/**********************************************************/ /* libclass.cpp */ /**********************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "base_struct.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "kicad_string.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include #include #include /***************************/ /* class LibraryFieldEntry */ /***************************/ /** * a Field is a string linked to a component. * Unlike a pure graphic text, fields can be used in netlist generation * and other tools (BOM). * * The first 4 fields have a special meaning: * * 0 = REFERENCE * 1 = VALUE * 3 = FOOTPRINT (default Footprint) * 4 = DOCUMENTATION (user doc link) * * others = free fields */ LibDrawField::LibDrawField( int idfield ) : LibEDA_BaseStruct( COMPONENT_FIELD_DRAW_TYPE ) { m_FieldId = idfield; m_Size.x = m_Size.y = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT; } LibDrawField::~LibDrawField() { } bool LibDrawField::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const { int hjustify, vjustify; wxString text = m_Text; hjustify = 'C'; if( m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT ) hjustify = 'L'; else if( m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT ) hjustify = 'R'; vjustify = 'C'; if( m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM ) vjustify = 'B'; else if( m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP ) vjustify = 'T'; if( text.IsEmpty() ) text = wxT( "~" ); fprintf( ExportFile, "F%d \"%s\" %d %d %d %c %c %c %c%c%c", m_FieldId, CONV_TO_UTF8( text ), m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Size.x, m_Orient == 0 ? 'H' : 'V', (m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE ) ? 'I' : 'V', hjustify, vjustify, m_Italic ? 'I' : 'N', m_Bold ? 'B' : 'N' ); /* Save field name, if necessary * Field name is saved only if it is not the default name. * Just because default name depends on the language and can change from * a country to an other */ if( m_FieldId >= FIELD1 && !m_Name.IsEmpty() && m_Name != ReturnDefaultFieldName( m_FieldId )) fprintf( ExportFile, " \"%s\"", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Name ) ); fprintf( ExportFile, "\n" ); return true; } bool LibDrawField::Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg ) { int cnt; char textOrient; char textVisible; char textHJustify; char textVJustify[256]; char fieldUserName[1024]; char* text; if( sscanf( line + 1, "%d", &m_FieldId ) != 1 || m_FieldId < REFERENCE || m_FieldId >= NUMBER_OF_FIELDS ) return false; /* Recherche du debut des donnees (debut du texte suivant) */ while( *line != 0 ) line++; while( *line == 0 ) line++; /* recherche du texte */ while( *line && (*line != '"') ) line++; if( *line == 0 ) return false; line++; text = line; /* recherche fin de texte */ while( *line && (*line != '"') ) line++; if( *line == 0 ) return false; *line = 0; line++; fieldUserName[0] = 0; memset( textVJustify, 0, sizeof( textVJustify ) ); cnt = sscanf( line, " %d %d %d %c %c %c %s", &m_Pos.x, &m_Pos.y, &m_Size.y, &textOrient, &textVisible, &textHJustify, textVJustify ); if( cnt < 5 ) return false; m_Text = CONV_FROM_UTF8( text ); m_Size.x = m_Size.y; if( textOrient == 'H' ) m_Orient = TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ; else if( textOrient == 'V' ) m_Orient = TEXT_ORIENT_VERT; else return false; if( textVisible == 'V' ) m_Attributs &= ~TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; else if ( textVisible == 'I' ) m_Attributs |= TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; else return false; m_HJustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER; m_VJustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER; if( cnt >= 6 ) { if( textHJustify == 'C' ) m_HJustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER; else if( textHJustify == 'L' ) m_HJustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT; else if( textHJustify == 'R' ) m_HJustify = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT; else return false; if( textVJustify[0] == 'C' ) m_VJustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER; else if( textVJustify[0] == 'B' ) m_VJustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM; else if( textVJustify[0] == 'T' ) m_VJustify = GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP; else return false; if ( textVJustify[1] == 'I' ) // Italic m_Italic = true; if ( textVJustify[2] == 'B' ) // Bold m_Bold = true; } if( m_FieldId >= FIELD1 ) { ReadDelimitedText( fieldUserName, line, sizeof( fieldUserName ) ); m_Name = CONV_FROM_UTF8( fieldUserName ); } return true; } /* * if aData not NULL, aData must point a wxString which is used instead of * the m_Text */ void LibDrawField::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset, int aColor, int aDrawMode, void* aData, const int aTransformMatrix[2][2] ) { wxPoint text_pos; int color = aColor; int linewidth = (m_Width == 0) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : m_Width; linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold ); if( aColor < 0 ) // Used normal color or selected color { if( (m_Selected & IS_SELECTED) ) color = g_ItemSelectetColor; } else color = aColor; if( color < 0 ) { switch( m_FieldId ) { case REFERENCE: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_REFERENCEPART ); break; case VALUE: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_VALUEPART ); break; default: color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_FIELDS ); break; } } text_pos = TransformCoordinate( aTransformMatrix, m_Pos ) + aOffset; wxString* text = aData ? (wxString*) aData : &m_Text; GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode ); DrawGraphicText( aPanel, aDC, text_pos, (EDA_Colors) color, text->GetData(), m_Orient ? TEXT_ORIENT_VERT : TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, m_Size, m_HJustify, m_VJustify, linewidth, m_Italic, m_Bold ); } /** * Function HitTest * tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object. * @param refPos A wxPoint to test, in Field coordinate system * @return bool - true if a hit, else false */ bool LibDrawField::HitTest( const wxPoint& refPos ) { EDA_Rect bbox; // bounding box for the text int dx; // X size for the full text bbox.SetOrigin( m_Pos ); dx = m_Size.x * m_Text.Len(); // Reference designator text has one additional character (displays U?) if( m_FieldId == REFERENCE ) dx += m_Size.x; // spacing between characters is 0.1 the character size dx = (int) ( (double) dx * 10.0 / 9 ); int dy = m_Size.y; if( m_Orient ) EXCHG( dx, dy ); // Swap X and Y size for a vertical text // adjust position of the left bottom corner according to the justification // pos is at this point correct for a left and top justified text // Horizontal justification if( m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ) bbox.Offset( -dx / 2, 0 ); else if( m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT ) bbox.Offset( -dx, 0 ); // Vertical justification if( m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER ) bbox.Offset( 0, -dy / 2 ); else if( m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP ) bbox.Offset( 0, -dy ); bbox.SetSize( dx, dy ); if( bbox.Inside( refPos ) ) return true; return false; } // Creation et Duplication d'un field LibDrawField* LibDrawField::GenCopy() { LibDrawField* newfield = new LibDrawField( m_FieldId ); Copy( newfield ); return newfield; } /** Function Copy * copy parameters of this to Target. Pointers are not copied * @param Target = the LibDrawField to set with "this" values */ void LibDrawField::Copy( LibDrawField* Target ) const { Target->m_Pos = m_Pos; Target->m_Size = m_Size; Target->m_Width = m_Width; Target->m_Orient = m_Orient; Target->m_Attributs = m_Attributs; Target->m_Text = m_Text; Target->m_Name = m_Name; Target->m_HJustify = m_HJustify; Target->m_VJustify = m_VJustify; Target->m_Italic = m_Italic; Target->m_Bold = m_Bold; } /** * Function ReturnDefaultFieldName * Return the default field name from its index (REFERENCE, VALUE ..) * FieldDefaultNameList is not static, because we want the text translation * for I18n * @param aFieldNdx = Filed number (>= 0) */ wxString ReturnDefaultFieldName( int aFieldNdx ) { // avoid unnecessarily copying wxStrings at runtime. static const wxString defaults[] = { _( "Reference" ), // Reference of part, i.e. "IC21" _( "Value" ), // Value of part, i.e. "3.3K" and name in lib // for lib entries _( "Footprint" ), // Footprint, used by cvpcb or pcbnew, i.e. // "16DIP300" _( "Datasheet" ), // A link to an user document, if wanted }; if( (unsigned) aFieldNdx <= DATASHEET ) return defaults[ aFieldNdx ]; else { wxString ret = _( "Field" ); ret << ( aFieldNdx - FIELD1 + 1); return ret; } }