/**************************************************************/ /* librairy editor: edition of component general properties */ /**************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" #include "wx/spinctrl.h" /* Routines locales */ /* Variables locales */ extern int CurrentUnit; /* Classe de la frame des propriétés d'un composant en librairie */ enum id_libedit { ID_LIBEDIT_NOTEBOOK = 3200, ID_PANEL_BASIC, ID_PANEL_ALIAS, ID_PANEL_REFERENCE, ID_PANEL_VALUE, ID_PANEL_FOOTPRINT, ID_PANEL_SUBSCHEMATIC, ID_PANEL_FIELD1, ID_PANEL_FIELD2, ID_PANEL_FIELD3, ID_PANEL_FIELD4, ID_PANEL_FIELD5, ID_PANEL_FIELD6, ID_PANEL_FIELD7, ID_PANEL_FIELD8, ID_CLOSE_PART_PROPERTIES, ID_ACCEPT_PART_PROPERTIES, ID_COPY_DOC_TO_ALIAS, ID_BROWSE_DOC_FILES, ID_ADD_ALIAS, ID_DELETE_ONE_ALIAS, ID_DELETE_ALL_ALIAS }; /************************************************/ class WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame: public wxDialog /************************************************/ /* Cette classe genere une fenetre type NoteBook, pour l'edition des propriétés d'un composant le librairie. On peut éditer: Texte dimensions et justification de tous les champs (Ref, Val, et autres champs) Documentation et mots clefs Nombre de part par boitier et autres propriérés générales */ { private: WinEDA_LibeditFrame * m_Parent; wxNotebook* m_NoteBook; wxListBox * m_PartAliasList; wxPanel * m_PanelBasic; wxPanel * m_PanelAlias; wxPanel * m_PanelDoc; wxPanel * PanelField[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; wxCheckBox * AsConvertButt; wxCheckBox * ShowFieldText[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; wxCheckBox * VorientFieldText[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; wxCheckBox * ShowPinNumButt; wxCheckBox * ShowPinNameButt; wxCheckBox * m_PinsNameInsideButt; wxSpinCtrl * SelNumberOfUnits; wxSpinCtrl * m_SetSkew; wxCheckBox * m_OptionPower; wxCheckBox * m_OptionPartsLocked; WinEDA_GraphicTextCtrl * FieldTextCtrl[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; WinEDA_PositionCtrl * FieldPosition[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; int FieldFlags[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; int FieldOrient[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; wxRadioBox * FieldHJustify[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; wxRadioBox * FieldVJustify[NUMBER_OF_FIELDS]; WinEDA_EnterText * m_Doc; WinEDA_EnterText * m_Docfile; WinEDA_EnterText * m_Keywords; bool m_RecreateToolbar; int m_AliasLocation; public: // Constructor and destructor WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame(WinEDA_LibeditFrame *parent, wxPoint& pos); ~WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame(void) { }; private: void BuildPanelBasic(void); void BuildPanelDoc(void); void BuildPanelAlias(void); void BuildPanelEditField(int fieldId); void PartPropertiesAccept(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); void DeleteAllAliasOfPart(wxCommandEvent& event); void DeleteAliasOfPart(wxCommandEvent& event); void AddAliasOfPart(wxCommandEvent& event); bool ChangeNbUnitsPerPackage(int newUnit); bool SetUnsetConvert(void); void CopyDocToAlias(wxCommandEvent& event); void BrowseAndSelectDocFile(wxCommandEvent& event); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame, wxDialog) EVT_BUTTON(ID_ACCEPT_PART_PROPERTIES, WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::PartPropertiesAccept) EVT_BUTTON(ID_CLOSE_PART_PROPERTIES, WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::OnQuit) EVT_BUTTON(ID_ADD_ALIAS, WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::AddAliasOfPart) EVT_BUTTON(ID_DELETE_ONE_ALIAS, WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::DeleteAliasOfPart) EVT_BUTTON(ID_DELETE_ALL_ALIAS, WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::DeleteAllAliasOfPart) EVT_BUTTON(ID_COPY_DOC_TO_ALIAS, WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::CopyDocToAlias) EVT_BUTTON(ID_BROWSE_DOC_FILES, WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::BrowseAndSelectDocFile) END_EVENT_TABLE() /*****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::InstallLibeditFrame(const wxPoint & pos) /*****************************************************************/ { wxPoint fpos = pos; WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame * frame = new WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame(this, fpos); frame->ShowModal(); frame->Destroy(); } #define XSIZE 370 #define YSIZE 385 /**********************************************************************************/ WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame(WinEDA_LibeditFrame *parent, wxPoint& framepos): wxDialog(parent, -1, wxEmptyString, framepos, wxSize(XSIZE, YSIZE), DIALOG_STYLE) /**********************************************************************************/ { wxPoint pos; wxLayoutConstraints* c; wxString msg_text; wxButton * Button; int ii; m_Parent = parent; m_RecreateToolbar = FALSE; SetFont(*g_DialogFont); SetAutoLayout(TRUE); for ( ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_FIELDS; ii++ ) FieldFlags[ii] = 0; m_AliasLocation = -1; if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { msg_text = _("Properties for "); if ( ! CurrentAliasName.IsEmpty() ) { m_AliasLocation = LocateAlias( CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList, CurrentAliasName); SetTitle( msg_text + CurrentAliasName + _("(alias of ") + wxString(CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Text) + wxT(")") ); } else { SetTitle( msg_text + CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Text ); CurrentAliasName.Empty(); } FieldFlags[REFERENCE] = CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Attributs; FieldOrient[REFERENCE] = CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Orient; FieldFlags[VALUE] = CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Attributs; FieldOrient[VALUE] = CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Orient; LibDrawField * Field = CurrentLibEntry->Fields; while ( Field ) { FieldFlags[Field->m_FieldId] = Field->m_Attributs; FieldOrient[Field->m_FieldId] = Field->m_Orient; Field = (LibDrawField*)Field->Pnext; } } else SetTitle(_("Lib Component Properties")); m_NoteBook = new wxNotebook(this, ID_LIBEDIT_NOTEBOOK, wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(XSIZE-6, YSIZE - 70) ); SetFont(*g_DialogFont); m_NoteBook->SetAutoLayout(TRUE); c = new wxLayoutConstraints; c->left.SameAs(this, wxLeft, 4); c->right.SameAs(this, wxRight, 4); c->top.SameAs(this, wxTop, 4); c->bottom.SameAs(this, wxBottom, 40); m_NoteBook->SetConstraints(c); /* Creation des boutons de commande */ pos.x = 50; pos.y = YSIZE - 60; Button = new wxButton(this, ID_CLOSE_PART_PROPERTIES, _("Cancel"), pos); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLUE); c = new wxLayoutConstraints; c->left.SameAs(this, wxLeft, 20); c->height.AsIs(); c->width.AsIs(); c->bottom.SameAs(this, wxBottom, 5); Button->SetConstraints(c); pos.x += Button->GetDefaultSize().x + 70; Button = new wxButton(this, ID_ACCEPT_PART_PROPERTIES, _("Ok"), pos); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); c = new wxLayoutConstraints; c->right.SameAs(this, wxRight, 20); c->height.AsIs(); c->width.AsIs(); c->bottom.SameAs(this, wxBottom, 5); Button->SetConstraints(c); // Add panel Basic BuildPanelBasic(); m_NoteBook->AddPage(m_PanelBasic, _("Options"), TRUE); // Add Panel Documentation BuildPanelDoc(); m_NoteBook->AddPage(m_PanelDoc, _("Doc"), FALSE); // Add Panel Alias List BuildPanelAlias(); m_NoteBook->AddPage(m_PanelAlias, _("Alias"), FALSE); // Add panel Fields for ( ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_FIELDS; ii++) BuildPanelEditField(ii); } /*****************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::BuildPanelAlias(void) /*****************************************************/ /* create the panel for component alias list editing */ { wxPoint pos; wxButton * Button; m_PanelAlias = new wxPanel(m_NoteBook, -1); m_PanelAlias->SetFont(*g_DialogFont); wxLayoutConstraints * c = new wxLayoutConstraints; c->left.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxLeft); c->right.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxRight); c->bottom.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxBottom); m_PanelAlias->SetConstraints(c); pos.x = 200; pos.y = 70; Button = new wxButton(m_PanelAlias, ID_ADD_ALIAS, _("Add"), pos); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLUE); pos.y += Button->GetSize().y + 10; Button = new wxButton(m_PanelAlias, ID_DELETE_ONE_ALIAS, _("Delete"), pos); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); pos.y += Button->GetSize().y + 10; Button = new wxButton(m_PanelAlias, ID_DELETE_ALL_ALIAS, _("Delete All"), pos); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); if ( ! CurrentAliasName.IsEmpty() ) Button->Enable(FALSE); pos.x = 5; pos.y = 30; m_PartAliasList = new wxListBox(m_PanelAlias, -1, pos, wxSize(160,170), 0,NULL, wxLB_ALWAYS_SB|wxLB_SINGLE); wxStaticText * Msg = new wxStaticText(m_PanelAlias, -1, _("Alias"), wxPoint(pos.x,pos.y - 20) ); Msg->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(200,0,0) ); /* lecture des noms des alias */ if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { for ( unsigned ii = 0; ii < CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.GetCount(); ii += ALIAS_NEXT) m_PartAliasList->Append(CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[ii+ALIAS_NAME]); } } /*****************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::BuildPanelDoc(void) /*****************************************************/ /* create the panel for component doc editing */ { wxPoint pos; wxButton * Button; wxString msg_text; m_PanelDoc = new wxPanel(m_NoteBook, -1); m_PanelDoc->SetFont(*g_DialogFont); wxLayoutConstraints * c = new wxLayoutConstraints; c->left.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxLeft); c->right.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxRight); c->bottom.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxBottom); m_PanelDoc->SetConstraints(c); pos.x = 5; pos.y = 15; if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { msg_text = _("Properties for "); if ( ! CurrentAliasName.IsEmpty() ) { msg_text += _("alias "); msg_text += CurrentAliasName; } else { msg_text += CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Text; } wxStaticText * text = new wxStaticText(m_PanelDoc, -1, msg_text, pos); text->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLUE); } pos.y += 30; if ( m_AliasLocation >= 0 ) msg_text = CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[m_AliasLocation+ALIAS_DOC]; else { if (CurrentLibEntry && CurrentLibEntry->m_Doc) msg_text = CurrentLibEntry->m_Doc; } m_Doc = new WinEDA_EnterText(m_PanelDoc, _("Doc:"), msg_text, pos, wxSize(285,-1) ); pos.y += 40; msg_text.Empty(); if ( m_AliasLocation >= 0 ) msg_text = CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[m_AliasLocation+ALIAS_KEYWORD]; else { if (CurrentLibEntry ) msg_text = CurrentLibEntry->m_KeyWord; } m_Keywords = new WinEDA_EnterText(m_PanelDoc, _("Keywords:"), msg_text, pos, wxSize(285,-1) ); pos.y += 40; msg_text.Empty(); if ( m_AliasLocation >= 0 ) msg_text = CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[m_AliasLocation+ALIAS_DOC_FILENAME]; else { if (CurrentLibEntry) msg_text = CurrentLibEntry->m_DocFile; } m_Docfile = new WinEDA_EnterText(m_PanelDoc, _("DocFileName:"), msg_text, pos, wxSize(285,-1) ); pos.y += 40; Button = new wxButton(m_PanelDoc, ID_COPY_DOC_TO_ALIAS, _("Copy Doc"), pos); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); if ( m_AliasLocation < 0 ) Button->Enable(FALSE); Button = new wxButton(m_PanelDoc, ID_BROWSE_DOC_FILES, _("Browse DocFiles"), wxPoint(pos.x + 140, pos.y) ); Button->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLUE); } /*****************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::BuildPanelBasic(void) /*****************************************************/ /* create the basic panel for component properties editing */ { wxPoint pos; m_PanelBasic = new wxPanel(m_NoteBook, ID_PANEL_BASIC); m_PanelBasic->SetFont(*g_DialogFont); wxLayoutConstraints * c = new wxLayoutConstraints; c->left.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxLeft); c->right.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxRight); c->bottom.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxBottom); m_PanelBasic->SetConstraints(c); pos.x = 5; pos.y = 25; new wxStaticBox(m_PanelBasic, -1,_("General :"), pos, wxSize(250, 120)); pos.x = 10; pos.y += 22; AsConvertButt = new wxCheckBox(m_PanelBasic,-1, _("As Convert"), pos); if ( g_AsDeMorgan ) AsConvertButt->SetValue(TRUE); pos.y += 20; ShowPinNumButt = new wxCheckBox(m_PanelBasic,-1, _("Show Pin Num"), pos); if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { if ( CurrentLibEntry->m_DrawPinNum ) ShowPinNumButt->SetValue(TRUE); } else ShowPinNumButt->SetValue(TRUE); pos.y += 20; ShowPinNameButt = new wxCheckBox(m_PanelBasic,-1, _("Show Pin Name"), pos); if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { if( CurrentLibEntry->m_DrawPinName ) ShowPinNameButt->SetValue(TRUE); } else ShowPinNameButt->SetValue(TRUE); pos.y += 20; m_PinsNameInsideButt = new wxCheckBox(m_PanelBasic,-1, _("Pin Name Inside"), pos); if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { if ( CurrentLibEntry->m_TextInside ) m_PinsNameInsideButt->SetValue(TRUE); } else m_PinsNameInsideButt->SetValue(TRUE); pos.y += 40; new wxStaticText(m_PanelBasic,-1,_("Number of Units:"), pos); pos.y += 15; wxString number; if ( CurrentLibEntry ) number.Printf( wxT("%d"), CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount); else number = wxT("1"); SelNumberOfUnits = new wxSpinCtrl(m_PanelBasic,-1,number, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS | wxSP_WRAP, 1, 16); pos.y -= 15; pos.x += 180; new wxStaticText(m_PanelBasic,-1,_("Skew:"), pos); pos.y += 15; if ( CurrentLibEntry && CurrentLibEntry->m_TextInside) number.Printf( wxT("%d"), CurrentLibEntry->m_TextInside); else number = wxT("40"); m_SetSkew = new wxSpinCtrl(m_PanelBasic,-1,number, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS | wxSP_WRAP, 1, 100); pos.x = 5; pos.y += 40; m_OptionPower = new wxCheckBox(m_PanelBasic,-1, _("Power Symbol"), pos); if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { if( CurrentLibEntry->m_Options == ENTRY_POWER ) m_OptionPower->SetValue(TRUE); } pos.y = m_OptionPower->GetRect().GetBottom() + 10; m_OptionPartsLocked = new wxCheckBox(m_PanelBasic,-1, _("Parts are locked"), pos); if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { if( CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitSelectionLocked ) m_OptionPartsLocked->SetValue(TRUE); } if ( number == wxT("1") ) m_OptionPartsLocked->Enable(FALSE); } /****************************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::BuildPanelEditField(int fieldId) /****************************************************************/ { wxPoint pos; int xx, yy; LibDrawField * Field; wxString Hjustify_list[] = { _("Left justify"),_("Center"),_("Right justify")}; wxString Vjustify_list[] = { _("Bottom justify"),_("Center"),_("Top justify")}; int ii = fieldId; PanelField[ii] = new wxPanel(m_NoteBook, ID_PANEL_REFERENCE + ii); PanelField[ii]->SetFont(*g_DialogFont); wxLayoutConstraints * c = new wxLayoutConstraints; c->left.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxLeft); c->right.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxRight); c->bottom.SameAs(m_NoteBook, wxBottom); PanelField[ii]->SetConstraints(c); m_NoteBook->AddPage(PanelField[ii], DrawPartStruct::ReturnFieldName(ii), FALSE); pos.x = 10; pos.y = 10; ShowFieldText[ii] = new wxCheckBox(PanelField[ii],-1, _("Show Text"), pos); if ( (FieldFlags[ii] & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE ) == 0 ) ShowFieldText[ii]->SetValue(TRUE); ShowFieldText[ii]->GetSize(&xx, &yy); pos.y += yy + 5; VorientFieldText[ii] = new wxCheckBox(PanelField[ii],-1, _("Vertical"), pos); if ( FieldOrient[ii] ) VorientFieldText[ii]->SetValue(TRUE); pos.x = 150; pos.y = 5; FieldHJustify[ii] = new wxRadioBox(PanelField[ii],-1, _("Hor Justify"), pos, wxDefaultSize, 3,Hjustify_list, 1 , wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); FieldHJustify[ii]->GetSize(&xx, &yy); FieldHJustify[ii]->SetSelection(1); pos.y += yy + 5; FieldVJustify[ii] = new wxRadioBox(PanelField[ii],-1, _("Vert Justify"), pos, wxDefaultSize, 3,Vjustify_list, 1 , wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS); FieldVJustify[ii]->SetSelection(1); wxPoint txtpos; pos.x = 10; pos.y = 70; #define POSY_OFFSET 70 switch ( ii ) { case REFERENCE: if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { Field = &CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix; txtpos = Field->m_Pos; if ( Field->m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT) FieldHJustify[ii]->SetSelection(0); else if ( Field->m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT) FieldHJustify[ii]->SetSelection(2); if ( Field->m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM) FieldVJustify[ii]->SetSelection(0); else if ( Field->m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP) FieldVJustify[ii]->SetSelection(2); } else txtpos = wxPoint(0,0); FieldPosition[ii] = new WinEDA_PositionCtrl( PanelField[ii], _("Pos"), txtpos, g_UnitMetric , pos ); FieldTextCtrl[ii] = new WinEDA_GraphicTextCtrl( PanelField[ii], DrawPartStruct::ReturnFieldName(ii), CurrentLibEntry ? CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Text.GetData() : wxT("U"), CurrentLibEntry ? CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Size.x : DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, g_UnitMetric , wxPoint(pos.x, pos.y +FieldPosition[ii]->GetDimension().y + POSY_OFFSET), 200, TRUE); break; case VALUE: if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { Field = &CurrentLibEntry->m_Name; txtpos = Field->m_Pos; if ( Field->m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT) FieldHJustify[ii]->SetSelection(0); else if ( Field->m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT) FieldHJustify[ii]->SetSelection(2); if ( Field->m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM) FieldVJustify[ii]->SetSelection(0); else if ( Field->m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP) FieldVJustify[ii]->SetSelection(2); } else txtpos = wxPoint(0,0); FieldPosition[ii] = new WinEDA_PositionCtrl( PanelField[ii], _("Pos"), txtpos, g_UnitMetric , pos); FieldTextCtrl[ii] = new WinEDA_GraphicTextCtrl( PanelField[ii], DrawPartStruct::ReturnFieldName(ii), CurrentLibEntry ? CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Text.GetData() : NULL, CurrentLibEntry ? CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Size.x : DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, g_UnitMetric , wxPoint(pos.x, pos.y +FieldPosition[ii]->GetDimension().y + POSY_OFFSET), 200, TRUE); break; default: int fsize; wxString ftext; wxPoint fpos; fsize = DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE;; Field = NULL; fpos = wxPoint(0,0); //recherche du Field de FieldId correspondant, s'il existe if ( CurrentLibEntry ) { Field = CurrentLibEntry->Fields; while ( Field ) { if( Field->m_FieldId == ii ) { fsize = Field->m_Size.x; ftext = Field->m_Text; fpos = Field->m_Pos; if ( Field->m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT) FieldHJustify[ii]->SetSelection(0); else if ( Field->m_HJustify == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT) FieldHJustify[ii]->SetSelection(2); if ( Field->m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM) FieldVJustify[ii]->SetSelection(0); else if ( Field->m_VJustify == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP) FieldVJustify[ii]->SetSelection(2); break; } Field = (LibDrawField*)Field->Pnext; } } FieldPosition[ii] = new WinEDA_PositionCtrl( PanelField[ii], _("Pos"), fpos, g_UnitMetric , pos); FieldTextCtrl[ii] = new WinEDA_GraphicTextCtrl( PanelField[ii], DrawPartStruct::ReturnFieldName(ii), ftext, fsize, g_UnitMetric , wxPoint(pos.x, pos.y +FieldPosition[ii]->GetDimension().y + POSY_OFFSET), 200, TRUE); break; } } /************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) /************************************************************************/ { // true is to force the frame to close Close(true); } /**************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::PartPropertiesAccept(wxCommandEvent& event) /**************************************************************************/ /* Met a jour les differents parametres pour le composant en cours d'édition */ { int ii, jj; int hjustify[3] = { GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT , GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT }; int vjustify[3] = { GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM , GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP }; if( CurrentLibEntry == NULL ) { Close(); return; } m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->SetModify(); m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->SetRefreshReq(); m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList(); /* A new name could be entered in VALUE field. Must not be an existing alias name in alias list box */ jj = m_PartAliasList->GetCount(); wxString newvalue = FieldTextCtrl[VALUE]->GetText(); for ( ii = 0; ii < jj; ii++ ) { if( newvalue.CmpNoCase(m_PartAliasList->GetString(ii).GetData()) == 0 ) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( wxT("Alias %s exists!"), newvalue.GetData()); DisplayError(this, msg); return; } } /* Update the doc, keyword and doc filename strings */ if ( m_AliasLocation < 0 ) { CurrentLibEntry->m_Doc = m_Doc->GetValue(); CurrentLibEntry->m_KeyWord = m_Keywords->GetValue(); CurrentLibEntry->m_DocFile = m_Docfile->GetValue(); } else { CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[m_AliasLocation+ALIAS_DOC] = m_Doc->GetValue(); CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[m_AliasLocation+ALIAS_KEYWORD] = m_Keywords->GetValue(); CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[m_AliasLocation+ALIAS_DOC_FILENAME] = m_Docfile->GetValue(); } /* Update the alias list */ /* 1 - Add names: test for a not existing name in old alias list: */ jj = m_PartAliasList->GetCount(); for ( ii = 0; ii < jj; ii++ ) { if ( LocateAlias( CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList, m_PartAliasList->GetString(ii)) < 0 ) { // new alias must be created CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.Add(m_PartAliasList->GetString(ii)); CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.Add(wxEmptyString); // Add a void doc string CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.Add(wxEmptyString); // Add a void keyword list string CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.Add(wxEmptyString); // Add a void doc filename string } } /* 2 - Remove delete names: test for an non existing name in new alias list: */ int kk, kkmax = CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.GetCount(); for ( kk = 0; kk < kkmax; ) { jj = m_PartAliasList->GetCount(); wxString aliasname = CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList[kk]; for ( ii = 0; ii < jj; ii++ ) { if( aliasname.CmpNoCase(m_PartAliasList->GetString(ii).GetData()) == 0 ) { kk += ALIAS_NEXT; // Alias exist in new list. keep it and test next old name break; } } if ( ii == jj ) // Alias not found in new list, remove it (4 strings in kk position) { for( ii = 0; ii < ALIAS_NEXT; ii++ ) CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.RemoveAt(kk); kkmax = CurrentLibEntry->m_AliasList.GetCount(); } } if ( ! FieldTextCtrl[REFERENCE]->GetText().IsEmpty() ) { CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Text = FieldTextCtrl[REFERENCE]->GetText(); } if ( ! FieldTextCtrl[VALUE]->GetText().IsEmpty() ) { if ( CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Text != FieldTextCtrl[VALUE]->GetText() ) { m_RecreateToolbar = TRUE; CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Text = FieldTextCtrl[VALUE]->GetText(); } } CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Size.x = CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Size.y = FieldTextCtrl[REFERENCE]->GetTextSize(); CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Size.x = CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Size.y = FieldTextCtrl[VALUE]->GetTextSize(); CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Pos = FieldPosition[REFERENCE]->GetValue(); CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Pos = FieldPosition[VALUE]->GetValue(); CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Orient = VorientFieldText[REFERENCE]->GetValue() ? 1 : 0; CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Orient = VorientFieldText[VALUE]->GetValue() ? 1 : 0; CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_HJustify = hjustify[FieldHJustify[REFERENCE]->GetSelection()]; CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_VJustify = vjustify[FieldVJustify[REFERENCE]->GetSelection()]; CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_HJustify = hjustify[FieldHJustify[VALUE]->GetSelection()]; CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_VJustify = vjustify[FieldVJustify[VALUE]->GetSelection()]; if ( ShowFieldText[REFERENCE]->GetValue() ) CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Attributs &= ~TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; else CurrentLibEntry->m_Prefix.m_Attributs |= TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; if ( ShowFieldText[VALUE]->GetValue() ) CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Attributs &= ~TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; else CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Attributs |= TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; for ( ii = FOOTPRINT; ii < NUMBER_OF_FIELDS; ii++ ) { LibDrawField * Field = CurrentLibEntry->Fields; LibDrawField * NextField, * previousField = NULL; while ( Field ) { NextField = (LibDrawField*)Field->Pnext; if( Field->m_FieldId == ii ) { Field->m_Text = FieldTextCtrl[ii]->GetText(); Field->m_Size.x = Field->m_Size.y = FieldTextCtrl[ii]->GetTextSize(); Field->m_HJustify = FieldHJustify[ii]->GetSelection(); Field->m_VJustify = FieldVJustify[ii]->GetSelection(); if ( ShowFieldText[ii]->GetValue() ) Field->m_Attributs &= ~TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; else Field->m_Attributs |= TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; Field->m_Orient = VorientFieldText[ii]->GetValue() ? 1 : 0; Field->m_Pos = FieldPosition[ii]->GetValue(); if( Field->m_Text.IsEmpty() ) // An old field exists; new is void, delete it { delete Field; if ( previousField ) previousField->Pnext = NextField; else CurrentLibEntry->Fields = NextField; } break; } previousField = Field; Field = NextField; } if ( (Field == NULL) && ( ! FieldTextCtrl[ii]->GetText().IsEmpty() ) ) { // Do not exists: must be created Field = new LibDrawField(ii); Field->m_Text = FieldTextCtrl[ii]->GetText(); Field->m_Size.x = Field->m_Size.y = FieldTextCtrl[ii]->GetTextSize(); if ( ShowFieldText[Field->m_FieldId]->GetValue() ) Field->m_Attributs &= ~TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; else Field->m_Attributs |= TEXT_NO_VISIBLE; Field->m_Orient = VorientFieldText[Field->m_FieldId]->GetValue() ?1 : 0; Field->m_Pos = FieldPosition[Field->m_FieldId]->GetValue(); Field->m_HJustify = hjustify[FieldHJustify[Field->m_FieldId]->GetSelection()]; Field->m_VJustify = vjustify[FieldVJustify[Field->m_FieldId]->GetSelection()]; Field->Pnext = CurrentLibEntry->Fields; CurrentLibEntry->Fields = Field; } } ii = SelNumberOfUnits->GetValue(); if ( ChangeNbUnitsPerPackage(ii) ) m_RecreateToolbar = TRUE; if ( AsConvertButt->GetValue() ) { if ( ! g_AsDeMorgan ) { g_AsDeMorgan = 1; if ( SetUnsetConvert() ) m_RecreateToolbar = TRUE; } } else { if ( g_AsDeMorgan ) { g_AsDeMorgan = 0; if ( SetUnsetConvert() ) m_RecreateToolbar = TRUE; } } CurrentLibEntry->m_DrawPinNum = ShowPinNumButt->GetValue() ? 1 : 0; CurrentLibEntry->m_DrawPinName = ShowPinNameButt->GetValue() ? 1 : 0; if ( m_PinsNameInsideButt->GetValue() == FALSE) CurrentLibEntry->m_TextInside = 0; else CurrentLibEntry->m_TextInside = m_SetSkew->GetValue(); if ( m_OptionPower->GetValue() == TRUE) CurrentLibEntry->m_Options = ENTRY_POWER; else CurrentLibEntry->m_Options = ENTRY_NORMAL; /* Set the option "Units locked". Obviously, cannot be TRUE if there is only one part */ CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitSelectionLocked = m_OptionPartsLocked->GetValue(); if ( CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount <= 1 ) CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitSelectionLocked = FALSE; if ( m_RecreateToolbar ) m_Parent->ReCreateHToolbar(); m_Parent->DisplayLibInfos(); Close(); } /*******************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::CopyDocToAlias(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) /******************************************************************************/ { if( CurrentLibEntry == NULL ) return; if ( CurrentAliasName.IsEmpty() ) return; m_Doc->SetValue(CurrentLibEntry->m_Doc); m_Docfile->SetValue(CurrentLibEntry->m_DocFile); m_Keywords->SetValue(CurrentLibEntry->m_KeyWord); } /**********************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::DeleteAllAliasOfPart( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) /**********************************************************/ { CurrentAliasName.Empty(); if( CurrentLibEntry ) { if( IsOK(this, _("Ok to Delete Alias LIST") ) ) { m_PartAliasList->Clear(); m_RecreateToolbar = TRUE; } } } /*******************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::AddAliasOfPart( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) /*******************************************************************************/ /* Add a new name to the alias list box New name cannot be the root name, and must not exists */ { wxString Line; wxString aliasname; if(CurrentLibEntry == NULL) return; if( Get_Message(_("New alias:"),Line, this) != 0 ) return; Line.Replace( wxT(" "), wxT("_") ); aliasname = Line; if ( CurrentLibEntry->m_Name.m_Text.CmpNoCase(Line) == 0 ) { DisplayError(this, _("This is the Root Part"), 10); return; } /* test for an existing name: */ int ii, jj = m_PartAliasList->GetCount(); for ( ii = 0; ii < jj; ii++ ) { if( aliasname.CmpNoCase(m_PartAliasList->GetString(ii)) == 0 ) { DisplayError(this, _("Already in use"), 10); return; } } m_PartAliasList->Append(aliasname); m_RecreateToolbar = TRUE; } /********************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::DeleteAliasOfPart( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) /********************************************************/ { wxString aliasname = m_PartAliasList->GetStringSelection(); if ( aliasname.IsEmpty() ) return; if ( aliasname == CurrentAliasName ) { wxString msg = CurrentAliasName + _(" is Current Selected Alias!"); DisplayError(this, msg ); return; } int ii = m_PartAliasList->GetSelection(); m_PartAliasList->Delete(ii); m_RecreateToolbar = TRUE; } /********************************************************************/ bool WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::ChangeNbUnitsPerPackage(int MaxUnit) /********************************************************************/ /* Routine de modification du nombre d'unites par package pour le composant courant; */ { int OldNumUnits, ii, FlagDel = -1; LibEDA_BaseStruct* DrawItem, * NextDrawItem; if( CurrentLibEntry == NULL ) return FALSE; /* Si pas de changement: termine */ if ( CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount == MaxUnit ) return FALSE; OldNumUnits = CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount; if ( OldNumUnits < 1 ) OldNumUnits = 1; CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount = MaxUnit; /* Traitement des unites enlevees ou rajoutees */ if(OldNumUnits > CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount ) { DrawItem = CurrentLibEntry->m_Drawings; for ( ; DrawItem != NULL; DrawItem = NextDrawItem) { NextDrawItem = DrawItem->Next(); if( DrawItem->m_Unit > MaxUnit ) /* Item a effacer */ { if( FlagDel < 0 ) { if( IsOK(this, _("Delete units") ) ) { /* Si part selectee n'existe plus: selection 1ere unit */ if( CurrentUnit > MaxUnit ) CurrentUnit = 1; FlagDel = 1; } else { FlagDel = 0; MaxUnit = OldNumUnits; CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount = MaxUnit; return FALSE; } } DeleteOneLibraryDrawStruct(m_Parent->DrawPanel, NULL, CurrentLibEntry, DrawItem, 0); } } return TRUE; } if(OldNumUnits < CurrentLibEntry->m_UnitCount ) { DrawItem = CurrentLibEntry->m_Drawings; for ( ; DrawItem != NULL; DrawItem = DrawItem->Next() ) { /* Duplication des items pour autres elements */ if( DrawItem->m_Unit == 1 ) { for ( ii = OldNumUnits +1; ii <= MaxUnit; ii ++ ) { NextDrawItem = CopyDrawEntryStruct(this, DrawItem); NextDrawItem->Pnext = CurrentLibEntry->m_Drawings; CurrentLibEntry->m_Drawings = NextDrawItem; NextDrawItem->m_Unit = ii; } } } } return TRUE; } /*****************************************************/ bool WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::SetUnsetConvert(void) /*****************************************************/ /* crée ou efface (selon option AsConvert) les éléments de la représentation convertie d'un composant */ { int FlagDel = 0; LibEDA_BaseStruct* DrawItem = NULL, * NextDrawItem; if( g_AsDeMorgan ) /* Representation convertie a creer */ { /* Traitement des elements a ajouter ( pins seulement ) */ if( CurrentLibEntry ) DrawItem = CurrentLibEntry->m_Drawings; for ( ; DrawItem != NULL; DrawItem = DrawItem->Next() ) { /* Duplication des items pour autres elements */ if( DrawItem->m_StructType != COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE ) continue; if( DrawItem->m_Convert == 1 ) { if( FlagDel == 0 ) { if( IsOK(this, _("Create pins for Convert items")) ) FlagDel = 1; else { if( IsOK(this, _("Part as \"De Morgan\" anymore")) ) return TRUE; g_AsDeMorgan = 0; return FALSE; } } NextDrawItem = CopyDrawEntryStruct(this, DrawItem); NextDrawItem->Pnext = CurrentLibEntry->m_Drawings; CurrentLibEntry->m_Drawings = NextDrawItem; NextDrawItem->m_Convert = 2; } } } else /* Representation convertie a supprimer */ { /* Traitement des elements à supprimer */ if( CurrentLibEntry ) DrawItem = CurrentLibEntry->m_Drawings; for ( ; DrawItem != NULL; DrawItem = NextDrawItem) { NextDrawItem = DrawItem->Next(); if( DrawItem->m_Convert > 1 ) /* Item a effacer */ { if( FlagDel == 0 ) { if( IsOK(this, _("Delete Convert items") ) ) { CurrentConvert = 1; FlagDel = 1; } else { g_AsDeMorgan = 1; return FALSE; } } m_Parent->GetScreen()->SetModify(); DeleteOneLibraryDrawStruct(m_Parent->DrawPanel, NULL, CurrentLibEntry, DrawItem, 0); } } } return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************/ void WinEDA_PartPropertiesFrame::BrowseAndSelectDocFile(wxCommandEvent& event) /****************************************************************************/ { wxString FullFileName; wxString docpath(g_RealLibDirBuffer), filename; docpath += wxT("doc"); docpath += STRING_DIR_SEP; FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector(_("Doc Files"), docpath, /* Chemin par defaut */ wxEmptyString, /* nom fichier par defaut */ wxEmptyString, /* extension par defaut */ wxEmptyString, /* Masque d'affichage */ this, wxFD_OPEN, TRUE ); if ( FullFileName.IsEmpty() ) return; // Suppression du chemin par defaut pour le fichier de doc: filename = MakeReducedFileName(FullFileName,docpath, wxEmptyString); m_Docfile->SetValue(filename); }