/*************************************************************************/ /* Functions to create drill data used to create aFiles and report aFiles */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" using namespace std; #include #include "common.h" #include "plot_common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "pcbplot.h" #include "macros.h" #include "gendrill.h" static void PlotDrillSymbol( const wxPoint& position, int diametre, int aShapeId, int format ); static void PlotOvalDrillSymbol( const wxPoint& position, const wxSize& size, int orient, int format ); /**********************************************************************************/ void GenDrillMapFile( BOARD* aPcb, FILE* aFile, const wxString& aFullFileName, wxSize aSheetSize, std::vector aHoleListBuffer, std::vector aToolListBuffer, bool aUnit_Drill_is_Inch, int format ) /**********************************************************************************/ /* Genere le plan de percage (Drill map) format HPGL ou POSTSCRIPT */ { unsigned ii; int x, y; int plotX, plotY, TextWidth; int intervalle = 0, CharSize = 0; EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct; int old_g_PlotOrient = g_PlotOrient; char line[1024]; int dX, dY; wxPoint BoardCentre; int PlotMarge_in_mils = 400; // Margin in 1/1000 inch int marge = PlotMarge_in_mils * U_PCB; wxSize SheetSize; float fTextScale = 1.0; double scale_x = 1.0, scale_y = 1.0; Ki_PageDescr* SheetPS = NULL; wxString msg; setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); // Use the standard notation for float numbers g_PlotOrient = 0; /* calcul des dimensions et centre du PCB */ aPcb->ComputeBoundaryBox(); dX = aPcb->m_BoundaryBox.GetWidth(); dY = aPcb->m_BoundaryBox.GetHeight(); BoardCentre = aPcb->m_BoundaryBox.Centre(); // Calcul de l'echelle du dessin du PCB, // Echelle 1 en HPGL, dessin sur feuille A4 en PS, + texte description des symboles switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: /* Calcul des echelles de conversion format HPGL */ Scale_X = Scale_Y = 1.0; scale_x = Scale_X * SCALE_HPGL; scale_y = Scale_Y * SCALE_HPGL; fTextScale = SCALE_HPGL; SheetSize = aSheetSize; SheetSize.x *= U_PCB; SheetSize.y *= U_PCB; g_PlotOffset.x = 0; g_PlotOffset.y = (int) (SheetSize.y * scale_y); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: { // calcul en unites internes des dimensions de la feuille ( connues en 1/1000 pouce ) SheetPS = &g_Sheet_A4; SheetSize.x = SheetPS->m_Size.x * U_PCB; SheetSize.y = SheetPS->m_Size.y * U_PCB; float Xscale = (float) ( SheetSize.x - (marge * 2) ) / dX; float Yscale = (float) ( SheetSize.y * 0.6 - (marge * 2) ) / dY; scale_x = scale_y = MIN( Xscale, Yscale ); g_PlotOffset.x = -(SheetSize.x / 2) + (int) (BoardCentre.x * scale_x) + marge; g_PlotOffset.y = SheetSize.y / 2 + (int) (BoardCentre.y * scale_y) - marge; g_PlotOffset.y += SheetSize.y / 8; /* decalage pour legende */ break; } default: break; } switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: InitPlotParametresHPGL( g_PlotOffset, scale_x, scale_y ); PrintHeaderHPGL( aFile, g_HPGL_Pen_Speed, g_HPGL_Pen_Num ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: { int BBox[4]; BBox[0] = BBox[1] = PlotMarge_in_mils; BBox[2] = SheetPS->m_Size.x - PlotMarge_in_mils; BBox[3] = SheetPS->m_Size.y - PlotMarge_in_mils; InitPlotParametresPS( g_PlotOffset, SheetPS, (double) 1.0 / PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT, (double) 1.0 / PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT ); SetDefaultLineWidthPS( 10 ); // Set line with to 10/1000 inch PrintHeaderPS( aFile, wxT( "PCBNEW-PS" ), aFullFileName, 1, BBox, wxLANDSCAPE ); InitPlotParametresPS( g_PlotOffset, SheetPS, scale_x, scale_y ); } break; default: break; } /* Draw items on edge layer */ PtStruct = aPcb->m_Drawings; for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext ) { switch( PtStruct->Type() ) { case TYPEDRAWSEGMENT: PlotDrawSegment( (DRAWSEGMENT*) PtStruct, format, EDGE_LAYER ); break; case TYPETEXTE: PlotTextePcb( (TEXTE_PCB*) PtStruct, format, EDGE_LAYER ); break; case TYPECOTATION: PlotCotation( (COTATION*) PtStruct, format, EDGE_LAYER ); break; case TYPEMIRE: PlotMirePcb( (MIREPCB*) PtStruct, format, EDGE_LAYER ); break; case TYPEMARKER: // do not draw break; default: DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "WinEDA_DrillFrame::GenDrillMap() : Unexpected Draw Type" ) ); break; } } TextWidth = 50; // Set Drill Symbols width in 1/10000 mils if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) { sprintf( line, "%d setlinewidth\n", TextWidth ); fputs( line, aFile ); } Gen_Drill_PcbMap( aPcb, aFile, aHoleListBuffer, aToolListBuffer, format ); /* Impression de la liste des symboles utilises */ CharSize = 800; /* text size in 1/10000 mils */ float CharScale = 1.0 / scale_x; /* real scale will be CharScale * scale_x, * because the global plot scale is scale_x */ TextWidth = (int) (50 * CharScale); // Set text width intervalle = (int) (CharSize * CharScale) + TextWidth; switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: { /* generation des dim: commande SI x,y; x et y = dim en cm */ char csize[256]; sprintf( csize, "%2.3f", (float) CharSize * CharScale * 0.000254 ); sprintf( line, "SI %s, %s;\n", csize, csize ); break; } case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: /* Reglage de l'epaisseur de traits des textes */ sprintf( line, "%d setlinewidth\n", TextWidth ); break; default: *line = 0; break; } fputs( line, aFile ); switch( format ) { default: case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: g_PlotOffset.x = 0; g_PlotOffset.y = 0; InitPlotParametresPS( g_PlotOffset, SheetPS, scale_x, scale_x ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: InitPlotParametresHPGL( g_PlotOffset, scale_x, scale_x ); break; } /* Trace des informations */ /* Trace de "Infos" */ plotX = marge + 1000; plotY = CharSize + 1000; x = plotX; y = plotY; x = +g_PlotOffset.x + (int) (x * fTextScale); y = g_PlotOffset.y - (int) (y * fTextScale); plotY += (int) ( intervalle * 1.2) + 200; switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: sprintf( line, "PU %d, %d; LBInfos\03;\n", x + (int) (intervalle * CharScale * fTextScale), y - (int) (CharSize / 2 * CharScale * fTextScale) ); fputs( line, aFile ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: wxString Text = wxT( "Infos" ); Plot_1_texte( format, Text, 0, TextWidth, x, y, (int) (CharSize * CharScale), (int) (CharSize * CharScale), FALSE ); break; } for( ii = 0; ii < aToolListBuffer.size(); ii++ ) { int plot_diam; if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 0 ) continue; plot_diam = (int) (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter); x = plotX; y = plotY; x = -g_PlotOffset.x + (int) (x * fTextScale); y = g_PlotOffset.y - (int) (y * fTextScale); PlotDrillSymbol( wxPoint( x, y ), plot_diam, ii, format ); intervalle = (int) (CharSize * CharScale) + TextWidth; intervalle = (int) ( intervalle * 1.2); if( intervalle < (plot_diam + 200 + TextWidth) ) intervalle = plot_diam + 200 + TextWidth; int rayon = plot_diam / 2; x = plotX + rayon + (int) (CharSize * CharScale); y = plotY; x = -g_PlotOffset.x + (int) (x * fTextScale); y = g_PlotOffset.y - (int) (y * fTextScale); /* Trace de la legende associee */ switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: // List the diameter of each drill in the selected Drill Unit, // and then its diameter in the other Drill Unit. if( aUnit_Drill_is_Inch ) sprintf( line, "PU %d, %d; LB%2.3f\" / %2.2fmm ", x + (int) (intervalle * CharScale * fTextScale), y - (int) (CharSize / 2 * CharScale * fTextScale), float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.0001, float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.00254 ); else sprintf( line, "PU %d, %d; LB%2.2fmm / %2.3f\" ", x + (int) (intervalle * CharScale * fTextScale), y - (int) (CharSize / 2 * CharScale * fTextScale), float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.00254, float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.0001 ); fputs( line, aFile ); // Now list how many holes and ovals are associated with each drill. if( ( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 ) && ( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 ) ) sprintf( line, "(1 hole)\n" ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 ) // && ( buffer[ii]m_OvalCount == 1 ) sprintf( line, "(1 hole) (with 1 oblong)\n" ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes)\n", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 1 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes) (with 1 oblong)\n", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount ); else // if ( aToolListBuffer[ii]m_OvalCount > 1 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes) (with %d oblongs)\n", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount, aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount ); fputs( line, aFile ); fputs( "\03;\n", aFile ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: // List the diameter of each drill in the selected Drill Unit, // and then its diameter in the other Drill Unit. if( aUnit_Drill_is_Inch ) sprintf( line, "%2.3f\" / %2.2fmm ", float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.0001, float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.00254 ); else sprintf( line, "%2.2fmm / %2.3f\" ", float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.00254, float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.0001 ); msg = CONV_FROM_UTF8( line ); // Now list how many holes and ovals are associated with each drill. if( ( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 ) && ( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 ) ) sprintf( line, "(1 hole)" ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 ) // && ( aToolListBuffer[ii]m_OvalCount == 1 ) sprintf( line, "(1 hole) (with 1 oblong)" ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes)", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 1 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes) (with 1 oblong)", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount ); else // if ( aToolListBuffer[ii]m_OvalCount > 1 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes) (with %d oblongs)", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount, aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount ); msg += CONV_FROM_UTF8( line ); Plot_1_texte( format, msg, 0, TextWidth, x, y, (int) (CharSize * CharScale), (int) (CharSize * CharScale), FALSE ); break; } plotY += intervalle; } switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: CloseFileHPGL( aFile ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: CloseFilePS( aFile ); break; } setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // Revert to local notation for float numbers g_PlotOrient = old_g_PlotOrient; } /****************************************************************************************/ void Gen_Drill_PcbMap( BOARD* aPcb, FILE* aFile, std::vector& aHoleListBuffer, std::vector& aToolListBuffer, int format ) /****************************************************************************************/ /** Creates the drill map aFile in HPGL or POSTSCRIPT format * @param aPcb BOARD * @param aFile = output aFile * @param aHoleListBuffer = std::vector list of holes descriptors * @param aToolListBuffer = std::vector drill list buffer * @param format = ouput format (hpgl / ps) */ { wxPoint pos; /* create the drill list */ if( aToolListBuffer.size() > 13 ) { DisplayInfo( NULL, _( " Drill map: Too many diameter values to draw to draw one symbol per drill value (max 13)\nPlot uses circle shape for some drill values" ), 10 ); } // Plot the drill map: for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aHoleListBuffer.size(); ii++ ) { pos.x = aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Pos_X; pos.y = aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Pos_Y; if( aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape == 0 ) { PlotDrillSymbol( pos, aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter, aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference - 1, format ); } else { wxSize oblong_size; oblong_size.x = aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_SizeX; oblong_size.y = aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_SizeY; PlotOvalDrillSymbol( pos, oblong_size, aHoleListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Orient, format ); } } } /************************************************************************************/ void PlotDrillSymbol( const wxPoint& position, int diametre, int aShapeId, int format ) /************************************************************************************/ /* Trace un motif de numero de forme aShapeId, aux coord x0, y0. * x0, y0 = coordonnees tables * diametre = diametre (coord table) du trou * aShapeId = index ( permet de generer des formes caract ) */ { int rayon = diametre / 2; void (*FctPlume)( wxPoint pos, int state ); int x0, y0; x0 = position.x; y0 = position.y; FctPlume = Move_Plume_HPGL; if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) FctPlume = LineTo_PS; switch( aShapeId ) { case 0: /* vias : forme en X */ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); break; case 1: /* Cercle */ if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); break; case 2: /* forme en + */ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 ), 'D' ); break; case 3: /* forme en X cercle */ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); break; case 4: /* forme en cercle barre de - */ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 ), 'D' ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); break; case 5: /* forme en cercle barre de | */ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); break; case 6: /* forme en carre */ if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 0, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 0, FILAIRE ); break; case 7: /* forme en losange */ if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 450, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 450, FILAIRE ); break; case 8: /* forme en carre barre par un X*/ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 0, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 0, FILAIRE ); break; case 9: /* forme en losange barre par un +*/ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 ), 'D' ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 450, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 450, FILAIRE ); break; case 10: /* forme en carre barre par un '/' */ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 0, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 0, FILAIRE ); break; case 11: /* forme en losange barre par un |*/ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0, y0 - rayon ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0, y0 + rayon ), 'D' ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 450, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 450, FILAIRE ); break; case 12: /* forme en losange barre par un -*/ FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 - rayon, y0 ), 'U' ); FctPlume( wxPoint( x0 + rayon, y0 ), 'D' ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 450, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pad_TRAPEZE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), wxSize( rayon, rayon ), wxSize( 0, 0 ), 450, FILAIRE ); break; default: if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_HPGL( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_POST ) trace_1_pastille_RONDE_POST( wxPoint( x0, y0 ), diametre, FILAIRE ); break; } if( format == PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL ) Plume_HPGL( 'U' ); } /*********************************************************************************************/ void PlotOvalDrillSymbol( const wxPoint& position, const wxSize& size, int orient, int format ) /*********************************************************************************************/ /* Draws an oblong hole. * because functions to draw oblong shapes exist to draw oblong pads, Use they. */ { switch( format ) { case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: trace_1_pastille_OVALE_HPGL( position, size, orient, FILAIRE ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: trace_1_pastille_OVALE_POST( position, size, orient, FILAIRE ); break; } } /**************************************************************************************************/ void GenDrillReportFile( FILE* aFile, BOARD* aPcb, const wxString& aBoardFilename, bool aUnit_Drill_is_Inch, std::vector& aHoleListBuffer, std::vector& aToolListBuffer ) /*************************************************************************************************/ /* * Create a list of drill values and drill count */ { unsigned TotalHoleCount; char line[1024]; int layer1 = COPPER_LAYER_N; int layer2 = LAYER_CMP_N; bool gen_through_holes = true; fprintf( aFile, "Drill report for %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( aBoardFilename ) ); fprintf( aFile, "Created on %s\n", DateAndTime( line ) ); // List which Drill Unit option had been selected for the associated drill aFile. if( aUnit_Drill_is_Inch ) fputs( "Selected Drill Unit: Imperial (\")\n\n", aFile ); else fputs( "Selected Drill Unit: Metric (mm)\n\n", aFile ); /* build hole lists: * 1 - through holes * 2 - for partial holes only: by layer pair */ for( ; ; ) { Build_Holes_List( aPcb, aHoleListBuffer, aToolListBuffer, layer1, layer2, gen_through_holes ? false : true ); TotalHoleCount = 0; if( gen_through_holes ) { sprintf( line, "Drill report for through holes :\n" ); } else { if ( layer1 == COPPER_LAYER_N ) // First partial hole list { sprintf( line, "Drill report for buried and blind vias :\n\n"); fputs( line, aFile ); } sprintf( line, "Drill report for holes from layer %s to layer %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8 (aPcb->GetLayerName(layer1) ), CONV_TO_UTF8 (aPcb->GetLayerName(layer2) ) ); } fputs( line, aFile ); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aToolListBuffer.size(); ii++ ) { // List the tool number assigned to each drill, // then its diameter in the selected Drill Unit, // and then its diameter in the other Drill Unit. if( aUnit_Drill_is_Inch ) sprintf( line, "T%d %2.3f\" %2.2fmm ", ii + 1, float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.0001, float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.00254 ); else sprintf( line, "T%d %2.2fmm %2.3f\" ", ii + 1, float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.00254, float (aToolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter) * 0.0001 ); fputs( line, aFile ); // Now list how many holes and ovals are associated with each drill. if( ( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 ) && ( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 ) ) sprintf( line, "(1 hole)\n" ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 ) sprintf( line, "(1 hole) (with 1 oblong)\n" ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes)\n", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount ); else if( aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 1 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes) (with 1 oblong)\n", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount ); else // if ( buffer[ii]m_OvalCount > 1 ) sprintf( line, "(%d holes) (with %d oblongs)\n", aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount, aToolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount ); fputs( line, aFile ); TotalHoleCount += aToolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount; } sprintf( line, "\ntotal holes count %d\n\n\n", TotalHoleCount ); fputs( line, aFile ); if( g_DesignSettings.m_CopperLayerCount <= 2 ) break; if( gen_through_holes ) layer2 = layer1 + 1; else { if( layer2 >= LAYER_CMP_N ) // no more layer pair to consider break; layer1++; layer2++; // use next layer pair if( layer2 == g_DesignSettings.m_CopperLayerCount - 1 ) // The last layer is reached layer2 = LAYER_CMP_N; // the last layer is always the component layer } gen_through_holes = false; } fclose( aFile ); }