/******************************************/ /* Kicad: Common plot Postscript Routines */ /******************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "wxstruct.h" #include "base_struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "plot_common.h" #include "macros.h" // Variables partagees avec Common plot Postscript Routines extern wxPoint LastPenPosition; extern wxPoint PlotOffset; extern FILE * PlotOutputFile; extern double XScale, YScale; extern int g_DefaultPenWidth, g_CurrentPenWidth; extern int PlotOrientOptions, etat_plume; // Locales static Ki_PageDescr * SheetPS; /*************************************************************************************/ void InitPlotParametresPS(wxPoint offset, Ki_PageDescr * sheet, double xscale, double yscale, int orient) /*************************************************************************************/ /* Set the plot offset for the current plotting xscale,yscale = coordinate scale (scale coefficient for coordinates) device_xscale,device_yscale = device coordinate scale (i.e scale used by plot device) */ { PlotOrientOptions = orient; PlotOffset = offset; SheetPS = sheet; XScale = xscale; YScale = yscale; g_CurrentPenWidth = -1; } /*************************************************************************************/ void SetDefaultLineWidthPS( int width) /*************************************************************************************/ /* Set the default line width (in 1/1000 inch) for the current plotting */ { g_DefaultPenWidth = width; /* epaisseur du trait standard en 1/1000 pouce */ g_CurrentPenWidth = -1; } /***************************************/ void SetCurrentLineWidthPS( int width) /***************************************/ /* Set the Current line width (in 1/1000 inch) for the next plot */ { int pen_width; if ( width > 0 ) pen_width = width; else pen_width = g_DefaultPenWidth; if ( pen_width != g_CurrentPenWidth ) fprintf(PlotOutputFile,"%d setlinewidth\n", (int)(XScale * pen_width)); g_CurrentPenWidth = pen_width; } /******************************/ void SetColorMapPS(int color) /******************************/ /* Print the postscript set color command: r g b setrgbcolor, r, g, b = color values (= 0 .. 1.0 ) color = color index in ColorRefs[] */ { char Line[1024]; sprintf( Line,"%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n", (float)ColorRefs[color].m_Red/255, (float)ColorRefs[color].m_Green/255, (float)ColorRefs[color].m_Blue/255 ); to_point(Line); fputs( Line, PlotOutputFile); } /***************************************************************/ void PlotFilledSegmentPS(wxPoint start , wxPoint end, int width) /***************************************************************/ /* Plot 1 segment like a track segment */ { UserToDeviceCoordinate(start); UserToDeviceCoordinate(end); SetCurrentLineWidthPS(width); fprintf(PlotOutputFile,"%d %d %d %d line\n", start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y); } /******************************************************/ void PlotCircle_PS(wxPoint pos, int diametre, int width) /******************************************************/ { int rayon; char Line[256]; UserToDeviceCoordinate(pos); rayon = (int)(XScale * diametre / 2); if(rayon < 0 ) rayon = 0 ; SetCurrentLineWidthPS(width); sprintf(Line,"newpath %d %d %d 0 360 arc stroke\n", pos.x, pos.y, rayon); fputs(Line,PlotOutputFile) ; } /**************************************************************************************/ void PlotArcPS(wxPoint centre, int StAngle, int EndAngle, int rayon, int width) /**************************************************************************************/ /* Plot an arc: StAngle, EndAngle = start and end arc in 0.1 degree */ { char Line[256]; if(rayon <= 0 ) return ; SetCurrentLineWidthPS(width); /* Calcul des coord du point de depart : */ UserToDeviceCoordinate(centre); if( PlotOrientOptions == PLOT_MIROIR) sprintf(Line, "newpath %d %d %d %f %f arc stroke\n", centre.x, centre.y, (int)(rayon * XScale), (float)StAngle/10, (float)EndAngle/10 ) ; else sprintf(Line, "newpath %d %d %d %f %f arc stroke\n", centre.x, centre.y, (int)(rayon * XScale), -(float)EndAngle/10, -(float)StAngle/10 ) ; // Undo internationalization printf (float x.y printed x,y) to_point(Line); fputs(Line,PlotOutputFile) ; } /****************************************************************/ void PlotPolyPS( int nb_segm, int * coord, int fill, int width) /*****************************************************************/ /* Trace un polygone ( ferme si rempli ) en format POSTSCRIPT coord = tableau des coord des sommets nb_segm = nombre de coord ( 1 coord = 2 elements: X et Y du tableau ) fill : si != 0 polygone rempli */ { int ii; wxPoint pos; if( nb_segm <= 1 ) return; SetCurrentLineWidthPS(width); pos.x = coord[0]; pos.y = coord[1]; UserToDeviceCoordinate(pos); fprintf(PlotOutputFile, "newpath %d %d moveto\n", pos.x, pos.y); for( ii = 1; ii < nb_segm; ii ++ ) { pos.x = coord[ii*2]; pos.y = coord[(ii*2)+1]; UserToDeviceCoordinate(pos); fprintf(PlotOutputFile, "%d %d lineto\n", pos.x, pos.y); } /* Fermeture du polygone */ if( fill ) fprintf(PlotOutputFile, "closepath "); if( fill == 1 ) fprintf(PlotOutputFile, "fill "); fprintf(PlotOutputFile, "stroke\n"); } /*************************************/ /* Routine to draw to a new position */ /*************************************/ void LineTo_PS(wxPoint pos, int plume) { if ( plume == 'Z') return; UserToDeviceCoordinate(pos); if ( plume == 'D') { char Line[256]; sprintf(Line,"%d %d %d %d line\n", LastPenPosition.x, LastPenPosition.y, pos.x, pos.y); fputs(Line,PlotOutputFile); } LastPenPosition = pos; } /**********************************************************/ void PrintHeaderPS(FILE * file, const wxString & Creator, const wxString & FileName, int BBox[4]) /***********************************************************/ /* BBox is the boundary box (position and size of the "client rectangle" for drawings (page - margins) in mils (0.001 inch) */ { wxString msg; char Line[1024]; const char *PSMacro[] = { "/line {\n", " newpath\n", " moveto\n", " lineto\n", " stroke\n", "} def\n", "gsave\n", "72 72 scale\t\t\t%% Talk inches\n", "1 setlinecap\n", "1 setlinejoin\n", "1 setlinewidth\n", NULL }; #define MIL_TO_INCH 0.001 int ii; time_t time1970 = time(NULL); PlotOutputFile = file; fputs("%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n",PlotOutputFile); // Print header /* Print boundary box en 1/72 pouce, box is in mils */ #define CONV_SCALE (MIL_TO_INCH * 72) sprintf( Line, "%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n", (int)(BBox[1]*CONV_SCALE), (int)(BBox[0]*CONV_SCALE), (int)(BBox[3]*CONV_SCALE), (int)(BBox[2]*CONV_SCALE)); fputs(Line, PlotOutputFile); sprintf( Line, "%%%%Title: %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8(FileName) ); fputs(Line, PlotOutputFile); sprintf( Line, "%%%%Creator: %s_n", CONV_TO_UTF8(Creator) ); fputs(Line, PlotOutputFile); sprintf( Line, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", ctime(&time1970) ); fputs(Line, PlotOutputFile); sprintf( Line, "%%%%DocumentPaperSizes: %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8(SheetPS->m_Name) ); fputs(Line, PlotOutputFile); sprintf( Line, "%%%%Orientation: Landscape\n%%%%EndComments\n"); fputs(Line, PlotOutputFile); for (ii = 0; PSMacro[ii] != NULL; ii++) { fputs(PSMacro[ii],PlotOutputFile); } sprintf(Line, "%f %f translate 90 rotate\n", (float) BBox[3] * MIL_TO_INCH, (float)BBox[0] * MIL_TO_INCH ); // compensation internationalisation printf (float x.y généré x,y) to_point(Line); fputs(Line,PlotOutputFile); sprintf(Line,"%f %f scale\t\t%% Move to User coordinates\n", XScale, YScale); to_point(Line); fputs(Line,PlotOutputFile); // Set default line width: fprintf(PlotOutputFile,"%d setlinewidth\n", g_DefaultPenWidth ); //g_DefaultPenWidth in user units } /******************************************/ bool CloseFilePS(FILE * plot_file) /******************************************/ { fputs("showpage\n",plot_file); fputs("grestore\n",plot_file); fclose(plot_file); return TRUE; }