 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2018 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include "panel_common_settings.h"

#include <bitmap_types.h>
#include <bitmaps.h>
#include <dialog_shim.h>
#include <gal/dpi_scaling.h>
#include <kiface_i.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <id.h>
#include <settings/common_settings.h>
#include <settings/settings_manager.h>

static constexpr int dpi_scaling_precision = 1;
static constexpr double dpi_scaling_increment = 0.5;

        : PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS_BASE( aParent ),
          m_dialog( aDialog ),
          m_last_scale( -1 )
            DPI_SCALING::GetMinScaleFactor(), DPI_SCALING::GetMaxScaleFactor() );
    m_canvasScaleCtrl->SetDigits( dpi_scaling_precision );
    m_canvasScaleCtrl->SetIncrement( dpi_scaling_increment );
    m_canvasScaleCtrl->SetValue( DPI_SCALING::GetDefaultScaleFactor() );

            _( "Set the scale for the canvas."
               "On high-DPI displays on some platforms, KiCad cannot determine the "
               "scaling factor. In this case you may need to set this to a value to "
               "match your system's DPI scaling. 2.0 is a common value. "
               "If this does not match the system DPI scaling, the canvas will "
               "not match the window size and cursor position." ) );

            _( "Use an automatic value for the canvas scale."
               "On some platforms, the automatic value is incorrect and should be "
               "set manually." ) );

    m_iconScaleSlider->SetStep( 25 );

    m_textEditorBtn->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( folder_xpm ) );
    m_pdfViewerBtn->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( folder_xpm ) );

    m_canvasScaleCtrl->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, wxCommandEventHandler( PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::OnCanvasScaleChange ), NULL, this );

    m_canvasScaleCtrl->Disconnect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, wxCommandEventHandler( PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::OnCanvasScaleChange ), NULL, this );

bool PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::TransferDataToWindow()
    COMMON_SETTINGS* commonSettings = Pgm().GetCommonSettings();

    applySettingsToPanel( *commonSettings );

    // TODO(JE) Move these into COMMON_SETTINGS probably
    m_textEditorPath->SetValue( Pgm().GetEditorName( false ) );
    m_defaultPDFViewer->SetValue( Pgm().UseSystemPdfBrowser() );
    m_otherPDFViewer->SetValue( !Pgm().UseSystemPdfBrowser() );
    m_PDFViewerPath->SetValue( Pgm().GetPdfBrowserName() );

    return true;

bool PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::TransferDataFromWindow()
    COMMON_SETTINGS* commonSettings = Pgm().GetCommonSettings();

    commonSettings->m_System.autosave_interval = m_SaveTime->GetValue() * 60;
    commonSettings->m_System.file_history_size = m_fileHistorySize->GetValue();
    commonSettings->m_System.clear_3d_cache_interval = m_Clear3DCacheFilesOlder->GetValue();

    commonSettings->m_Graphics.opengl_aa_mode = m_antialiasing->GetSelection();
    commonSettings->m_Graphics.cairo_aa_mode = m_antialiasingFallback->GetSelection();

    const int scale_fourths = m_iconScaleAuto->GetValue() ? -1 : m_iconScaleSlider->GetValue() / 25;
    commonSettings->m_Appearance.icon_scale = scale_fourths;

        DPI_SCALING dpi( commonSettings, this );
        dpi.SetDpiConfig( m_canvasScaleAuto->GetValue(), m_canvasScaleCtrl->GetValue() );

    commonSettings->m_Appearance.use_icons_in_menus = m_checkBoxIconsInMenus->GetValue();

    commonSettings->m_Input.immediate_actions = !m_NonImmediateActions->GetValue();
    commonSettings->m_Input.prefer_select_to_drag = m_PreferSelectToDrag->GetValue();
    commonSettings->m_Input.warp_mouse_on_move = m_warpMouseOnMove->GetValue();

    commonSettings->m_Backup.enabled            = m_cbBackupEnabled->GetValue();
    commonSettings->m_Backup.backup_on_autosave = m_cbBackupAutosave->GetValue();
    commonSettings->m_Backup.limit_total_files  = m_backupLimitTotalFiles->GetValue();
    commonSettings->m_Backup.limit_daily_files  = m_backupLimitDailyFiles->GetValue();
    commonSettings->m_Backup.min_interval       = m_backupMinInterval->GetValue() * 60;
    commonSettings->m_Backup.limit_total_size   = m_backupLimitTotalSize->GetValue() * 1024 * 1024;

    commonSettings->m_Session.remember_open_files = m_cbRememberOpenFiles->GetValue();

    Pgm().SetEditorName( m_textEditorPath->GetValue() );

    Pgm().SetPdfBrowserName( m_PDFViewerPath->GetValue() );
    Pgm().ForceSystemPdfBrowser( m_defaultPDFViewer->GetValue() );

    Pgm().GetSettingsManager().Save( commonSettings );

    return true;

    COMMON_SETTINGS defaultSettings;


    applySettingsToPanel( defaultSettings );

    // TODO(JE) Move these into COMMON_SETTINGS probably
    m_textEditorPath->SetValue( defaultSettings.m_System.editor_name );
    m_defaultPDFViewer->SetValue( defaultSettings.m_System.use_system_pdf_viewer );
    m_otherPDFViewer->SetValue( !defaultSettings.m_System.use_system_pdf_viewer );
    m_PDFViewerPath->SetValue( defaultSettings.m_System.pdf_viewer_name );

void PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::applySettingsToPanel( COMMON_SETTINGS& aSettings )
    int timevalue = aSettings.m_System.autosave_interval;
    wxString msg;

    msg << timevalue / 60;
    m_SaveTime->SetValue( msg );

    m_fileHistorySize->SetValue( aSettings.m_System.file_history_size );

    m_antialiasing->SetSelection( aSettings.m_Graphics.opengl_aa_mode );
    m_antialiasingFallback->SetSelection( aSettings.m_Graphics.cairo_aa_mode );

    m_Clear3DCacheFilesOlder->SetValue( aSettings.m_System.clear_3d_cache_interval );

    int icon_scale_fourths = aSettings.m_Appearance.icon_scale;

    if( icon_scale_fourths <= 0 )
        m_iconScaleAuto->SetValue( true );
        m_iconScaleSlider->SetValue( 25 * KiIconScale( GetParent() ) );
        m_iconScaleAuto->SetValue( false );
        m_iconScaleSlider->SetValue( icon_scale_fourths * 25 );

        const DPI_SCALING dpi( &aSettings, this );
        m_canvasScaleCtrl->SetValue( dpi.GetScaleFactor() );
        m_canvasScaleAuto->SetValue( dpi.GetCanvasIsAutoScaled() );

    m_checkBoxIconsInMenus->SetValue( aSettings.m_Appearance.use_icons_in_menus );

    m_PreferSelectToDrag->SetValue( aSettings.m_Input.prefer_select_to_drag );
    m_warpMouseOnMove->SetValue( aSettings.m_Input.warp_mouse_on_move );
    m_NonImmediateActions->SetValue( !aSettings.m_Input.immediate_actions );

    m_cbRememberOpenFiles->SetValue( aSettings.m_Session.remember_open_files );

    m_cbBackupEnabled->SetValue( aSettings.m_Backup.enabled );
    m_cbBackupAutosave->SetValue( aSettings.m_Backup.backup_on_autosave );
    m_backupLimitTotalFiles->SetValue( aSettings.m_Backup.limit_total_files );
    m_backupLimitDailyFiles->SetValue( aSettings.m_Backup.limit_daily_files );
    m_backupMinInterval->SetValue( aSettings.m_Backup.min_interval / 60 );
    m_backupLimitTotalSize->SetValue( aSettings.m_Backup.limit_total_size / ( 1024 * 1024 ) );

void PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::OnScaleSlider( wxScrollEvent& aEvent )
    m_iconScaleAuto->SetValue( false );

void PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::OnIconScaleAuto( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    if( m_iconScaleAuto->GetValue() )
        m_last_scale = m_iconScaleAuto->GetValue();
        m_iconScaleSlider->SetValue( 25 * KiIconScale( GetParent() ) );
        if( m_last_scale >= 0 )
            m_iconScaleSlider->SetValue( m_last_scale );

void PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::OnCanvasScaleChange( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    m_canvasScaleAuto->SetValue( false );

void PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::OnCanvasScaleAuto( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    const bool automatic = m_canvasScaleAuto->GetValue();

    if( automatic )
        // set the scale to the auto value, without consulting the config
        DPI_SCALING dpi( nullptr, this );

        // update the field (no events sent)
        m_canvasScaleCtrl->SetValue( dpi.GetScaleFactor() );

void PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::OnTextEditorClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    // Ask the user to select a new editor, but suggest the current one as the default.
    wxString editorname = Pgm().AskUserForPreferredEditor( m_textEditorPath->GetValue() );

    // If we have a new editor name request it to be copied to m_editor_name and saved
    // to the preferences file. If the user cancelled the dialog then the previous
    // value will be retained.
    if( !editorname.IsEmpty() )
        m_textEditorPath->SetValue( editorname );

void PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::OnPDFViewerClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString mask( wxT( "*" ) );

#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    mask += wxT( ".exe" );

    wxString wildcard = _( "Executable files (" ) + mask + wxT( ")|" ) + mask;

    wxFileName fn = Pgm().GetPdfBrowserName();

    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Select Preferred PDF Browser" ), fn.GetPath(), fn.GetFullPath(),
                      wildcard, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    m_otherPDFViewer->SetValue( true );
    m_PDFViewerPath->SetValue( dlg.GetPath() );

void PANEL_COMMON_SETTINGS::onUpdateUIPdfPath( wxUpdateUIEvent& event )
    bool enabled = m_otherPDFViewer->GetValue();
    m_PDFViewerPath->Enable( enabled );
    m_pdfViewerBtn->Enable( enabled );