/** * @file class_pcb_text.cpp * @brief Class TEXTE_PCB texts on copper or technical layers implementation */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "wxstruct.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "base_struct.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "kicad_string.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "pcbcommon.h" #include "colors_selection.h" #include "richio.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "macros.h" #include "class_board.h" #include "class_pcb_text.h" #include "protos.h" TEXTE_PCB::TEXTE_PCB( BOARD_ITEM* parent ) : BOARD_ITEM( parent, PCB_TEXT_T ), EDA_TEXT() { m_MultilineAllowed = true; } TEXTE_PCB:: ~TEXTE_PCB() { } void TEXTE_PCB::Copy( TEXTE_PCB* source ) { m_Parent = source->m_Parent; Pback = Pnext = NULL; m_Mirror = source->m_Mirror; m_Size = source->m_Size; m_Orient = source->m_Orient; m_Pos = source->m_Pos; m_Layer = source->m_Layer; m_Thickness = source->m_Thickness; m_Attributs = source->m_Attributs; m_Italic = source->m_Italic; m_Bold = source->m_Bold; m_HJustify = source->m_HJustify; m_VJustify = source->m_VJustify; m_MultilineAllowed = m_MultilineAllowed; m_Text = source->m_Text; } void TEXTE_PCB::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, int DrawMode, const wxPoint& offset ) { BOARD* brd = GetBoard(); if( brd->IsLayerVisible( m_Layer ) == false ) return; int color = brd->GetLayerColor( m_Layer ); GRTraceMode fillmode = FILLED; if( DisplayOpt.DisplayDrawItems == SKETCH ) fillmode = SKETCH; int anchor_color = UNSPECIFIED_COLOR; if( brd->IsElementVisible( ANCHOR_VISIBLE ) ) anchor_color = brd->GetVisibleElementColor( ANCHOR_VISIBLE ); EDA_TEXT::Draw( panel, DC, offset, (EDA_Colors) color, DrawMode, fillmode, (EDA_Colors) anchor_color ); } void TEXTE_PCB::DisplayInfo( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame ) { wxString msg; BOARD* board; BOARD_ITEM* parent = (BOARD_ITEM*) m_Parent; wxASSERT( parent ); if( parent->Type() == PCB_DIMENSION_T ) board = (BOARD*) parent->GetParent(); else board = (BOARD*) parent; wxASSERT( board ); frame->ClearMsgPanel(); if( m_Parent && m_Parent->Type() == PCB_DIMENSION_T ) frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "DIMENSION" ), m_Text, DARKGREEN ); else frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "PCB Text" ), m_Text, DARKGREEN ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Layer" ), board->GetLayerName( m_Layer ), BLUE ); if( !m_Mirror ) frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Mirror" ), _( "No" ), DARKGREEN ); else frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Mirror" ), _( "Yes" ), DARKGREEN ); msg.Printf( wxT( "%.1f" ), (float) m_Orient / 10 ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Orientation" ), msg, DARKGREEN ); valeur_param( m_Thickness, msg ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Thickness" ), msg, MAGENTA ); valeur_param( m_Size.x, msg ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Size X" ), msg, RED ); valeur_param( m_Size.y, msg ); frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Size Y" ), msg, RED ); } void TEXTE_PCB::Rotate( const wxPoint& aRotCentre, double aAngle ) { RotatePoint( &m_Pos, aRotCentre, aAngle ); m_Orient += aAngle; NORMALIZE_ANGLE_360( m_Orient ); } void TEXTE_PCB::Flip(const wxPoint& aCentre ) { m_Pos.y = aCentre.y - ( m_Pos.y - aCentre.y ); // NEGATE( m_Orient ); not needed: m_Mirror handles this if( ( GetLayer() == LAYER_N_BACK ) || ( GetLayer() == LAYER_N_FRONT ) ) { m_Mirror = not m_Mirror; /* inverse mirror */ } SetLayer( ChangeSideNumLayer( GetLayer() ) ); } wxString TEXTE_PCB::GetSelectMenuText() const { wxString text, shorttxt; if( m_Text.Len() < 12 ) shorttxt << m_Text; else shorttxt += m_Text.Left( 10 ) + wxT( ".." ); text.Printf( _( "Pcb Text %s on %s"), GetChars ( shorttxt ), GetChars( GetLayerName() ) ); return text; } #if defined(DEBUG) /** * Function Show * is used to output the object tree, currently for debugging only. * @param nestLevel An aid to prettier tree indenting, and is the level * of nesting of this object within the overall tree. * @param os The ostream& to output to. */ void TEXTE_PCB::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os ) { // for now, make it look like XML: NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << GetClass().Lower().mb_str() << " string=\"" << m_Text.mb_str() << "\"/>\n"; // NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << "\n"; } #endif