* Reloads the 3D view if required and calls the base PCB_BASE_FRAME::OnModify function
* to update auxiliary information.
void OnModify() override;
* Function SetActiveLayer
* will change the currently active layer to \a aLayer and also
* update the PCB_LAYER_WIDGET.
void SetActiveLayer( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) override;
PCB_LAYER_WIDGET* GetLayerManager() { return m_Layers; }
* Update the UI to reflect changes to the current layer's transparency.
void OnUpdateLayerAlpha( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent ) override;
* Function IsElementVisible
* tests whether a given element category is visible. Keep this as an
* inline function.
* @param aElement is from the enum by the same name
* @return bool - true if the element is visible.
* @see enum GAL_LAYER_ID
bool IsElementVisible( GAL_LAYER_ID aElement ) const;
* Function SetElementVisibility
* changes the visibility of an element category
* @param aElement is from the enum by the same name
* @param aNewState The new visibility state of the element category
* @see enum PCB_LAYER_ID
void SetElementVisibility( GAL_LAYER_ID aElement, bool aNewState );
* Function SetVisibleAlls
* Set the status of all visible element categories and layers to VISIBLE
void SetVisibleAlls();
* Function ReFillLayerWidget
* changes out all the layers in m_Layers and may be called upon
* loading a new BOARD.
void ReFillLayerWidget();
* Updates the "Render" colors and checkboxes in the layer widget according
* to current toggle values determined by IsElementVisible(), and is helpful
* immediately after loading a BOARD which may have state information in it.
void SyncRenderStates();
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::UseGalCanvas()
void ActivateGalCanvas() override;
* Function ShowBoardSetupDialog
void ShowBoardSetupDialog( const wxString& aInitialPage = wxEmptyString,
const wxString& aErrorMsg = wxEmptyString, int aErrorCtrlId = -1,
int aErrorLine = -1, int aErrorCol = -1 );
/* toolbars update UI functions: */
void PrepareLayerIndicator( bool aForceRebuild = false );
void ToggleLayersManager();
void ToggleMicrowaveToolbar();
* Function DoGenFootprintsPositionFile
* Creates an ascii footprint position file
* @param aFullFileName = the full file name of the file to create
* @param aUnitsMM = false to use inches, true to use mm in coordinates
* @param aForceSmdItems = true to force all footprints with smd pads in list
* = false to put only footprints with option "INSERT" in list
* @param aTopSide true to list footprints on front (top) side,
* @param aBottomSide true to list footprints on back (bottom) side,
* if aTopSide and aTopSide are true, list footprints on both sides
* @param aFormatCSV = true to use a comma separated file (CSV) format; defautl = false
* @return the number of footprints found on aSide side,
* or -1 if the file could not be created
int DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aUnitsMM,
bool aForceSmdItems, bool aTopSide, bool aBottomSide, bool aFormatCSV = false );
* Function GenFootprintsReport
* Calls DoGenFootprintsReport to create a footprint reprot file
* See DoGenFootprintsReport for file format
void GenFootprintsReport( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function DoGenFootprintsReport
* Creates an ascii footprint report file giving some infos on footprints
* and board outlines
* @param aFullFilename = the full file name of the file to create
* @param aUnitsMM = false to use inches, true to use mm in coordinates
* @return true if OK, false if error
bool DoGenFootprintsReport( const wxString& aFullFilename, bool aUnitsMM );
void GenD356File( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnFileHistory( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnClearFileHistory( wxCommandEvent& aEvent );
* Function Files_io
* @param event is the command event handler.
* do nothing else than call Files_io_from_id with the
* wxCommandEvent id
void Files_io( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function Files_io_from_id
* Read and write board files
* @param aId is an event ID ciming from file command events:
* Files_io_from_id prepare parameters and calls the specialized function
bool Files_io_from_id( int aId );
* Function OpenProjectFiles (was LoadOnePcbFile)
* loads a KiCad board (.kicad_pcb) from \a aFileName.
* @param aFileSet - hold the BOARD file to load, a vector of one element.
* @param aCtl - KICTL_ bits, one to indicate that an append of the board file
* aFileName to the currently loaded file is desired.
* @see #KIWAY_PLAYER for bit defines.
* @return bool - false if file load fails, otherwise true.
bool LoadOnePcbFile( const wxString& aFileName, bool aAppend = false,
bool aForceFileDialog = false );
bool OpenProjectFiles( const std::vector& aFileSet, int aCtl = 0 ) override;
* Function SavePcbFile
* writes the board data structures to \a a aFileName
* Creates backup when requested and update flags (modified and saved flgs)
* @param aFileName The file name to write or wxEmptyString to prompt user for
* file name.
* @param addToHistory controsl whether or not to add the saved file to the recent file list
* @return True if file was saved successfully.
bool SavePcbFile( const wxString& aFileName, bool addToHistory = true );
* Function SavePcbCopy
* writes the board data structures to \a a aFileName
* but unlike SavePcbFile, does not make anything else
* (no backup, borad fliename change, no flag changes ...)
* Used under a project mgr to save under a new name the current board
* When not under a project mgr, the full SavePcbFile is used.
* @param aFileName The file name to write.
* @return True if file was saved successfully.
bool SavePcbCopy( const wxString& aFileName );
// BOARD handling
* Function Clear_Pcb
* delete all and reinitialize the current board
* @param aQuery = true to prompt user for confirmation, false to initialize silently
* @param aFinal = if true, we are clearing the board to exit, so don't run more events
bool Clear_Pcb( bool aQuery, bool aFinal = false );
///> @copydoc PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetBoard()
void SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard ) override;
///> @copydoc PCB_BASE_FRAME::GetModel()
BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER* GetModel() const override;
///> @copydoc PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetPageSettings()
void SetPageSettings( const PAGE_INFO& aPageSettings ) override;
* Function RecreateBOMFileFromBoard
* Recreates a .cmp file from the current loaded board
* this is the same as created by CvPcb.
* can be used if this file is lost
void RecreateCmpFileFromBoard( wxCommandEvent& aEvent );
* Function ArchiveModulesOnBoard
* Save modules in a library:
* @param aStoreInNewLib:
* true : save modules in a existing lib. Existing footprints will be kept
* or updated.
* This lib should be in fp lib table, and is type is .pretty
* false: save modules in a new lib. It it is an existing lib,
* previous footprints will be removed
* @param aLibName:
* optional library name to create, stops dialog call.
* must be called with aStoreInNewLib as true
void ArchiveModulesOnBoard( bool aStoreInNewLib, const wxString& aLibName = wxEmptyString,
wxString* aLibPath = NULL );
* Function RecreateBOMFileFromBoard
* Creates a BOM file from the current loaded board
void RecreateBOMFileFromBoard( wxCommandEvent& aEvent );
* Function ExportToGenCAD
* creates a file in GenCAD 1.4 format from the current board.
void ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function OnExportVRML
* will export the current BOARD to a VRML file.
void OnExportVRML( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function ExportVRML_File
* Creates the file(s) exporting current BOARD to a VRML file.
* @note When copying 3D shapes files, the new filename is build from the full path
* name, changing the separators by underscore. This is needed because files
* with the same shortname can exist in different directories
* @note ExportVRML_File generates coordinates in board units (BIU) inside the file.
* @todo Use mm inside the file. A general scale transform is applied to the whole
* file (1.0 to have the actual WRML unit im mm, 0.001 to have the actual WRML
* unit in meters.
* @note For 3D models built by a 3D modeler, the unit is 0,1 inches. A specific scale
* is applied to 3D models to convert them to internal units.
* @param aFullFileName = the full filename of the file to create
* @param aMMtoWRMLunit = the VRML scaling factor:
* 1.0 to export in mm. 0.001 for meters
* @param aExport3DFiles = true to copy 3D shapes in the subir a3D_Subdir
* @param aUseRelativePaths set to true to use relative paths instead of absolute paths
* in the board VRML file URLs.
* @param aUsePlainPCB set to true to export a board with no copper or silkskreen;
* this is useful for generating a VRML file which can be
* converted to a STEP model.
* @param a3D_Subdir = sub directory where 3D shapes files are copied. This is only used
* when aExport3DFiles == true
* @param aXRef = X value of PCB (0,0) reference point
* @param aYRef = Y value of PCB (0,0) reference point
* @return true if Ok.
bool ExportVRML_File( const wxString & aFullFileName, double aMMtoWRMLunit,
bool aExport3DFiles, bool aUseRelativePaths, bool aUsePlainPCB,
const wxString & a3D_Subdir, double aXRef, double aYRef );
* Function OnExportIDF3
* will export the current BOARD to a IDFv3 board and lib files.
void OnExportIDF3( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function OnExportHyperlynx
* will export the current BOARD to a Hyperlynx HYP file.
void OnExportHyperlynx( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function Export_IDF3
* Creates an IDF3 compliant BOARD (*.emn) and LIBRARY (*.emp) file.
* @param aPcb = a pointer to the board to be exported to IDF
* @param aFullFileName = the full filename of the export file
* @param aUseThou = set to true if the desired IDF unit is thou (mil)
* @param aXRef = the board Reference Point in mm, X value
* @param aYRef = the board Reference Point in mm, Y value
* @return true if OK
bool Export_IDF3( BOARD* aPcb, const wxString& aFullFileName,
bool aUseThou, double aXRef, double aYRef );
* Function OnExportSTEP
* Exports the current BOARD to a STEP assembly.
void OnExportSTEP( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function ExportSpecctraFile
* will export the current BOARD to a specctra dsn file.
* See http://www.autotraxeda.com/docs/SPECCTRA/SPECCTRA.pdf for the
* specification.
* @return true if OK
bool ExportSpecctraFile( const wxString& aFullFilename );
* Function ImportSpecctraSession
* will import a specctra *.ses file and use it to relocate MODULEs and
* to replace all vias and tracks in an existing and loaded BOARD.
* See http://www.autotraxeda.com/docs/SPECCTRA/SPECCTRA.pdf for the
* specification.
bool ImportSpecctraSession( const wxString& aFullFilename );
// Footprint editing (see also PCB_BASE_FRAME)
void InstallFootprintPropertiesDialog( MODULE* Module );
int InstallExchangeModuleFrame( MODULE* aModule, bool updateMode, bool selectedMode );
* Function Exchange_Module
* Replaces OldModule by NewModule, using OldModule settings:
* position, orientation, pad netnames ...)
* OldModule is deleted or put in undo list.
* @param aSrc = footprint to replace
* @param aDest = footprint to put
* @param aCommit = commit that should store the changes
void Exchange_Module( MODULE* aSrc, MODULE* aDest, BOARD_COMMIT& aCommit,
bool deleteExtraTexts = true,
bool resetTextLayers = true, bool resetTextEffects = true,
bool reset3DModels = true );
// loading modules: see PCB_BASE_FRAME
* Function OnEditItemRequest
* Install the corresponding dialog editor for the given item
* @param aDC = the current device context
* @param aItem = a pointer to the BOARD_ITEM to edit
void OnEditItemRequest( BOARD_ITEM* aItem ) override;
void SwitchLayer( wxDC* DC, PCB_LAYER_ID layer ) override;
* Function SetTrackSegmentWidth
* Modify one track segment width or one via diameter (using DRC control).
* Basic routine used by other routines when editing tracks or vias.
* Note that casting this to boolean will allow you to determine whether any action
* happened.
* @param aTrackItem = the track segment or via to modify
* @param aItemsListPicker = the list picker to use for an undo command
* (can be NULL)
* @param aUseNetclassValue = true to use NetClass value, false to use
* current designSettings value
* @return 0 if items successfully changed,
* -1 if there was a DRC error,
* 1 if items were changed successfully
int SetTrackSegmentWidth( TRACK* aTrackItem,
PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aItemsListPicker,
bool aUseNetclassValue );
* Function Edit_Zone_Params
* Edit params (layer, clearance, ...) for a zone outline
void Edit_Zone_Params( ZONE_CONTAINER* zone_container );
// Properties dialogs
void ShowTargetOptionsDialog( PCB_TARGET* aTarget );
void ShowDimensionPropertyDialog( DIMENSION* aDimension );
void InstallNetlistFrame();
* Function FetchNetlistFromSchematic
* @param aNetlist a NETLIST owned by the caller. This function fills it in.
* @return true if a netlist was fetched.
bool FetchNetlistFromSchematic( NETLIST& aNetlist, FETCH_NETLIST_MODE aMode );
* Function DoUpdatePCBFromNetlist
* An automated version of UpdatePCBFromNetlist which skips the UI dialog.
* @param aNetlist
* @param aUseTimestamps
void DoUpdatePCBFromNetlist( NETLIST& aNetlist, bool aUseTimestamps );
* Reads a netlist from a file into a NETLIST object.
* @param aFilename is the netlist to load
* @param aNetlist is the object to populate with data
* @param aReporter is a #REPORTER object to display messages
* @return true if the netlist was read successfully
bool ReadNetlistFromFile( const wxString &aFilename, NETLIST& aNetlist, REPORTER& aReporter );
* Called after netlist is updated
* @param aUpdater is the updater object that was run
* @param aRunDragCommand is set to true if the drag command was invoked by this call
void OnNetlistChanged( BOARD_NETLIST_UPDATER& aUpdater, bool* aRunDragCommand );
* Function ScriptingConsoleEnableDisable
* enables or disabled the scripting console
void ScriptingConsoleEnableDisable();
void LockModule( MODULE* aModule, bool aLocked );
* Function SendMessageToEESCHEMA
* sends a message to the schematic editor so that it may move its cursor
* to a part with the same reference as the objectToSync
* @param objectToSync The object whose reference is used to synchronize Eeschema.
void SendMessageToEESCHEMA( BOARD_ITEM* objectToSync );
* Sends a net name to eeschema for highlighting
* @param aNetName is the name of a net, or empty string to clear highlight
void SendCrossProbeNetName( const wxString& aNetName );
void ShowChangedLanguage() override;
* Function UpdateTitle
* sets the main window title bar text.
* If file name defined by PCB_SCREEN::m_FileName is not set, the title is set to the
* application name appended with no file. Otherwise, the title is set to the full path
* and file name and read only is appended to the title if the user does not have write
* access to the file.
void UpdateTitle();
void On3DShapeLibWizard( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Allows Pcbnew to install its preferences panel into the preferences dialog.
void InstallPreferences( PAGED_DIALOG* aParent, PANEL_HOTKEYS_EDITOR* aHotkeysPanel ) override;
* Called after the preferences dialog is run.
void CommonSettingsChanged( bool aEnvVarsChanged ) override;
void SyncToolbars() override;
wxString GetCurrentFileName() const override;
#endif // WXPCB_STRUCT_H_