/**** Routine de lecture et visu d'un fichier GERBER ****/

#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"

#include "gerbview.h"
#include "pcbplot.h"
#include "protos.h"

#define DEFAULT_SIZE 100

/*  Format Gerber : NOTES :
    Fonctions preparatoires:
    Gn =
    G01			interpolation lineaire ( trace de droites )
    G02,G20,G21	Interpolation circulaire , sens trigo < 0
    G03,G30,G31	Interpolation circulaire , sens trigo > 0
    G04			commentaire
    G06			Interpolation parabolique
    G07			Interpolation cubique
    G10			interpolation lineaire ( echelle 10x )
    G11			interpolation lineaire ( echelle 0.1x )
    G12			interpolation lineaire ( echelle 0.01x )
    G52			plot symbole reference par Dnn code
    G53			plot symbole reference par Dnn ; symbole tourne de -90 degres
    G54			Selection d'outil
    G55			Mode exposition photo
    G56			plot symbole reference par Dnn A code
    G57			affiche le symbole reference sur la console
    G58			plot et affiche le symbole reference sur la console
    G60			interpolation lineaire ( echelle 100x )
    G70			Unites = Inches
    G71			Unites = Millimetres
    G74			supprime interpolation circulaire sur 360 degre, revient a G01
    G75			Active interpolation circulaire sur 360 degre
    G90			Mode Coordonnees absolues
    G91			Mode Coordonnees Relatives

    Coordonnees X,Y
    X,Y sont suivies de + ou - et de m+n chiffres (non separes)
            m = partie entiere
            n = partie apres la virgule
             formats classiques : 	m = 2, n = 3 (format 2.3)
                                    m = 3, n = 4 (format 3.4)
    G__ X00345Y-06123 D__*

    Outils et D_CODES
    numero d'outil ( identification des formes )
    1 a 99 	(classique)
    1 a 999

    D01 ... D9 = codes d'action:
    D01			= activation de lumiere (baisser de plume) lors du d�placement
    D02			= extinction de lumiere (lever de plume) lors du d�placement
    D03			= Flash
    D09			= VAPE Flash

    D10 ... = Indentification d'outils ( d'ouvertures )

/* class GERBER : Methodes */

GERBER::GERBER( int aLayer )
    m_Layer = aLayer;            // Layer Number

    m_Selected_Tool = FIRST_DCODE;


    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( m_Aperture_List );  ii++ )
        m_Aperture_List[ii] = 0;

    m_Pcb = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM(m_Aperture_List); ii++ )
        delete m_Aperture_List[ii];
        // m_Aperture_List[ii] = NULL;

    delete m_Pcb;

D_CODE* GERBER::GetDCODE( int aDCODE, bool create )
    unsigned ndx = aDCODE - FIRST_DCODE;

    if( ndx < (unsigned) DIM(m_Aperture_List) )
        // lazily create the D_CODE if it does not exist.
        if( create )
            if( m_Aperture_List[ndx] == NULL )
                m_Aperture_List[ndx] = new D_CODE( ndx + FIRST_DCODE );

        return m_Aperture_List[ndx];
    return NULL;

APERTURE_MACRO* GERBER::FindApertureMacro( const APERTURE_MACRO& aLookup )
    APERTURE_MACRO_SET::iterator iter = m_aperture_macros.find( aLookup );

    if( iter != m_aperture_macros.end() )
        APERTURE_MACRO* pam = (APERTURE_MACRO*) &(*iter);
        return pam;

    return NULL;    // not found

void GERBER::ResetDefaultValues()
    m_Name = wxT( "no name" );          // Layer name
    m_LayerNegative = FALSE;            // TRUE = Negative Layer
    m_ImageNegative = FALSE;            // TRUE = Negative image
    m_GerbMetric    = FALSE;            // FALSE = Inches, TRUE = metric
    m_Relative = FALSE;                 // FALSE = absolute Coord, RUE = relative Coord
    m_NoTrailingZeros = FALSE;          // True: zeros a droite supprim�s
    m_MirorA   = FALSE;                 // True: miror / axe A (X)
    m_MirorB   = FALSE;                 // True: miror / axe B (Y)
    m_Has_DCode = FALSE;                // TRUE = DCodes in file (FALSE = no DCode->
                                        // separate DCode file

    m_Offset.x = m_Offset.y = 0;        // Coord Offset

    m_FmtScale.x = m_FmtScale.y = g_Default_GERBER_Format % 10;
    m_FmtLen.x   = m_FmtLen.y = m_FmtScale.x + (g_Default_GERBER_Format / 10);

    m_LayerScale.x = m_LayerScale.y = 1.0;          // scale (X et Y) pour cette layer
    m_Rotation      = 0;
    m_Iterpolation  = GERB_INTERPOL_LINEAR_1X;      // Linear, 90 arc, Circ.
    m_360Arc_enbl   = FALSE;                        // 360 deg circular interpolation disable
    m_Current_Tool  = 0;                            // Current Tool (Dcode) number selected
    m_CommandState  = 0;                            // donne l'etat de l'analyse des commandes gerber
    m_CurrentPos.x  = m_CurrentPos.y = 0;           // current specified coord for plot
    m_PreviousPos.x = m_PreviousPos.y = 0;          // old current specified coord for plot
    m_IJPos.x              = m_IJPos.y = 0;         // current centre coord for plot arcs & circles
    m_Current_File         = NULL;                  // File to read
    m_FilesPtr             = 0;
    m_Transform[0][0]      = m_Transform[1][1] = 1;
    m_Transform[0][1]      = m_Transform[1][0] = 0; // Rotation/mirror = Normal
    m_PolygonFillMode      = FALSE;
    m_PolygonFillModeState = 0;

int GERBER::ReturnUsedDcodeNumber()
    int count = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM(m_Aperture_List); ii++ )
        if( m_Aperture_List[ii] )
            if( m_Aperture_List[ii]->m_InUse || m_Aperture_List[ii]->m_Defined )
    return count;

void GERBER::InitToolTable()
    for( int count = 0; count < MAX_TOOLS; count++ )
        if( m_Aperture_List[count] == NULL )

        m_Aperture_List[count]->m_Num_Dcode = count + FIRST_DCODE;

/* Class DCODE: methodes */

/* Variables locales : */

/* Routines Locales */

D_CODE::D_CODE( int num_dcode )
    m_Num_Dcode = num_dcode;


void D_CODE::Clear_D_CODE_Data()
    m_Size.x     = DEFAULT_SIZE;
    m_Size.y     = DEFAULT_SIZE;
    m_Shape      = APT_CIRCLE;
    m_Drill.x    = m_Drill.y = 0;
    m_DrillShape = 0;
    m_InUse   = FALSE;
    m_Defined = FALSE;
    m_Macro = 0;

const wxChar* D_CODE::ShowApertureType( APERTURE_T aType )
    const wxChar* ret;

    switch( aType )
    case APT_CIRCLE:    ret = wxT( "Round" );   break;
    case APT_LINE:      ret = wxT( "Line" );    break;
    case APT_RECT:      ret = wxT( "Rect" );    break;
    case APT_OVAL:      ret = wxT( "Oval" );    break;
    case APT_POLYGON:   ret = wxT( "Poly" );    break;
    case APT_MACRO:     ret = wxT( "Macro" );   break;
    default:            ret = wxT( "???" );     break;

    return ret;

int WinEDA_GerberFrame::Read_D_Code_File( const wxString& D_Code_FullFileName )
    int      current_Dcode, ii, dcode_scale;
    char*    ptcar;
    int      dimH, dimV, drill, dummy;
    float    fdimH, fdimV, fdrill;
    char     c_type_outil[256];
    char     line[GERBER_BUFZ];
    wxString msg;
    D_CODE*  dcode;
    FILE*    dest;
    int      layer = GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer;
    int      type_outil;

    if( g_GERBER_List[layer] == NULL )
        g_GERBER_List[layer] = new GERBER( layer );

    GERBER* gerber = g_GERBER_List[layer];

    /* Mise a jour de l'echelle gerber : */
    dcode_scale   = 10; /* ici unit dcode = mil, unit interne = 0.1 mil
                          *  -> 1 unite dcode = 10 unit PCB */
    current_Dcode = 0;

    if( D_Code_FullFileName.IsEmpty() )
        return 0;

    dest = wxFopen( D_Code_FullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );
    if( dest == 0 )
        msg = _( "File " ) + D_Code_FullFileName + _( " not found" );
        DisplayError( this, msg, 10 );
        return -1;


    while( fgets( line, sizeof(line) - 1, dest ) != NULL )
        if( *line == ';' )
            continue;                       /* Commentaire */

        if( strlen( line ) < 10 )
            continue;                       /* Probablemant ligne vide */

        dcode = NULL;
        current_Dcode = 0;

        /* Determination du type de fichier D_Code */
        ptcar = line;
        ii = 0;
        while( *ptcar )
            if( *(ptcar++) == ',' )

        if( ii >= 6 )   /* valeurs en mils */
            sscanf( line, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &ii,
                &dimH, &dimV, &drill,
                &dummy, &dummy,
                &type_outil );

            dimH  = (int) ( (dimH * dcode_scale) + 0.5 );
            dimV  = (int) ( (dimV * dcode_scale) + 0.5 );
            drill = (int) ( (drill * dcode_scale) + 0.5 );
            if( ii < 1 )
                ii = 1;
            current_Dcode = ii - 1 + FIRST_DCODE;
        else        /* valeurs en inches a convertir en mils */
            fdrill = 0;
            current_Dcode = 0;

            sscanf( line, "%f,%f,%1s", &fdimV, &fdimH, c_type_outil );
            ptcar = line;
            while( *ptcar )
                if( *ptcar == 'D' )
                    sscanf( ptcar + 1, "%d,%f", &current_Dcode, &fdrill );

            dimH       = (int) ( (fdimH * dcode_scale * 1000) + 0.5 );
            dimV       = (int) ( (fdimV * dcode_scale * 1000) + 0.5 );
            drill      = (int) ( (fdrill * dcode_scale * 1000) + 0.5 );

            if( strchr( "CLROP", c_type_outil[0] ) )
                type_outil = (APERTURE_T) c_type_outil[0];
                fclose( dest );
                return -2;

        /* Mise a jour de la liste des d_codes si valeurs lues coherentes*/
        if( current_Dcode < FIRST_DCODE )

        if( current_Dcode >= MAX_TOOLS )

        dcode = gerber->GetDCODE( current_Dcode );
        dcode->m_Size.x  = dimH;
        dcode->m_Size.y  = dimV;
        dcode->m_Shape   = (APERTURE_T) type_outil;
        dcode->m_Drill.x = dcode->m_Drill.y = drill;
        dcode->m_Defined = TRUE;

    fclose( dest );

    return 1;

void WinEDA_GerberFrame::CopyDCodesSizeToItems()

/* Set Size Items (Lines, Flashes) from DCodes List
    static D_CODE dummy(999);   //Used if D_CODE not found in list

    for( TRACK* track = GetBoard()->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        GERBER* gerber = g_GERBER_List[track->GetLayer()];
        wxASSERT( gerber );

        D_CODE* dcode  = gerber->GetDCODE( track->GetNet(), false );
        wxASSERT( dcode );
        if ( dcode == NULL )
            dcode = &dummy;

        dcode->m_InUse = TRUE;

        if(                                     // Line Item
            (track->m_Shape == S_SEGMENT )      /* segment rectiligne */
            || (track->m_Shape == S_RECT )      /* segment forme rect (i.e. bouts non arrondis) */
            || (track->m_Shape == S_ARC )       /* segment en arc de cercle (bouts arrondis)*/
            || (track->m_Shape == S_CIRCLE )    /* segment en cercle (anneau)*/
            || (track->m_Shape == S_ARC_RECT )  /* segment en arc de cercle (bouts droits) (GERBER)*/
            track->m_Width = dcode->m_Size.x;
        else        // Spots ( Flashed Items )
            int    width, len;
            wxSize size = dcode->m_Size;

            width = MIN( size.x, size.y );
            len   = MAX( size.x, size.y ) - width;

            track->m_Width = width;

            track->m_Start.x = (track->m_Start.x + track->m_End.x) / 2;
            track->m_Start.y = (track->m_Start.y + track->m_End.y) / 2;
            track->m_End = track->m_Start;  // m_Start = m_End = Spot center

            switch( dcode->m_Shape )
            case APT_LINE:          // might not appears here, but some broken gerber files use it
            case APT_CIRCLE:        /* spot round (for GERBER)*/
                track->m_Shape = S_SPOT_CIRCLE;

            case APT_OVAL:          /* spot oval (for GERBER)*/
                track->m_Shape = S_SPOT_OVALE;

            default:                /* spot rect (for GERBER)*/
                track->m_Shape = S_SPOT_RECT;

            len >>= 1;
            if( size.x > size.y )
                track->m_Start.x -= len;
                track->m_End.x   += len;
                track->m_Start.y -= len;
                track->m_End.y   += len;

void WinEDA_GerberFrame::Liste_D_Codes( wxDC* DC )
    int                 ii, jj;
    D_CODE*             pt_D_code;
    wxString            Line;
    WinEDA_TextFrame*   List;
    int                 scale      = 10000;
    int                 curr_layer = GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer;

    /* Construction de la liste des messages */
    List = new WinEDA_TextFrame( this, _( "List D codes" ) );

    for( int layer = 0; layer < 32; layer++ )
        GERBER* gerber = g_GERBER_List[layer];
        if( gerber == NULL )

        if( gerber->ReturnUsedDcodeNumber() == 0 )

        if( layer == curr_layer )
            Line.Printf( wxT( "*** Active layer (%2.2d) ***" ), layer + 1 );
            Line.Printf( wxT( "*** layer %2.2d  ***" ), layer + 1 );
        List->Append( Line );

        for( ii = 0, jj = 1; ii < MAX_TOOLS; ii++ )
            pt_D_code = gerber->GetDCODE( ii + FIRST_DCODE, false );
            if( pt_D_code == NULL )

            if( !pt_D_code->m_InUse && !pt_D_code->m_Defined )

            Line.Printf( wxT(
                    "tool %2.2d:   D%2.2d  V %2.4f  H %2.4f  %s" ),
                (float) pt_D_code->m_Size.y / scale,
                (float) pt_D_code->m_Size.x / scale,
                D_CODE::ShowApertureType( pt_D_code->m_Shape )

            if( !pt_D_code->m_Defined )
                Line += wxT( " ?" );

            if( !pt_D_code->m_InUse )
                Line += wxT( " *" );

            List->Append( Line );

    ii = List->ShowModal();
    if( ii < 0 )

#if 0

    // Mise en surbrillance des �l�ments correspondant au DCode s�lectionn�
    if( Etat_Surbrillance )
        Hight_Light( DrawPanel, DC );
    net_code_Surbrillance = (GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer << 16) + ii;
    Hight_Light( DrawPanel, DC );