/******************************************************************/ /* drawframe.cpp - fonctions des classes du type WinEDA_DrawFrame */ /******************************************************************/ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #ifdef PCBNEW #include "pcbnew.h" #endif #ifdef EESCHEMA #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #endif #ifdef CVPCB #include "pcbnew.h" #include "cvpcb.h" #endif #include #include "bitmaps.h" #include "protos.h" #include "id.h" /*******************************************************/ /* Constructeur de WinEDA_DrawFrame: la fenetre generale */ /*******************************************************/ WinEDA_DrawFrame::WinEDA_DrawFrame( wxWindow* father, int idtype, WinEDA_App* parent, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) : WinEDA_BasicFrame( father, idtype, parent, title, pos, size, style ) { wxSize minsize; m_VToolBar = NULL; m_AuxVToolBar = NULL; m_OptionsToolBar = NULL; m_AuxiliaryToolBar = NULL; m_SelGridBox = NULL; m_SelZoomBox = NULL; m_ZoomMaxValue = 128; DrawPanel = NULL; MsgPanel = NULL; m_CurrentScreen = NULL; m_MenuBar = NULL; // main meun frame m_ID_current_state = 0; m_HTOOL_current_state = 0; m_Draw_Axis = FALSE; // TRUE pour avoir les axes dessines m_Draw_Grid = FALSE; // TRUE pour avoir la axes dessinee m_Draw_Sheet_Ref = FALSE; // TRUE pour avoir le cartouche dessin� m_Print_Sheet_Ref = TRUE; // TRUE pour avoir le cartouche imprim� m_Draw_Auxiliary_Axis = FALSE; // TRUE pour avoir les axes auxiliares dessines m_UnitType = INTERNAL_UNIT_TYPE; // Internal unit = inch // Internal units per inch // = 1000 for schema, = 10000 for PCB m_InternalUnits = EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT; if( (m_Ident == PCB_FRAME) || (m_Ident == GERBER_FRAME) || (m_Ident == CVPCB_DISPLAY_FRAME) || (m_Ident == MODULE_EDITOR_FRAME) ) m_InternalUnits = PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT; minsize.x = 470; minsize.y = 350 + m_MsgFrameHeight; SetSizeHints( minsize.x, minsize.y, -1, -1, -1, -1 ); /* Verification des parametres de creation */ if( (size.x < minsize.x) || (size.y < minsize.y) ) SetSize( 0, 0, minsize.x, minsize.y ); // Creation de la ligne de status #define ZOOM_DISPLAY_SIZE 60 #define COORD_DISPLAY_SIZE 140 #define UNITS_DISPLAY_SIZE 50 #define FUNCTION_DISPLAY_SIZE 100 static const int dims[6] = { -1, ZOOM_DISPLAY_SIZE, COORD_DISPLAY_SIZE, COORD_DISPLAY_SIZE, UNITS_DISPLAY_SIZE, FUNCTION_DISPLAY_SIZE }; CreateStatusBar( 6 ); SetStatusWidths( 6, dims ); // Create child subwindows. GetClientSize( &m_FrameSize.x, &m_FrameSize.y );/* dimx, dimy = dimensions utiles de la * zone utilisateur de la fenetre principale */ m_FramePos.x = m_FramePos.y = 0; m_FrameSize.y -= m_MsgFrameHeight; if( m_Ident != DISPLAY3D_FRAME ) { DrawPanel = new WinEDA_DrawPanel( this, -1, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), m_FrameSize ); MsgPanel = new WinEDA_MsgPanel( this, -1, wxPoint( 0, m_FrameSize.y ), wxSize( m_FrameSize.x, m_MsgFrameHeight ) ); MsgPanel->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour( ColorRefs[LIGHTGRAY].m_Red, ColorRefs[LIGHTGRAY].m_Green, ColorRefs[LIGHTGRAY].m_Blue ) ); } } /****************************************/ WinEDA_DrawFrame::~WinEDA_DrawFrame() /****************************************/ { if( DrawPanel ) // Required: in WinEDA3D_DrawFrame, DrawPanel == NULL ! m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "AutoPAN" ), DrawPanel->m_AutoPAN_Enable ); } /****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AddFontSelectionMenu( wxMenu* main_menu ) /*****************************************************************/ /* create the submenu for fonte selection and setup font size */ { wxMenu* fontmenu = new wxMenu(); ADD_MENUITEM( fontmenu, ID_PREFERENCES_FONT_DIALOG, _( "font for dialog boxes" ), fonts_xpm ); ADD_MENUITEM( fontmenu, ID_PREFERENCES_FONT_INFOSCREEN, _( "font for info display" ), fonts_xpm ); ADD_MENUITEM( fontmenu, ID_PREFERENCES_FONT_STATUS, _( "font for Status Line" ), fonts_xpm ); ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_HELP_AND_SUBMENU( main_menu, fontmenu, ID_PREFERENCES_FONT, _("&Font selection"), _("Choose font type and size for dialogs, infos and status box"), fonts_xpm ); } /********************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ProcessFontPreferences( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************************/ { int id = event.GetId(); wxFont font; switch( id ) { case ID_PREFERENCES_FONT: case ID_PREFERENCES_FONT_DIALOG: case ID_PREFERENCES_FONT_STATUS: WinEDA_BasicFrame::ProcessFontPreferences( id ); break; case ID_PREFERENCES_FONT_INFOSCREEN: { font = wxGetFontFromUser( this, *g_MsgFont ); if( font.Ok() ) { int pointsize = font.GetPointSize(); *g_MsgFont = font; g_MsgFontPointSize = pointsize; } break; } default: DisplayError( this, wxT( "WinEDA_DrawFrame::ProcessFontPreferences Internal Error" ) ); break; } } /**************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::Affiche_Message( const wxString& message ) /**************************************************************/ /* * Dispaly the meesage on yhe bottomon the frame */ { SetStatusText( message ); } /****************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::EraseMsgBox() /****************************************/ { if( MsgPanel ) MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); } /*******************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnActivate( wxActivateEvent& event ) /*******************************************************/ { m_FrameIsActive = event.GetActive(); if( DrawPanel ) DrawPanel->m_CanStartBlock = -1; event.Skip(); // required under wxMAC } /****************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnMenuOpen( wxMenuEvent& event ) /****************************************************/ { if( DrawPanel ) DrawPanel->m_CanStartBlock = -1; event.Skip(); } /*******************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar() /*******************************************************/ // Virtual function { } /********************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() /********************************************/ // Virtual function { } /****************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnHotKey( wxDC* DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct ) /****************************************************/ // Virtual function { } /**************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ToolOnRightClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) /**************************************************************/ // Virtual function { } /********************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnSelectGrid( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************/ // Virtual function { if( m_SelGridBox == NULL ) return; // Should not occurs int id = m_SelGridBox->GetChoice(); if( id < 0 ) return; BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen(); screen->m_Curseur = DrawPanel->GetScreenCenterRealPosition(); wxSize grid = screen->GetGrid(); screen->SetGrid( g_GridList[id] ); wxSize newgrid = screen->GetGrid(); if( newgrid.x != grid.x || newgrid.y != grid.y ) Recadre_Trace( FALSE ); } /********************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnSelectZoom( wxCommandEvent& event ) // fonction virtuelle /********************************************************/ /* Set the zoom when selected by the Zoom List Box * Note: * position 0 = Fit in Page * position >= 1 = zoom (1 to zoom max) * last position : special zoom */ { if( m_SelZoomBox == NULL ) return; //Ne devrait pas se produire! int id = m_SelZoomBox->GetChoice(); if( id < 0 ) return; // No selection if( id == 0 ) // Auto zoom (Fit in Page) { Zoom_Automatique( TRUE ); } else if( id == (int) (m_SelZoomBox->GetCount() - 1) ) // Dummy position: unlisted zoom return; else // zooml 1 to zoom max { id--; int zoom = 1 << id; if( zoom > m_ZoomMaxValue ) zoom = m_ZoomMaxValue; if( GetBaseScreen()->GetZoom() == zoom ) return; GetBaseScreen()->m_Curseur = DrawPanel->GetScreenCenterRealPosition(); GetBaseScreen()->SetZoom( zoom ); Recadre_Trace( FALSE ); } } /***********************************/ int WinEDA_DrawFrame::GetZoom(void) /***********************************/ /* Return the current zoom level */ { return GetBaseScreen()->GetZoom(); } /********************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event ) /********************************************************/ { event.Skip(); } /***********************************************************************/ // Virtuelle void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos ) /***********************************************************************/ { } /***************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::SetToolbars() /***************************************/ { DisplayUnitsMsg(); } /********************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::DisplayToolMsg( const wxString msg ) /********************************************************/ { SetStatusText( msg, 5 ); } /*******************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::DisplayUnitsMsg() /********************************************/ /* Display current unit Selection on Statusbar */ { wxString msg; switch( g_UnitMetric ) { case INCHES: msg = _( "Inch" ); break; case MILLIMETRE: msg += _( "mm" ); break; default: msg += _( "??" ); break; } SetStatusText( msg, 4 ); } /***************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ReDrawPanel() /***************************************/ { if( DrawPanel == NULL ) return; wxClientDC dc( DrawPanel ); DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc ); DrawPanel->ReDraw( &dc ); } /**************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& SizeEv ) /**************************************************/ /* recalcule les dimensions des toolbars et du panel d'affichage */ { wxSize size; wxSize opt_size; wxSize Vtoolbar_size; wxSize Auxtoolbar_size; GetClientSize( &size.x, &size.y ); m_FrameSize = size; size.y -= m_MsgFrameHeight; if( MsgPanel ) // Positionnement en bas d'ecran { MsgPanel->SetSize( 0, size.y, size.x, m_MsgFrameHeight ); } if( m_AuxiliaryToolBar ) // est sous le m_HToolBar { Auxtoolbar_size.x = size.x; // = Largeur de la frame Auxtoolbar_size.y = m_AuxiliaryToolBar->GetSize().y; m_AuxiliaryToolBar->SetSize( Auxtoolbar_size ); m_AuxiliaryToolBar->Move( 0, 0 ); size.y -= Auxtoolbar_size.y; } if( m_VToolBar ) // Toolbar de droite: hauteur = hauteur utile de la frame-Auxtoolbar { Vtoolbar_size.x = m_VToolBar->GetSize().x; Vtoolbar_size.y = size.y; m_VToolBar->SetSize( Vtoolbar_size ); m_VToolBar->Move( size.x - Vtoolbar_size.x, Auxtoolbar_size.y ); m_VToolBar->Refresh(); } if( m_AuxVToolBar ) // auxiliary vertical right toolbar, showing tools fo microwave applications { Vtoolbar_size.x += m_AuxVToolBar->GetSize().x; Vtoolbar_size.y = size.y; m_AuxVToolBar->SetSize( m_AuxVToolBar->GetSize().x, Vtoolbar_size.y ); m_AuxVToolBar->Move( size.x - Vtoolbar_size.x, Auxtoolbar_size.y ); m_AuxVToolBar->Refresh(); } if( m_OptionsToolBar ) { if( m_OptionsToolBar->m_Horizontal ) { opt_size.x = 0; opt_size.y = m_OptionsToolBar->GetSize().y; m_OptionsToolBar->SetSize( Auxtoolbar_size.x, 0, size.x, opt_size.y ); } else { opt_size.x = m_OptionsToolBar->GetSize().x; opt_size.y = 0; m_OptionsToolBar->SetSize( 0, Auxtoolbar_size.y, opt_size.x, size.y ); } } if( DrawPanel ) { DrawPanel->SetSize( size.x - Vtoolbar_size.x - opt_size.x, size.y - opt_size.y - 1 ); DrawPanel->Move( opt_size.x, opt_size.y + Auxtoolbar_size.y + 1 ); } SizeEv.Skip(); } /*************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::SetToolID( int id, int new_cursor_id, const wxString& title ) /*************************************************************************/ /* * Active l'icone de l'outil selectionne dans le toolbar Vertical * ( ou l'outil par defaut ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT si pas de nouvelle selection ) * if ( id >= 0 ) * Met a jour toutes les variables associees: * message, m_ID_current_state, curseur * si ( id < 0 ) * Met a jour seulement les variables message et curseur */ { bool redraw = false; // Change Cursor if( DrawPanel ) { DrawPanel->m_PanelDefaultCursor = new_cursor_id; DrawPanel->SetCursor( new_cursor_id ); } SetCursor( wxCURSOR_ARROW ); DisplayToolMsg( title ); if( id < 0 ) return; #ifdef PCBNEW // handle color changes for transitions in and out of ID_TRACK_BUTT if( (m_ID_current_state==ID_TRACK_BUTT && id!=ID_TRACK_BUTT) || (m_ID_current_state!=ID_TRACK_BUTT && id==ID_TRACK_BUTT) ) { if( DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay ) redraw = true; } #endif // Old Tool Inactif ou ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT actif si pas de nouveau Tool if( m_ID_current_state ) { if( m_VToolBar ) m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( m_ID_current_state, FALSE ); if( m_AuxVToolBar ) m_AuxVToolBar->ToggleTool( m_ID_current_state, FALSE ); } else { if( id ) { if( m_VToolBar ) m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT, FALSE ); if( m_AuxVToolBar ) m_AuxVToolBar->ToggleTool( m_ID_current_state, FALSE ); } else if( m_VToolBar ) m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT, TRUE ); } // New Tool Actif if( id ) { if( m_VToolBar ) m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( id, TRUE ); if( m_AuxVToolBar ) m_AuxVToolBar->ToggleTool( id, TRUE ); } else if( m_VToolBar ) m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT, TRUE ); m_ID_current_state = id; // must do this after the tool has been set, otherwise pad::Draw() does // not show proper color when DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay is true. if( redraw ) ReDrawPanel(); } /********************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnZoom( int zoom_type ) /********************************************/ /* Fonction de traitement du zoom * Modifie le facteur de zoom et reaffiche l'ecran * Pour les commandes par menu Popup ou par le clavier, le curseur est * replac� au centre de l'ecran */ { if( DrawPanel == NULL ) return; BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen(); bool move_mouse_cursor = FALSE; int x, y; wxPoint old_pos; DrawPanel->GetViewStart( &x, &y ); old_pos = GetBaseScreen()->m_Curseur; switch( zoom_type ) { case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN: case ID_ZOOM_IN_KEY: move_mouse_cursor = TRUE; // fall thru case ID_ZOOM_IN_BUTT: if( zoom_type == ID_ZOOM_IN_BUTT ) GetBaseScreen()->m_Curseur = DrawPanel->GetScreenCenterRealPosition(); screen->SetPreviousZoom(); Recadre_Trace( move_mouse_cursor ); break; case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_OUT: case ID_ZOOM_OUT_KEY: move_mouse_cursor = TRUE; // fall thru case ID_ZOOM_OUT_BUTT: if( zoom_type == ID_ZOOM_OUT_BUTT ) screen->m_Curseur = DrawPanel->GetScreenCenterRealPosition(); screen->SetNextZoom(); Recadre_Trace( move_mouse_cursor ); break; case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_REDRAW: case ID_ZOOM_REDRAW_KEY: case ID_ZOOM_REDRAW_BUTT: ReDrawPanel(); break; case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_CENTER: case ID_ZOOM_CENTER_KEY: Recadre_Trace( TRUE ); break; case ID_ZOOM_PAGE_BUTT: case ID_ZOOM_AUTO: case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_AUTO: Zoom_Automatique( FALSE ); break; case ID_ZOOM_PANNING_UP: OnPanning( ID_ZOOM_PANNING_UP ); break; case ID_ZOOM_PANNING_DOWN: OnPanning( ID_ZOOM_PANNING_DOWN ); break; case ID_ZOOM_PANNING_LEFT: OnPanning( ID_ZOOM_PANNING_LEFT ); DrawPanel->CursorOn( NULL ); break; case ID_ZOOM_PANNING_RIGHT: OnPanning( ID_ZOOM_PANNING_RIGHT ); break; default: wxMessageBox( wxT( "WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnZoom switch Error" ) ); break; } Affiche_Status_Box(); } /**********************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnPanning( int direction ) /**********************************************/ /* Fonction de traitement du zoom * Modifie le facteur de zoom et reaffiche l'ecran * Pour les commandes par menu Popup ou par le clavier, le curseur est * replac� au centre de l'ecran */ { if( DrawPanel == NULL ) return; int delta; wxClientDC dc( DrawPanel ); int x, y; DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc ); DrawPanel->GetViewStart( &x, &y ); // x and y are in scroll unit, not in pixels delta = DrawPanel->m_ScrollButt_unit; switch( direction ) { case ID_ZOOM_PANNING_UP: y -= delta; break; case ID_ZOOM_PANNING_DOWN: y += delta; break; case ID_ZOOM_PANNING_LEFT: x -= delta; break; case ID_ZOOM_PANNING_RIGHT: x += delta; break; default: wxMessageBox( wxT( "WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnPanning Error" ) ); break; } DrawPanel->Scroll( x, y ); /* Place le curseur souris sur le curseur SCHEMA*/ DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); } /*****************************/ /* default virtual fonctions */ /*****************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnGrid( int grid_type ) { } int WinEDA_DrawFrame::ReturnBlockCommand( int key ) { return 0; } void WinEDA_DrawFrame::InitBlockPasteInfos() { GetBaseScreen()->BlockLocate.m_BlockDrawStruct = NULL; DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL; } void WinEDA_DrawFrame::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC ) { } int WinEDA_DrawFrame::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC ) { return 0; } /*********************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AdjustScrollBars() /*********************************************/ { wxSize draw_size, panel_size; wxSize scrollbar_number; wxPoint scrollbar_pos; BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen(); int zoom = screen->GetZoom(); int xUnit, yUnit; if( screen == NULL ) return; if( DrawPanel == NULL ) return; draw_size = screen->ReturnPageSize(); // La zone d'affichage est reglee a une taille double de la feuille de travail: draw_size.x *= 2; draw_size.y *= 2; // On utilise le centre de l'ecran comme position de reference, donc // la surface de trace doit etre augmentee panel_size = DrawPanel->GetClientSize(); panel_size.x *= zoom; panel_size.y *= zoom; draw_size.x += panel_size.x / 2; draw_size.y += panel_size.y / 2; if( screen->m_Center ) { screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -draw_size.x / 2; screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -draw_size.y / 2; } else { screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -panel_size.x / 2; screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -panel_size.y / 2; } // DrawOrg est rendu multiple du zoom min : screen->m_DrawOrg.x -= screen->m_DrawOrg.x % 256; screen->m_DrawOrg.y -= screen->m_DrawOrg.y % 256; // Calcul du nombre de scrolls (en unites de scrool ) scrollbar_number.x = draw_size.x / (DrawPanel->m_Scroll_unit * zoom); scrollbar_number.y = draw_size.y / (DrawPanel->m_Scroll_unit * zoom); xUnit = yUnit = DrawPanel->m_Scroll_unit; if( xUnit <= 1 ) xUnit = 1; if( yUnit <= 1 ) yUnit = 1; xUnit *= zoom; yUnit *= zoom; // Calcul de la position, curseur place au centre d'ecran scrollbar_pos = screen->m_Curseur; scrollbar_pos.x -= screen->m_DrawOrg.x; scrollbar_pos.y -= screen->m_DrawOrg.y; scrollbar_pos.x -= panel_size.x / 2; scrollbar_pos.y -= panel_size.y / 2; if( scrollbar_pos.x < 0 ) scrollbar_pos.x = 0; if( scrollbar_pos.y < 0 ) scrollbar_pos.y = 0; scrollbar_pos.x /= xUnit; scrollbar_pos.y /= yUnit; screen->m_ScrollbarPos = scrollbar_pos; screen->m_ScrollbarNumber = scrollbar_number; DrawPanel->SetScrollbars( DrawPanel->m_Scroll_unit, DrawPanel->m_Scroll_unit, screen->m_ScrollbarNumber.x, screen->m_ScrollbarNumber.y, screen->m_ScrollbarPos.x, screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y, TRUE ); } /****************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::SetDrawBgColor( int color_num ) /****************************************************/ /* met a jour la couleur de fond pour les trac�s * seules les couleurs BLACK ou WHITE sont autoris�es * le parametre XorMode est mis a jour selon la couleur du fond */ { if( (color_num != WHITE) && (color_num != BLACK) ) color_num = BLACK; g_DrawBgColor = color_num; if( color_num == WHITE ) { g_XorMode = GR_NXOR; g_GhostColor = BLACK; } else { g_XorMode = GR_XOR; g_GhostColor = WHITE; } if( DrawPanel ) DrawPanel->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour( ColorRefs[g_DrawBgColor].m_Red, ColorRefs[g_DrawBgColor].m_Green, ColorRefs[g_DrawBgColor].m_Blue ) ); } /********************************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::SetLanguage( wxCommandEvent& event ) /********************************************************/ { int id = event.GetId(); m_Parent->SetLanguageIdentifier( id ); m_Parent->SetLanguage(); } /***********************************************/ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::Affiche_Status_Box() /***********************************************/ /* Routine d'affichage du zoom et des coord curseur. */ { wxString Line; int dx, dy; BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen(); if( !screen ) return; /* affichage Zoom et coordonnees absolues */ Line.Printf( wxT( "Z %d" ), screen->GetZoom() ); SetStatusText( Line, 1 ); Line.Printf( g_UnitMetric ? wxT( "X %.3f Y %.3f" ) : wxT( "X %.4f Y %.4f" ), To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, screen->m_Curseur.x, m_InternalUnits ), To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, screen->m_Curseur.y, m_InternalUnits ) ); SetStatusText( Line, 2 ); /* affichage des coordonnees relatives */ dx = screen->m_Curseur.x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x; dy = screen->m_Curseur.y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y; Line.Printf( g_UnitMetric ? wxT( "x %.3f y %.3f" ) : wxT( "x %.4f y %.4f" ), To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, dx, m_InternalUnits ), To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, dy, m_InternalUnits ) ); SetStatusText( Line, 3 ); #ifdef PCBNEW if( DisplayOpt.DisplayPolarCood ) /* Display coordonnee polaire */ { double theta, ro; if( (dx == 0) && (dy == 0) ) theta = 0.0; else theta = atan2( (double) -dy, (double) dx ); theta = theta * 180 / M_PI; ro = sqrt( ( (double) dx * dx ) + ( (double) dy * dy ) ); Line.Printf( g_UnitMetric ? wxT( "Ro %.3f Th %.1f" ) : wxT( "Ro %.4f Th %.1f" ), To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, (int) round( ro ), m_InternalUnits ), theta ); SetStatusText( Line, 0 ); } #endif }