import code import unittest import pcbnew import pdb from pcbnew import ToMM class TestBoardClass(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.pcb = pcbnew.LoadBoard("data/complex_hierarchy.kicad_pcb") def test_pcb_find_module(self): module = self.pcb.FindModule('P1') self.assertEqual(module.GetReference(),'P1') def test_pcb_bounding_box(self): bounding_box = self.pcb.ComputeBoundingBox() height = ToMM( bounding_box.GetHeight() ) width = ToMM( bounding_box.GetWidth() ) # probably it's a cleaner test to generate a board with # a couple of things, that we can know the exact size, # and then compute the bounding box, self.assertAlmostEqual(height, 89.52, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(width, 108.44, 2) #def test_interactive(self): # code.interact(local=locals()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()