/***************************************************/ /* Plot functions common to different plot formats */ /***************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "plot_common.h" #include "worksheet.h" #include "base_struct.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" /* Local Variables : */ static void Plot_Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet( PLOTTER* plotter, Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* Struct ); static void PlotTextField( PLOTTER* plotter, SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem, int FieldNumber, int IsMulti, int DrawMode ); static void PlotPinSymbol( PLOTTER* plotter, const wxPoint& pos, int len, int orient, int Shape ); /***/ /**********************************************************/ static void PlotNoConnectStruct( PLOTTER* plotter, DrawNoConnectStruct* Struct ) /**********************************************************/ /* Routine de dessin des symboles de "No Connexion" .. */ { #define DELTA (DRAWNOCONNECT_SIZE / 2) int pX, pY; pX = Struct->m_Pos.x; pY = Struct->m_Pos.y; plotter->set_current_line_width( Struct->GetPenSize() ); plotter->move_to( wxPoint( pX - DELTA, pY - DELTA ) ); plotter->finish_to( wxPoint( pX + DELTA, pY + DELTA ) ); plotter->move_to( wxPoint( pX + DELTA, pY - DELTA ) ); plotter->finish_to( wxPoint( pX - DELTA, pY + DELTA ) ); } /*************************************************/ static void PlotLibPart( PLOTTER* plotter, SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem ) /*************************************************/ /* Polt a component */ { int ii, t1, t2, * Poly, orient; EDA_LibComponentStruct* Entry; int TransMat[2][2], Multi, convert; EDA_Colors CharColor = UNSPECIFIED_COLOR; wxPoint pos; bool draw_bgfill = false; Entry = ( EDA_LibComponentStruct* ) FindLibPart( DrawLibItem->m_ChipName ); if( Entry == NULL ) return;; memcpy( TransMat, DrawLibItem->m_Transform, sizeof(TransMat) ); Multi = DrawLibItem->m_Multi; convert = DrawLibItem->m_Convert; for( LibEDA_BaseStruct* DEntry = Entry->m_Drawings; DEntry != NULL; DEntry = DEntry->Next() ) { /* Elimination des elements non relatifs a l'unite */ if( Multi && DEntry->m_Unit && (DEntry->m_Unit != Multi) ) continue; if( convert && DEntry->m_Convert && (DEntry->m_Convert != convert) ) continue; int thickness = DEntry->GetPenSize(); plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE ) ); draw_bgfill = plotter->get_color_mode(); switch( DEntry->Type() ) { case COMPONENT_ARC_DRAW_TYPE: { LibDrawArc* Arc = (LibDrawArc*) DEntry; t1 = Arc->t1; t2 = Arc->t2; pos = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, Arc->m_Pos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; MapAngles( &t1, &t2, TransMat ); if( draw_bgfill && Arc->m_Fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR ) { plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) ); plotter->arc( pos, -t2, -t1, Arc->m_Rayon, FILLED_SHAPE, 0 ); } plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE ) ); plotter->arc( pos, -t2, -t1, Arc->m_Rayon, Arc->m_Fill, thickness ); } break; case COMPONENT_CIRCLE_DRAW_TYPE: { LibDrawCircle* Circle = (LibDrawCircle*) DEntry; pos = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, Circle->m_Pos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; if( draw_bgfill && Circle->m_Fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR ) { plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) ); plotter->circle( pos, Circle->m_Rayon * 2, FILLED_SHAPE, 0 ); } plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE ) ); plotter->circle( pos, Circle->m_Rayon * 2, Circle->m_Fill, thickness ); } break; case COMPONENT_GRAPHIC_TEXT_DRAW_TYPE: { LibDrawText* Text = (LibDrawText*) DEntry; /* The text orientation may need to be flipped if the * transformation matrix causes xy axes to be flipped. */ t1 = (TransMat[0][0] != 0) ^ (Text->m_Orient != 0); pos = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, Text->m_Pos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; plotter->text( pos, CharColor, Text->m_Text, t1 ? TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ : TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, Text->m_Size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, thickness, Text->m_Italic, Text->m_Bold ); } break; case COMPONENT_RECT_DRAW_TYPE: { LibDrawSquare* Square = (LibDrawSquare*) DEntry; pos = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, Square->m_Pos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; wxPoint end = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, Square->m_End ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; if( draw_bgfill && Square->m_Fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR ) { plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) ); plotter->rect( pos, end, FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR, 0 ); } plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE ) ); plotter->rect( pos, end, Square->m_Fill, thickness ); } break; case COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE: /* Trace des Pins */ { LibDrawPin* Pin = (LibDrawPin*) DEntry; if( Pin->m_Attributs & PINNOTDRAW ) break; /* Calcul de l'orientation reelle de la Pin */ orient = Pin->ReturnPinDrawOrient( TransMat ); /* compute Pin Pos */ pos = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, Pin->m_Pos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; /* Dessin de la pin et du symbole special associe */ thickness = Pin->GetPenSize(); plotter->set_current_line_width( thickness ); PlotPinSymbol( plotter, pos, Pin->m_PinLen, orient, Pin->m_PinShape ); Pin->PlotPinTexts( plotter, pos, orient, Entry->m_TextInside, Entry->m_DrawPinNum, Entry->m_DrawPinName, thickness ); } break; case COMPONENT_POLYLINE_DRAW_TYPE: { LibDrawPolyline* polyline = (LibDrawPolyline*) DEntry; Poly = (int*) MyMalloc( sizeof(int) * 2 * polyline->GetCornerCount() ); for( ii = 0; ii < (int) polyline->GetCornerCount(); ii++ ) { pos = polyline->m_PolyPoints[ii]; pos = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, pos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; Poly[ii * 2] = pos.x; Poly[ii * 2 + 1] = pos.y; } if( draw_bgfill && polyline->m_Fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR ) { plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) ); plotter->poly( ii, Poly, FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR, 0 ); } plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE ) ); plotter->poly( ii, Poly, polyline->m_Fill, thickness ); MyFree( Poly ); } break; case COMPONENT_BEZIER_DRAW_TYPE: { LibDrawBezier* polyline = (LibDrawBezier*) DEntry; Poly = (int*) MyMalloc( sizeof(int) * 2 * polyline->GetCornerCount() ); for( ii = 0; ii < (int) polyline->GetCornerCount(); ii++ ) { pos = polyline->m_PolyPoints[ii]; pos = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, pos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; Poly[ii * 2] = pos.x; Poly[ii * 2 + 1] = pos.y; } if( draw_bgfill && polyline->m_Fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR ) { plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) ); plotter->poly( ii, Poly, FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR, 0 ); } plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE ) ); plotter->poly( ii, Poly, polyline->m_Fill, thickness ); MyFree( Poly ); } default: D( printf( "Drawing Type=%d\n", DEntry->Type() ) ); } /* Fin Switch */ } /* Fin Boucle de dessin */ /* Trace des champs, avec placement et orientation selon orient. du * composant * Si la reference commence par # elle n'est pas tracee */ if( (Entry->m_Prefix.m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE) == 0 ) { if( Entry->m_UnitCount > 1 ) PlotTextField( plotter, DrawLibItem, REFERENCE, 1, 0 ); else PlotTextField( plotter, DrawLibItem, REFERENCE, 0, 0 ); } if( (Entry->m_Name.m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE) == 0 ) PlotTextField( plotter, DrawLibItem, VALUE, 0, 0 ); for( ii = 2; ii < NUMBER_OF_FIELDS; ii++ ) { PlotTextField( plotter, DrawLibItem, ii, 0, 0 ); } } /*************************************************************/ static void PlotTextField( PLOTTER* plotter, SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem, int FieldNumber, int IsMulti, int DrawMode ) /**************************************************************/ /* Routine de trace des textes type Field du composant. * entree: * DrawLibItem: pointeur sur le composant * FieldNumber: Numero du champ * IsMulti: flag Non Null si il y a plusieurs parts par boitier. * n'est utile que pour le champ reference pour ajouter a celui ci * l'identification de la part ( A, B ... ) * DrawMode: mode de trace */ { wxPoint textpos; /* Position des textes */ SCH_CMP_FIELD* field = DrawLibItem->GetField( FieldNumber ); int orient; EDA_Colors color = UNSPECIFIED_COLOR; color = ReturnLayerColor( field->GetLayer() ); DrawMode = 0; /* Unused */ if( field->m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE ) return; if( field->IsVoid() ) return; /* Calcul de la position des textes, selon orientation du composant */ orient = field->m_Orient; GRTextHorizJustifyType hjustify = field->m_HJustify; GRTextVertJustifyType vjustify = field->m_VJustify; textpos = field->m_Pos - DrawLibItem->m_Pos; // textpos is the text position relative to the component anchor textpos = TransformCoordinate( DrawLibItem->m_Transform, textpos ) + DrawLibItem->m_Pos; /* Y a t-il rotation */ if( DrawLibItem->m_Transform[0][1] ) { if( orient == TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ ) orient = TEXT_ORIENT_VERT; else orient = TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ; /* Y a t-il rotation, miroir (pour les justifications)*/ GRTextHorizJustifyType tmp = hjustify; hjustify = (GRTextHorizJustifyType) vjustify; vjustify = (GRTextVertJustifyType) tmp; if( DrawLibItem->m_Transform[1][0] < 0 ) switch( vjustify ) { case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM: vjustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP; break; case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP: vjustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM; break; default: break; } if( DrawLibItem->m_Transform[1][0] > 0 ) switch( hjustify ) { case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT: hjustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT; break; case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT: hjustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT; break; default: break; } } else { /* Texte horizontal: Y a t-il miroir (pour les justifications)*/ if( DrawLibItem->m_Transform[0][0] < 0 ) switch( hjustify ) { case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT: hjustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT; break; case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT: hjustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT; break; default: break; } if( DrawLibItem->m_Transform[1][1] > 0 ) switch( vjustify ) { case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM: vjustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP; break; case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP: vjustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM; break; default: break; } } int thickness = field->GetPenSize(); if( !IsMulti || (FieldNumber != REFERENCE) ) { plotter->text( textpos, color, field->m_Text, orient ? TEXT_ORIENT_VERT : TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, field->m_Size, hjustify, vjustify, thickness, field->m_Italic, field->m_Bold ); } else /* We plt the reference, for a multiple parts per package */ { /* Adding A, B ... to the reference */ wxString Text; Text = field->m_Text; char unit_id; #if defined(KICAD_GOST) Text.Append( '.' ); unit_id = '1' - 1 + DrawLibItem->m_Multi; #else unit_id = 'A' - 1 + DrawLibItem->m_Multi; #endif Text.Append( unit_id ); plotter->text( textpos, color, Text, orient ? TEXT_ORIENT_VERT : TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, field->m_Size, hjustify, vjustify, thickness, field->m_Italic, field->m_Bold ); } } /**************************************************************************/ static void PlotPinSymbol( PLOTTER* plotter, const wxPoint& pos, int len, int orient, int Shape ) /**************************************************************************/ /* Trace la pin du symbole en cours de trace */ { int MapX1, MapY1, x1, y1; EDA_Colors color = UNSPECIFIED_COLOR; color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_PIN ); plotter->set_color( color ); MapX1 = MapY1 = 0; x1 = pos.x; y1 = pos.y; switch( orient ) { case PIN_UP: y1 = pos.y - len; MapY1 = 1; break; case PIN_DOWN: y1 = pos.y + len; MapY1 = -1; break; case PIN_LEFT: x1 = pos.x - len, MapX1 = 1; break; case PIN_RIGHT: x1 = pos.x + len; MapX1 = -1; break; } if( Shape & INVERT ) { plotter->circle( wxPoint( MapX1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS + x1, MapY1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS + y1 ), INVERT_PIN_RADIUS * 2, // diameter NO_FILL, // fill -1 ); // width plotter->move_to( wxPoint( MapX1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS * 2 + x1, MapY1 * INVERT_PIN_RADIUS * 2 + y1 ) ); plotter->finish_to( pos ); } else { plotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 ) ); plotter->finish_to( pos ); } if( Shape & CLOCK ) { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { plotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 + CLOCK_PIN_DIM ) ); plotter->line_to( wxPoint( x1 - MapX1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 ) ); plotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 - CLOCK_PIN_DIM ) ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { plotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1 + CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 ) ); plotter->line_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 - MapY1 * CLOCK_PIN_DIM ) ); plotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1 - CLOCK_PIN_DIM, y1 ) ); } } if( Shape & LOWLEVEL_IN ) /* IEEE symbol "Active Low Input" */ { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { plotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1 ) ); plotter->line_to( wxPoint( x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM ) ); plotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 ) ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { plotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2 ) ); plotter->line_to( wxPoint( x1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2 ) ); plotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 ) ); } } if( Shape & LOWLEVEL_OUT ) /* IEEE symbol "Active Low Output" */ { if( MapY1 == 0 ) /* MapX1 = +- 1 */ { plotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM ) ); plotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1 + MapX1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2, y1 ) ); } else /* MapX1 = 0 */ { plotter->move_to( wxPoint( x1 - IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM, y1 ) ); plotter->finish_to( wxPoint( x1, y1 + MapY1 * IEEE_SYMBOL_PIN_DIM * 2 ) ); } } } /********************************************************************/ static void PlotTextStruct( PLOTTER* plotter, SCH_TEXT* aSchText ) /********************************************************************/ /* * Routine de trace des Textes, Labels et Global-Labels. * Les textes peuvent avoir 4 directions. */ { static std::vector Poly; switch( aSchText->Type() ) { case TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL: case TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL: case TYPE_SCH_LABEL: case TYPE_SCH_TEXT: break; default: return; } EDA_Colors color = UNSPECIFIED_COLOR; color = ReturnLayerColor( aSchText->m_Layer ); wxPoint textpos = aSchText->m_Pos + aSchText->GetSchematicTextOffset(); int thickness = aSchText->GetPenSize(); plotter->set_current_line_width( thickness ); if( aSchText->m_MultilineAllowed ) { wxPoint pos = textpos; wxArrayString* list = wxStringSplit( aSchText->m_Text, '\n' ); wxPoint offset; offset.y = aSchText->GetInterline(); RotatePoint( &offset, aSchText->m_Orient ); for( unsigned i = 0; iCount(); i++ ) { wxString txt = list->Item( i ); plotter->text( pos, color, txt, aSchText->m_Orient, aSchText->m_Size, aSchText->m_HJustify, aSchText->m_VJustify, thickness, aSchText->m_Italic, aSchText->m_Bold ); pos += offset; } delete (list); } else plotter->text( textpos, color, aSchText->m_Text, aSchText->m_Orient, aSchText->m_Size, aSchText->m_HJustify, aSchText->m_VJustify, thickness, aSchText->m_Italic, aSchText->m_Bold ); /* Draw graphic symbol for global or hierachical labels */ if( aSchText->Type() == TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL ) { ( (SCH_GLOBALLABEL*) aSchText )->CreateGraphicShape( Poly, aSchText->m_Pos ); plotter->poly( Poly.size(), &Poly[0].x, NO_FILL ); } if( aSchText->Type() == TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL ) { ( (SCH_HIERLABEL*) aSchText )->CreateGraphicShape( Poly, aSchText->m_Pos ); plotter->poly( Poly.size(), &Poly[0].x, NO_FILL ); } } /*****************************************************************************************/ static void Plot_Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet( PLOTTER* plotter, Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* aHierarchical_PIN ) /****************************************************************************************/ /* Plot a Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet */ { EDA_Colors txtcolor = UNSPECIFIED_COLOR; int posx, tposx, posy, size; static std::vector Poly; txtcolor = ReturnLayerColor( aHierarchical_PIN->GetLayer() ); posx = aHierarchical_PIN->m_Pos.x; posy = aHierarchical_PIN->m_Pos.y; size = aHierarchical_PIN->m_Size.x; GRTextHorizJustifyType side; if( aHierarchical_PIN->m_Edge ) { tposx = posx - size; side = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT; } else { tposx = posx + size + (size / 8); side = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT; } int thickness = aHierarchical_PIN->GetPenSize(); plotter->set_current_line_width( thickness ); plotter->text( wxPoint( tposx, posy ), txtcolor, aHierarchical_PIN->m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, wxSize( size, size ), side, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, thickness, aHierarchical_PIN->m_Italic, aHierarchical_PIN->m_Bold ); /* Draw the associated graphic symbol */ aHierarchical_PIN->CreateGraphicShape( Poly, aHierarchical_PIN->m_Pos ); plotter->poly( Poly.size(), &Poly[0].x, NO_FILL ); } /*************************************************/ static void PlotSheetStruct( PLOTTER* plotter, DrawSheetStruct* Struct ) /*************************************************/ /* Routine de dessin du bloc type hierarchie */ { Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* SheetLabelStruct; EDA_Colors txtcolor = UNSPECIFIED_COLOR; wxSize size; wxString Text; wxPoint pos; plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( Struct->m_Layer ) ); int thickness = Struct->GetPenSize(); plotter->set_current_line_width( thickness ); plotter->move_to( Struct->m_Pos ); pos = Struct->m_Pos; pos.x += Struct->m_Size.x; plotter->line_to( pos ); pos.y += Struct->m_Size.y; plotter->line_to( pos ); pos = Struct->m_Pos; pos.y += Struct->m_Size.y; plotter->line_to( pos ); plotter->finish_to( Struct->m_Pos ); /* Draw texts: SheetName */ Text = Struct->m_SheetName; size = wxSize( Struct->m_SheetNameSize, Struct->m_SheetNameSize ); pos = Struct->m_Pos; pos.y -= 4; thickness = g_DrawDefaultLineThickness; thickness = Clamp_Text_PenSize( thickness, size, false ); plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_SHEETNAME ) ); bool italic = false; plotter->text( pos, txtcolor, Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, thickness, italic, false ); /*Draw texts : FileName */ Text = Struct->GetFileName(); size = wxSize( Struct->m_FileNameSize, Struct->m_FileNameSize ); thickness = g_DrawDefaultLineThickness; thickness = Clamp_Text_PenSize( thickness, size, false ); plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_SHEETFILENAME ) ); plotter->text( wxPoint( Struct->m_Pos.x, Struct->m_Pos.y + Struct->m_Size.y + 4 ), txtcolor, Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, thickness, italic, false ); /* Draw texts : SheetLabel */ SheetLabelStruct = Struct->m_Label; plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( Struct->m_Layer ) ); while( SheetLabelStruct != NULL ) { Plot_Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet( plotter, SheetLabelStruct ); SheetLabelStruct = SheetLabelStruct->Next(); } } /********************************************************/ void PlotDrawlist( PLOTTER* plotter, SCH_ITEM* aDrawlist ) /*********************************************************/ { while( aDrawlist ) /* Plot each item in draw list */ { SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem; int layer; wxPoint StartPos, EndPos; plotter->set_current_line_width( aDrawlist->GetPenSize() ); switch( aDrawlist->Type() ) { case DRAW_BUSENTRY_STRUCT_TYPE: case DRAW_SEGMENT_STRUCT_TYPE: if( aDrawlist->Type() == DRAW_BUSENTRY_STRUCT_TYPE ) { #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DrawBusEntryStruct*) aDrawlist ) StartPos = STRUCT->m_Pos; EndPos = STRUCT->m_End(); layer = STRUCT->GetLayer(); plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( layer ) ); } else { #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (EDA_DrawLineStruct*) aDrawlist ) StartPos = STRUCT->m_Start; EndPos = STRUCT->m_End; layer = STRUCT->GetLayer(); plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( layer ) ); } if( layer == LAYER_NOTES ) plotter->set_dash( true ); plotter->move_to( StartPos ); plotter->finish_to( EndPos ); if( layer == LAYER_NOTES ) plotter->set_dash( false ); break; case DRAW_JUNCTION_STRUCT_TYPE: #undef STRUCT #define STRUCT ( (DrawJunctionStruct*) aDrawlist ) plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( STRUCT->GetLayer() ) ); plotter->circle( STRUCT->m_Pos, DRAWJUNCTION_DIAMETER, FILLED_SHAPE ); break; case TYPE_SCH_TEXT: case TYPE_SCH_LABEL: case TYPE_SCH_GLOBALLABEL: case TYPE_SCH_HIERLABEL: PlotTextStruct( plotter, (SCH_TEXT*) aDrawlist ); break; case TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT: DrawLibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) aDrawlist; PlotLibPart( plotter, DrawLibItem ); break; case DRAW_POLYLINE_STRUCT_TYPE: break; case DRAW_HIERARCHICAL_PIN_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE: break; case TYPE_MARKER_SCH: break; case DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE: PlotSheetStruct( plotter, (DrawSheetStruct*) aDrawlist ); break; case DRAW_NOCONNECT_STRUCT_TYPE: plotter->set_color( ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_NOCONNECT ) ); PlotNoConnectStruct( plotter, (DrawNoConnectStruct*) aDrawlist ); break; default: break; } aDrawlist = aDrawlist->Next(); } }