 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Jean-Pierre Charras, jaen-pierre.charras@gipsa-lab.inpg.com
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2020 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#ifndef CLASS_BOARD_H_
#define CLASS_BOARD_H_

#include <board_design_settings.h>
#include <board_item_container.h>
#include <pcb_group.h>
#include <footprint.h>
#include <common.h> // Needed for stl hash extensions
#include <layers_id_colors_and_visibility.h>
#include <netinfo.h>
#include <pcb_plot_params.h>
#include <title_block.h>
#include <tools/pcb_selection.h>

class BOARD;
class ZONE;
class TRACK;
class PAD;
class NETLIST;
class PROJECT;

// Forward declare endpoint from class_track.h
enum ENDPOINT_T : int;

 * The allowed types of layers, same as Specctra DSN spec.
enum LAYER_T
    LT_UNDEFINED = -1,

 * Container to hold  information pertinent to a layer of a BOARD.
struct LAYER

    void clear()
        m_type    = LT_SIGNAL;
        m_visible = true;
        m_number  = 0;

    LAYER( const wxString& aName = wxEmptyString,
            LAYER_T aType = LT_SIGNAL, bool aVisible = true, int aNumber = -1 ) :
        m_name( aName ),
        m_type( aType ),
        m_visible( aVisible ),
        m_number( aNumber )

    wxString    m_name;      ///< The canonical name of the layer. @see #LSET::Name
    wxString    m_userName;  ///< The user defined name of the layer.
    LAYER_T     m_type;      ///< The type of the layer. @see #LAYER_T
    bool        m_visible;
    int         m_number;    ///< The layer ID. @see PCB_LAYER_ID

     * Convert a #LAYER_T enum to a string representation of the layer type.
     * @param aType The #LAYER_T to convert
     * @return const char* - The string representation of the layer type.
    static const char* ShowType( LAYER_T aType );

     * Convert a string to a #LAYER_T
     * @param aType The const char* to convert
     * @return LAYER_T - The binary representation of the layer type, or
     *   LAYER_T(-1) if the string is invalid
    static LAYER_T     ParseType( const char* aType );

// Helper class to handle high light nets
    friend class BOARD;

    std::set<int> m_netCodes;    // net(s) selected for highlight (-1 when no net selected )
    bool          m_highLightOn; // highlight active

    void Clear()
        m_highLightOn = false;


 * Provides an interface to hook into board modifications and get callbacks
 * on certain modifications that are made to the board.  This allows updating
 * auxiliary views other than the primary board editor view.
class BOARD;

    virtual ~BOARD_LISTENER() { }
    virtual void OnBoardItemAdded( BOARD& aBoard, BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem ) { }
    virtual void OnBoardItemsAdded( BOARD& aBoard, std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aBoardItem ) { }
    virtual void OnBoardItemRemoved( BOARD& aBoard, BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem ) { }
    virtual void OnBoardItemsRemoved( BOARD& aBoard, std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aBoardItem ) { }
    virtual void OnBoardNetSettingsChanged( BOARD& aBoard ) { }
    virtual void OnBoardItemChanged( BOARD& aBoard, BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem ) { }
    virtual void OnBoardItemsChanged( BOARD& aBoard, std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aBoardItem ) { }
    virtual void OnBoardHighlightNetChanged( BOARD& aBoard ) { }

// Dequeue rather than Vector just so we can use moveUnflaggedItems in pcbnew_control.cpp

 * Flags to specify how the board is being used.
enum class BOARD_USE
    NORMAL,     // A normal board
    FPHOLDER    // A board that holds a single footprint

 * Information pertinent to a Pcbnew printed circuit board.
    friend class PCB_EDIT_FRAME;

    /// What is this board being used for
    BOARD_USE           m_boardUse;

    wxString            m_fileName;
    MARKERS             m_markers;
    DRAWINGS            m_drawings;
    FOOTPRINTS          m_footprints;
    TRACKS              m_tracks;
    GROUPS              m_groups;
    ZONES               m_zones;

    LAYER               m_layers[PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT];

    HIGH_LIGHT_INFO     m_highLight;                // current high light data
    HIGH_LIGHT_INFO     m_highLightPrevious;        // a previously stored high light data

    int                 m_fileFormatVersionAtLoad;  // the version loaded from the file

    std::map<wxString, wxString>        m_properties;
    std::shared_ptr<CONNECTIVITY_DATA>  m_connectivity;

    PAGE_INFO           m_paper;
    TITLE_BLOCK         m_titles;               // text in lower right of screen and plots
    PCB_PLOT_PARAMS     m_plotOptions;
    PROJECT*            m_project;              // project this board is a part of

     * All of the board design settings are stored as a JSON object inside the project file.  The
     * object itself is located here because the alternative is to require a valid project be
     * passed in when constructing a BOARD, since things in the BOARD constructor rely on access
     * to the BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS object.
     * A reference to this object is set up in the PROJECT_FILE for the PROJECT this board is
     * part of, so that the JSON load/store operations work.  This link is established when
     * boards are loaded from disk.
    std::unique_ptr<BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS> m_designSettings;

    NETINFO_LIST                 m_NetInfo;         // net info list (name, design constraints...

    std::vector<BOARD_LISTENER*> m_listeners;

    // The default copy constructor & operator= are inadequate,
    // either write one or do not use it at all
    BOARD( const BOARD& aOther ) = delete;

    BOARD& operator=( const BOARD& aOther ) = delete;

    template <typename Func, typename... Args>
    void InvokeListeners( Func&& aFunc, Args&&... args )
        for( auto&& l : m_listeners )
            ( l->*aFunc )( std::forward<Args>( args )... );

    static inline bool ClassOf( const EDA_ITEM* aItem )
        return aItem && PCB_T == aItem->Type();

     * Set what the board is going to be used for.
     * @param aUse is the flag
    void SetBoardUse( BOARD_USE aUse ) { m_boardUse = aUse; }

     * Get what the board use is.
     * @return what the board is being used for
    BOARD_USE GetBoardUse() { return m_boardUse; }

     * Find out if the board is being used to hold a single footprint for editing/viewing.
     * @return if the board is just holding a footprint
    bool IsFootprintHolder()
        return m_boardUse == BOARD_USE::FPHOLDER;

    void SetFileName( const wxString& aFileName ) { m_fileName = aFileName; }

    const wxString &GetFileName() const { return m_fileName; }

    TRACKS& Tracks() { return m_tracks; }
    const TRACKS& Tracks() const { return m_tracks; }

    FOOTPRINTS& Footprints() { return m_footprints; }
    const FOOTPRINTS& Footprints() const { return m_footprints; }

    DRAWINGS& Drawings() { return m_drawings; }
    const DRAWINGS& Drawings() const { return m_drawings; }

    ZONES& Zones() { return m_zones; }
    const ZONES& Zones() const { return m_zones; }

    MARKERS& Markers() { return m_markers; }

     * The groups must maintain the following invariants. These are checked by
     * GroupsSanityCheck():
     *   - An item may appear in at most one group
     *   - Each group must contain at least one item
     *   - If a group specifies a name, it must be unique
     *   - The graph of groups containing subgroups must be acyclic.
    GROUPS& Groups() { return m_groups; }

    const std::vector<BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*> AllConnectedItems();

    const std::map<wxString, wxString>& GetProperties() const { return m_properties; }
    void SetProperties( const std::map<wxString, wxString>& aProps ) { m_properties = aProps; }

    bool ResolveTextVar( wxString* token, int aDepth ) const;

    /// Visibility settings stored in board prior to 6.0, only used for loading legacy files
    LSET    m_LegacyVisibleLayers;
    GAL_SET m_LegacyVisibleItems;

    /// True if the legacy board design settings were loaded from a file
    bool m_LegacyDesignSettingsLoaded;
    bool m_LegacyCopperEdgeClearanceLoaded;

    /// True if netclasses were loaded from the file
    bool m_LegacyNetclassesLoaded;


    wxPoint GetPosition() const override;
    void SetPosition( const wxPoint& aPos ) override;
    const wxPoint GetFocusPosition() const override { return GetBoundingBox().GetCenter(); }

    bool IsEmpty() const
        return m_drawings.empty() && m_footprints.empty() && m_tracks.empty() && m_zones.empty();

    void Move( const wxPoint& aMoveVector ) override;

    void SetFileFormatVersionAtLoad( int aVersion ) { m_fileFormatVersionAtLoad = aVersion; }
    int GetFileFormatVersionAtLoad()  const { return m_fileFormatVersionAtLoad; }

    void Add( BOARD_ITEM* aItem, ADD_MODE aMode = ADD_MODE::INSERT ) override;

    void Remove( BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem, REMOVE_MODE aMode = REMOVE_MODE::NORMAL ) override;

     * Must be used if Add() is used using a BULK_x ADD_MODE to generate a change event for listeners
    void FinalizeBulkAdd( std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aNewItems );

     * Must be used if Remove() is used using a BULK_x REMOVE_MODE to generate a change event for listeners
    void FinalizeBulkRemove( std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aRemovedItems );

     * Gets the first footprint on the board or nullptr.
     * This is used primarily by the footprint editor which knows there is only one.
     * @return first footprint or null pointer
    FOOTPRINT* GetFirstFootprint() const
        return m_footprints.empty() ? nullptr : m_footprints.front();

     * Removes all footprints from the deque and frees the memory associated with them
    void DeleteAllFootprints()
        for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : m_footprints )
            delete footprint;


     * @return null if aID is null. Returns an object of Type() == NOT_USED if
     * the aID is not found.
    BOARD_ITEM* GetItem( const KIID& aID ) const;

    void FillItemMap( std::map<KIID, EDA_ITEM*>& aMap );

     * Convert cross-references back and forth between ${refDes:field} and ${kiid:field}
    wxString ConvertCrossReferencesToKIIDs( const wxString& aSource );
    wxString ConvertKIIDsToCrossReferences( const wxString& aSource );

     * Return a list of missing connections between components/tracks.
     * @return an object that contains information about missing connections.
    std::shared_ptr<CONNECTIVITY_DATA> GetConnectivity() const { return m_connectivity; }

     * Builds or rebuilds the board connectivity database for the board,
     * especially the list of connected items, list of nets and rastnest data
     * Needed after loading a board to have the connectivity database updated.
    void BuildConnectivity();

     * Delete all MARKERS from the board.
    void DeleteMARKERs();

    void DeleteMARKERs( bool aWarningsAndErrors, bool aExclusions );

    PROJECT* GetProject() const { return m_project; }

     * Links a board to a given project.  Should be called immediately after loading board in
     * order for everything to work
     * @param aProject is a loaded project to link to
    void SetProject( PROJECT* aProject );

    void ClearProject();

     * Rebuild DRC markers from the serialized data in BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS.
    std::vector<PCB_MARKER*> ResolveDRCExclusions();

     * Reset all high light data to the init state
    void ResetNetHighLight();

     * @return the set of net codes that should be highlighted
    const std::set<int>& GetHighLightNetCodes() const
        return m_highLight.m_netCodes;

      * Select the netcode to be highlighted.
      * @param aNetCode is the net to highlight
      * @param aMulti is true if you want to add a highlighted net without clearing the old one
    void SetHighLightNet( int aNetCode, bool aMulti = false );

     * @return true if a net is currently highlighted
    bool IsHighLightNetON() const { return m_highLight.m_highLightOn; }

     * Enable or disable net highlighting.  If a netcode >= 0 has been set
     * with SetHighLightNet and aValue is true, the net will be highlighted.
     * If aValue is false, net highlighting will be disabled regardless of
     * the highlight netcode being set.
    void HighLightON( bool aValue = true );

     * Disable net highlight.
    void HighLightOFF()
        HighLightON( false );

     * @return int - The number of copper layers in the BOARD.
    int  GetCopperLayerCount() const;
    void SetCopperLayerCount( int aCount );

     * A proxy function that calls the corresponding function in m_BoardSettings
     * Returns a bit-mask of all the layers that are enabled
     * @return int - the enabled layers in bit-mapped form.
    LSET GetEnabledLayers() const;

     * A proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
     * Changes the bit-mask of enabled layers
     * @param aLayerMask = The new bit-mask of enabled layers
    void SetEnabledLayers( LSET aLayerMask );

     * A proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
     * tests whether a given layer is enabled
     * @param aLayer = The layer to be tested
     * @return bool - true if the layer is visible.
    bool IsLayerEnabled( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) const
        return GetDesignSettings().IsLayerEnabled( aLayer );

     * A proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
     * tests whether a given layer is visible
     * @param aLayer = The layer to be tested
     * @return bool - true if the layer is visible.
    bool IsLayerVisible( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) const;

     * A proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
     * Returns a bit-mask of all the layers that are visible
     * @return int - the visible layers in bit-mapped form.
    LSET  GetVisibleLayers() const;

     * A proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
     * changes the bit-mask of visible layers
     * @param aLayerMask = The new bit-mask of visible layers
    void SetVisibleLayers( LSET aLayerMask );

    // these 2 functions are not tidy at this time, since there are PCB_LAYER_IDs that
    // are not stored in the bitmap.

     * Returns a set of all the element categories that are visible
     * @return the set of visible GAL layers
     * @see enum GAL_LAYER_ID
    GAL_SET GetVisibleElements() const;

     * A proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
     * changes the bit-mask of visible element categories
     * @param aMask = The new bit-mask of visible element bitmap or-ed from enum GAL_LAYER_ID
     * @see enum GAL_LAYER_ID
    void SetVisibleElements( const GAL_SET& aMask );

     * Change the bit-mask of visible element categories and layers
     * @see enum GAL_LAYER_ID
    void SetVisibleAlls();

     * Test whether a given element category is visible. Keep this as an inline function.
     * @param aLayer is from the enum by the same name
     * @return bool - true if the element is visible.
     * @see enum GAL_LAYER_ID
    bool IsElementVisible( GAL_LAYER_ID aLayer ) const;

     * Change the visibility of an element category.
     * @param aLayer is from the enum by the same name
     * @param aNewState = The new visibility state of the element category
     * @see enum GAL_LAYER_ID
    void SetElementVisibility( GAL_LAYER_ID aLayer, bool aNewState );

     * Expect either of the two layers on which a footprint can reside, and returns
     * whether that layer is visible.
     * @param aLayer One of the two allowed layers for footprints: F_Cu or B_Cu
     * @return bool - true if the layer is visible, else false.
    bool IsFootprintLayerVisible( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer );

     * @return the BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS for this BOARD
    BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& GetDesignSettings() const
        return *m_designSettings;

    const ZONE_SETTINGS& GetZoneSettings() const override
        return GetDesignSettings().GetDefaultZoneSettings();

    void SetZoneSettings( const ZONE_SETTINGS& aSettings ) override
        GetDesignSettings().SetDefaultZoneSettings( aSettings );

    const PAGE_INFO& GetPageSettings() const                { return m_paper; }
    void SetPageSettings( const PAGE_INFO& aPageSettings )  { m_paper = aPageSettings; }

    const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS& GetPlotOptions() const           { return m_plotOptions; }
    void SetPlotOptions( const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS& aOptions )  { m_plotOptions = aOptions; }

    TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock()                            { return m_titles; }
    void SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock )    { m_titles = aTitleBlock; }

    wxString GetSelectMenuText( EDA_UNITS aUnits ) const override;

     * Extract the board outlines and build a closed polygon
     * from lines, arcs and circle items on edge cut layer
     * Any closed outline inside the main outline is a hole
     * All contours should be closed, i.e. have valid vertices to build a closed polygon
     * @param aOutlines The SHAPE_POLY_SET to fill in with outlines/holes.
     * @param aErrorHandler = an optional DRC_ITEM error handler
     * @return true if success, false if a contour is not valid
    bool GetBoardPolygonOutlines( SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOutlines,
                                  OUTLINE_ERROR_HANDLER* aErrorHandler = nullptr );

     * Build a set of polygons which are the outlines of copper items (pads, tracks, vias, texts,
     * zones).  Holes in vias or pads are ignored.  The polygons are not merged.
     * Useful to export the shape of copper layers to dxf polygons or 3D viewer
     * @param aLayer = A copper layer, like B_Cu, etc.
     * @param aOutlines The SHAPE_POLY_SET to fill in with items outline.
    void ConvertBrdLayerToPolygonalContours( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOutlines );

     * Return the ID of a layer.
    const PCB_LAYER_ID GetLayerID( const wxString& aLayerName ) const;

     * Return the name of a \a aLayer.
     * @param aLayer is the #PCB_LAYER_ID of the layer.
     * @return a string containing the appropriate layer type.
    const wxString GetLayerName( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) const;

     * Changes the name of the layer given by aLayer.
     * @param aLayer A layer, like B_Cu, etc.
     * @param aLayerName The new layer name
     * @return bool - true if aLayerName was legal and unique among other
     *   layer names at other layer indices and aLayer was within range, else false.
    bool SetLayerName( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, const wxString& aLayerName );

     * Return an "English Standard" name of a PCB layer when given \a aLayerNumber.
     * This function is static so it can be called without a BOARD instance.  Use
     * GetLayerName() if want the layer names of a specific BOARD, which could
     * be different than the default if the user has renamed any copper layers.
     * @param  aLayerId is the layer identifier (index) to fetch
     * @return const wxString - containing the layer name or "BAD INDEX" if aLayerId
     *                      is not legal
    static wxString GetStandardLayerName( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayerId )
        // a BOARD's standard layer name is the PCB_LAYER_ID fixed name
        return LayerName( aLayerId );

     * Return the type of the copper layer given by aLayer.
     * @param aIndex A layer index in m_Layer
     * @param aLayer A reference to a LAYER description.
     * @return false if the index was out of range.
    bool SetLayerDescr( PCB_LAYER_ID aIndex, const LAYER& aLayer );

     * Return the type of the copper layer given by aLayer.
     * @param aLayer A layer index, like B_Cu, etc.
     * @return LAYER_T - the layer type, or LAYER_T(-1) if the
     *  index was out of range.
    LAYER_T GetLayerType( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) const;

     * Change the type of the layer given by aLayer.
     * @param aLayer A layer index, like B_Cu, etc.
     * @param aLayerType The new layer type.
     * @return bool - true if aLayerType was legal and aLayer was within range, else false.
    bool SetLayerType( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, LAYER_T aLayerType );

     * @param aNet Only count nodes belonging to this net
     * @return the number of pads members of nets (i.e. with netcode > 0)
    unsigned GetNodesCount( int aNet = -1 ) const;

     * @return the number of unconnected nets in the current ratsnest.
    unsigned GetUnconnectedNetCount() const;

     * @return the number of pads in board
    unsigned GetPadCount() const;

     * Return a reference to a list of all the pads.
     * The returned list is not sorted and contains pointers to PADS, but those pointers do
     * not convey ownership of the respective PADs.
     * @return D_PADS - a full list of pads
    const std::vector<PAD*> GetPads() const;

    void BuildListOfNets()

     * Search for a net with the given netcode.
     * @param aNetcode A netcode to search for.
     * @return NETINFO_ITEM_ITEM* - the net or NULL if not found.
    NETINFO_ITEM* FindNet( int aNetcode ) const;

     * Search for a net with the given name.
     * @param aNetname A Netname to search for.
     * @return NETINFO_ITEM* - the net or NULL if not found.
    NETINFO_ITEM* FindNet( const wxString& aNetname ) const;

    const NETINFO_LIST& GetNetInfo() const
        return m_NetInfo;

    NETINFO_LIST& GetNetInfo()
        return m_NetInfo;

#ifndef SWIG
     * @return iterator to the first element of the NETINFO_ITEMs list
    NETINFO_LIST::iterator BeginNets() const
        return m_NetInfo.begin();

     * @return iterator to the last element of the NETINFO_ITEMs list
    NETINFO_LIST::iterator EndNets() const
        return m_NetInfo.end();

     * @return the number of nets (NETINFO_ITEM)
    unsigned GetNetCount() const
        return m_NetInfo.GetNetCount();

     * Calculate the bounding box containing all board items (or board edge segments).
     * @param aBoardEdgesOnly is true if we are interested in board edge segments only.
     * @return EDA_RECT - the board's bounding box
    EDA_RECT ComputeBoundingBox( bool aBoardEdgesOnly = false ) const;

    const EDA_RECT GetBoundingBox() const override
        return ComputeBoundingBox( false );

     * Returns the board bounding box calculated using exclusively the board edges (graphics
     * on Edge.Cuts layer).
     * If there are items outside of the area limited by Edge.Cuts graphics, the items will
     * not be taken into account.
     * @return bounding box calculated using exclusively the board edges.
    const EDA_RECT GetBoardEdgesBoundingBox() const
        return ComputeBoundingBox( true );

    void GetMsgPanelInfo( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* aFrame, std::vector<MSG_PANEL_ITEM>& aList ) override;

     * May be re-implemented for each derived class in order to handle
     * all the types given by its member data.  Implementations should call
     * inspector->Inspect() on types in scanTypes[], and may use IterateForward()
     * to do so on lists of such data.
     * @param inspector An INSPECTOR instance to use in the inspection.
     * @param testData Arbitrary data used by the inspector.
     * @param scanTypes Which KICAD_T types are of interest and the order
     *  is significant too, terminated by EOT.
     * @return SEARCH_RESULT - SEARCH_QUIT if the Iterator is to stop the scan,
     *  else SCAN_CONTINUE, and determined by the inspector.
    SEARCH_RESULT Visit( INSPECTOR inspector, void* testData, const KICAD_T scanTypes[] ) override;

     * Search for a FOOTPRINT within this board with the given reference designator.
     * Finds only the first one, if there is more than one such FOOTPRINT.
     * @param aReference The reference designator of the FOOTPRINT to find.
     * @return FOOTPRINT* - If found, the FOOTPRINT having the given reference designator, else
     *                      nullptr.
    FOOTPRINT* FindFootprintByReference( const wxString& aReference ) const;

     * Search for a FOOTPRINT within this board with the given path.
     * @param aPath The path ([sheetUUID, .., symbolUUID]) to search for.
     * @return FOOTPRINT* - If found, the FOOTPRINT having the given uuid, else NULL.
    FOOTPRINT* FindFootprintByPath( const KIID_PATH& aPath ) const;

     * @param aNames An array string to fill with net names.
     * @param aSortbyPadsCount  true = sort by active pads count, false = no sort (i.e.
     *                          leave the sort by net names)
     * @return int - net names count.
    int SortedNetnamesList( wxArrayString& aNames, bool aSortbyPadsCount );

     * Return a list of name candidates for netclass assignment.
     * Tokens may appear more than once if they were harvested from hierarchical nets
     * (ie: /CLK, /sheet1/CLK).
    std::vector<wxString> GetNetClassAssignmentCandidates();

     * Copy NETCLASS info to each NET, based on NET membership in a NETCLASS.
     * Must be called after a Design Rules edit, or after reading a netlist (or editing
     * the list of nets)  Also this function removes the non existing nets in netclasses
     * and add net nets in default netclass (this happens after reading a netlist)
    void SynchronizeNetsAndNetClasses();

     * Copy the current project's text variables into the boards property cache.
    void SynchronizeProperties();

    wxString GetClass() const override
        return wxT( "BOARD" );

#if defined(DEBUG)
    void Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) const override { ShowDummy( os ); }

    /* Copper Areas handling */

     * Set the .m_NetCode member of all copper areas, according to the area Net Name
     * The SetNetCodesFromNetNames is an equivalent to net name, for fast comparisons.
     * However the Netcode is an arbitrary equivalence, it must be set after each netlist read
     * or net change
     * Must be called after pad netcodes are calculated
     * @return : error count
     * For non copper areas, netcode is set to 0
    int SetAreasNetCodesFromNetNames();

     * Return the Zone at a given index.
     * @param index The array type index into a collection of ZONE *.
     * @return ZONE* - a pointer to the Area or NULL if index out of range.
    ZONE* GetArea( int index ) const
        if( (unsigned) index < m_zones.size() )
            return m_zones[index];

        return NULL;

     * @return a std::list of pointers to all board zones (possibly including zones in footprints)
    std::list<ZONE*> GetZoneList( bool aIncludeZonesInFootprints = false );

     * @return The number of copper pour areas or ZONEs.
    int GetAreaCount() const
        return static_cast<int>( m_zones.size() );

    /* Functions used in test, merge and cut outlines */

     * Add an empty copper area to board areas list.
     * @param aNewZonesList = a PICKED_ITEMS_LIST * where to store new areas  pickers (useful
     *                        in undo commands) can be NULL
     * @param aNetcode = the netcode of the copper area (0 = no net)
     * @param aLayer = the layer of area
     * @param aStartPointPosition = position of the first point of the polygon outline of this area
     * @param aHatch = hatch option
     * @return a reference to the new area
    ZONE* AddArea( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aNewZonesList, int aNetcode, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer,
                   wxPoint aStartPointPosition, ZONE_BORDER_DISPLAY_STYLE aHatch );

     * Process an area that has been modified, by normalizing its polygon against itself.
     * i.e. convert a self-intersecting polygon to one (or more) non self-intersecting polygon(s)
     * This may change the number and order of copper areas in the net.
     * @param aNewZonesList = a PICKED_ITEMS_LIST * where to store new created areas pickers
     * @param aCurrArea = the zone to process
     * @return true if changes are made
    bool NormalizeAreaPolygon( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aNewZonesList, ZONE* aCurrArea );

     * Process an area that has been modified, by normalizing its polygon
     * and merging the intersecting polygons for any other areas on the same net.
     * This may change the number and order of copper areas in the net.
     * @param aModifiedZonesList = a PICKED_ITEMS_LIST * where to store deleted or added areas
     *                             (useful in undo commands can be NULL
     * @param modified_area = area to test
     * @return true if some areas modified
    bool OnAreaPolygonModified( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aModifiedZonesList, ZONE* modified_area );

     * Check all copper areas in net for intersections, combining them if found.
     * @param aDeletedList = a PICKED_ITEMS_LIST * where to store deleted areas (useful
     *                       in undo commands can be NULL
     * @param aNetCode = net to consider
     * @return true if some areas modified
    bool CombineAllZonesInNet( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aDeletedList, int aNetCode );

     * Check for intersection of a given copper area with other areas in same net
     * @param aZone = area to compare to all other areas in the same net
    bool TestZoneIntersections( ZONE* aZone );

     * Test for intersection of 2 copper areas
     * @param aZone1 = area reference
     * @param aZone2 = area to compare for intersection calculations
     * @return : false if no intersection, true if intersection
    bool TestZoneIntersection( ZONE* aZone1, ZONE* aZone2 );

     * If possible, combine 2 copper areas
     * @param aDeletedList = a PICKED_ITEMS_LIST * where to store deleted areas (for undo).
     * @param aRefZone = the main area (zone)
     * @param aZoneToCombine = the zone that can be merged with aRefZone; will be deleted if the
     *                         combine is successful
     * @return : true if aZoneToCombine is combined with aRefZone (and therefore be deleted)
    bool CombineZones( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aDeletedList, ZONE* aRefZone, ZONE* aZoneToCombine );

     * Find a pad \a aPosition on \a aLayer.
     * @param aPosition A wxPoint object containing the position to hit test.
     * @param aLayerMask A layer or layers to mask the hit test.
     * @return A pointer to a PAD object if found or NULL if not found.
    PAD* GetPad( const wxPoint& aPosition, LSET aLayerMask );
    PAD* GetPad( const wxPoint& aPosition )
        return GetPad( aPosition, LSET().set() );

     * Find a pad connected to \a aEndPoint of \a aTrace.
     * @param aTrace A pointer to a TRACK object to hit test against.
     * @param aEndPoint The end point of \a aTrace the hit test against.
     * @return A pointer to a PAD object if found or NULL if not found.
    PAD* GetPad( TRACK* aTrace, ENDPOINT_T aEndPoint );

     * Return pad found at \a aPosition on \a aLayerMask using the fast search method.
     * <p>
     * The fast search method only works if the pad list has already been built.
     * </p>
     * @param aPosition A wxPoint object containing the position to hit test.
     * @param aLayerMask A layer or layers to mask the hit test.
     * @return A pointer to a PAD object if found or NULL if not found.
    PAD* GetPadFast( const wxPoint& aPosition, LSET aLayerMask );

     * Locate the pad connected at \a aPosition on \a aLayer starting at list position
     * \a aPad
     * <p>
     * This function uses a fast search in this sorted pad list and it is faster than
     * GetPadFast().  This list is a sorted pad list must be built before calling this
     * function.
     * </p>
     * @note The normal pad list is sorted by increasing netcodes.
     * @param aPadList = the list of pads candidates (a std::vector<PAD*>)
     * @param aPosition A wxPoint object containing the position to test.
     * @param aLayerMask A layer or layers to mask the hit test.
     * @return a PAD object pointer to the connected pad.
    PAD* GetPad( std::vector<PAD*>& aPadList, const wxPoint& aPosition, LSET aLayerMask );

     * Delete a given pad from the BOARD by removing it from its footprint and from the
     * m_NetInfo.  Makes no UI calls.
     * @param aPad is the pad to delete.
    void PadDelete( PAD* aPad );

     * First empties then fills the vector with all pads and sorts them by increasing x
     * coordinate, and for increasing y coordinate for same values of x coordinates.  The vector
     * only holds pointers to the pads and those pointers are only references to pads which are
     * owned by the BOARD through other links.
     * @param aVector Where to put the pad pointers.
     * @param aNetCode = the netcode filter:
     *                  = -1 to build the full pad list.
     *                  = a given netcode to build the pad list relative to the given net
    void GetSortedPadListByXthenYCoord( std::vector<PAD*>& aVector, int aNetCode = -1 );

     * Returns data on the length and number of track segments connected to a given track.
     * This uses the connectivity data for the board to calculate connections
     * @param aTrack Starting track (can also be a via) to check against for connection.
     * @return a tuple containing <number, length, package length>
    std::tuple<int, double, double> GetTrackLength( const TRACK& aTrack ) const;

     * Collect all the TRACKs and VIAs that are members of a net given by aNetCode.
     * Used from python.
     * @param aNetCode gives the id of the net.
     * @return TRACKS - which are in the net identified by @a aNetCode.
    TRACKS TracksInNet( int aNetCode );

     * Get a footprint by its bounding rectangle at \a aPosition on \a aLayer.
     * <p>
     * If more than one footprint is at \a aPosition, then the closest footprint on the
     * active layer is returned.  The distance is calculated via manhattan distance from
     * the center of the bounding rectangle to \a aPosition.
     * @param aPosition A wxPoint object containing the position to test.
     * @param aActiveLayer Layer to test.
     * @param aVisibleOnly Search only the visible layers if true.
     * @param aIgnoreLocked Ignore locked footprints when true.
    FOOTPRINT* GetFootprint( const wxPoint& aPosition, PCB_LAYER_ID aActiveLayer,
                             bool aVisibleOnly, bool aIgnoreLocked = false );

     * Reset all items' netcodes to 0 (no net).
    void ClearAllNetCodes();

     * Map all nets in the given board to nets with the same name (if any) in the destination
     * board.  This allows us to share layouts which came from the same hierarchical sheet in
     * the schematic.
    void MapNets( const BOARD* aDestBoard );

    void SanitizeNetcodes();

     * Add a listener to the board to receive calls whenever something on the
     * board has been modified.  The board does not take ownership of the
     * listener object.  Make sure to call RemoveListener before deleting the
     * listener object.  The order of listener invocations is not guaranteed.
     * If the specified listener object has been added before, it will not be
     * added again.
    void AddListener( BOARD_LISTENER* aListener );

     * Remove the specified listener.  If it has not been added before, it
     * will do nothing.
    void RemoveListener( BOARD_LISTENER* aListener );

      * Notify the board and its listeners that an item on the board has
      * been modified in some way.
    void OnItemChanged( BOARD_ITEM* aItem );

      * Notify the board and its listeners that an item on the board has
      * been modified in some way.
    void OnItemsChanged( std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aItems );

     * Consistency check of internal m_groups structure.
     * @param repair if true, modify groups structure until it passes the sanity check.
     * @return empty string on success.  Or error description if there's a problem.
    wxString GroupsSanityCheck( bool repair = false );

     * @param repair if true, make one modification to groups structure that brings it
     *        closer to passing the sanity check.
     * @return empty string on success.  Or error description if there's a problem.
    wxString GroupsSanityCheckInternal( bool repair );

    struct GroupLegalOpsField
        bool create      : 1;
        bool ungroup     : 1;
        bool removeItems : 1;
        bool enter       : 1;

     * Check which selection tool group operations are legal given the selection.
     * @return bit field of legal ops.
    GroupLegalOpsField GroupLegalOps( const PCB_SELECTION& selection ) const;
#endif      // CLASS_BOARD_H_