = -m_Size.y; m_Pos.y -= m_Size.y; } if( m_Size.x < 0 ) { m_Size.x = -m_Size.x; m_Pos.x -= m_Size.x; } } void EDA_RECT::Move( const wxPoint& aMoveVector ) { m_Pos += aMoveVector; } bool EDA_RECT::Contains( const wxPoint& aPoint ) const { wxPoint rel_pos = aPoint - m_Pos; wxSize size = m_Size; if( size.x < 0 ) { size.x = -size.x; rel_pos.x += size.x; } if( size.y < 0 ) { size.y = -size.y; rel_pos.y += size.y; } return (rel_pos.x >= 0) && (rel_pos.y >= 0) && ( rel_pos.y <= size.y) && ( rel_pos.x <= size.x); } /* * return true if aRect is inside me (or on boundaries) */ bool EDA_RECT::Contains( const EDA_RECT& aRect ) const { return Contains( aRect.GetOrigin() ) && Contains( aRect.GetEnd() ); } /* Intersects * test for a common area between 2 rect. * return true if at least a common point is found */ bool EDA_RECT::Intersects( const EDA_RECT& aRect ) const { // this logic taken from wxWidgets' geometry.cpp file: bool rc; EDA_RECT me(*this); EDA_RECT rect(aRect); me.Normalize(); // ensure size is >= 0 rect.Normalize(); // ensure size is >= 0 // calculate the left common area coordinate: int left = MAX( me.m_Pos.x, rect.m_Pos.x ); // calculate the right common area coordinate: int right = MIN( me.m_Pos.x + m_Size.x, rect.m_Pos.x + rect.m_Size.x ); // calculate the upper common area coordinate: int top = MAX( me.m_Pos.y, aRect.m_Pos.y ); // calculate the lower common area coordinate: int bottom = MIN( me.m_Pos.y + m_Size.y, rect.m_Pos.y + rect.m_Size.y ); // if a common area exists, it must have a positive (null accepted) size if( left <= right && top <= bottom ) rc = true; else rc = false; return rc; } EDA_RECT& EDA_RECT::Inflate( int aDelta ) { Inflate( aDelta, aDelta ); return *this; } EDA_RECT& EDA_RECT::Inflate( wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy ) { if( m_Size.x >= 0 ) { if( m_Size.x < -2 * dx ) { // Don't allow deflate to eat more width than we have, m_Pos.x += m_Size.x / 2; m_Size.x = 0; } else { // The inflate is valid. m_Pos.x -= dx; m_Size.x += 2 * dx; } } else // size.x < 0: { if( m_Size.x > -2 * dx ) { // Don't allow deflate to eat more width than we have, m_Pos.x -= m_Size.x / 2; m_Size.x = 0; } else { // The inflate is valid. m_Pos.x += dx; m_Size.x -= 2 * dx; // m_Size.x <0: inflate when dx > 0 } } if( m_Size.y >= 0 ) { if( m_Size.y < -2 * dy ) { // Don't allow deflate to eat more height than we have, m_Pos.y += m_Size.y / 2; m_Size.y = 0; } else { // The inflate is valid. m_Pos.y -= dy; m_Size.y += 2 * dy; } } else // size.y < 0: { if( m_Size.y > 2 * dy ) { // Don't allow deflate to eat more height than we have, m_Pos.y -= m_Size.y / 2; m_Size.y = 0; } else { // The inflate is valid. m_Pos.y += dy; m_Size.y -= 2 * dy; // m_Size.y <0: inflate when dy > 0 } } return *this; } void EDA_RECT::Merge( const EDA_RECT& aRect ) { Normalize(); // ensure width and height >= 0 EDA_RECT rect = aRect; rect.Normalize(); // ensure width and height >= 0 wxPoint end = GetEnd(); wxPoint rect_end = rect.GetEnd(); // Change origin and size in order to contain the given rect m_Pos.x = MIN( m_Pos.x, rect.m_Pos.x ); m_Pos.y = MIN( m_Pos.y, rect.m_Pos.y ); end.x = MAX( end.x, rect_end.x ); end.y = MAX( end.y, rect_end.y ); SetEnd( end ); } void EDA_RECT::Merge( const wxPoint& aPoint ) { Normalize(); // ensure width and height >= 0 wxPoint end = GetEnd(); // Change origin and size in order to contain the given rect m_Pos.x = MIN( m_Pos.x, aPoint.x ); m_Pos.y = MIN( m_Pos.y, aPoint.y ); end.x = MAX( end.x, aPoint.x ); end.y = MAX( end.y, aPoint.y ); SetEnd( end ); } double EDA_RECT::GetArea() const { return (double) GetWidth() * (double) GetHeight(); }