/**********************************************************/ /* Routines d'affichage de parametres et caracteristiques */ /**********************************************************/ /* Fichier common.cpp */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "wxstruct.h" #include "base_struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "macros.h" #include "build_version.h" #include /*****************************/ wxString GetBuildVersion() /*****************************/ /* Return the build date */ { return g_BuildVersion; } /*********************************************/ /* Return custom build date for about dialog */ /*********************************************/ wxString GetAboutBuildVersion() /*********************************************/ { return g_BuildAboutVersion; } /********************************/ void SetLocaleTo_C_standard( void ) /********************************/ /** function SetLocaleTo_C_standard * because kicad is internationalized, switch internatization to "C" standard * i.e. uses the . (dot) as separator in print/read float numbers * (some contries (France, Germany ..) use , (comma) as separator) * This function must be called before read or write ascii files using float numbers in data * the SetLocaleTo_C_standard function must be called after reading or writing the file * * This is wrapper to the C setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ) function, * but could make more easier an optional use of locale in kicad */ { setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); // Switch the locale to standard C } /********************************/ void SetLocaleTo_Default( void ) /********************************/ /** function SetLocaleTo_Default * because kicad is internationalized, switch internatization to default * to use the default separator in print/read float numbers * (. (dot) but some contries (France, Germany ..) use , (comma) as separator) * This function must be called after a call to SetLocaleTo_C_standard * * This is wrapper to the C setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ) function, * but could make more easier an optional use of locale in kicad */ { setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // revert to the current locale } /*********************************************************************************************/ Ki_PageDescr::Ki_PageDescr( const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& offset, const wxString& name ) /*********************************************************************************************/ { // All sizes are in 1/1000 inch m_Size = size; m_Offset = offset; m_Name = name; // Adjust the default value for margins to 400 mils (0,4 inch or 10 mm) m_LeftMargin = m_RightMargin = m_TopMargin = m_BottomMargin = 400; } /************************************/ wxString ReturnUnitSymbol( int Units ) /************************************/ { wxString label; switch( Units ) { case INCHES: label = _( " (\"):" ); break; case MILLIMETRE: label = _( " (mm):" ); break; default: break; } return label; } /**************************************************/ void AddUnitSymbol( wxStaticText& Stext, int Units ) /**************************************************/ /* Add string " (mm):" or " ("):" to the static text Stext. * Used in dialog boxes for entering values depending on selected units */ { wxString msg = Stext.GetLabel() + ReturnUnitSymbol( Units ); Stext.SetLabel( msg ); } /****************************************************************************/ void PutValueInLocalUnits( wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, int Value, int Internal_Unit ) /****************************************************************************/ /* Convert the number Value in a string according to the internal units * and the selected unit (g_UnitMetric) and put it in the wxTextCtrl TextCtrl */ { wxString msg = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, Value, Internal_Unit ); TextCtr.SetValue( msg ); } /*******************************************************************/ int ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( const wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, int Internal_Unit ) /********************************************************************/ /* Convert the Value in the wxTextCtrl TextCtrl in an integer, * according to the internal units and the selected unit (g_UnitMetric) */ { int value; wxString msg = TextCtr.GetValue(); value = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric, msg, Internal_Unit ); return value; } /**************************************************************************************************/ wxString ReturnStringFromValue( int aUnits, int aValue, int aInternal_Unit, bool aAdd_unit_symbol ) /**************************************************************************************************/ /** Function ReturnStringFromValue * Return the string from Value, according to units (inch, mm ...) for display, * and the initial unit for value * @param aUnit = display units (INCHES, MILLIMETRE ..) * @param aValue = value in Internal_Unit * @param aInternal_Unit = units per inch for Value * @param aAdd_unit_symbol = true to add symbol unit to the string value * @return a wxString what contains value and optionnaly the sumbol unit (like 2.000 mm) */ { wxString StringValue; double value_to_print; if( aUnits >= CENTIMETRE ) StringValue << aValue; else { value_to_print = To_User_Unit( aUnits, aValue, aInternal_Unit ); StringValue.Printf( ( aInternal_Unit > 1000 ) ? wxT( "%.4f" ) : wxT( "%.3f" ), value_to_print ); } if( aAdd_unit_symbol ) switch( aUnits ) { case INCHES: StringValue += _( " \"" ); break; case MILLIMETRE: StringValue += _( " mm" ); break; default: break; } return StringValue; } /****************************************************************************/ int ReturnValueFromString( int Units, const wxString& TextValue, int Internal_Unit ) /****************************************************************************/ /* Return the string from Value, according to units (inch, mm ...) for display, * and the initial unit for value * Unit = display units (INCH, MM ..) * Value = text * Internal_Unit = units per inch for computed value */ { int Value; double dtmp = 0; TextValue.ToDouble( &dtmp ); if( Units >= CENTIMETRE ) Value = (int) round( dtmp ); else Value = From_User_Unit( Units, dtmp, Internal_Unit ); return Value; } /******************************************************************/ double To_User_Unit( bool is_metric, int val, int internal_unit_value ) /******************************************************************/ /* Convert in inch or mm the variable "val" given in internal units */ { double value; if( is_metric ) value = (double) (val) * 25.4 / internal_unit_value; else value = (double) (val) / internal_unit_value; return value; } /**********************************************************************/ int From_User_Unit( bool is_metric, double val, int internal_unit_value ) /**********************************************************************/ /* Return in internal units the value "val" given in inch or mm */ { double value; if( is_metric ) value = val * internal_unit_value / 25.4; else value = val * internal_unit_value; return (int) round( value ); } /**********************/ wxString GenDate() /**********************/ /* Return the string date "day month year" like "23 jun 2005" */ { static const wxString mois[12] = { wxT( "jan" ), wxT( "feb" ), wxT( "mar" ), wxT( "apr" ), wxT( "may" ), wxT( "jun" ), wxT( "jul" ), wxT( "aug" ), wxT( "sep" ), wxT( "oct" ), wxT( "nov" ), wxT( "dec" ) }; time_t buftime; struct tm* Date; wxString string_date; time( &buftime ); Date = gmtime( &buftime ); string_date.Printf( wxT( "%d %s %d" ), Date->tm_mday, mois[Date->tm_mon].GetData(), Date->tm_year + 1900 ); return string_date; } /***********************************/ void* MyMalloc( size_t nb_octets ) /***********************************/ /* My memory allocation */ { void* pt_mem; if( nb_octets == 0 ) { DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Allocate 0 bytes !!" ) ); return NULL; } pt_mem = malloc( nb_octets ); if( pt_mem == NULL ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( wxT( "Out of memory: allocation %d bytes" ), nb_octets ); DisplayError( NULL, msg ); } return pt_mem; } /**************************************************************/ bool ProcessExecute( const wxString& aCommandLine, int aFlags ) /**************************************************************/ /** * Function ProcessExecute * runs a child process. * @param aCommandLine The process and any arguments to it all in a single string. * @param aFlags The same args as allowed for wxExecute() * @return bool - true if success, else false */ { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ int pid = wxExecute( aCommandLine ); return pid ? true : false; #else wxProcess* process = wxProcess::Open( aCommandLine, aFlags ); return (process != NULL) ? true : false; #endif } /************************************/ void* MyZMalloc( size_t nb_octets ) /************************************/ /* My memory allocation, memory space is cleared */ { void* pt_mem = MyMalloc( nb_octets ); if( pt_mem ) memset( pt_mem, 0, nb_octets ); return pt_mem; } /*******************************/ void MyFree( void* pt_mem ) /*******************************/ { if( pt_mem ) free( pt_mem ); } /**************************************************************/ wxString ReturnPcbLayerName( int layer_number, bool omitSpacePadding ) /**************************************************************/ /* Return the name of the layer number "layer_number". * if omitSpacePadding == TRUE, the name can be used for a file name * (no spaces, replaced by _) */ { const unsigned LAYER_LIMIT = 29; // These are only default layer names. For PCBNEW, the copper names // may be over-ridden in the BOARD file *.brd. static const wxString layer_name_list[] = { _( "Copper " ), _( "Inner L1 " ), _( "Inner L2 " ), _( "Inner L3 " ), _( "Inner L4 " ), _( "Inner L5 " ), _( "Inner L6 " ), _( "Inner L7 " ), _( "Inner L8 " ), _( "Inner L9 " ), _( "Inner L10" ), _( "Inner L11" ), _( "Inner L12" ), _( "Inner L13" ), _( "Inner L14" ), _( "Component" ), _( "Adhes Cop" ), _( "Adhes Cmp" ), _( "SoldP Cop" ), _( "SoldP Cmp" ), _( "SilkS Cop" ), _( "SilkS Cmp" ), _( "Mask Cop " ), _( "Mask Cmp " ), _( "Drawings " ), _( "Comments " ), _( "Eco1 " ), _( "Eco2 " ), _( "Edges Pcb" ), _( "BAD INDEX" ) }; if( (unsigned) layer_number > LAYER_LIMIT ) layer_number = LAYER_LIMIT; const wxString* p = &layer_name_list[layer_number]; if( omitSpacePadding ) { wxString ret = *p; // copy the string // modify the copy ret.Trim(); ret.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) ); return ret; } else return *p; } enum textbox { ID_TEXTBOX_LIST = 8010 }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_TextFrame, wxDialog ) EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK( ID_TEXTBOX_LIST, WinEDA_TextFrame::D_ClickOnList ) EVT_LISTBOX( ID_TEXTBOX_LIST, WinEDA_TextFrame::D_ClickOnList ) EVT_CLOSE( WinEDA_TextFrame::OnClose ) END_EVENT_TABLE() /***************************************************************************/ WinEDA_TextFrame::WinEDA_TextFrame( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title ) : wxDialog( parent, -1, title, wxPoint( -1, -1 ), wxSize( 250, 350 ), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT | MAYBE_RESIZE_BORDER ) /***************************************************************************/ { wxSize size; m_Parent = parent; CentreOnParent(); size = GetClientSize(); m_List = new wxListBox( this, ID_TEXTBOX_LIST, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), size, 0, NULL, wxLB_ALWAYS_SB | wxLB_SINGLE ); m_List->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour( 200, 255, 255 ) ); SetReturnCode( -1 ); } /***************************************************/ void WinEDA_TextFrame::Append( const wxString& text ) /***************************************************/ { m_List->Append( text ); } /**********************************************************/ void WinEDA_TextFrame::D_ClickOnList( wxCommandEvent& event ) /**********************************************************/ { int ii = m_List->GetSelection(); EndModal( ii ); } /*************************************************/ void WinEDA_TextFrame::OnClose( wxCloseEvent& event ) /*************************************************/ { EndModal( -1 ); } /*****************************************************************************/ void Affiche_1_Parametre( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, int pos_X, const wxString& texte_H, const wxString& texte_L, int color ) /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Routine d'affichage d'un parametre. * pos_X = cadrage horizontal * si pos_X < 0 : la position horizontale est la derniere * valeur demandee >= 0 * texte_H = texte a afficher en ligne superieure. * si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne * texte_L = texte a afficher en ligne inferieure. * si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne * color = couleur d'affichage */ { frame->MsgPanel->Affiche_1_Parametre( pos_X, texte_H, texte_L, color ); } /****************************************************************************/ void AfficheDoc( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, const wxString& Doc, const wxString& KeyW ) /****************************************************************************/ /* * Routine d'affichage de la documentation associee a un composant */ { wxString Line1( wxT( "Doc: " ) ), Line2( wxT( "KeyW: " ) ); int color = BLUE; if( frame && frame->MsgPanel ) { frame->MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox(); Line1 += Doc; Line2 += KeyW; frame->MsgPanel->Affiche_1_Parametre( 10, Line1, Line2, color ); } } /***********************/ int GetTimeStamp() /***********************/ /* * Retourne une identification temporelle (Time stamp) differente a chaque appel */ { static int OldTimeStamp, NewTimeStamp; NewTimeStamp = time( NULL ); if( NewTimeStamp <= OldTimeStamp ) NewTimeStamp = OldTimeStamp + 1; OldTimeStamp = NewTimeStamp; return NewTimeStamp; } /**************************************************************/ const wxString& valeur_param( int valeur, wxString& buf_texte ) /**************************************************************/ /** * @todo replace this obsolete funtion by ReturnStringFromValue * Retourne pour affichage la valeur d'un parametre, selon type d'unites choisies * entree : valeur en mils , buffer de texte * retourne en buffer : texte : valeur exprimee en pouces ou millimetres * suivie de " ou mm */ { if( g_UnitMetric ) { buf_texte.Printf( wxT( "%3.3f mm" ), valeur * 0.00254 ); } else { buf_texte.Printf( wxT( "%2.4f \"" ), valeur * 0.0001 ); } return buf_texte; } wxString& operator <<( wxString& aString, const wxPoint& aPos ) { wxString temp; aString << wxT( "@ (" ) << valeur_param( aPos.x, temp ); aString << wxT( "," ) << valeur_param( aPos.y, temp ); aString << wxT( ")" ); return aString; }