/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2023 Alex Shvartzkop * Copyright (C) 2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "dialog_generators.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include void DIALOG_GENERATORS::clearModels() { for( auto& [name, ptr] : m_dataModels ) { if( ptr ) ptr->DecRef(); } m_dataModels.clear(); m_columnNameTypes.clear(); m_dataViews.clear(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::clearModel( const wxString& aName ) { if( m_dataModels[aName] ) { m_dataModels[aName]->DeleteAllItems(); m_dataModels[aName]->ClearColumns(); } m_columnNameTypes[aName].clear(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::deleteModel( const wxString& aName ) { if( m_dataModels[aName] ) m_dataModels[aName]->DecRef(); for( size_t i = 0; i < m_Notebook->GetPageCount(); i++ ) { wxWindow* page = m_Notebook->GetPage( i ); if( page->GetName() == aName ) { m_Notebook->DeletePage( i ); break; } } m_dataViews.erase( aName ); m_dataModels.erase( aName ); m_columnNameTypes.erase( aName ); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::RebuildModels() { wxString lastPageName; std::set lastUUIDs; if( auto page = m_Notebook->GetCurrentPage() ) { lastPageName = page->GetName(); wxDataViewCtrl* dataView = m_dataViews[lastPageName]; int uuidCol = dataView->GetColumnCount() - 1; wxDataViewItemArray selections; dataView->GetSelections( selections ); for( wxDataViewItem& item : selections ) { wxVariant var; dataView->GetModel()->GetValue( var, item, uuidCol ); lastUUIDs.emplace( var.GetString() ); } } int newPageId = -1; std::map>>> dataMap; for( PCB_GENERATOR* gen : m_currentBoard->Generators() ) { std::vector> rowData = gen->GetRowData(); const KIID uuid = gen->m_Uuid; rowData.emplace_back( wxS( "UUID" ), uuid.AsString() ); dataMap[gen->GetName()][uuid] = rowData; } std::vector toDelete; for( size_t i = 0; i < m_Notebook->GetPageCount(); i++ ) { wxWindow* page = m_Notebook->GetPage( i ); if( dataMap.find(page->GetName()) == dataMap.end() ) { toDelete.emplace_back( page->GetName() ); } } for( const wxString& name : toDelete ) deleteModel( name ); for( auto& [typeName, uuidToRowMap] : dataMap ) { bool exists = false; for( size_t i = 0; i < m_Notebook->GetPageCount(); i++ ) { if( m_Notebook->GetPage( i )->GetName() == typeName ) { exists = true; break; } } if( exists ) { clearModel( typeName ); } else { wxString title = typeName + wxString::Format( " (%d)", int( uuidToRowMap.size() ) ); addPage( typeName, title ); } } for( auto& [typeName, uuidToRowMap] : dataMap ) { std::vector>& thisColNameTypes = m_columnNameTypes[typeName]; std::map nameToColIdMap; std::set columnsSet; for( auto& [uuid, rowMap] : uuidToRowMap ) { for( auto& [colName, value] : rowMap ) { if( columnsSet.find( colName ) == columnsSet.end() ) { int colId = columnsSet.size(); columnsSet.emplace( colName ); nameToColIdMap[colName] = colId; thisColNameTypes.emplace_back( colName, "string" ); } } } wxDataViewListStore* store = new wxDataViewListStore(); for( auto& [name, type] : thisColNameTypes ) store->AppendColumn( type ); int colCount = thisColNameTypes.size(); for( auto& [uuid, rowMap] : uuidToRowMap ) { wxVector values( colCount ); for( auto& [dataName, value] : rowMap ) { values[nameToColIdMap[dataName]] = value; } store->AppendItem( values ); } m_dataModels[typeName] = store; } m_Notebook->DeleteAllPages(); int pageId = 0; for( auto& [typeName, model] : m_dataModels ) { wxString title = typeName + wxString::Format( " (%d)", model->GetItemCount() ); wxDataViewCtrl* dataView = addPage( typeName, title ); if( typeName == lastPageName ) newPageId = pageId; dataView->AssociateModel( model ); int colId = 0; for( auto& [name, type] : m_columnNameTypes[typeName] ) { int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE | wxDATAVIEW_COL_SORTABLE; if( name == wxS( "UUID" ) ) flags |= wxDATAVIEW_COL_HIDDEN; dataView->AppendTextColumn( name, colId, wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, wxCOL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE, wxALIGN_LEFT, flags ); colId++; } m_dataViews[typeName] = dataView; pageId++; } if( newPageId != -1 ) { m_Notebook->SetSelection( newPageId ); wxDataViewCtrl* dataView = m_dataViews[lastPageName]; int uuidCol = dataView->GetColumnCount() - 1; wxDataViewListStore* model = m_dataModels[lastPageName]; size_t itemCount = model->GetItemCount(); wxDataViewItemArray newSelections; for( size_t itemId = 0; itemId < itemCount; itemId++ ) { wxVariant var; model->GetValueByRow( var, itemId, uuidCol ); if( lastUUIDs.find( var.GetString() ) != lastUUIDs.end() ) newSelections.push_back( model->GetItem( itemId ) ); } dataView->SetSelections( newSelections ); } } wxDataViewCtrl* DIALOG_GENERATORS::addPage( const wxString& aName, const wxString& aTitle ) { wxPanel* panelPage = new wxPanel( m_Notebook, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ); panelPage->SetName( aName ); wxBoxSizer* bSizerPage1; bSizerPage1 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); bSizerPage1->SetMinSize( wxSize( -1, 320 ) ); wxDataViewCtrl* dataView = new wxDataViewCtrl( panelPage, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDV_MULTIPLE | wxDV_ROW_LINES ); dataView->Bind( wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED, &DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnItemSelected, this ); bSizerPage1->Add( dataView, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 ); bSizerPage1->Add( 0, 8, 0, wxEXPAND, 5 ); panelPage->SetSizer( bSizerPage1 ); panelPage->Layout(); bSizerPage1->Fit( panelPage ); m_Notebook->AddPage( panelPage, aTitle, false ); return dataView; } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::onUnitsChanged( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_units = m_frame->GetUserUnits(); RebuildModels(); event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::onBoardChanged( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_currentBoard = m_frame->GetBoard(); if( m_currentBoard != nullptr ) m_currentBoard->AddListener( this ); RebuildModels(); event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnBoardItemAdded( BOARD& aBoard, BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem ) { RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnBoardItemsAdded( BOARD& aBoard, std::vector& aBoardItems ) { RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnBoardItemRemoved( BOARD& aBoard, BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem ) { RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnBoardItemsRemoved( BOARD& aBoard, std::vector& aBoardItems ) { RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnBoardItemChanged( BOARD& aBoard, BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem ) { RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnBoardItemsChanged( BOARD& aBoard, std::vector& aBoardItems ) { RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnBoardCompositeUpdate( BOARD& aBoard, std::vector& aAddedItems, std::vector& aRemovedItems, std::vector& aDeletedItems ) { RebuildModels(); } DIALOG_GENERATORS::DIALOG_GENERATORS( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aEditorFrame, wxWindow* aParent ) : DIALOG_GENERATORS_BASE( aParent ) { SetName( DIALOG_GENERATORS_WINDOW_NAME ); m_frame = aEditorFrame; m_currentBoard = m_frame->GetBoard(); m_Notebook->DeleteAllPages(); RebuildModels(); Bind( EDA_EVT_UNITS_CHANGED, &DIALOG_GENERATORS::onUnitsChanged, this ); Bind( EDA_EVT_BOARD_CHANGED, &DIALOG_GENERATORS::onBoardChanged, this ); if( m_currentBoard != nullptr ) { m_currentBoard->AddListener( this ); } } DIALOG_GENERATORS::~DIALOG_GENERATORS() { clearModels(); if( m_currentBoard != nullptr ) m_currentBoard->RemoveListener( this ); } wxDataViewListStore* DIALOG_GENERATORS::getCurrentModel() { wxString pageName = m_Notebook->GetCurrentPage()->GetName(); return m_dataModels[pageName]; } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnItemSelected( wxDataViewEvent& aEvent ) { wxDataViewListStore* model = getCurrentModel(); wxString pageName = m_Notebook->GetCurrentPage()->GetName(); wxDataViewCtrl* dataView = m_dataViews[pageName]; if( !model ) return; int uuidCol = dataView->GetColumnCount() - 1; std::vector boardItems; EDA_ITEMS edaItems; wxDataViewItemArray selections; dataView->GetSelections( selections ); for( wxDataViewItem& viewItem : selections ) { wxVariant var; model->GetValue( var, viewItem, uuidCol ); BOARD_ITEM* brdItem = m_currentBoard->GetItem( var.GetString() ); if( !brdItem || brdItem->Type() != KICAD_T::PCB_GENERATOR_T ) continue; boardItems.push_back( brdItem ); edaItems.push_back( brdItem ); } m_frame->GetToolManager()->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear ); m_frame->GetToolManager()->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectItems, &edaItems ); m_frame->FocusOnItems( boardItems ); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnRebuildSelectedClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnRebuildTypeClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxDataViewListStore* model = getCurrentModel(); wxString pageName = m_Notebook->GetCurrentPage()->GetName(); if( !model ) return; int uuidCol = m_columnNameTypes[pageName].size() - 1; EDA_ITEMS items; for( size_t row = 0; row < model->GetItemCount(); row++ ) { wxVariant var; model->GetValueByRow( var, row, uuidCol ); BOARD_ITEM* item = m_currentBoard->GetItem( var.GetString() ); if( !item || item->Type() != KICAD_T::PCB_GENERATOR_T ) continue; items.push_back( item ); } m_frame->GetToolManager()->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear ); m_frame->GetToolManager()->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectItems, &items ); m_frame->GetToolManager()->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::regenerateSelected ); RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnRebuildAllClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_frame->GetToolManager()->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::regenerateAll ); RebuildModels(); } void DIALOG_GENERATORS::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { GENERATOR_TOOL* genTool = m_frame->GetToolManager()->GetTool(); genTool->DestroyManagerDialog(); }