 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at wanadoo.fr
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

 * @file eda_text.cpp
 * @brief Implementation of base KiCad text object.

#include <algorithm>          // for max
#include <stddef.h>           // for NULL
#include <type_traits>        // for swap
#include <vector>

#include <eda_item.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <callback_gal.h>
#include <eda_text.h>         // for EDA_TEXT, TEXT_EFFECTS, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIF...
#include <gal/color4d.h>      // for COLOR4D, COLOR4D::BLACK
#include <gr_text.h>
#include <string_utils.h>     // for UnescapeString
#include <math/util.h>        // for KiROUND
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <richio.h>
#include <render_settings.h>
#include <trigo.h>            // for RotatePoint
#include <i18n_utility.h>
#include <geometry/shape_segment.h>
#include <geometry/shape_compound.h>
#include <geometry/shape_simple.h>
#include <font/outline_font.h>
#include <geometry/shape_poly_set.h>

#include <wx/debug.h>           // for wxASSERT
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/url.h>             // for wxURL

class wxFindReplaceData;

GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T EDA_TEXT::MapHorizJustify( int aHorizJustify )
    wxASSERT( aHorizJustify >= GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_LEFT && aHorizJustify <= GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_RIGHT );

    if( aHorizJustify > GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_RIGHT )
        return GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_RIGHT;

    if( aHorizJustify < GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_LEFT )
        return GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_LEFT;

    return static_cast<GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T>( aHorizJustify );

GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_T EDA_TEXT::MapVertJustify( int aVertJustify )
    wxASSERT( aVertJustify >= GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_TOP && aVertJustify <= GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_BOTTOM );

    if( aVertJustify > GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_BOTTOM )
        return GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_BOTTOM;

    if( aVertJustify < GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_TOP )
        return GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_TOP;

    return static_cast<GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_T>( aVertJustify );

EDA_TEXT::EDA_TEXT( const EDA_IU_SCALE& aIuScale, const wxString& aText ) :
        m_text( aText ),
        m_IuScale( aIuScale ),
        m_bounding_box_cache_valid( false ),
        m_bounding_box_cache_line( -1 ),
        m_bounding_box_cache_inverted( false )
                           EDA_UNIT_UTILS::Mils2IU( m_IuScale, DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT ) ) );

EDA_TEXT::EDA_TEXT( const EDA_TEXT& aText ) :
    m_IuScale( aText.m_IuScale )
    m_text = aText.m_text;
    m_shown_text = aText.m_shown_text;
    m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs = aText.m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs;

    m_attributes = aText.m_attributes;
    m_pos = aText.m_pos;

    m_render_cache_text = aText.m_render_cache_text;
    m_render_cache_angle = aText.m_render_cache_angle;


    for( const std::unique_ptr<KIFONT::GLYPH>& glyph : aText.m_render_cache )
        KIFONT::OUTLINE_GLYPH* outline_glyph = static_cast<KIFONT::OUTLINE_GLYPH*>( glyph.get() );
        m_render_cache.emplace_back( std::make_unique<KIFONT::OUTLINE_GLYPH>( *outline_glyph ) );

    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = aText.m_bounding_box_cache_valid;
    m_bounding_box_cache = aText.m_bounding_box_cache;
    m_bounding_box_cache_line = aText.m_bounding_box_cache_line;
    m_bounding_box_cache_inverted = aText.m_bounding_box_cache_inverted;


EDA_TEXT& EDA_TEXT::operator=( const EDA_TEXT& aText )
    m_text = aText.m_text;
    m_shown_text = aText.m_shown_text;
    m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs = aText.m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs;

    m_attributes = aText.m_attributes;
    m_pos = aText.m_pos;

    m_render_cache_text = aText.m_render_cache_text;
    m_render_cache_angle = aText.m_render_cache_angle;


    for( const std::unique_ptr<KIFONT::GLYPH>& glyph : aText.m_render_cache )
        KIFONT::OUTLINE_GLYPH* outline_glyph = static_cast<KIFONT::OUTLINE_GLYPH*>( glyph.get() );
        m_render_cache.emplace_back( std::make_unique<KIFONT::OUTLINE_GLYPH>( *outline_glyph ) );

    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = aText.m_bounding_box_cache_valid;
    m_bounding_box_cache = aText.m_bounding_box_cache;

    return *this;

void EDA_TEXT::SetText( const wxString& aText )
    m_text = aText;


    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::CopyText( const EDA_TEXT& aSrc )
    m_text = aSrc.m_text;
    m_shown_text = aSrc.m_shown_text;
    m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs = aSrc.m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs;

    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetTextThickness( int aWidth )
    m_attributes.m_StrokeWidth = aWidth;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetTextAngle( const EDA_ANGLE& aAngle )
    m_attributes.m_Angle = aAngle;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetItalic( bool aItalic )
    m_attributes.m_Italic = aItalic;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetBold( bool aBold )
    m_attributes.m_Bold = aBold;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetVisible( bool aVisible )
    m_attributes.m_Visible = aVisible;

void EDA_TEXT::SetMirrored( bool isMirrored )
    m_attributes.m_Mirrored = isMirrored;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetMultilineAllowed( bool aAllow )
    m_attributes.m_Multiline = aAllow;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T aType )
    m_attributes.m_Halign = aType;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_T aType )
    m_attributes.m_Valign = aType;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetKeepUpright( bool aKeepUpright )
    m_attributes.m_KeepUpright = aKeepUpright;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetAttributes( const EDA_TEXT& aSrc )
    m_attributes = aSrc.m_attributes;
    m_pos = aSrc.m_pos;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SwapText( EDA_TEXT& aTradingPartner )
    std::swap( m_text, aTradingPartner.m_text );
    std::swap( m_shown_text, aTradingPartner.m_shown_text );
    std::swap( m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs, aTradingPartner.m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs );

    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SwapAttributes( EDA_TEXT& aTradingPartner )
    std::swap( m_attributes, aTradingPartner.m_attributes );
    std::swap( m_pos, aTradingPartner.m_pos );


    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;
    aTradingPartner.m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

int EDA_TEXT::GetEffectiveTextPenWidth( int aDefaultPenWidth ) const
    int penWidth = GetTextThickness();

    if( penWidth <= 1 )
        penWidth = aDefaultPenWidth;

        if( IsBold() )
            penWidth = GetPenSizeForBold( GetTextWidth() );
        else if( penWidth <= 1 )
            penWidth = GetPenSizeForNormal( GetTextWidth() );

    // Clip pen size for small texts:
    penWidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( penWidth, GetTextSize() );

    return penWidth;

bool EDA_TEXT::Replace( const EDA_SEARCH_DATA& aSearchData )
    bool retval = EDA_ITEM::Replace( aSearchData, m_text );


    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

    return retval;

void EDA_TEXT::SetFont( KIFONT::FONT* aFont )
    m_attributes.m_Font = aFont;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetLineSpacing( double aLineSpacing )
    m_attributes.m_LineSpacing = aLineSpacing;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetTextSize( const VECTOR2I& aNewSize )
    m_attributes.m_Size = aNewSize;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetTextWidth( int aWidth )
    m_attributes.m_Size.x = aWidth;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetTextHeight( int aHeight )
    m_attributes.m_Size.y = aHeight;
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::SetTextPos( const VECTOR2I& aPoint )
    Offset( VECTOR2I( aPoint.x - m_pos.x, aPoint.y - m_pos.y ) );

void EDA_TEXT::SetTextX( int aX )
    Offset( VECTOR2I( aX - m_pos.x, 0 ) );

void EDA_TEXT::SetTextY( int aY )
    Offset( VECTOR2I( 0, aY - m_pos.y ) );

void EDA_TEXT::Offset( const VECTOR2I& aOffset )
    m_pos += aOffset;

    for( std::unique_ptr<KIFONT::GLYPH>& glyph : m_render_cache )
        static_cast<KIFONT::OUTLINE_GLYPH*>( glyph.get() )->Move( aOffset );

    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::Empty()
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

void EDA_TEXT::cacheShownText()
    if( m_text.IsEmpty() )
        m_shown_text = wxEmptyString;
        m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs = false;
        m_shown_text = UnescapeString( m_text );
        m_shown_text_has_text_var_refs = m_shown_text.Contains( wxT( "${" ) );

    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

KIFONT::FONT* EDA_TEXT::getDrawFont() const
    KIFONT::FONT* font = GetFont();

    if( !font )
        font = KIFONT::FONT::GetFont( wxEmptyString, IsBold(), IsItalic() );

    return font;

void EDA_TEXT::ClearRenderCache()

void EDA_TEXT::ClearBoundingBoxCache()
    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = false;

EDA_TEXT::GetRenderCache( const KIFONT::FONT* aFont, const wxString& forResolvedText,
                          const VECTOR2I& aOffset ) const
    if( getDrawFont()->IsOutline() )
        EDA_ANGLE resolvedAngle = GetDrawRotation();

        if( m_render_cache.empty()
                || m_render_cache_text != forResolvedText
                || m_render_cache_angle != resolvedAngle
                || m_render_cache_offset != aOffset )

            KIFONT::OUTLINE_FONT* font = static_cast<KIFONT::OUTLINE_FONT*>( getDrawFont() );
            TEXT_ATTRIBUTES       attrs = GetAttributes();

            attrs.m_Angle = resolvedAngle;

            font->GetLinesAsGlyphs( &m_render_cache, GetShownText(), GetDrawPos() + aOffset, attrs );
            m_render_cache_angle = resolvedAngle;
            m_render_cache_text = forResolvedText;
            m_render_cache_offset = aOffset;

        return &m_render_cache;

    return nullptr;

void EDA_TEXT::SetupRenderCache( const wxString& aResolvedText, const EDA_ANGLE& aAngle )
    m_render_cache_text = aResolvedText;
    m_render_cache_angle = aAngle;

void EDA_TEXT::AddRenderCacheGlyph( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& aPoly )
    m_render_cache.emplace_back( std::make_unique<KIFONT::OUTLINE_GLYPH>( aPoly ) );

int EDA_TEXT::GetInterline() const
    return KiROUND( getDrawFont()->GetInterline( GetTextHeight() ) );

BOX2I EDA_TEXT::GetTextBox( int aLine, bool aInvertY ) const
    VECTOR2I drawPos = GetDrawPos();

    if( m_bounding_box_cache_valid
            && m_bounding_box_cache_pos == drawPos
            && m_bounding_box_cache_line == aLine
            && m_bounding_box_cache_inverted == aInvertY  )
        return m_bounding_box_cache;

    BOX2I          bbox;
    wxArrayString  strings;
    wxString       text = GetShownText();
    int            thickness = GetEffectiveTextPenWidth();

    if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
        wxStringSplit( text, strings, '\n' );

        if( strings.GetCount() )     // GetCount() == 0 for void strings with multilines allowed
            if( aLine >= 0 && ( aLine < static_cast<int>( strings.GetCount() ) ) )
                text = strings.Item( aLine );
                text = strings.Item( 0 );

    // calculate the H and V size
    KIFONT::FONT* font = getDrawFont();
    VECTOR2D      fontSize( GetTextSize() );
    bool          bold = IsBold();
    bool          italic = IsItalic();
    VECTOR2I      extents = font->StringBoundaryLimits( text, fontSize, thickness, bold, italic );
    int           overbarOffset = 0;

    // Creates bounding box (rectangle) for horizontal, left and top justified text. The
    // bounding box will be moved later according to the actual text options
    wxSize   textsize = wxSize( extents.x, extents.y );
    VECTOR2I pos = drawPos;

    if( IsMultilineAllowed() && aLine > 0 && aLine < (int) strings.GetCount() )
        pos.y -= KiROUND( aLine * font->GetInterline( fontSize.y ) );

    if( text.Contains( wxT( "~{" ) ) )
        overbarOffset = extents.y / 14;

    if( aInvertY )
        pos.y = -pos.y;

    bbox.SetOrigin( pos );

    // for multiline texts and aLine < 0, merge all rectangles (aLine == -1 signals all lines)
    if( IsMultilineAllowed() && aLine < 0 && strings.GetCount() )
        for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < strings.GetCount(); ii++ )
            text = strings.Item( ii );
            extents = font->StringBoundaryLimits( text, fontSize, thickness, bold, italic );
            textsize.x = std::max( textsize.x, extents.x );

        // interline spacing is only *between* lines, so total height is the height of the first
        // line plus the interline distance (with interline spacing) for all subsequent lines
        textsize.y += KiROUND( ( strings.GetCount() - 1 ) * font->GetInterline( fontSize.y ) );

    bbox.SetSize( textsize );

     * At this point the rectangle origin is the text origin (m_Pos).  This is correct only for
     * left and top justified, non-mirrored, non-overbarred texts. Recalculate for all others.
    int italicOffset = IsItalic() ? fontSize.y * ITALIC_TILT : 0;

    switch( GetHorizJustify() )
        if( IsMirrored() )
            bbox.SetX( bbox.GetX() - ( bbox.GetWidth() - italicOffset ) );

        bbox.SetX( bbox.GetX() - ( bbox.GetWidth() - italicOffset ) / 2 );

        if( !IsMirrored() )
            bbox.SetX( bbox.GetX() - ( bbox.GetWidth() - italicOffset ) );

    switch( GetVertJustify() )

        bbox.SetY( bbox.GetY() - ( bbox.GetHeight() + overbarOffset ) / 2 );

        bbox.SetY( bbox.GetY() - ( bbox.GetHeight() + overbarOffset ) );

    bbox.Normalize();       // Make h and v sizes always >= 0

    m_bounding_box_cache_valid = true;
    m_bounding_box_cache_pos = drawPos;
    m_bounding_box_cache_line = aLine;
    m_bounding_box_cache_inverted = aInvertY;
    m_bounding_box_cache = bbox;

    return bbox;

bool EDA_TEXT::TextHitTest( const VECTOR2I& aPoint, int aAccuracy ) const
    BOX2I    rect = GetTextBox();
    VECTOR2I location = aPoint;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );
    RotatePoint( location, GetDrawPos(), -GetDrawRotation() );

    return rect.Contains( location );

bool EDA_TEXT::TextHitTest( const BOX2I& aRect, bool aContains, int aAccuracy ) const
    BOX2I rect = aRect;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContains )
        return rect.Contains( GetTextBox() );

    return rect.Intersects( GetTextBox(), GetDrawRotation() );

void EDA_TEXT::Print( const RENDER_SETTINGS* aSettings, const VECTOR2I& aOffset,
                      const COLOR4D& aColor, OUTLINE_MODE aFillMode )
    if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
        std::vector<VECTOR2I> positions;
        wxArrayString  strings;
        wxStringSplit( GetShownText(), strings, '\n' );

        positions.reserve( strings.Count() );

        GetLinePositions( positions, strings.Count() );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings.Count(); ii++ )
            printOneLineOfText( aSettings, aOffset, aColor, aFillMode, strings[ii], positions[ii] );
        printOneLineOfText( aSettings, aOffset, aColor, aFillMode, GetShownText(), GetDrawPos() );

void EDA_TEXT::GetLinePositions( std::vector<VECTOR2I>& aPositions, int aLineCount ) const
    VECTOR2I pos = GetDrawPos();    // Position of first line of the multiline text according
                                    // to the center of the multiline text block

    VECTOR2I offset;                // Offset to next line.

    offset.y = GetInterline();

    if( aLineCount > 1 )
        switch( GetVertJustify() )
        case GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_TOP:

        case GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_CENTER:
            pos.y -= ( aLineCount - 1 ) * offset.y / 2;

        case GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_BOTTOM:
            pos.y -= ( aLineCount - 1 ) * offset.y;

    // Rotate the position of the first line around the center of the multiline text block
    RotatePoint( pos, GetDrawPos(), GetDrawRotation() );

    // Rotate the offset lines to increase happened in the right direction
    RotatePoint( offset, GetDrawRotation() );

    for( int ii = 0; ii < aLineCount; ii++ )
        aPositions.push_back( (VECTOR2I) pos );
        pos += offset;

void EDA_TEXT::printOneLineOfText( const RENDER_SETTINGS* aSettings, const VECTOR2I& aOffset,
                                   const COLOR4D& aColor, OUTLINE_MODE aFillMode,
                                   const wxString& aText, const VECTOR2I& aPos )
    wxDC* DC = aSettings->GetPrintDC();
    int   penWidth = GetEffectiveTextPenWidth( aSettings->GetDefaultPenWidth() );

    if( aFillMode == SKETCH )
        penWidth = -penWidth;

    VECTOR2I size = GetTextSize();

    if( IsMirrored() )
        size.x = -size.x;

    KIFONT::FONT* font = GetFont();

    if( !font )
        font = KIFONT::FONT::GetFont( aSettings->GetDefaultFont(), IsBold(), IsItalic() );

    GRPrintText( DC, aOffset + aPos, aColor, aText, GetDrawRotation(), size, GetHorizJustify(),
                 GetVertJustify(), penWidth, IsItalic(), IsBold(), font );

wxString EDA_TEXT::GetTextStyleName() const
    int style = 0;

    if( IsItalic() )
        style = 1;

    if( IsBold() )
        style += 2;

    wxString stylemsg[4] = {

    return stylemsg[style];

wxString EDA_TEXT::GetFontName() const
    if( GetFont() )
        return GetFont()->GetName();
        return wxEmptyString;

bool EDA_TEXT::IsDefaultFormatting() const
    return ( IsVisible()
             && !IsMirrored()
             && GetHorizJustify() == GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_CENTER
             && GetVertJustify() == GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_CENTER
             && GetTextThickness() == 0
             && !IsItalic()
             && !IsBold()
             && !IsMultilineAllowed()
             && GetFontName().IsEmpty()

void EDA_TEXT::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* aFormatter, int aNestLevel, int aControlBits ) const
    aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel + 1, "(effects" );

    aFormatter->Print( 0, " (font" );

    if( GetFont() && !GetFont()->GetName().IsEmpty() )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " (face \"%s\")", GetFont()->NameAsToken() );

    // Text size
    aFormatter->Print( 0, " (size %s %s)",
                       EDA_UNIT_UTILS::FormatInternalUnits( m_IuScale, GetTextHeight() ).c_str(),
                       EDA_UNIT_UTILS::FormatInternalUnits( m_IuScale, GetTextWidth() ).c_str() );

    if( GetLineSpacing() != 1.0 )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " (line_spacing %s)",
                           FormatDouble2Str( GetLineSpacing() ).c_str() );

    if( GetTextThickness() )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " (thickness %s)",
                EDA_UNIT_UTILS::FormatInternalUnits( m_IuScale, GetTextThickness() ).c_str() );

    if( IsBold() )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " bold" );

    if( IsItalic() )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " italic" );

    if( GetTextColor() != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " (color %d %d %d %s)",
                           KiROUND( GetTextColor().r * 255.0 ),
                           KiROUND( GetTextColor().g * 255.0 ),
                           KiROUND( GetTextColor().b * 255.0 ),
                           FormatDouble2Str( GetTextColor().a ).c_str() );

    aFormatter->Print( 0, ")"); // (font

    if( IsMirrored() || GetHorizJustify() != GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_CENTER
                     || GetVertJustify() != GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_CENTER )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " (justify");

        if( GetHorizJustify() != GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_CENTER )
            aFormatter->Print( 0, GetHorizJustify() == GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_LEFT ? " left" : " right" );

        if( GetVertJustify() != GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_CENTER )
            aFormatter->Print( 0, GetVertJustify() == GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_TOP ? " top" : " bottom" );

        if( IsMirrored() )
            aFormatter->Print( 0, " mirror" );

        aFormatter->Print( 0, ")" ); // (justify

    if( !( aControlBits & CTL_OMIT_HIDE ) && !IsVisible() )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " hide" );

    if( HasHyperlink() )
        aFormatter->Print( 0, " (href %s)", aFormatter->Quotew( GetHyperlink() ).c_str() );

    aFormatter->Print( 0, ")\n" ); // (effects

std::shared_ptr<SHAPE_COMPOUND> EDA_TEXT::GetEffectiveTextShape( bool aTriangulate,
                                                                 bool aUseTextRotation ) const
    std::shared_ptr<SHAPE_COMPOUND> shape = std::make_shared<SHAPE_COMPOUND>();
    KIGFX::GAL_DISPLAY_OPTIONS      empty_opts;
    KIFONT::FONT*                   font = getDrawFont();
    int                             penWidth = GetEffectiveTextPenWidth();
    TEXT_ATTRIBUTES                 attrs = GetAttributes();

    if( aUseTextRotation )
        attrs.m_Angle = GetDrawRotation();
        attrs.m_Angle = ANGLE_0;

    if( aTriangulate )
        CALLBACK_GAL callback_gal(
                // Stroke callback
                [&]( const VECTOR2I& aPt1, const VECTOR2I& aPt2 )
                    shape->AddShape( new SHAPE_SEGMENT( aPt1, aPt2, penWidth ) );
                // Triangulation callback
                [&]( const VECTOR2I& aPt1, const VECTOR2I& aPt2, const VECTOR2I& aPt3 )
                    SHAPE_SIMPLE* triShape = new SHAPE_SIMPLE;

                    for( const VECTOR2I& point : { aPt1, aPt2, aPt3 } )
                        triShape->Append( point.x, point.y );

                    shape->AddShape( triShape );
                } );

        font->Draw( &callback_gal, GetShownText(), GetDrawPos(), attrs );
        CALLBACK_GAL callback_gal(
                // Stroke callback
                [&]( const VECTOR2I& aPt1, const VECTOR2I& aPt2 )
                    shape->AddShape( new SHAPE_SEGMENT( aPt1, aPt2, penWidth ) );
                // Outline callback
                [&]( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aPoly )
                    shape->AddShape( aPoly.Clone() );
                } );

        font->Draw( &callback_gal, GetShownText(), GetDrawPos(), attrs );

    return shape;

int EDA_TEXT::Compare( const EDA_TEXT* aOther ) const
#define EPSILON 2       // Should be enough for rounding errors on calculated items

#define TEST( a, b ) { if( a != b ) return a - b; }
#define TEST_E( a, b ) { if( abs( a - b ) > EPSILON ) return a - b; }
#define TEST_PT( a, b ) { TEST_E( a.x, b.x ); TEST_E( a.y, b.y ); }

    TEST_PT( m_pos, aOther->m_pos );

    TEST_PT( m_attributes.m_Size, aOther->m_attributes.m_Size );
    TEST_E( m_attributes.m_StrokeWidth, aOther->m_attributes.m_StrokeWidth );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_Angle.AsDegrees(), aOther->m_attributes.m_Angle.AsDegrees() );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_LineSpacing, aOther->m_attributes.m_LineSpacing );

    TEST( m_attributes.m_Halign, aOther->m_attributes.m_Halign );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_Valign, aOther->m_attributes.m_Valign );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_Italic, aOther->m_attributes.m_Italic );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_Bold, aOther->m_attributes.m_Bold );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_Underlined, aOther->m_attributes.m_Underlined );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_Visible, aOther->m_attributes.m_Visible );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_Mirrored, aOther->m_attributes.m_Mirrored );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_Multiline, aOther->m_attributes.m_Multiline );
    TEST( m_attributes.m_KeepUpright, aOther->m_attributes.m_KeepUpright );

    int val = GetFontName().Cmp( aOther->GetFontName() );

    if( val != 0 )
        return val;

    return m_text.Cmp( aOther->m_text );

void EDA_TEXT::TransformBoundingBoxToPolygon( SHAPE_POLY_SET* aBuffer, int aClearance ) const
    if( GetText().Length() == 0 )

    VECTOR2I corners[4];    // Buffer of polygon corners
    BOX2I    rect = GetTextBox();

    // TrueType bounding boxes aren't guaranteed to include all descenders, diacriticals, etc.
    // Since we use this for zone knockouts and DRC, we need something more accurate.
    if( getDrawFont()->IsOutline() )
        rect = GetEffectiveTextShape( false, false )->BBox();

    rect.Inflate( aClearance );

    corners[0].x = rect.GetOrigin().x;
    corners[0].y = rect.GetOrigin().y;
    corners[1].y = corners[0].y;
    corners[1].x = rect.GetRight();
    corners[2].x = corners[1].x;
    corners[2].y = rect.GetBottom();
    corners[3].y = corners[2].y;
    corners[3].x = corners[0].x;


    for( VECTOR2I& corner : corners )
        RotatePoint( corner, GetDrawPos(), GetDrawRotation() );

        aBuffer->Append( corner.x, corner.y );

bool EDA_TEXT::ValidateHyperlink( const wxString& aURL )
    if( aURL.IsEmpty() || IsGotoPageHref( aURL ) )
        return true;

    // Limit valid urls to file, http and https for now. Note wxURL doesn't support https
    wxURI uri;

    if( uri.Create( aURL ) && uri.HasScheme() )
        wxString scheme = uri.GetScheme();
        return scheme == wxT( "file" )  || scheme == wxT( "http" ) || scheme == wxT( "https" );

    return false;

bool EDA_TEXT::IsGotoPageHref( const wxString& aHref, wxString* aDestination )
    return aHref.StartsWith( wxT( "#" ), aDestination );

wxString EDA_TEXT::GotoPageHref( const wxString& aDestination )
    return wxT( "#" ) + aDestination;

static struct EDA_TEXT_DESC
                .Map( GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_LEFT,   _HKI( "Left" ) )
                .Map( GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_CENTER, _HKI( "Center" ) )
                .Map( GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_RIGHT,  _HKI( "Right" ) );
                .Map( GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_TOP,    _HKI( "Top" ) )
                .Map( GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_CENTER, _HKI( "Center" ) )
                .Map( GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_BOTTOM, _HKI( "Bottom" ) );

        PROPERTY_MANAGER& propMgr = PROPERTY_MANAGER::Instance();
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, wxString>( _HKI( "Text" ),
                                                               &EDA_TEXT::GetText ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, wxString>( _HKI( "Hyperlink" ),
                                                               &EDA_TEXT::GetHyperlink ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, int>( _HKI( "Thickness" ),
                                                          PROPERTY_DISPLAY::PT_SIZE ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, bool>( _HKI( "Italic" ),
                                                         &EDA_TEXT::IsItalic ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, bool>( _HKI( "Bold" ),
                                                         &EDA_TEXT::SetBold, &EDA_TEXT::IsBold ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, bool>( _HKI( "Mirrored" ),
                                                         &EDA_TEXT::IsMirrored ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, bool>( _HKI( "Visible" ),
                                                         &EDA_TEXT::IsVisible ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, int>( _HKI( "Width" ),
                                                          PROPERTY_DISPLAY::PT_SIZE ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY<EDA_TEXT, int>( _HKI( "Height" ),
                                                          PROPERTY_DISPLAY::PT_SIZE ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY_ENUM<EDA_TEXT,
                             GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T>( _HKI( "Horizontal Justification" ),
                                                 &EDA_TEXT::GetHorizJustify ) );
        propMgr.AddProperty( new PROPERTY_ENUM<EDA_TEXT,
                             GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_T>( _HKI( "Vertical Justification" ),
                                                 &EDA_TEXT::GetVertJustify ) );