/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 1992-2022 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.h" #include "grid_tricks.h" #include "lib_pin.h" #include "pin_numbers.h" #include "pgm_base.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UNITS_ALL _( "ALL" ) #define DEMORGAN_ALL _( "ALL" ) #define DEMORGAN_STD _( "Standard" ) #define DEMORGAN_ALT _( "Alternate" ) void getSelectedArea( WX_GRID* aGrid, int* aRowStart, int* aRowCount ) { wxGridCellCoordsArray topLeft = aGrid->GetSelectionBlockTopLeft(); wxGridCellCoordsArray botRight = aGrid->GetSelectionBlockBottomRight(); wxArrayInt cols = aGrid->GetSelectedCols(); wxArrayInt rows = aGrid->GetSelectedRows(); if( topLeft.Count() && botRight.Count() ) { *aRowStart = topLeft[0].GetRow(); *aRowCount = botRight[0].GetRow() - *aRowStart + 1; } else if( cols.Count() ) { *aRowStart = 0; *aRowCount = aGrid->GetNumberRows(); } else if( rows.Count() ) { *aRowStart = rows[0]; *aRowCount = rows.Count(); } else { *aRowStart = aGrid->GetGridCursorRow(); *aRowCount = *aRowStart >= 0 ? 1 : 0; } } class PIN_TABLE_DATA_MODEL : public wxGridTableBase { public: PIN_TABLE_DATA_MODEL( SYMBOL_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame, DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE* aPinTable, LIB_SYMBOL* aSymbol ) : m_frame( aFrame ), m_unitFilter( -1 ), m_edited( false ), m_pinTable( aPinTable ), m_symbol( aSymbol ) { m_eval = std::make_unique( m_frame->GetUserUnits() ); m_frame->Bind( UNITS_CHANGED, &PIN_TABLE_DATA_MODEL::onUnitsChanged, this ); } ~PIN_TABLE_DATA_MODEL() { m_frame->Unbind( UNITS_CHANGED, &PIN_TABLE_DATA_MODEL::onUnitsChanged, this ); } void onUnitsChanged( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { if( GetView() ) GetView()->ForceRefresh(); aEvent.Skip(); } void SetUnitFilter( int aFilter ) { m_unitFilter = aFilter; } int GetNumberRows() override { return (int) m_rows.size(); } int GetNumberCols() override { return COL_COUNT; } wxString GetColLabelValue( int aCol ) override { switch( aCol ) { case COL_PIN_COUNT: return _( "Count" ); case COL_NUMBER: return _( "Number" ); case COL_NAME: return _( "Name" ); case COL_TYPE: return _( "Electrical Type" ); case COL_SHAPE: return _( "Graphic Style" ); case COL_ORIENTATION: return _( "Orientation" ); case COL_NUMBER_SIZE: return _( "Number Text Size" ); case COL_NAME_SIZE: return _( "Name Text Size" ); case COL_LENGTH: return _( "Length" ); case COL_POSX: return _( "X Position" ); case COL_POSY: return _( "Y Position" ); case COL_VISIBLE: return _( "Visible" ); case COL_UNIT: return _( "Unit" ); case COL_DEMORGAN: return _( "De Morgan" ); default: wxFAIL; return wxEmptyString; } } bool IsEmptyCell( int row, int col ) override { return false; // don't allow adjacent cell overflow, even if we are actually empty } wxString GetValue( int aRow, int aCol ) override { wxGrid* grid = GetView(); if( grid->GetGridCursorRow() == aRow && grid->GetGridCursorCol() == aCol && grid->IsCellEditControlShown() ) { auto it = m_evalOriginal.find( { m_rows[ aRow ], aCol } ); if( it != m_evalOriginal.end() ) return it->second; } return GetValue( m_rows[ aRow ], aCol, m_frame ); } static wxString GetValue( const LIB_PINS& pins, int aCol, EDA_DRAW_FRAME* aParentFrame ) { wxString fieldValue; if( pins.empty() ) return fieldValue; for( LIB_PIN* pin : pins ) { wxString val; switch( aCol ) { case COL_PIN_COUNT: val << pins.size(); break; case COL_NUMBER: val = pin->GetNumber(); break; case COL_NAME: val = pin->GetName(); break; case COL_TYPE: val = PinTypeNames()[static_cast( pin->GetType() )]; break; case COL_SHAPE: val = PinShapeNames()[static_cast( pin->GetShape() )]; break; case COL_ORIENTATION: if( PinOrientationIndex( pin->GetOrientation() ) >= 0 ) val = PinOrientationNames()[ PinOrientationIndex( pin->GetOrientation() ) ]; break; case COL_NUMBER_SIZE: val = aParentFrame->StringFromValue( pin->GetNumberTextSize(), true ); break; case COL_NAME_SIZE: val = aParentFrame->StringFromValue( pin->GetNameTextSize(), true ); break; case COL_LENGTH: val = aParentFrame->StringFromValue( pin->GetLength(), true ); break; case COL_POSX: val = aParentFrame->StringFromValue( pin->GetPosition().x, true ); break; case COL_POSY: val = aParentFrame->StringFromValue( -pin->GetPosition().y, true ); break; case COL_VISIBLE: val = StringFromBool( pin->IsVisible() ); break; case COL_UNIT: if( pin->GetUnit() ) val = LIB_SYMBOL::SubReference( pin->GetUnit(), false ); else val = UNITS_ALL; break; case COL_DEMORGAN: switch( pin->GetConvert() ) { case LIB_ITEM::LIB_CONVERT::BASE: val = DEMORGAN_STD; break; case LIB_ITEM::LIB_CONVERT::DEMORGAN: val = DEMORGAN_ALT; break; default: val = DEMORGAN_ALL; break; } break; default: wxFAIL; break; } if( aCol == COL_NUMBER ) { if( fieldValue.length() ) fieldValue += wxT( ", " ); fieldValue += val; } else { if( !fieldValue.Length() ) fieldValue = val; else if( val != fieldValue ) fieldValue = INDETERMINATE_STATE; } } return fieldValue; } void SetValue( int aRow, int aCol, const wxString &aValue ) override { if( aValue == INDETERMINATE_STATE ) return; wxString value = aValue; switch( aCol ) { case COL_NUMBER_SIZE: case COL_NAME_SIZE: case COL_LENGTH: case COL_POSX: case COL_POSY: m_eval->SetDefaultUnits( m_frame->GetUserUnits() ); if( m_eval->Process( value ) ) { m_evalOriginal[ { m_rows[ aRow ], aCol } ] = value; value = m_eval->Result(); } break; default: break; } LIB_PINS pins = m_rows[ aRow ]; // If the NUMBER column is edited and the pins are grouped, renumber, and add or // remove pins based on the comma separated list of pins. if( aCol == COL_NUMBER && m_pinTable->IsDisplayGrouped() ) { wxStringTokenizer tokenizer( value, "," ); size_t i = 0; while( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() ) { wxString pinName = tokenizer.GetNextToken(); // Trim whitespace from both ends of the string pinName.Trim( true ).Trim( false ); if( i < pins.size() ) { // Renumber the existing pins pins.at( i )->SetNumber( pinName ); } else { // Create new pins LIB_PIN* newPin = new LIB_PIN( this->m_symbol ); LIB_PIN* last = pins.back(); newPin->SetNumber( pinName ); newPin->SetName( last->GetName() ); newPin->SetOrientation( last->GetOrientation() ); newPin->SetType( last->GetType() ); newPin->SetShape( last->GetShape() ); newPin->SetUnit( last->GetUnit() ); VECTOR2I pos = last->GetPosition(); auto* cfg = Pgm().GetSettingsManager().GetAppSettings(); if( last->GetOrientation() == PIN_LEFT || last->GetOrientation() == PIN_RIGHT ) pos.y -= schIUScale.MilsToIU( cfg->m_Repeat.pin_step ); else pos.x += schIUScale.MilsToIU( cfg->m_Repeat.pin_step ); newPin->SetPosition( pos ); pins.push_back( newPin ); m_pinTable->AddPin( newPin ); } i++; } while( pins.size() > i ) { m_pinTable->RemovePin( pins.back() ); pins.pop_back(); } m_rows[aRow] = pins; m_edited = true; return; } for( LIB_PIN* pin : pins ) { switch( aCol ) { case COL_NUMBER: if( !m_pinTable->IsDisplayGrouped() ) pin->SetNumber( value ); break; case COL_NAME: pin->SetName( value ); break; case COL_TYPE: if( PinTypeNames().Index( value ) != wxNOT_FOUND ) pin->SetType( (ELECTRICAL_PINTYPE) PinTypeNames().Index( value ) ); break; case COL_SHAPE: if( PinShapeNames().Index( value ) != wxNOT_FOUND ) pin->SetShape( (GRAPHIC_PINSHAPE) PinShapeNames().Index( value ) ); break; case COL_ORIENTATION: if( PinOrientationNames().Index( value ) != wxNOT_FOUND ) pin->SetOrientation( PinOrientationCode( PinOrientationNames().Index( value ) ) ); break; case COL_NUMBER_SIZE: pin->SetNumberTextSize( m_frame->ValueFromString( value ) ); break; case COL_NAME_SIZE: pin->SetNameTextSize( m_frame->ValueFromString( value ) ); break; case COL_LENGTH: pin->ChangeLength( m_frame->ValueFromString( value ) ); break; case COL_POSX: pin->SetPosition( wxPoint( m_frame->ValueFromString( value ), pin->GetPosition().y ) ); break; case COL_POSY: pin->SetPosition( wxPoint( pin->GetPosition().x, -m_frame->ValueFromString( value ) ) ); break; case COL_VISIBLE: pin->SetVisible(BoolFromString( value )); break; case COL_UNIT: if( value == UNITS_ALL ) { pin->SetUnit( 0 ); } else { for( int i = 1; i <= m_symbol->GetUnitCount(); i++ ) { if( value == LIB_SYMBOL::SubReference( i, false ) ) { pin->SetUnit( i ); break; } } } break; case COL_DEMORGAN: if( value == DEMORGAN_STD ) pin->SetConvert( 1 ); else if( value == DEMORGAN_ALT ) pin->SetConvert( 2 ); else pin->SetConvert( 0 ); break; default: wxFAIL; break; } } m_edited = true; } static int findRow( const std::vector& aRowSet, const wxString& aName ) { for( size_t i = 0; i < aRowSet.size(); ++i ) { if( aRowSet[ i ][ 0 ] && aRowSet[ i ][ 0 ]->GetName() == aName ) return i; } return -1; } static bool compare( const LIB_PINS& lhs, const LIB_PINS& rhs, int sortCol, bool ascending, EDA_DRAW_FRAME* parentFrame ) { wxString lhStr = GetValue( lhs, sortCol, parentFrame ); wxString rhStr = GetValue( rhs, sortCol, parentFrame ); if( lhStr == rhStr ) { // Secondary sort key is always COL_NUMBER sortCol = COL_NUMBER; lhStr = GetValue( lhs, sortCol, parentFrame ); rhStr = GetValue( rhs, sortCol, parentFrame ); } bool res; // N.B. To meet the iterator sort conditions, we cannot simply invert the truth // to get the opposite sort. i.e. ~(ab) auto cmp = [ ascending ]( const auto a, const auto b ) { if( ascending ) return a < b; else return b < a; }; switch( sortCol ) { case COL_NUMBER: case COL_NAME: res = cmp( PIN_NUMBERS::Compare( lhStr, rhStr ), 0 ); break; case COL_NUMBER_SIZE: case COL_NAME_SIZE: res = cmp( parentFrame->ValueFromString( lhStr ), parentFrame->ValueFromString( rhStr ) ); break; case COL_LENGTH: case COL_POSX: case COL_POSY: res = cmp( parentFrame->ValueFromString( lhStr ), parentFrame->ValueFromString( rhStr ) ); break; case COL_VISIBLE: case COL_DEMORGAN: default: res = cmp( StrNumCmp( lhStr, rhStr ), 0 ); break; } return res; } void RebuildRows( const LIB_PINS& aPins, bool groupByName, bool groupBySelection ) { WX_GRID* grid = dynamic_cast( GetView() ); std::vector clear_flags; clear_flags.reserve( aPins.size() ); if( grid ) { if( groupBySelection ) { for( LIB_PIN* pin : aPins ) pin->ClearTempFlags(); int firstSelectedRow; int selectedRowCount; getSelectedArea( grid, &firstSelectedRow, &selectedRowCount ); for( int ii = 0; ii < selectedRowCount; ++ii ) { for( LIB_PIN* pin : m_rows[ firstSelectedRow + ii ] ) { pin->SetFlags( CANDIDATE ); clear_flags.push_back( pin ); } } } // Commit any pending in-place edits before the row gets moved out from under // the editor. grid->CommitPendingChanges( true ); wxGridTableMessage msg( this, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_DELETED, 0, m_rows.size() ); GetView()->ProcessTableMessage( msg ); } m_rows.clear(); if( groupBySelection ) m_rows.emplace_back( LIB_PINS() ); for( LIB_PIN* pin : aPins ) { if( m_unitFilter == -1 || pin->GetUnit() == 0 || pin->GetUnit() == m_unitFilter ) { int rowIndex = -1; if( groupByName ) rowIndex = findRow( m_rows, pin->GetName() ); else if( groupBySelection && ( pin->GetFlags() & CANDIDATE ) ) rowIndex = 0; if( rowIndex < 0 ) { m_rows.emplace_back( LIB_PINS() ); rowIndex = m_rows.size() - 1; } m_rows[ rowIndex ].push_back( pin ); } } int sortCol = 0; bool ascending = true; if( GetView() && GetView()->GetSortingColumn() != wxNOT_FOUND ) { sortCol = GetView()->GetSortingColumn(); ascending = GetView()->IsSortOrderAscending(); } for( LIB_PINS& row : m_rows ) SortPins( row ); if( !groupBySelection ) SortRows( sortCol, ascending ); if ( GetView() ) { wxGridTableMessage msg( this, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, m_rows.size() ); GetView()->ProcessTableMessage( msg ); if( groupBySelection ) GetView()->SelectRow( 0 ); } for( LIB_PIN* pin : clear_flags ) pin->ClearFlags( CANDIDATE ); } void SortRows( int aSortCol, bool ascending ) { std::sort( m_rows.begin(), m_rows.end(), [ aSortCol, ascending, this ]( const LIB_PINS& lhs, const LIB_PINS& rhs ) -> bool { return compare( lhs, rhs, aSortCol, ascending, m_frame ); } ); } void SortPins( LIB_PINS& aRow ) { std::sort( aRow.begin(), aRow.end(), []( LIB_PIN* lhs, LIB_PIN* rhs ) -> bool { return PIN_NUMBERS::Compare( lhs->GetNumber(), rhs->GetNumber() ) < 0; } ); } void AppendRow( LIB_PIN* aPin ) { LIB_PINS row; row.push_back( aPin ); m_rows.push_back( row ); if ( GetView() ) { wxGridTableMessage msg( this, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, 1 ); GetView()->ProcessTableMessage( msg ); } } LIB_PINS RemoveRow( int aRow ) { LIB_PINS removedRow = m_rows[ aRow ]; m_rows.erase( m_rows.begin() + aRow ); if ( GetView() ) { wxGridTableMessage msg( this, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_DELETED, aRow, 1 ); GetView()->ProcessTableMessage( msg ); } return removedRow; } bool IsEdited() { return m_edited; } private: static wxString StringFromBool( bool aValue ) { if( aValue ) return wxT( "1" ); else return wxT( "0" ); } static bool BoolFromString( wxString aValue ) { if( aValue == "1" ) { return true; } else if( aValue == "0" ) { return false; } else { wxFAIL_MSG( wxString::Format( "string '%s' can't be converted to boolean correctly, " "it will have been perceived as FALSE", aValue ) ); return false; } } private: SYMBOL_EDIT_FRAME* m_frame; // Because the rows of the grid can either be a single pin or a group of pins, the // data model is a 2D vector. If we're in the single pin case, each row's LIB_PINS // contains only a single pin. std::vector m_rows; int m_unitFilter; // 0 to show pins for all units bool m_edited; DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE* m_pinTable; LIB_SYMBOL* m_symbol; // Parent symbol that the pins belong to. std::unique_ptr m_eval; std::map< std::pair, wxString > m_evalOriginal; }; DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE( SYMBOL_EDIT_FRAME* parent, LIB_SYMBOL* aSymbol ) : DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE_BASE( parent ), m_editFrame( parent ), m_symbol( aSymbol ) { m_dataModel = new PIN_TABLE_DATA_MODEL( m_editFrame, this, this->m_symbol ); // Save original columns widths so we can do proportional sizing. for( int i = 0; i < COL_COUNT; ++i ) m_originalColWidths[ i ] = m_grid->GetColSize( i ); // Give a bit more room for combobox editors m_grid->SetDefaultRowSize( m_grid->GetDefaultRowSize() + 4 ); m_grid->SetTable( m_dataModel ); m_grid->PushEventHandler( new GRID_TRICKS( m_grid, [this]( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) { OnAddRow( aEvent ); } ) ); // Show/hide columns according to the user's preference SYMBOL_EDITOR_SETTINGS* cfg = parent->GetSettings(); m_columnsShown = cfg->m_PinTableVisibleColumns; m_grid->ShowHideColumns( m_columnsShown ); // Set special attributes wxGridCellAttr* attr; attr = new wxGridCellAttr; attr->SetReadOnly( true ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_PIN_COUNT, attr ); attr = new wxGridCellAttr; wxArrayString typeNames = PinTypeNames(); typeNames.push_back( INDETERMINATE_STATE ); attr->SetRenderer( new GRID_CELL_ICON_TEXT_RENDERER( PinTypeIcons(), typeNames ) ); attr->SetEditor( new GRID_CELL_ICON_TEXT_POPUP( PinTypeIcons(), typeNames ) ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_TYPE, attr ); attr = new wxGridCellAttr; wxArrayString shapeNames = PinShapeNames(); shapeNames.push_back( INDETERMINATE_STATE ); attr->SetRenderer( new GRID_CELL_ICON_TEXT_RENDERER( PinShapeIcons(), shapeNames ) ); attr->SetEditor( new GRID_CELL_ICON_TEXT_POPUP( PinShapeIcons(), shapeNames ) ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_SHAPE, attr ); attr = new wxGridCellAttr; wxArrayString orientationNames = PinOrientationNames(); orientationNames.push_back( INDETERMINATE_STATE ); attr->SetRenderer( new GRID_CELL_ICON_TEXT_RENDERER( PinOrientationIcons(), orientationNames ) ); attr->SetEditor( new GRID_CELL_ICON_TEXT_POPUP( PinOrientationIcons(), orientationNames ) ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_ORIENTATION, attr ); attr = new wxGridCellAttr; wxArrayString unitNames; unitNames.push_back( UNITS_ALL ); for( int i = 1; i <= aSymbol->GetUnitCount(); i++ ) unitNames.push_back( LIB_SYMBOL::SubReference( i, false ) ); attr->SetEditor( new GRID_CELL_COMBOBOX( unitNames ) ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_UNIT, attr ); attr = new wxGridCellAttr; wxArrayString demorganNames; demorganNames.push_back( DEMORGAN_ALL ); demorganNames.push_back( DEMORGAN_STD ); demorganNames.push_back( DEMORGAN_ALT ); attr->SetEditor( new GRID_CELL_COMBOBOX( demorganNames ) ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_DEMORGAN, attr ); attr = new wxGridCellAttr; attr->SetRenderer( new wxGridCellBoolRenderer() ); attr->SetEditor( new wxGridCellBoolEditor() ); attr->SetAlignment( wxALIGN_CENTER, wxALIGN_CENTER ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_VISIBLE, attr ); /* Right-aligned position values look much better, but only MSW and GTK2+ * currently support right-aligned textEditCtrls, so the text jumps on all * the other platforms when you edit it. attr = new wxGridCellAttr; attr->SetAlignment( wxALIGN_RIGHT, wxALIGN_TOP ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_POSX, attr ); attr = new wxGridCellAttr; attr->SetAlignment( wxALIGN_RIGHT, wxALIGN_TOP ); m_grid->SetColAttr( COL_POSY, attr ); */ m_addButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::small_plus ) ); m_deleteButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::small_trash ) ); m_refreshButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::small_refresh ) ); m_divider1->SetIsSeparator(); m_divider2->SetIsSeparator(); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); Centre(); if( aSymbol->IsMulti() ) { m_unitFilter->Append( UNITS_ALL ); for( int ii = 0; ii < aSymbol->GetUnitCount(); ++ii ) m_unitFilter->Append( aSymbol->GetUnitReference( ii + 1 ) ); m_unitFilter->SetSelection( -1 ); } else { m_cbFilterByUnit->Show( false ); m_unitFilter->Show( false ); } SetupStandardButtons(); if( !parent->IsSymbolEditable() || parent->IsSymbolAlias() ) { m_ButtonsCancel->SetDefault(); m_ButtonsOK->SetLabel( _( "Read Only" ) ); m_ButtonsOK->Enable( false ); } m_initialized = true; m_modified = false; // Connect Events m_grid->Connect( wxEVT_GRID_COL_SORT, wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnColSort ), nullptr, this ); } DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::~DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE() { SYMBOL_EDITOR_SETTINGS* cfg = m_editFrame->GetSettings(); cfg->m_PinTableVisibleColumns = m_grid->GetShownColumns().ToStdString(); // Disconnect Events m_grid->Disconnect( wxEVT_GRID_COL_SORT, wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnColSort ), nullptr, this ); // Prevents crash bug in wxGrid's d'tor m_grid->DestroyTable( m_dataModel ); // Delete the GRID_TRICKS. m_grid->PopEventHandler( true ); // This is our copy of the pins. If they were transferred to the part on an OK, then // m_pins will already be empty. for( LIB_PIN* pin : m_pins ) delete pin; } bool DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::TransferDataToWindow() { // Make a copy of the pins for editing for( LIB_PIN* pin = m_symbol->GetNextPin( nullptr ); pin; pin = m_symbol->GetNextPin( pin ) ) m_pins.push_back( new LIB_PIN( *pin ) ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows( m_pins, m_cbGroup->GetValue(), false ); if( m_symbol->IsMulti() ) m_grid->ShowCol( COL_UNIT ); else m_grid->HideCol( COL_UNIT ); if( m_editFrame->GetShowDeMorgan() ) m_grid->ShowCol( COL_DEMORGAN ); else m_grid->HideCol( COL_DEMORGAN ); updateSummary(); return true; } bool DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::TransferDataFromWindow() { if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() ) return false; // Delete the part's pins while( LIB_PIN* pin = m_symbol->GetNextPin( nullptr ) ) m_symbol->RemoveDrawItem( pin ); // Transfer our pins to the part for( LIB_PIN* pin : m_pins ) { m_symbol->AddDrawItem( pin ); } m_pins.clear(); return true; } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnColSort( wxGridEvent& aEvent ) { int sortCol = aEvent.GetCol(); bool ascending; // This is bonkers, but wxWidgets doesn't tell us ascending/descending in the // event, and if we ask it will give us pre-event info. if( m_grid->IsSortingBy( sortCol ) ) // same column; invert ascending ascending = !m_grid->IsSortOrderAscending(); else // different column; start with ascending ascending = true; m_dataModel->SortRows( sortCol, ascending ); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnAddRow( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() ) return; LIB_PIN* newPin = new LIB_PIN( this->m_symbol ); // Copy the settings of the last pin onto the new pin. if( m_pins.size() > 0 ) { LIB_PIN* last = m_pins.back(); newPin->SetOrientation( last->GetOrientation() ); newPin->SetType( last->GetType() ); newPin->SetShape( last->GetShape() ); newPin->SetUnit( last->GetUnit() ); VECTOR2I pos = last->GetPosition(); SYMBOL_EDITOR_SETTINGS* cfg = m_editFrame->GetSettings(); if( last->GetOrientation() == PIN_LEFT || last->GetOrientation() == PIN_RIGHT ) pos.y -= schIUScale.MilsToIU(cfg->m_Repeat.pin_step); else pos.x += schIUScale.MilsToIU(cfg->m_Repeat.pin_step); newPin->SetPosition( pos ); } m_pins.push_back( newPin ); m_dataModel->AppendRow( m_pins[ m_pins.size() - 1 ] ); m_grid->MakeCellVisible( m_grid->GetNumberRows() - 1, 1 ); m_grid->SetGridCursor( m_grid->GetNumberRows() - 1, 1 ); m_grid->EnableCellEditControl( true ); m_grid->ShowCellEditControl(); updateSummary(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::AddPin( LIB_PIN* pin ) { m_pins.push_back( pin ); updateSummary(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnDeleteRow( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // TODO: handle delete of multiple rows.... if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() ) return; if( m_pins.size() == 0 ) // empty table return; int curRow = m_grid->GetGridCursorRow(); if( curRow < 0 ) return; LIB_PINS removedRow = m_dataModel->RemoveRow( curRow ); for( LIB_PIN* pin : removedRow ) m_pins.erase( std::find( m_pins.begin(), m_pins.end(), pin ) ); curRow = std::min( curRow, m_grid->GetNumberRows() - 1 ); m_grid->GoToCell( curRow, m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() ); m_grid->SetGridCursor( curRow, m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() ); m_grid->SelectRow( curRow ); updateSummary(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::RemovePin( LIB_PIN* pin ) { m_pins.erase( std::find( m_pins.begin(), m_pins.end(), pin ) ); updateSummary(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnCellEdited( wxGridEvent& event ) { updateSummary(); } bool DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::IsDisplayGrouped() { return m_cbGroup->GetValue(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnGroupSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_cbGroup->SetValue( false ); m_dataModel->RebuildRows( m_pins, false, true ); m_grid->ShowCol( COL_PIN_COUNT ); m_grid->SetColLabelAlignment( wxALIGN_CENTER, wxALIGN_CENTER ); adjustGridColumns(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnRebuildRows( wxCommandEvent& ) { if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() ) return; m_dataModel->RebuildRows( m_pins, m_cbGroup->GetValue(), false ); if( m_cbGroup->GetValue() ) { m_grid->ShowCol( COL_PIN_COUNT ); m_grid->SetColLabelAlignment( wxALIGN_CENTER, wxALIGN_CENTER ); } adjustGridColumns(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnFilterCheckBox( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( event.IsChecked() ) { m_dataModel->SetUnitFilter( m_unitFilter->GetSelection() ); } else { m_dataModel->SetUnitFilter( -1 ); m_unitFilter->SetSelection( -1 ); } OnRebuildRows( event ); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnFilterChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ) { m_cbFilterByUnit->SetValue( true ); m_dataModel->SetUnitFilter( m_unitFilter->GetSelection() ); OnRebuildRows( event ); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::adjustGridColumns() { // Account for scroll bars int width = KIPLATFORM::UI::GetUnobscuredSize( m_grid ).x; wxGridUpdateLocker deferRepaintsTillLeavingScope; // The Number and Name columns must be at least wide enough to hold their contents, but // no less wide than their original widths. m_grid->AutoSizeColumn( COL_NUMBER ); if( m_grid->GetColSize( COL_NUMBER ) < m_originalColWidths[ COL_NUMBER ] ) m_grid->SetColSize( COL_NUMBER, m_originalColWidths[ COL_NUMBER ] ); m_grid->AutoSizeColumn( COL_NAME ); if( m_grid->GetColSize( COL_NAME ) < m_originalColWidths[ COL_NAME ] ) m_grid->SetColSize( COL_NAME, m_originalColWidths[ COL_NAME ] ); // If the grid is still wider than the columns, then stretch the Number and Name columns // to fit. for( int i = 0; i < COL_COUNT; ++i ) width -= m_grid->GetColSize( i ); if( width > 0 ) { m_grid->SetColSize( COL_NUMBER, m_grid->GetColSize( COL_NUMBER ) + width / 2 ); m_grid->SetColSize( COL_NAME, m_grid->GetColSize( COL_NAME ) + width / 2 ); } } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& event ) { wxSize new_size = event.GetSize(); if( m_initialized && m_size != new_size ) { m_size = new_size; adjustGridColumns(); } // Always propagate for a grid repaint (needed if the height changes, as well as width) event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnUpdateUI( wxUpdateUIEvent& event ) { wxString columnsShown = m_grid->GetShownColumns(); if( columnsShown != m_columnsShown ) { m_columnsShown = columnsShown; if( !m_grid->IsCellEditControlShown() ) adjustGridColumns(); } int firstSelectedRow; int selectedRowCount; getSelectedArea( m_grid, &firstSelectedRow, &selectedRowCount ); if( ( selectedRowCount > 1 ) != m_groupSelected->IsEnabled() ) m_groupSelected->Enable( selectedRowCount > 1 ); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnCancel( wxCommandEvent& event ) { Close(); } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::OnClose( wxCloseEvent& event ) { // This is a cancel, so commit quietly as we're going to throw the results away anyway. m_grid->CommitPendingChanges( true ); int retval = wxID_CANCEL; if( m_dataModel->IsEdited() ) { if( HandleUnsavedChanges( this, _( "Save changes?" ), [&]() -> bool { if( TransferDataFromWindow() ) { retval = wxID_OK; return true; } return false; } ) ) { if( IsQuasiModal() ) EndQuasiModal( retval ); else EndDialog( retval ); return; } else { event.Veto(); return; } } // No change in dialog: we can close it if( IsQuasiModal() ) EndQuasiModal( retval ); else EndDialog( retval ); return; } void DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_TABLE::updateSummary() { PIN_NUMBERS pinNumbers; for( LIB_PIN* pin : m_pins ) { if( pin->GetNumber().Length() ) pinNumbers.insert( pin->GetNumber() ); } m_pin_numbers_summary->SetLabel( pinNumbers.GetSummary() ); m_pin_count->SetLabel( wxString::Format( wxT( "%u" ), (unsigned) m_pins.size() ) ); m_duplicate_pins->SetLabel( pinNumbers.GetDuplicates() ); Layout(); }