/* Low level graphics routines  */

#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "trigo.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "base_struct.h"
#include "class_base_screen.h"
#include "bezier_curves.h"

#ifndef FILLED
#define FILLED 1

/* Important Note:
 * These drawing functions  clip draw item before send these items to wxDC draw
 * functions.  For guy who asks why i did it, see a sample of problems encountered
 * when pixels
 * coordinates overflow 16 bits values:
 * http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/10446
 * Problems can be found under Windows **and** Linux (mainly when drawing arcs)
 * (mainly at low zoom values (2, 1 or 0.5), in pcbnew)
 * some of these problems could be now fixed in recent distributions.
 * Currently (feb 2009) there are overflow problems when drawing solid (filled)
 * polygons under linux without clipping
 * So before removing clipping functions, be aware these bug (they are not in
 * kicad or wxWidgets) are fixed by testing how are drawn complex lines arcs
 * and solid polygons under Windows and Linux and remember users can have old
 * versions with bugs

// For draw mode = XOR GR_XOR or GR_NXOR by background color
int g_XorMode = GR_NXOR;

// Background color of the design frame
int g_DrawBgColor = WHITE;


void ClipAndDrawFilledPoly( EDA_Rect * ClipBox, wxDC * DC, wxPoint Points[],
                            int n );

extern BASE_SCREEN* ActiveScreen;

static int          GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY;
static int          PenMinWidth = 1; /* minimum pen width (must be> 0)
                                      * (Useful for printing)  */
static bool         ForceBlackPen;   /* if true: draws in black instead of
                                      * color for printing. */
static int          xcliplo   = 0,
                    ycliplo   = 0,
                    xcliphi   = 2000,
                    ycliphi   = 2000;
static int   lastcolor        = -1;
static int   lastwidth        = -1;
static int   s_Last_Pen_Style = -1;
static wxDC* lastDC = NULL;

 * Macro clipping the trace of a line:
 * Line (x1, y1 x2, y2) is clipped to remain within
 * (Xcliplo, ycliplo xcliphi, ycliphi) (global variables, local to this file)
 * This is necessary because under WIN95 coord trace
 * (Though an int 32 bits) are truncated to 16 bits (stupid BG)
#ifndef us
#define us unsigned int

static inline int USCALE( us arg, us num, us den )
#ifndef WX_ZOOM
    int ii;
    ii = (int) ( ( (float) arg * num ) / den );
    return ii;
    return arg;

static int inline ZoomValue( int val )
    return ActiveScreen->Scale( val );

/* External reference for the mappings. */
int GRMapX( int x )
#ifndef WX_ZOOM
    int coord = x - ActiveScreen->m_DrawOrg.x;
    coord  = ZoomValue( coord );
    coord -= ActiveScreen->m_StartVisu.x;
    return coord;
    return x;

int GRMapY( int y )
#ifndef WX_ZOOM
    int coord = y - ActiveScreen->m_DrawOrg.y;
    coord  = ZoomValue( coord );
    coord -= ActiveScreen->m_StartVisu.y;
    return coord;
    return y;

#define WHEN_OUTSIDE return true;

 * Function clip_line
 * @return bool - true when WHEN_OUTSIDE fires, else false.
static inline bool clip_line( int& x1, int& y1, int& x2, int& y2 )
    int temp;

    if( x1 > x2 )
        EXCHG( x1, x2 );
        EXCHG( y1, y2 );
    if( (x2 < xcliplo) || (x1 > xcliphi) )
    if( y1 < y2 )
        if( (y2 < ycliplo) || (y1 > ycliphi) )
        if( y1 < ycliplo )
            temp = USCALE( (x2 - x1), (ycliplo - y1), (y2 - y1) );
            if( (x1 += temp) > xcliphi )
            y1 = ycliplo;
        if( y2 > ycliphi )
            temp = USCALE( (x2 - x1), (y2 - ycliphi), (y2 - y1) );
            if( (x2 -= temp) < xcliplo )
            y2 = ycliphi;
        if( x1 < xcliplo )
            temp = USCALE( (y2 - y1), (xcliplo - x1), (x2 - x1) );
            y1  += temp;
            x1   = xcliplo;
        if( x2 > xcliphi )
            temp = USCALE( (y2 - y1), (x2 - xcliphi), (x2 - x1) );
            y2  -= temp;
            x2   = xcliphi;
        if( (y1 < ycliplo) || (y2 > ycliphi) )
        if( y1 > ycliphi )
            temp = USCALE( (x2 - x1), (y1 - ycliphi), (y1 - y2) );
            if( (x1 += temp) > xcliphi )
            y1 = ycliphi;
        if( y2 < ycliplo )
            temp = USCALE( (x2 - x1), (ycliplo - y2), (y1 - y2) );
            if( (x2 -= temp) < xcliplo )
            y2 = ycliplo;
        if( x1 < xcliplo )
            temp = USCALE( (y1 - y2), (xcliplo - x1), (x2 - x1) );
            y1  -= temp;
            x1   = xcliplo;
        if( x2 > xcliphi )
            temp = USCALE( (y1 - y2), (x2 - xcliphi), (x2 - x1) );
            y2  += temp;
            x2   = xcliphi;

    return false;

static void WinClipAndDrawLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC,
                                int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                                int Color, int width = 1 )
    GRLastMoveToX = x2;
    GRLastMoveToY = y2;

    if( ClipBox )
        xcliplo = ClipBox->GetX();
        ycliplo = ClipBox->GetY();
        xcliphi = ClipBox->GetRight();
        ycliphi = ClipBox->GetBottom();

        xcliplo -= width;
        ycliplo -= width;

        xcliphi += width;
        ycliphi += width;

        if( clip_line( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) )

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    DC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );

/* Forcing a reset of the current pen.
 * Must be called after changing the graphical device before any trace.
void GRResetPenAndBrush( wxDC* DC )
    lastcolor = -1;
    GRSetBrush( DC, BLACK );  // Force no fill
    lastDC = NULL;

void SetPenMinWidth( int minwidth )
    PenMinWidth = minwidth;
    if( PenMinWidth < 1 )
        PenMinWidth = 1;

 * Function GRSetColorPen
 * sets a pen style, width, color, and alpha into the given device context.
void GRSetColorPen( wxDC* DC, int Color, int width, int style )
    if( width < PenMinWidth )
        width = PenMinWidth;

    if( ForceBlackPen )
        Color = BLACK;

    if(   lastcolor != Color
          || lastwidth != width
          || s_Last_Pen_Style != style
          || lastDC != DC  )
        wxPen    pen;

        wxColour wx_color = MakeColour( Color );

        pen.SetColour( wx_color );
        pen.SetWidth( width );
        pen.SetStyle( style );

        DC->SetPen( pen );

        lastcolor = Color;
        lastwidth = width;
        lastDC    = DC;

        s_Last_Pen_Style = style;

void GRSetBrush( wxDC* DC, int Color, int fill )
    if( ForceBlackPen )
        Color = BLACK;
    wxBrush DrawBrush;
    DrawBrush.SetColour( MakeColour( Color ) );

    if( fill )
        DrawBrush.SetStyle( wxSOLID );
        DrawBrush.SetStyle( wxTRANSPARENT );
    DC->SetBrush( DrawBrush );

/** function GRForceBlackPen
 * @param flagforce True to force a black pen whenever the asked color
void GRForceBlackPen( bool flagforce )
    ForceBlackPen = flagforce;

/** function GetGRForceBlackPenState
 * @return ForceBlackPen (True if  a black pen was forced)
bool GetGRForceBlackPenState( void )
    return ForceBlackPen;

/* Set the device context draw mode. */
void GRSetDrawMode( wxDC* DC, int draw_mode )
    if( draw_mode & GR_OR )
#if defined(__WXMAC__) && (wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS || wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 0 ) )

        DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxCOPY );

        DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxOR );
    else if( draw_mode & GR_XOR )
        DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxXOR );
    else if( draw_mode & GR_NXOR )
#if defined(__WXMAC__) && (wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS || wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 0 ) )

        DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxXOR );

        DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxEQUIV );
        DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxCOPY );

void GRPutPixel( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
    GRSPutPixel( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), Color );

void GRSPutPixel( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
    if( ClipBox && !ClipBox->Inside( x, y ) )

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
    DC->DrawPoint( x, y );

int GRGetPixel( wxDC* DC, int x, int y )
    wxColour      colour;
    unsigned char r, g, b;
    int           ii;

    DC->GetPixel( (long) x, (long) y, &colour );
    r = colour.Red();
    b = colour.Blue();
    g = colour.Green();
    for( ii = 0; ii < NBCOLOR; ii++ )
        if( ( r == ColorRefs[ii].m_Red )
           && ( g == ColorRefs[ii].m_Green )
           && ( b == ColorRefs[ii].m_Blue ) )

    return ii;

 * Draw a line, in object space.
void GRLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
             wxDC*     DC,
             int       x1,
             int       y1,
             int       x2,
             int       y2,
             int       width,
             int       Color )
    GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ),
             GRMapY( y2 ), ZoomValue( width ), Color );

void GRLine( EDA_Rect* aClipBox,
             wxDC*     aDC,
             wxPoint   aStart,
             wxPoint   aEnd,
             int       aWidth,
             int       aColor )
    GRSLine( aClipBox, aDC, GRMapX( aStart.x ), GRMapY( aStart.y ),
             GRMapX( aEnd.x ), GRMapY( aEnd.y ),
             ZoomValue( aWidth ), aColor );

 * Draw a dashed line, in screen space.
void GRSDashedLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                    wxDC*     DC,
                    int       x1,
                    int       y1,
                    int       x2,
                    int       y2,
                    int       width,
                    int       Color )
    GRLastMoveToX = x2;
    GRLastMoveToY = y2;
    lastcolor     = -1;
    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width, wxSHORT_DASH );
    GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, Color );
    lastcolor = -1;
    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );

void GRSDashedLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                      wxDC*     DC,
                      int       x2,
                      int       y2,
                      int       width,
                      int       Color )
    lastcolor = -1;
    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width, wxSHORT_DASH );
    GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY, x2, y2, width, Color );
    lastcolor = -1;
    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    GRLastMoveToX = x2;
    GRLastMoveToY = y2;

 * Draw a dashed line, in object space.
void GRDashedLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                     wxDC*     DC,
                     int       x2,
                     int       y2,
                     int       width,
                     int       Color )
    GRSDashedLineTo( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ),
                     ZoomValue( width ), Color );

void GRDashedLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                   wxDC*     DC,
                   int       x1,
                   int       y1,
                   int       x2,
                   int       y2,
                   int       width,
                   int       Color )
    GRSDashedLine( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ),
                   GRMapY( y2 ), ZoomValue( width ), Color );

 * Move to a new position, in object space.
void GRMoveTo( int x, int y )
    GRLastMoveToX = GRMapX( x );
    GRLastMoveToY = GRMapY( y );

 * Draw line to a new position, in object space.
void GRLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int width, int Color )
    int GRLineToX, GRLineToY;

    GRLineToX = GRMapX( x ); GRLineToY = GRMapY( y );
    GRSLine( ClipBox,
             ZoomValue( width ),
             Color );

 * Draw a mixed line, in object space.
void GRMixedLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                  wxDC*     DC,
                  int       x1,
                  int       y1,
                  int       x2,
                  int       y2,
                  int       width,
                  int       Color )
    GRSMixedLine( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ),
                  GRMapY( y2 ), ZoomValue( width ), Color );

 * Draw a mixed line, in screen (Pixels) space.
void GRSMixedLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                   wxDC*     DC,
                   int       x1,
                   int       y1,
                   int       x2,
                   int       y2,
                   int       width,
                   int       Color )
    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width, wxDOT_DASH );
    GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, Color );
    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );

 * Move to a new position, in screen (pixels) space.
void GRSMoveTo( int x, int y )
    GRLastMoveToX = x;
    GRLastMoveToY = y;

 * Draw line to a new position, in screen (pixels) space.
void GRSLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                wxDC*     DC,
                int       x,
                int       y,
                int       width,
                int       Color )
    GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY, x, y, width, Color );
    GRLastMoveToX = x;
    GRLastMoveToY = y;

 * Draw line to a new position, in screen (pixels) space.
void GRSLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
              wxDC*     DC,
              int       x1,
              int       y1,
              int       x2,
              int       y2,
              int       width,
              int       Color )
    WinClipAndDrawLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color, width );
    GRLastMoveToX = x2;
    GRLastMoveToY = y2;

 * Move to a new position relative to current one, in object space.
void GRMoveRel( int x, int y )
    GRLastMoveToX += ZoomValue( x );
    GRLastMoveToY += ZoomValue( y );

 * Draw a line to a new position relative to current one, in object space.
void GRLineRel( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                wxDC*     DC,
                int       x,
                int       y,
                int       width,
                int       Color )
    int GRLineToX = GRLastMoveToX,
        GRLineToY = GRLastMoveToY;

    GRLineToX += ZoomValue( x );
    GRLineToY += ZoomValue( y );

    GRSLine( ClipBox,
             ZoomValue( width ),
             Color );

 * Move to a new position relative to current one, in screen space
 * (pixel coords.).
void GRSMoveRel( int x, int y )
    GRLastMoveToX += x;
    GRLastMoveToY += y;

 * Draw line to a new position relative to current one, in screen space
 * (pixel coords.).
void GRSLineRel( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                 wxDC*     DC,
                 int       x,
                 int       y,
                 int       width,
                 int       Color )
    long GRLineToX = GRLastMoveToX + x,
         GRLineToY = GRLastMoveToY + y;

    GRSLine( ClipBox,
             Color );
    GRLastMoveToX = GRLineToX;
    GRLastMoveToY = GRLineToY;

 * Draw segment with rounded ends in object space.
void GRCSegm( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
              int width, int Color )
    GRSCSegm( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ),
              GRMapY( y2 ), ZoomValue( width ), Color );

 * Draw segment (full) with rounded ends in object space (real coords.).
void GRFillCSegm( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                  int width, int Color )
    GRSFillCSegm( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ),
                  GRMapY( y2 ), ZoomValue( width ), Color );

 * Draw segment with rounded ends in screen space.
void GRSFillCSegm( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                   wxDC*     DC,
                   int       x1,
                   int       y1,
                   int       x2,
                   int       y2,
                   int       width,
                   int       Color )
    WinClipAndDrawLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color, width );

 * Draw segment with rounded ends (SKETCH mode) in screen space
void GRSCSegm( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
               wxDC*     DC,
               int       x1,
               int       y1,
               int       x2,
               int       y2,
               int       width,
               int       Color )
    long radius;
    int  dwx, dwy;
    long dx, dy, dwx2, dwy2;
    long sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1;
    long sx2, sy2, ex2, ey2;
    bool swap_ends = FALSE;

    GRLastMoveToX = x2;
    GRLastMoveToY = y2;

    if( ClipBox )
        xcliplo = ClipBox->GetX();
        ycliplo = ClipBox->GetY();
        xcliphi = ClipBox->GetRight();
        ycliphi = ClipBox->GetHeight();

        xcliplo -= width;
        ycliplo -= width;

        xcliphi += width;
        ycliphi += width;

        if( clip_line( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) )

    if( width <= 2 )   /*  single line or 2 pixels */
        GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
        DC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
    GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );

    radius = (width + 1) >> 1;

    dx = x2 - x1;
    dy = y2 - y1;

    if( dx == 0 )  /* segment vertical */
        dwx = radius;
        if( dy >= 0 )
            dwx = -dwx;

        sx1 = x1 - dwx;
        sy1 = y1;

        ex1 = x2 - dwx;
        ey1 = y2;

        DC->DrawLine( sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 );

        sx2 = x1 + dwx;
        sy2 = y1;

        ex2 = x2 + dwx;
        ey2 = y2;

        DC->DrawLine( sx2, sy2, ex2, ey2 );
    else if( dy == 0 ) /* segment horizontal */
        dwy = radius;
        if( dx < 0 )
            dwy = -dwy;

        sx1 = x1;
        sy1 = y1 - dwy;

        ex1 = x2;
        ey1 = y2 - dwy;

        DC->DrawLine( sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 );

        sx2 = x1;
        sy2 = y1 + dwy;

        ex2 = x2;
        ey2 = y2 + dwy;

        DC->DrawLine( sx2, sy2, ex2, ey2 );
        if( ABS( dx ) == ABS( dy ) )                /* segment 45 degrees */
            dwx = dwy = ( (width * 5) + 4 ) / 7;    // = width / 2 * 0.707
            if( dy < 0 )
                if( dx <= 0 )
                    dwx = -dwx; swap_ends = TRUE;
                if( dx > 0 )
                    dwy = -dwy; swap_ends = TRUE;
            int delta_angle = ArcTangente( dy, dx );
            dwx = 0;
            dwy = width;
            RotatePoint( &dwx, &dwy, -delta_angle );
        dwx2 = dwx >> 1;
        dwy2 = dwy >> 1;

        sx1 = x1 - dwx2;
        sy1 = y1 - dwy2;

        ex1 = x2 - dwx2;
        ey1 = y2 - dwy2;

        DC->DrawLine( sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 );

        sx2 = x1 + dwx2;
        sy2 = y1 + dwy2;

        ex2 = x2 + dwx2;
        ey2 = y2 + dwy2;

        DC->DrawLine( sx2, sy2, ex2, ey2 );

    if( swap_ends )
        DC->DrawArc( sx2, sy2, sx1, sy1, x1, y1 );
        DC->DrawArc( ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2, x2, y2 );
        DC->DrawArc( sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, x1, y1 );
        DC->DrawArc( ex2, ey2, ex1, ey1, x2, y2 );

static bool IsGRSPolyDrawable( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, int n, wxPoint Points[] )
    int Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax;

    Xmin = Xmax = Points[0].x;
    Ymin = Ymax = Points[0].y;

    for( int ii = 1; ii < n; ii++ )     // calculate rectangle
        Xmin = MIN( Xmin, Points[ii].x );
        Xmax = MAX( Xmax, Points[ii].x );
        Ymin = MIN( Ymin, Points[ii].y );
        Ymax = MAX( Ymax, Points[ii].y );

    xcliplo = ClipBox->GetX();
    ycliplo = ClipBox->GetY();
    xcliphi = ClipBox->GetRight();
    ycliphi = ClipBox->GetBottom();

    if( Xmax < xcliplo )
        return FALSE;
    if( Xmin > xcliphi )
        return FALSE;
    if( Ymax < ycliplo )
        return FALSE;
    if( Ymin > ycliphi )
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

 * Draw a new polyline and fill it if Fill, in screen space.
static void GRSPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                     wxDC*     DC,
                     int       n,
                     wxPoint   Points[],
                     bool      Fill,
                     int       width,
                     int       Color,
                     int       BgColor )
    if( !IsGRSPolyDrawable( ClipBox, n, Points ) )

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );

    if( Fill && ( n > 2 ) )
        GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );

        /* clip before send the filled polygon to wxDC, because under linux
         * (GTK?) polygons having large coordinates are incorrectly drawn
        ClipAndDrawFilledPoly( ClipBox, DC, Points, n );
        DC->DrawPolygon( n, Points );  // does not work very well under linux
        wxPoint endPt = Points[n - 1];

        GRSetBrush( DC, Color );
        DC->DrawLines( n, Points );

        // The last point is not drawn by DrawLine and DrawLines
        // Add it if the polygon is not closed
        if( endPt != Points[0] )
            DC->DrawPoint( endPt.x, endPt.y );

 * Draw a new closed polyline and fill it if Fill, in screen space.
static void GRSClosedPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                           wxDC*     DC,
                           int       aPointCount,
                           wxPoint   aPoints[],
                           bool      Fill,
                           int       width,
                           int       Color,
                           int       BgColor )
    if( !IsGRSPolyDrawable( ClipBox, aPointCount, aPoints ) )

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );

    if( Fill && ( aPointCount > 2 ) )
        GRSMoveTo( aPoints[aPointCount - 1].x, aPoints[aPointCount - 1].y );
        GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
        DC->DrawPolygon( aPointCount, aPoints, 0, 0, wxODDEVEN_RULE );
        GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor );
        DC->DrawLines( aPointCount, aPoints );

        /* Close the polygon. */
        if( aPoints[aPointCount - 1] != aPoints[0] )
            GRSLine( ClipBox,
                     aPoints[aPointCount - 1].x,
                     aPoints[aPointCount - 1].y,
                     Color );

/* not used
 * static void GRSClosedPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, wxPoint
 * Points[],
 *                 bool Fill, int Color, int BgColor )
 * {
 * GRSClosedPoly( ClipBox, DC, n, Points, Fill, 0, Color, BgColor );
 * }

 * Draw a new polyline and fill it if Fill, in drawing space.
void GRPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, wxPoint Points[],
             bool Fill, int width, int Color, int BgColor )
    for( int i = 0; i<n; ++i )
        Points[i].x = GRMapX( Points[i].x );
        Points[i].y = GRMapY( Points[i].y );

    width = ZoomValue( width );
    GRSPoly( ClipBox, DC, n, Points, Fill, width, Color, BgColor );

 * Draw a closed polyline and fill it if Fill, in object space.
void GRClosedPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, wxPoint Points[],
                   bool Fill, int Color, int BgColor )
    GRClosedPoly( ClipBox, DC, n, Points, Fill, 0, Color, BgColor );

void GRClosedPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, wxPoint Points[],
                   bool Fill, int width, int Color, int BgColor )
    for( int i = 0; i<n; ++i )
        Points[i].x = GRMapX( Points[i].x );
        Points[i].y = GRMapY( Points[i].y );

    width = ZoomValue( width );
    GRSClosedPoly( ClipBox, DC, n, Points, Fill, width, Color, BgColor );

 * Draw a circle, in object space.
void GRCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int r, int Color )
    int cx     = GRMapX( x );
    int cy     = GRMapY( y );
    int radius = ZoomValue( r );

    GRSCircle( ClipBox, DC, cx, cy, radius, 0, Color );

 * Draw a filled circle, in object space.
void GRFilledCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int r,
                     int width, int Color, int BgColor )
    r     = ZoomValue( r );
    width = ZoomValue( width );
    GRSFilledCircle( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), r, width,
                     Color, BgColor );

 * Draw a filled circle, in drawing space.
void GRSFilledCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int r,
                      int width, int Color, int BgColor )
    /* Clip circles off screen. */
    if( ClipBox )
        int x0, y0, xm, ym;
        x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
        y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
        xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
        ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
        if( x < (x0 - r) )
        if( y < (y0 - r) )
        if( x > (r + xm) )
        if( y > (r + ym) )

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
    DC->DrawEllipse( x - r, y - r, r + r, r + r );

 * Draw a circle in object space.
void GRCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
               wxDC*     DC,
               int       x,
               int       y,
               int       r,
               int       width,
               int       Color )
    r     = ZoomValue( r );
    width = ZoomValue( width );
    GRSCircle( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), r, width, Color );

 * Draw a circle in drawing space.
void GRSCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                wxDC*     DC,
                int       xc,
                int       yc,
                int       r,
                int       width,
                int       Color )
    /* Clip circles off screen. */
    if( ClipBox )
        int x0, y0, xm, ym;
        x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
        y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
        xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
        ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
        if( xc < ( x0 - r - width ) )
        if( yc < ( y0 - r - width ) )
        if( xc > ( r + xm + width ) )
        if( yc > ( r + ym + width ) )

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );
    DC->DrawEllipse( xc - r, yc - r, r + r, r + r );

 * Draw an arc in user space.
void GRArc1( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
             int xc, int yc, int Color )
    GRSArc1( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ),
             GRMapY( y2 ), GRMapX( xc ), GRMapY( yc ), 0, Color );

 * Draw an arc, width = width in user space.
void GRArc1( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
             int xc, int yc, int width, int Color )
    GRSArc1( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ),
             GRMapY( y2 ), GRMapX( xc ), GRMapY( yc ), ZoomValue( width ),
             Color );

 * Draw an arc, width = width, in screen space.
void GRSArc1( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
              int xc, int yc, int width, int Color )
    /* Clip arcs off screen. */
    if( ClipBox )
        int x0, y0, xm, ym, r;
        x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
        y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
        xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
        ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
        r  = (int) hypot( x1 - xc, y1 - yc );
        if( xc < ( x0 - r ) )
        if( yc < ( y0 - r ) )
        if( xc > ( r + xm ) )
        if( yc > ( r + ym ) )

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    GRSetBrush( DC, Color );
    DC->DrawArc( x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc );

 * Draw an arc in screen space.
void GRSArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
             wxDC*     DC,
             int       xc,
             int       yc,
             int       StAngle,
             int       EndAngle,
             int       r,
             int       width,
             int       Color )
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;

    /* Clip arcs off screen. */
    if( ClipBox )
        int x0, y0, xm, ym;
        x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
        y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
        xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
        ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
        if( xc < ( x0 - r - width ) )
        if( yc < ( y0 - r - width ) )
        if( xc > ( r + xm + width ) )
        if( yc > ( r + ym + width ) )

    x1 = r;
    y1 = 0;
    RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, EndAngle );

    x2 = r;
    y2 = 0;
    RotatePoint( &x2, &y2, StAngle );

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    GRSetBrush( DC, Color );
    DC->DrawArc( xc + x1, yc - y1, xc + x2, yc - y2, xc, yc );

 * Draw an filled arc in screen space.
void GRSFilledArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                   wxDC*     DC,
                   int       xc,
                   int       yc,
                   int       StAngle,
                   int       EndAngle,
                   int       r,
                   int       width,
                   int       Color,
                   int       BgColor )
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;

    /* Clip arcs off screen */
    if( ClipBox )
        int x0, y0, xm, ym;
        x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
        y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
        xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
        ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
        if( xc < ( x0 - r - 1 ) )
        if( yc < ( y0 - r - 1 ) )
        if( xc > ( r + xm + 1 ) )
        if( yc > ( r + ym + 1 ) )

    x1 = r;
    y1 = 0;
    RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, EndAngle );

    x2 = r;
    y2 = 0;
    RotatePoint( &x2, &y2, StAngle );

    GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    DC->DrawArc( xc + x1, yc - y1, xc + x2, yc - y2, xc, yc );

 * Draw a filled arc in drawing space.
void GRFilledArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                  wxDC*     DC,
                  int       x,
                  int       y,
                  int       StAngle,
                  int       EndAngle,
                  int       r,
                  int       width,
                  int       Color,
                  int       BgColor )
    width = ZoomValue( width );
    GRSFilledArc( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), StAngle, EndAngle,
                  ZoomValue( r ), width, Color, BgColor );

void GRFilledArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y,
                  int StAngle, int EndAngle, int r, int Color, int BgColor )
    GRSFilledArc( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), StAngle, EndAngle,
                  ZoomValue( r ), 0, Color, BgColor );

 * Draw an arc in drawing space.
void GRArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int xc, int yc, int StAngle,
            int EndAngle, int r, int Color )
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;

    /* Clip arcs off screen */
    if( ClipBox )
        int radius = ZoomValue( r ) + 1;
        int x0, y0, xm, ym, x, y;
        x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
        y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
        xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
        ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
        x  = GRMapX( xc ); y = GRMapY( yc );
        if( x < ( x0 - radius ) )
        if( y < ( y0 - radius ) )
        if( x > ( xm + radius ) )
        if( y > ( ym + radius ) )

    x1 = r;
    y1 = 0;
    RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, EndAngle );

    x2 = r;
    y2 = 0;
    RotatePoint( &x2, &y2, StAngle );

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
    GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );
    DC->DrawArc( GRMapX( xc + x1 ), GRMapY( yc - y1 ), GRMapX( xc + x2 ),
                 GRMapY( yc - y2 ), GRMapX( xc ), GRMapY( yc ) );

 * Draw an arc with width = width in drawing space.
void GRArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
            wxDC*     DC,
            int       x,
            int       y,
            int       StAngle,
            int       EndAngle,
            int       r,
            int       width,
            int       Color )
    GRSArc( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), StAngle, EndAngle,
            ZoomValue( r ), ZoomValue( width ), Color );

 * Draw a rectangle in drawing space.
void GRRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
             wxDC*     DC,
             int       x1,
             int       y1,
             int       x2,
             int       y2,
             int       Color )
    x1 = GRMapX( x1 );
    y1 = GRMapY( y1 );
    x2 = GRMapX( x2 );
    y2 = GRMapY( y2 );

    GRSRect( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color );

 * Draw a rectangle in drawing space.
void GRRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
             wxDC*     DC,
             int       x1,
             int       y1,
             int       x2,
             int       y2,
             int       width,
             int       Color )
    x1    = GRMapX( x1 );
    y1    = GRMapY( y1 );
    x2    = GRMapX( x2 );
    y2    = GRMapY( y2 );
    width = ZoomValue( width );

    GRSRect( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, Color );

 * Draw a rectangle (filled with AreaColor) in drawing space.
void GRFilledRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                   int Color, int BgColor )
    x1 = GRMapX( x1 );
    y1 = GRMapY( y1 );
    x2 = GRMapX( x2 );
    y2 = GRMapY( y2 );

    GRSFilledRect( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, Color, BgColor );

 * Draw a rectangle (filled with AreaColor) in drawing space.
void GRFilledRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                   int width, int Color, int BgColor )
    x1    = GRMapX( x1 );
    y1    = GRMapY( y1 );
    x2    = GRMapX( x2 );
    y2    = GRMapY( y2 );
    width = ZoomValue( width );

    GRSFilledRect( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, Color, BgColor );

 * Draw a rectangle in screen space.
void GRSRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
              wxDC*     DC,
              int       x1,
              int       y1,
              int       x2,
              int       y2,
              int       Color )
    GRSRect( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, Color );

void GRSRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
              int width, int Color )
    if( x1 > x2 )
        EXCHG( x1, x2 );
    if( y1 > y2 )
        EXCHG( y1, y2 );

    if( ClipBox )
        int xmin = ClipBox->GetX();
        int ymin = ClipBox->GetY();
        int xmax = ClipBox->GetRight();
        int ymax = ClipBox->GetBottom();

        if( x1 > xmax )
        if( x2 < xmin )
        if( y1 > ymax )
        if( y2 < ymin )

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    if( ( x1 == x2 ) || ( y1 == y2 ) )
        DC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
        GRSetBrush( DC, BLACK );
        DC->DrawRectangle( x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 );

 * Draw a filled rectangle in screen space.
void GRSFilledRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                    wxDC*     DC,
                    int       x1,
                    int       y1,
                    int       x2,
                    int       y2,
                    int       Color,
                    int       BgColor )
    GRSFilledRect( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, Color, BgColor );

void GRSFilledRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
                    wxDC*     DC,
                    int       x1,
                    int       y1,
                    int       x2,
                    int       y2,
                    int       width,
                    int       Color,
                    int       BgColor )
    if( x1 > x2 )
        EXCHG( x1, x2 );
    if( y1 > y2 )
        EXCHG( y1, y2 );
    if( ClipBox )
        int xmin = ClipBox->GetX();
        int ymin = ClipBox->GetY();
        int xmax = ClipBox->GetRight();
        int ymax = ClipBox->GetBottom();

        if( x1 > xmax )
        if( x2 < xmin )
        if( y1 > ymax )
        if( y2 < ymin )

        // Clipping coordinates
        if( x1 < xmin )
            x1 = xmin - 1;
        if( y1 < ymin )
            y1 = ymin - 1;
        if( x2 > xmax )
            x2 = xmax + 1;
        if( y2 > ymax )
            y2 = ymax + 1;

    GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
    if( ( x1 == x2 ) || ( y1 == y2 ) )
        DC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
        GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
        DC->DrawRectangle( x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 );


/** Function ClipAndDrawFilledPoly
 *  Used to clip a polygon and draw it as Filled Polygon
 *  uses the Sutherland and Hodgman algo to clip the given poly against a
 *  rectangle.  This rectangle is the drawing area this is useful under
 *  Linux (2009) because filled polygons are incorrectly drawn if they have
 *  too large coordinates (seems due to integer overflows in calculations)
 *  Could be removed in some years, if become unnecessary.
#include "SutherlandHodgmanClipPoly.h"
void ClipAndDrawFilledPoly( EDA_Rect* aClipBox,
                            wxDC*     aDC,
                            wxPoint   aPoints[],
                            int       n )
    static vector<wxPoint> clippedPolygon;
    static pointVector     inputPolygon, outputPolygon;

    for( int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++ )
        inputPolygon.push_back( PointF( (REAL) aPoints[ii].x,
                                        (REAL) aPoints[ii].y ) );

    RectF window( (REAL) aClipBox->GetX(), (REAL) aClipBox->GetY(),
                  (REAL) aClipBox->GetWidth(),
                  (REAL) aClipBox->GetHeight() );

    SutherlandHodgman sh( window );
    sh.Clip( inputPolygon, outputPolygon );

    for( cpointIterator cit = outputPolygon.begin();
         cit != outputPolygon.end();
         ++cit )
        clippedPolygon.push_back( wxPoint( wxRound( cit->X ),
                                           wxRound( cit->Y ) ) );

    if( clippedPolygon.size() )
        aDC->DrawPolygon( clippedPolygon.size(), &clippedPolygon[0] );


void GRBezier( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
               wxDC*     DC,
               int       x1,
               int       y1,
               int       x2,
               int       y2,
               int       x3,
               int       y3,
               int       width,
               int       Color )
    std::vector<wxPoint> Points = Bezier2Poly( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );
    GRPoly( ClipBox, DC, Points.size(), &Points[0], false, width, Color, 0 );

void GRBezier( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
               wxDC*     DC,
               int       x1,
               int       y1,
               int       x2,
               int       y2,
               int       x3,
               int       y3,
               int       x4,
               int       y4,
               int       width,
               int       Color )
    std::vector<wxPoint> Points = Bezier2Poly( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 );
    GRPoly( ClipBox, DC, Points.size(), &Points[0], false, width, Color, 0 );