/********************************************/ /* library editor: undo and redo functions */ /********************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SaveCopyInUndoList( EDA_ITEM* ItemToCopy, int unused_flag ) { LIB_PART* CopyItem; PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* lastcmd; CopyItem = new LIB_PART( * (LIB_PART*) ItemToCopy ); // Clear current flags (which can be temporary set by a current edit command). CopyItem->ClearStatus(); lastcmd = new PICKED_ITEMS_LIST(); ITEM_PICKER wrapper( CopyItem, UR_LIBEDIT ); lastcmd->PushItem(wrapper); GetScreen()->PushCommandToUndoList( lastcmd ); // Clear redo list, because after new save there is no redo to do. GetScreen()->ClearUndoORRedoList( GetScreen()->m_RedoList ); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetComponentFromRedoList( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( GetScreen()->GetRedoCommandCount() <= 0 ) return; PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* lastcmd = new PICKED_ITEMS_LIST(); LIB_PART* part = GetCurPart(); ITEM_PICKER wrapper( part, UR_LIBEDIT ); lastcmd->PushItem( wrapper ); GetScreen()->PushCommandToUndoList( lastcmd ); lastcmd = GetScreen()->PopCommandFromRedoList(); wrapper = lastcmd->PopItem(); part = (LIB_PART*) wrapper.GetItem(); // Do not delete the previous part by calling SetCurPart( part ) // which calls delete . // is now put in undo list and is owned by this list // Just set the current part to the part which come from the redo list m_my_part = part; if( !part ) return; if( !m_aliasName.IsEmpty() && !part->HasAlias( m_aliasName ) ) m_aliasName = part->GetName(); m_drawItem = NULL; UpdateAliasSelectList(); UpdatePartSelectList(); SetShowDeMorgan( part->HasConversion() ); DisplayLibInfos(); DisplayCmpDoc(); OnModify(); m_canvas->Refresh(); } void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetComponentFromUndoList( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( GetScreen()->GetUndoCommandCount() <= 0 ) return; PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* lastcmd = new PICKED_ITEMS_LIST(); LIB_PART* part = GetCurPart(); ITEM_PICKER wrapper( part, UR_LIBEDIT ); lastcmd->PushItem( wrapper ); GetScreen()->PushCommandToRedoList( lastcmd ); lastcmd = GetScreen()->PopCommandFromUndoList(); wrapper = lastcmd->PopItem(); part = (LIB_PART* ) wrapper.GetItem(); // Do not delete the previous part by calling SetCurPart( part ), // which calls delete . // is now put in redo list and is owned by this list. // Just set the current part to the part which come from the undo list m_my_part = part; if( !part ) return; if( !m_aliasName.IsEmpty() && !part->HasAlias( m_aliasName ) ) m_aliasName = part->GetName(); m_drawItem = NULL; UpdateAliasSelectList(); UpdatePartSelectList(); SetShowDeMorgan( part->HasConversion() ); DisplayLibInfos(); DisplayCmpDoc(); OnModify(); m_canvas->Refresh(); }